HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-06-02, Page 27Wednesday. June 2. 1999
Exeter Tinsee.Aiketato
Farm news
Denfield Livestock Sales
Denfield Livestock Sales Market report for May
'fhe market at Denfield Livestock Sales traded on
a good demand at steady prices according to quali-
ty, with American orders more active. Cows sold
sharply higher, stockers strong, pigs, sows and
boars higher.
Joyce Hodgins, Parkhill sold 9 steers average
weight 1381 average price 95.21 to a high of
109.00 purchased by M.G.I. Packers. -
Norman Hodgins, Parkhill sold 27 steers average
weight 1351 average price 94.13.
Bob Hodgins, Lucan sold 14 steers average weight
1375 at 93.50 with s , les to 99.00 purchased by
Norwich Packers.
Verne Bean, Goderich sold 8 heavy steers weigh-
ing 1619 averaging 90.34.
Don Eedy and Mark Vanderploeg, Denfield sold
10 heifers average weight 1284 average price
Frank Nemcek, Alvinston sold 6 head average
weight 1252 average price 94.52.
Jim Scott, Lucan sold 11 heifers average weight
1256 average price 91.00 with sales to 100.00 pur-
chased by Norwich Packers.
Wayne Harries, Iona Station sold a limo cow
weighing 1195 at 71.00.
Jeff Bryan, Granton sold 2 cows average weight
1235 average price 67.05.
Ken McGregor, Strathroy sold 4 cows average
weight 1388 average price 62.42.
Choice steers 95.00-100.00 sales to 109.00
Good steers 90.00-95.00
Choice exotic cross heifers 95.00-99.00.sales. to:
Good heifers 90.00-95.00
Common and medium 85.00-90.00 -
Good cows 60.00-65.00 sales to 71.00 •
Canners and critters 50.00-55.00
Shells 30.00-40.00
Direct to Packerscows over 600 lbs. 115.
Direct to Packer bulls 120.
Yearling steers 95.00-105.00
Yearling 1444fors 95.00-110.00
Heifer calves 110.00-124.00
Steer calves 110.00-125.00
Good Holstein bull calves $125.00-$225.00
Pigs over 50 lb. 75.00-90.00
ws 40.00-52.00
oats 35.00-42.00
4-H Goat Club
in nuron
By Heather -and Larry &Weer
HURON COUNTY - The Huron Countt 4-H Goat Club
held their first meeting on May 24 at Joan Van
Sligtenhorst's home at 6:30 p.m.
The members practiced goat showing, then judged
hay and market lambs. They learned about different
breeds of goats and the importance of record keeping.
They elected president Sarah Broadfoot, vice presi-
dent Heather Becker and secretary Joane Passchier.
The other members are Larry Becker, Amy Barnes,
Mike and Jesse Gingerich.
Fleck in wheat cramp
LONDON There is great concern in the coun-
tryside over pinhole flecking on upper leaves of
the wheat crop. These spots enlarge and de-
velop a darkened centre that exactly mirrors
septoria lesioins.
When trying to determine whether or not this
is a physiological disorder or a disease, pay at-
tention to disease incidence on the lower leaves.
Septoria moves from the bottom of the plant to
the top and does not jump from the ground to the
flag leaf.
A further test is quite simple by incubating af-
fected leaves with IViee moisture in a warm dark
area for 12 to 24 hours. In simple terms, throw
some leaves in a plastic bag with some water in
your desk drawer over night. By morning you
should be able to see the black pepper spot pyc-
nidia in the centre of the lesions.
Physiological flecking is caused by UVB radia-
tion similar to sunburn. It generally shows after
a period of cloudy weather that is followed by a
day of intense sunshine. In the US this disorder
has been tied to chloride deficiency in the crop.
It is also thought to be quite variety specific.
While there may be yield losses with this prob-
lem, there is no further management op-
portunities for the grower to avoid any yield loss
that may occur. For further information talk to
Donna Speranzinl at 1-800-461-6184.
Plowing Match will debut shuttle service
DASHWOOD - The last Plowing Match of the century
will be the first International Plowing Match & Farm
Machinery Show to offer a free shuttle service around
the site.
