HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-06-16, Page 33Wednesday, June 16. 1999
For Wayne Ward Farm Equipment Ltd. Hwy, 36, JViarton
Phone 519-534-1638 or 534-2980
TRACTORS - Universal 643 w/4W0 & shuttle, like new White 700 w/4W0 &
NSI; MF 1135 wlcab; Universal 643 w/4WD & H8L; MF 30 industrial w/HBL;
Universal 640 w/4W0 & 881; Landini 7830 w/HBI; Deutz 6806 w/cab; Zetor
0045 w/4WD & cab; Universal 530 w/4WD cab & HIL; JD 2120 w/cab &
H81;i MF 711 skid steer loader; JD 1020 gas w/canopy; MF 3165 industrial
w/HBt.; int 1020 on steel - antique; Metro skid steer loader; MF 300 TLB;
Bambardier J5 w/cab & blade; MF 245; Universal 840 w/2VM0; AC forklift
AMD; 2 White 1370 w/4W0 & HS.; JD 300 TLB; Ford 860; MF 50; Int 8 414;
JD 3010; OB .880 w/cab & loader, 4 Ford Golden Jubilees; Belarus 420
w/4WD burnt Ford Power Major; DB 950 wMBBt L 2 Universal 530 w/4WD &
88L; JD 1010 w/H8L; Ford 640; JO 2010; Ferguson; Case S; int 8 414
w1FBL; Case D; 10 Fords 8N & 9N; JD 410118 w/cab; etc. - More tractors
by sale time.
AUTOMOBILES & SUNDRY - 86 Dodge Caravan; 86 Nissan Pulsar; Yamaha
340 & Snow Jet snowmobiles; 86 trl-axle log trailer, equipment trailer - tan-
dem axle; Honda 4 wheel ATV; 3 Motorcycles; etc.
FARM EQUIPMENT - new & used equipment consisting of: NH 845 round
baler; Vermeer 504 H round baler, 3 PH & wheel disc; seed drill, plows - 2 -
3 - 4 & 5 furrow; Hesston 5600 round baler several good NH & Int manure
spreaders; Beefco 3PH flail mower, chain harrows - new; several pipe ele-
vators; 3 PH & trail cultivators; harrows; fertilizer spreaders; new and used
rotary mowers; bale spears; 2 NH rakes; Ford 3PH flail mower, NH 354
mixmill; several wagons; wood trailer, Ni & Int trail mowers; JD flail mower
3PH; NH *8 forage box & wagon, antique horse rake & mower; several
scraper bis; trough type hay elevators; 2 Cockshutt 520 balers; snow-
biowers; Cockshutt binder w/canvases; bale thrower rack 18' w/wagon; 2
wheel swath turners 3PH; Ford 3PH mower; MF rake; 2 post hole diggers; 2
Allied automatic bale stookers; Utility grain auger; fork lift mast 10'packer;
NH 27 blower; Hesston 1090 haybine; Vicon RC 330 rotary rake; AC rake;
several GW 3PH sprayers; winch; box w/hoist; chisel plow; 18 -plate offset
disc; Welger RP15 round baler; utility trailer, Dearborn 3PH mower; 6 NH
haybines - 477, 479, 488 & 489; woodsplitter - trail type w/gas engine; lime
spreader; antique Noxon seed drill w/wooden wheels; etc.
LAWN & GARDEN - Approx. 25 good riding tractors in different horsepow
ers; plus walk' behind mowers, tillers, weedeaters, new & used chainsaws; •
lawn trailers; etc.
APPROXIMATE SALE ORDER Weedeaters & chainsaws at 10 a.m.; fol-
lowed by lawn & garden tractors at 10:30 a.m.; cars & farm equipment at
11:30 a.m.;' with tractors selling at 2 p.m.
SPECIAL NOTE: We have two farmers' complete lines of equipment in this
auction. Come earty as we will be starting on time with unreserved items
selling to the highest bidder regardless of price. If you are looking for good
equipment, don't miss this sale. Trucking and lunch available. Sale items are
subject to additions and deletions due to normal business.
TERMS: Cash, Visa, Master Card or good cheque day of sale. Not responsi-
ble for acidents on property.
Eastern Canada . June 19 Mo.dsOwg Anne (Highway
401, exit 750) information Tuxedo Ulm Ranch 613-
WANTED: HARDW00Q LOGS. Prompt payment for
fumlfriod bps prominent for titter stards. Veneer log
pikes. Provincially learned tree marines and certified
equipment apendors. Special care taken n harvesting.
Parra Veneer CO. Lid, est 1927, 340 Louisa St., nth -
( 51957420/17.
CASH %CASH OUT Clue, Pepsi Moslem IMM. Re-
stock established unique vendors in your area No WPM
Fulkne, part -brae. Minimum investment $13,900. 1.688.
