HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-06-16, Page 3030 Easter Wednesday, June 16, 1999 Classifieds 6 Services Cie cROa enc 2354XKS (3647) COMPUTER. APPLICATIONS Reports & Invoices Internet Scanning - OCR text Quicken 99 Accounting Tutoring Peter Aunger 235-2877 u 6 Services Mike Parsons • Landscaping Centralia, Ont. • Residential • Commercial • Seeding • Sodding • Roto Tilling Call Mike 228.6066 Leave message Custom Round Baling Call Ivan Hern 229-6712 If no answer please lease a message Sound, Lighting, Multimedia, Computers Rentals, Service, Installation RR # 3 Dashwood Ont. NOM 1NO (519) 234-6327 N.C. JONES & SONS LTD. Sand -Gravel -Stone - Top Soil Excavating -Dozing -Trucking Driveways -Parking Lots - Ponds Site Preparation Clean-up of Barns, Houses, Foundations, Silo's etc. Call for an estimate (519) 2352489 (Shop) 2350925 (Office N...235-2215 (Res.) Exeter CUSTOM HAYING by Mike Stewart Mowing • Round Halms Ongetionso 4 Kelly State.of-the.Art Equipment 4 Reasonable Rates CALL 2294549 (leave message) Custom Round Baling 4 ft. void* by 3,6 ft. high Scott Conslft Varna, Ontario . 565-2728 or 233-9297 6 Services CUSTOM WICK WEEDING Economical - accurate job with guaranteed results. The solution to tall standing weeds ie. Milkweed Cali Ben 236-7059 11 Cars,Tracks 1966 CHEV BEL AIR - 4 door - offers. 284-3233 (13-24SA) 1984 DODGE VAN - 150 Custom, 3.7 slant six. New body and paint job, brakes, shocks, tires. Certified. 234- 6047. (24-31 SA) 1985 CHEV CAPRICE - body good, runs good. Call 565- 2728 after 5 pm. (51tfx) 1988 PLYMOUTH RELIANT - in good running condition. As is $1000.00 or best offer. Call ' 284-0258 after 3:00 pm. (18-25SA) 1996 TAURUS GL WAGON - V6, all power, 1 owner, certified, Al condition, $10,595. for quick sale. Call . 284-2254. (20-2 SA) 1998 GMC EXTEND-A-QAB- BLACK PICKUP - Air, tilt, cruise, deluxe interior, steel chrome wheels, tint glass, V8 engine. Like new $25,900. Call 519-238-5535 (23;24*) WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE - Cars, trucks and scrap for wrecking. Any condition. Ask for Paul Campbell, Paul's Auto Marine, 168 Thames Rd. W. Exeter. 235-3922 (26tfn) 12. Pets GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES Purebred CKC registered, de -wormed, tatooed, first shots, guaranteed. $500.00. Manjin Kennels 519- 392-6782. (24-26x) 13 Musical Instruments GUITAR LESSONS - Available in Zurich area on classical, acoustic or electric guitar. All ages welcome, call (519)236-4230 (26tfn) GUITAR & PIANO LESSONS - Soundsystem & Lighting Rentals. Authorized dealer for Fender, Yamaha, Pearl, Marshall & more. Exeter Music Centre 235-1263. (12tfn) 16 For Sale 12,00011 -ITU AIR COND. - 3 yrs. old, $250.00. 110 volts; 11 hp riding lawnmower 38" cut, $225.00. Call 284-1849 evenings. (23-30SA) 13 PIECE SET OF GOLF CLUBS - Executive irons. Cart, umbrella, jacket. balls $150.00; Ceramic "Colonial" table lamp $25.00; 24" pine decorative shelf $30.00. 284- 0922. (23-30SA) 14' WIDE WESTEEL GRAIN BIN - utility trailer 15" wheels. 7 Corn Scuffler; 1986 Cutlass Station wagon. Best offer on all items. Call anytime 349- 2661. (23-30SA) 2 VINYL CLAD WINDOWS - thermal pane. Wind out. 4'2" wide x 3'3" high. $150. 