This unique service has been arranged for
anyone who would find walking, the entire
tented city difficult.
Ten golf carts will follow a designated
route, around the tented city, through the
Antique Machinery Display, and around
the Machines In Motion exhibits. The cir-
has 12 scheduled stops and pickup
points including each of the main entrance �4
gates. Each pick up point will be marked by a L
shuttle sign and furnished with a park bench for trav-
ellers waiting for the next scheduled tour.
The carts are clearly marked with `SHUTTLE' signs
and flags.
The golf carts are all generously sponsored by vari-
ous golf courses in Huron County and the surround-
ing area. The carts make continuous circuits all day,
SHIN4 every day with each driver cm a four hour shift.
14,.. There are now 100 volunteer drivers enlisted
t9(9 from the Huron/Perth Retired Teachers
Organization, the Grand Bend Probus Club,
Z.,4ft.o, and Seniorsfrom Exeter, Grand Bend and
surrounding areas.
IPM'99 in Huron, will have one of the
ftflargest Plowing Matches ever held - but this
unique shuttle service will make IPM Huron
the most accessible Plowing Match ever.
Come and `SHUTTLE' with the new accessibility
service at IPM'99 - scheduled for Dashwood,
September 21-25, 1999.
Brussels Livestock Sales report for May 28
The total receipts at
Brussels Livestock for the
week ending May 28,
999 were 2705 head of
cattle and 144 lambs and
60 goats.
Fed steers and heifers
sold at steady prices to
last week. Cows traded
on a good strong active
market., Veal and -lambs
sold on a steady trade.
On. Friday all classes of
stockers sold steady. ;
There were '424 steorS
on offer selling from
93.00 . to• 97.00 to the
high of 104.50.
Two gold steers Ess
signed by Stet ,6
Gorrie averaging 1402_
lbs. sola; to; Norwick.
Packers for 1004,50 with
his overall offering of 15
steers aver ging 1411
lbs. selling for an average'
of 99.48.
One limo steer con-
signed by Bill and: Blair
Priddle, Badjeros wed►
ing 1435lbs. soldto
Gross Abattoir Co. Ltd.
for 102 5O W1th their
ove rall. - offering of four
steers averaging 1.402
lbs. selling for an average
of 98.79.
Three steers consigned
by Ray Waechteir,
Walkerton averaging
1500 lbs. sold for an
average of 96.30 with
sales to 97.50.
'Nine steers consigned
e by Doug Shiell, Wlagham
'averaging 1372 lbs. sold
for an average of 95.57
with sales to 97.25.
Twenty-one steers ,con-
con -signed by Rick Govers,
Crediton averaging 1374
lbs. sold for an average
of 95.39 with sales to
Five steers consigned
by Roy Ready, St. Marys
averaging 1269 -IbN. sold
for an average of 94.99
with sales to 99.00.
Ten steers consigned by
Schmidt Brook Farms
Inc., Woodstock averag-
ing 1578 lbs. sold for an
average of 94.95 with
sales to 100.00.:.
Thirty-one steers con-
signed by Cunningham
Farms, Lucan averaging
1391 lbs.old for an
average of 94.85 with
sales to 102.00.
Three steers consigned
by David Bowles,
Brussels averaging 1351
lbs. sold . for an average
of 94.31 with sales to
Forty-two steers con-
signed by Earl, David and
Dale Foster, St.. Marys
averaging 1382 lbs. sold
for an average of 93.78
with sales to 91.50.
Forty steers consigned-.
by Dale hand John Taylor
Farms, creemoreaverag-
ing 1508 lbs. sold for ansa
average of 89.41 with
sales 10-91..
There were -338 heifers
on offer seg from
93.00 : to , 91,A0 to the
high of 1000.
One gold he r c
Signed by Kada Farr;
Blueyale weighing 1220:
to Gross Abattoir
Co. Ltd. for 105.00 with
their overall offering of
20 heifers averaging
1238 lbs. selling for an
average of 9728.
One grey; heifer con-
signed by Hugh Love,
Atwood Weighing 1285
lbs e sold to Dominion"
Meat Packers for 105.00
with his overall offering
of 22 heifers averaging
1269 lbs. selling for an
average of 98.15.