503.8684 24 hours. (Member d &BA.
provided. No °variance necessary. No Selhg, mer* required CALL 416.2130528 or Toll Fier 1-868-
money while learning es travel business waning Irons
home. 100*4 die/ support. CALL Tlavelsourcie 1-100-
561-91190.Orderer kerne 12122091.
HOME BASED BUSINESS - no prior experience neces-
sary. Pana hi -time, law start up cost. Free info 1.800
FREE INCOME ten handniee territories, SOWN/ are
throughout Canada I.ow start-up costs Limited time
aver. Existing Weems ata anaembie. Cal 1.177.215-
%14tor mora iniommMon or via our eeebeie wwalQsr-
r t
business. Companies pay $1,000.00 for this service.
1 Enhances appearance. Removes bacteria SM -up is
easy, inexpensive. 1-8118-522.5330. Retarence 1713.
Limited Opportinly.
LENIN AUCTIONEEti810. Chea held August 14-20,
'99. For information contact: Southwestern Ontario
School of Auclioneering. R.R. e6. Woodstock. Ontario
N4S 7V9. 1.686-6739899.
Exciting wort paid careers Si computer pote mrip. We
will prepare suitable applicants. . Ministry of Education
cued Home Study Diploma Program. FInauncW
, bona computer systems and p* placement
bots availsbie. No motive,* necessary. CMS 14C0-
COUNSELLOR TRAINING 'NNW of amide tilers an -
campus and correapcmciance cane ltrMerd a diplons
h Comalling PPmctioeo b begin Ji me 30160. Free crit
bgure, cal241irs, 1-600966.7044.
- 30 with agricu*lual erperiente b ieeko k will lank in
Await New 7Atie ; Ewopsk
Jut Cosa$ liii -
1-800-263-1827. Calm Abid.
SVASS AU PAIR agrccy seeking au ptirhttttl se. Travel
Oo Europe. team a UMW sensors AM Pale Warne
+41 22 758 ea 03 (SIAM*F te41227di010ol
E -re& suneahe•pba.dt
beams. Large caps*. Bed serum value anyriNe►
Free information 1•11000614099. Norwood Seami.
RR 2, Kineorfny. Claw* POE 100.
FLY TRAPS - yellow jatieL bees.. mispineeua bugs.
A8 mei* prcdmt - Way work. OAeant Me for exrm-
pis. caldi 20,000 Mee for $
SALES PEOPLE RIOUPIED= *lot Wine. Your wee
- unierbe incase polNO& No abigaioa Free info c $
t -e00 -800U
US Fiebed eveasnosi OMwrs NeeMA Ptak 0.311 per
made bsdederep* New Egnipsun*eenslba Me V&
Conitd Acton County Transport 1-111060-304..
$$CHOCOLATE$1• Spins is comisoling chaxiala beta New prno�dudMsa o tots d
tail �oelveryr . Fund Raking amiable. G1 row 11111.1101110601 -11093•3-
out questions. Releiahehrpe, money, ht`MlllNldu
more. Accurate and Affordable 1.900-451.7070
$201aiwl. 16+.
DIVOOCe RIPAPP! Mtn fl,VIns men tight an unwst
syelwA Tack* Free alt - .0R . EA. t maid your kids & $$►
Action -towel PREPAID LEGAL SIlEiVIGES - Piller
Legal Pwscfioruf , ii dliiah.lMaweor bullrts&MI
SALES REPS WANTED FIN Ido 1411611401111.
NEW STEEL BUILDMIBS....Go Direct and Saw. 4:12
rod p25x30 00.25 x40 $4.900.00130x40
$6.500.00. 36 x 50 00. 40x80 $10,1080! 46 x
80 $18,400.00. t> 1.66aNla
se ,es. Cued xwlMatsea 474
l ay-Diecl. Call Todtri 1.800-0886111 ert 531 for We
Male 0M1060 CLEARANGS wi eve mei* 21
1e► «ri urn -IMO M tr Coommik rtr+l 90
word r tm Arse log le* sue sexy 1 -
Breakfasts and barbecues in Granton
By Muriel Lewis
GRANTON - The Sesqui-
centennial Breakfast
sponsored by the
Volunteer Firefighters in
support of the 'Pioneers to
the Present' history book
was well attended at the
fire hall in Granton on
Sunday, June 13.
The Biddulph 150
Celebration Committee
met at the Lucan
Biddulph Township Office
at Lucan on Monday, June
7. Plans were completed
for the 'Warm Up to 150'
26 Legal Notices
Late of the Town of Exeter, in
the County of Huron, who died
on the 22nd day of May,
1999. Creditors and others
having claims against the
above estate are required to
send full particulars of such
claims to the undersigned on
or before the 17th day of June,
1999, after which date the
estate assets will be
distributed, having regard only
to claims that have then been
Barrister and Socitor
417 Main Street South
Exeter, Ontario
Solicitors for t s siatelr.