235- 3111. (24*) 204CRES OF PERMANENT PASTURE TYPE HAY - Call Bob Bell at 263-6349. (24*) 3 FLAT RACK HAY WAGONS - $200 each. 530 hay baler Ford. $400. Call 349-2871. (23-30SA) ft ANTIQUE "PIANISTA" PIANO - $400.00. 235-1168, (24s) ANTIQUE 3 PIECE VICTORIAN OAK BEDROOM SUITE - $500.00; 30" Christmas display dolls animated and very attractive $100.00. Call 229-6201. (22- 29SA) BOSHART CEDAR CHEST - $300. Antique dresser $200. 263-3596 or 235-4332. (24*) STRAWBERRIES Pick Your Own 500 quart. Open Mon. -Sat. 8 a.m. - dark Bring own containers Inquiries to Jim and Mary Lou Dixon Dixon Fruit Farm 34111 Maguire Rd. RR2 Ailsa Craig Ont. 293-3043 CAPTAIN'S BED - with wooden headboard. Cream coloured with Wooden handles on three drawers. Asking $125.00. Also 3 piece sectional multicoloured beiges,with sofa bed. Great for rec room asking $400.00. Call 229-6301 and leave message. (24-31 SA) CEDAR TREES - excellent for hedging and wind breaks. Phone Dignan Landscaping 236-4457. (14tfn) COMPUTER FACTORY BLOWOUT - Amazing 1 year no payments then $16/wk (oac). 333 Mhz loaded, printer, monitor, internet, software and more. Free scanner, delivery. and set up. 1400-515-5545. (14-26x) EXTI A LARGE CAPACITY WASHER & DRYER - Heavy duty deluxe, top of the line. Looks like new and works like new. Sacrifice for only $395.00 pair. Call after 5:00 pm - 235-3489. (23-30SA) FENCE POSTS - T steel fence posts $2.00 a piece. Tires to give away. Call 519-461-0817. (22-29SA) FIREWOOD - seasoned hardwood hickory, beech, ash, maple, delivered and picked up. Phone Dignan Landscaping 236-4457 (10tfn) FIREWOOD - Dumptruck loads of hardwood slabwood and edgings or blocks. Call R.J. Dungey & Sons 519-348- 8477. (14tfn) FIREWOOD - ALL SEASONED - hard Maple. Good body wood only. $40/cord. Delivery available 234-6497 or mobile 872-8981. (24-52) FRESH ASPARAGUS +Fi RED RHUBARB - at Dougalls Berries & Veggies. Drop in or phone ahead to ,order. 235- 1491. (19tfn) GLASS COFFEE AND END TABLES - $75., Samsung Microwave 0.4 cu. ft. $80.., 4 Accolade tires P185/70R14 fair condition $40., Black leather recliner and ottoman $150. Call 284-4234 and leave message. (24-31SA) HAY SMALL SQUARES - 1st cut, .excellent quality and size. Call 284-3045. (15-24SA) LIMESTONE FOR SALE - cut or rough, good for gardens, pathways etc., good prices. Call 229-8132 after 5:30 ask for Jeff. (22-29SA) MACRAME LAWN CHAIRS AND SUPPLIES - (formerly of Ravenswood) moved to 48 King Street, East, Forest, Ontario. 519-786-4835. (22;24e) • L/AM • Service E OK a. Am.I ^PuwC* crrs OTUnsall * 262-2728 *PATONS YARNS* - Discount Prices. Ron's Health Centre, Hensall (26tfn) PINE LAKE MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES - 33' trailer with add -a -room shed, large lot and extras. Use of 3 par golf course, lake, pool, jacuzzi, sauna and mini putt. $19,900 obo. 284-2355. (23-30SA) PUREBRED CHAROLAIS BULLS FOR SALE - Performance tested, and Home Tested. Contact: King Char Farm, Mildmay, On. 1-519- 367-5694. (24;25x) ROASTING CHICKENS - Call after 5 pm. 225-2609 (14- 24SA) ROSE TRELLIS' - custom made, fancy steel. L. Hamilton's Machine Shop, Exeter. 