Six heifers consigned by
Merkley Farm, Wroxeter
averaging 1123 lbs. sold.
for an average of 97.29
with sales to 98.00.
Six heifers consigned by
Skinnier Farms Ltd.,
Mitchell averaging 1145.
lbs. sold for an average
of 96.82 with sales to
• Four heifers consigned
by Ross M. Barber,
Listowel averaging 1342
lbs. sold for an mage
of 95.84 with sales to
Nine heifers consigned
by AllaR Horsburgh,
Mount Forest averaging
1258 lbs. sold for an
average of 95.36 with
sales to 96.75. -
Fourteen :heifers con-
signed by Mux Lea
Farms, Woodstock aver-
aging 1248 lbs. sold for
an average of 94.47 with
sales to 100.00.
Thirty-five heifers con-
signed by Maxwell Beef
Farms Ltd., Chesley aver-
aging 1137 lbs. sold for
an average of 92.82 with
sales to 100.00.
Eleven heifers con-
signed by Bev Hamilton,
Hensall averaging 1179
lbs. sold for an average
of 92.95 with sales to
Fifteen heifers con-
signed by Connell Farms
Inc., Palmerston averag-
ing 1165 lbs. sold for an
average of 90.25 with
sales to 97.00.
There were 262 cows
op offer selling: DI and
IY? cows' 54.00-59.00
with sates to 79.00; D3
cows, 50,00-54.00; D4
tom,, 45.00-50.00.
TwO cows consigned by
•Normangrove Farms.
Wiugh am averaging
1213 lbs. sold for: an
are sge of 66:70 with
sales to 79.00. , 4
Two -. leaf cotes 'con-
con -signed by Lorne Behrns,
Gowanstown averaging
1303 lbs. sold for an
average of 61.38 with
sales to 76.50.
Four hol. cow : COD-
signed by abe _t
Mitchell averaglag 1315
lbs. sold for an average
of 65.86 with sales to
There were 17 bulls on
offer selling from 64.50
to 73.00 to the high of
One bloats bull. con-
signed by Howard
Weber, Neustadt weigh-
eiring 2225 lbs. sold for
One char bull consigned
by George, Maunerow,
Chesley weighing 2045
lbs. sold for 78.50.
There were 262 veal on
'offer: beef - 90.00 to
136.00; hol- 75.00 to
85.00; plain hol - 55.00
to 70.00.
Four veal consigned by
Richard Horst, Listowel
averaging 576 lbs. sold
for an average of 123.47
with sales to 136.00.
Eight veal consigned by
John Verburg,
Londesboro averaging
32" x 34* X?
237-3148 or 4953168
639 lbs. sold for an aver-
age of 101.61 with sales
to 125.50.
Four veal consigned by
Mike Stroeder,
Walkerton averaging 611
lbs. sold for an average
of 87.77 with sales to
Note: Over 700 lbs. veal
will be sharply discount-
ed due to a new govern-
ment ruling of ' hides hav-
ing to be removed.
Lambs: 50 to 65 lbs. -
130.00 to 138.00; 65 to
8O lbs. - 118.00 to
130.00; 80 to 95 lbs.
118.00 to 131.00.
Sheep: 20.00 to 105.00;
Goats: $12.50 to $135.00
per head.
Stockers: Steers - under
400 lbs. 104.00 to,
147.50; 400-499 lbs..
114.00 to 142.00; 570°-
599 lbs.. 111.5 0, to
138.50; 600-699 lbs..
108.00 to 123.50;. 700-
199 lbs. 102.75 to
115.50; 800-899 lbs.
93`00 to 111.00; 900 and
over 93.00 to 112.00.
f elfers 300-399 lbs.
123.00 to 131.00; 400-
499 lbs. 103 . 0 0 to
139.00; 500-599 lam:
107.50 to 122.00; 600-
0 Y699 lbs. 102 . 00 to
117.25;7`-799 lbs.
89.00 to 110.75; 800-899
lbs. 93.25 to 107.50; 900
and over 81.50 to 96.00.
Plain stockers: 48.00 to
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