Pork and Beef Barbecue
at the Granton Park on
Saturday, July 24. Posters
are up all over the town-
ship and tickets are avail-
able from all members of
the committee.
The Woodham United
Church annual chicken
barbecue at the Kirkton-
Woodham Community
Centre- on Wednesday,
June 9 had it's usual -good
On Sunday, June 13
Granton United Church
held their anniversary
service. Margaret Hern of
Zion United Church led
the service and was guest
speaker. At St. Paul's
Anglican Church, Kirkton
on Sunday, June 13 Rev.
Glenda Meakin led the
morning prayer service .
The lessons were read by
Bill Schaefer and the min-
St- Paul's hosted their
annual picnic barbecue at
the Kirkton Community
Centre on Thursday, June
10 with St. James congre-
gation from. St. Marys in
The general U.C.W.
quarterly meeting was
held at the Granton:
United Chtirc.h on
Tuesday evening; J-`
commencing with refresh-
ments served by Unit
Auction Calendar
Auctioneer Bob Heywood
Saturday, June 19 at10 a.m. to be held at the former
Chrysler dealership at 300 Suncoast Dr. Goderich
We have been favoured to disperse by public auction the
household_ effects and collectible items from the heritage
home of Mrs. Ruth Ann Chapman;. long time Goderich resi-
dent. ,This is an extremely well kept offering along. with
addition s from a Bayfield: century home making it one of
Central Huron's best sales this'year
ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES: Antique 8 pc. oak dining
suite (mint condition), Victorian hall rack with mirror and
umbrella holders, ornate 1/2 round flat to the wail marble -
top table, outstanding. Victorian- double bed, in ' mint condi-
tion, oak china cabinet -bowed glass an three sides, 5
drawer Victoriandresser, Waterloo Cty 5 drawer bureau,
bonnet chest, spool bedroom set with bed: and chest of
drawers, spinet desk with omate legs, pristine oak library
table, empire style settee, 3 Eastlake style loveseats,
antique rocking chairs, dressers, cedar chest ancj trunk,
coffee and= lamp tables, hall tree, antique needlepoint
ll, leframed needlepoint scene, several paintings,
round bevelled mirror, washstands, dry sink in rough, pail
bench,. doubles: Iron and brass bed, 3/4 walnut Victorian
bed, did chests, unique draw front childs desk, small
stretcher tile, wicker chest,old benches and blanket
COLLECTJ3LE, I.L WARES: China and glass incl. 8
setting of Rosenthal Germany dinnerware "Classic Rose"
pattem along with several serving pcs., 4 place setting of
Johnston Bros. "Friendly Village - The Schoolhouse" din-
nerware, 9 pcs. cranberry coloured glassware,
Wedgewood, Royal Copenhagen, Bavaria, hand painted
Germany plates, Adams, Aynsiey, Spode, Coalport,
Shelley, Paragon, Royal Albert, 2 Royal Doultons "The
Wizard" 1978 Gandolph 1979, 2 unique hand painted
vase lamps, pressed glass pcs., oil lamps, artglass pcs.,
crystal, sterling dresser set, silverplate serving pcs., Gone
with the Wind lamp, jardineer, brass pieces, 1879 and
1984 Huron County Atlases and other interesting histori-
cal books, framed photograph signed "22 Grain Carriers
Wintering at Goderich, Ont. December 1928", set of 5
Coolidge prints of dogs playing cards, crock, linens, bed-
ding, 2 pocket watches, 1901 Holmesville COCF seal,
misc. jewellery, neat miniature barn, old toys and primi-
tives, bridge and floor lamps, cobblers stand, old toys.
Good reclining lift chair, chesterfield, rollaway bed, desk,
Woods apt. size freezer, White sewing machine, 1995
Zenith colour TV, upholstered chairs, Pioneer stereo
receiver and speakers, Tristar vacuum and attachments
($1700.00 new), small appliance and misc. kitchenwares,
hand and power tools, alum ext. ladder, nice wooden
patio furniture, wicker baskets, etc. gas wood eater and
hundreds of useful and collectible items. Food booth by
the Seaforth Girls Band.
The guest speaker was
Margaret Hern of Zion
United Church who gave a
motivating presentation
on the theme 'Watch for a
Cloud of Dust'. The
U.C.W. was given a peace
candle, a symbol to be
passed on, which was lit
by Joan Hayden.
Margaret was thanked by
Marilyn Humphrey.
President Audrey
Westman led the business
discussion which involved
the beef supper in the
park on Thursday, June
16, plans for a bake sale
at the village yard sale on
Saturday, June 26, fun
day on Saturday, July 24
and more meat pies at the
bazaar on October 23.
Clandeboye WI.