235-1655. (2ltfn) SATELLITE DISHES - ExpressVtt 3500 $199.95 till June 30/99, We install, sell, buy and service all brands of new and used Canadian and American SM. dishes. Call 1- 519-527-1009 Burr Enterprises Seaforth. (24;25) SLAB FIREWOOD FOR SALE - We bt4y Woodlots_ MILLER WOOD PRODUCTS. - 23 5-25 1 6 (26tfn) simmasnies Ron and Judy Dougall's U -Pick or We Pick 23 5-1491 Open daily 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. 2 miles north of Exeter on H . #4 SOLID WOOD TRIM - and furniture diningroom, bedroom sets. Come see what we sell. Melvin Albrecht, south of St. Marys off No 7 highway on Cherryhill Road, 3rd place right house. No. 24081. (13- 24SA) VERTICAL GREY CLOTH PATIO BLIND - $90. Round glass/brass coffee table $50. 235-0523. (24*) WOOD FOR SALE - Good dry mixed hardwood, by the cord or 1/2 tonne pickup truck load. Will deliver. Call 225- 2609 after 6pm. (I 4-24SA) ARTIST SKETCH PADS NOW IN STOCK $5.95 -$9.95 Suitable for: pen, pencil, charcoal or watercolour EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE (26tfx) 17 Wanted To Buy WANTED: CARS & TRUCKS - for wrecking. Any condition. Will buy any scrap metal. You will be surprised at our prices. Pickups can be arranged. 234-6252 Advanced Auto Parts. (26tfn) 17 Wanted To Buy TOP DOLLAR PAID - for older cars, trucks, scrap, etc. Brock's Auto 228-6700, Mt. Carmel Road. Safety inspections $35.00. Auto repairs. (24tfn) TRACTOR WITH OR WITHOUT LOADER - Any condition. Excellent price paid. 519-523-4260 (22;24;26;28*) 18 Wanted CRAFTERS, VENDORS & FLEA MARKETERS ETC - for Parkhill's Cornfest, August 21, 1999. For information call Wendy 519-294-6805. (24) 19 Property For Sale $187,900 HOBBY FARM - Hwy #4, Lucan area, large family home, built-in appliances, a/c, gas, pipeline water, move -in condition. For appt. call 227-0773. (24*) BROOKSIDE GARDEN HOMES IN EXETER - units now available for sale. Ideal for adults. Exterior maintenance free. 235-2961 or 519-565-5062. (42tfn) BUILDING LOT - Sherwood Crescent - a residential street - will take a 50' home. Phone 235-0707. (13tfn) DESIRABLE HOME IN EXETER - in excellent condition, includes a building .,.. lot valued at $40,000 that can be severed. Fr. room, dining room, family room, kitchen,' sunporch, original wood trim and pocket doors. Five stained glass windows. Three bedrooms and large 2nd floor studio or extra bedroom. 1 1/2 bths. Patio,' garage, _near schools and shopping. $139,900. 235-0282. (22-24*) FOR SALE - THREVi BEDROOM HOUSE --:large rec room, 299 Andrew Street, Exeter. Call 228-6288. (24- 27*) HENSALL - NEW HOME - New subdivision. Call for details. 262-2401. (7tfn) ATTENTION FARMERS, COUNTRY PROPERTY OWNERS. - I have several potential buyers for farms -and country properties. If you consider selling, call me anytime (519)524-1900 or (519)529-7783 or Mobile (519)524-3759, Fax 524-1912. Werner Ritgen, Re/Max Huron Realty Inc. (10tfn) ,,++,; _ _ . ►t�1��1NIIlJl1Jl� �II�I ,�..I: NEW HOME FOR SALE - Exeter, Gregus Ct. Plans available to suit all tastes and price ranges. Call 2354 726 for details HOUSE FOR SALE 3 bedroom brick ranch, propane furnace, central air, new windows, roof on 148' x 158' lot in hirkton. $140,900.00. Call 519.2294548. 20 Property For Rent 301 SENIOR STREET - Quiet, one bedroom available immediately. Parking, two appliances. $350.00 plus hydro. Call 235-2171 21 tfn