Several Granton ladies
went with Clandeboye
Women's Institute for a
luncheon and tour at
Rosehill on Hwy 4, south
of Elginfield on
Wednesday, June 9.
Rosehill is a bed and
breakfast and tea room.
The home was built in
the late 1800's by John
Guest, a Scottish immi-
grant and was the birth
place of Emily Guest, an
Oxford scholar and
women's advocate who
was the force behind the
formation of numerous
Women's Institute
branches in Ontario and
The Demas family
acquired the property and
invested three years in its
The history of ` lbw W.I.
and the origin of tt Ivry
Stewart Collect were read
by Gladys Cunningham.
• • • • • • • a a • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Following is a list of some of the cmaing sales:
June 24 - 6 p.m. Wood working tools, lumber, some
household, Est. of C. Touton, 257 Briscoe St. E., London.
June 30 - 5 p.m. Household, antiques, warehouse clearance,
Ilderton Fair Grounds, Ilderton, a few consignments
accepted, contact the Auctioneers by June 24.
•JUly 10 - 9:30 a.m. Large clearing farm of machinery,
household, antiques, etc. Mr. and Mrs. M. Robb, W. of
July 15 - Furniture, antiques etc., Mr. and Mrs. D. Cornell,
July 17 - Annual horse and tack, Ilderton Fair Grounds, tack
10:00, horse 12:30. Phone with your consignments. 666-
0269, 666-2009.
July 22 - 5 p.m. Clearing sale of trucks, misc., furniture, etc.
Mr. Floyd Watson, 2424 Katesville Rd. W., of Strawy.
Judy 24 9:00 a.m. Large sale of antiques, furniture, etc. for
Mrs. Margaret Beardshaw, 22014- Adelaide Rd., on 81 Hwy.
S. of Mt. Brydges.
Excellent dates still available for your sale. Serving Southern
Ontario for over 40 years with professional equipment and
service. * A sale its our hands means $$$$ in yours*, Give
us a calf.
Filson & Robson, Auctloneerat. (Fax: 666-0833
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Auction Calendar
Auctioneer Bob Heywood
t.xt week. Wednesday. June 23 at 5 p.m.
at South Huron Rec Centre. Exeter
-AC 5 p.m. we will be dispersing the household of Mrs.
Dorothy Simpson, long time Main St. resident and at 7
p.m. we will be offering the hand and power tools from
;the estate of Mr. Mel Gaiser along with approx. 35 lifts of
lumber and hundreds of overstock lots for the Hensall Co-
op Do -it centers.
Antique painted o,pk buffet with bevelled mirror and
bowed glass doors,;Ig.. 5 legged wooden dining ext. table,
-9 pc. antique dining suite, good sofa bed, chesterfield
and chair, 2 antique wooden rockers, old kitchen cup-
board, small buffet -server, chests and dressers, old taper
leg table, 4 plank seat chairs,. bookshelf, washstand,
Wood's full size fridge, Moffat 30" range, GE washer and
dryer, Wood's apt. size freezer, good single bed, Zenith
25" colour TV (1998), Zenith VCR (1998), a lg. offering of
smalls incl. china anct glass, Royal Albert cups and
saucers, oil lamps, very old hand painted bowl, several
dozen old and modern tools, a Ig. amount of craft sup-
plies, tools, yam, etc. kitchenwares, many china minia-
tures, old papers, 1930 "Name quilt' from Carmel
Presbyterian church in Hensall, kerosene heater, ladders,
fans, hand and garden tools etc.
R Ilanet from the fir_ tate and Mensal -_Goon
Rot_ center Brox 7 a.m.; Rockwell beaver lathe incl.
several dozen lathe chisels and tools, 12 speed Astro Int.
floor model drill press, Beaver butt planer, Delta 6" disc
sander, KTS tools 14" band saw, toolex dust vacuum sys-
tem for shop, Mastercraft table saw, Dremmel 700 min
lathe, brand new ' Lee Valley workbench", misc. power
and hand tools ip� i
l,g offerin gol,_s_u_sed in Mr.
jaiser's hobby of carving, birds and figures, paint guns,
and misc. - from the Co-op approx. 20 lifts of new #3
spruce lumber, approx. 15 small lifts of misc. pressure
treated, 16' PVC lumber, wood is etc., alum and wood
doors, shutters, cabinets, wood trim, interlocking stone
lighting, tarps, paints, stains, caulking, garden starter
and mulching kits. 35" new angle shower, misc. galv. and
plastic fittings, elec. wire, vanity tops, faucets, panel
boxes, meter base, misc. elec. products, riding new mow-
ers incl. 14 HP rear engine Snapper, 16 HP front engine
Snapper, 20 HP Yardman (mowers have below cost
'reserve bids) and dozens of lots of misc. items. Two auc-
M tioneers after 7 p.m.