HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-05-05, Page 46• Wednesday, May 5, 1999 Exeter Times -Advocate 35 26Legal Notices Classifieds NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE Or. DONALD JAMES MITCHELL late of the Township '• of Stephen, in the County of "Huron, who died on the 10th day of February, 1999. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of May, 1999 after which date the estate assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. \ ROBERT J. DEANE, Q.C. BARRISTER AND SOUCITOR 417 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitor for the Estate Trustee(s) 27. Tenders Wanted Lucan Biddulpb. council won't support citizens group By Scott Nixon TIMES -ADVOCATE STAFF LUCAN BIDDULPH -- Council has denied a re- quest from the Rural On- tario Stewardship As- sociation (ROSA) to support an appeal of a recent decision from the Normal Farm Practices Protection' Board (NFPPB) concerning the municipality's nutrient management bylaw. ROSA's appeal stems from an NFPPB hearing involving landowner Fred Knip, who ap- pealed the township's nutrient management bylaw. Knip won his 27 Tenders Wanted 4 HURON COUNTY HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT 1999/200213 Yr.) Winter Seasons with ,Renewable Option. For the Rental of Three (3) diesel tandem trucks complete with snowplow equipment and a 6m3 sander body. Submissions will be accepted until 12. o'clock noon. May 27. 1999 Forms available upon request from the office of the undersigned. Lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. Sandra Lawson, Cty. Engineer Court House, Goderich, Ontario Tel: (519) 524-741.2. - Fax: (519) 524-9291 • case, to ROSA's concern. Knip appealed on three sections of the by- law: a cap of 500 animal units per site, a regu- lation stating there be one acre of land per 1.5 animal units and a re- quireme nt of owning 66 -per cent of the land. The NFPPB supported Knip's first two sections; but didn't comment on the land complaint. ROSA chair Don Mills approached council at its April 27 meeting asking for their support for ROSA's appeal of the de- cision, going before On- tario Divisional Court. Mills, who chaired the committee that wrote the nutrient management bylaw, said his concern is that since Knip is ex- empt from the bylaw, other landowners will re- quest exemptions. "This decision was very important," Mins said of the OMB hearing. He' said he's worried about farmers having too many animals on their land and added "a lot of big dollars" are pushing to make that occurrence more com- mon. He said it would be strange for council not to support ROSA because that would mean, council isn't its own by - "I'm not prepared to take a position." — Deputy Reeve Bob Benner on ROSA's request for support SWO 161h Arcual FIDDLE 6 STEPOANCE CHAMPI- ONSHIPS, STRATFORD Fairgrounds Colisuem, Friday July 2nd, 7:00 sun.: Saturday, July 3rd. 9.30 a.m. Fuels and Show 7:OOp.m. Tickets at door. Advance tickets/camping information (519)271-6115. WANTED: HARDWOOD LOGS. Prompt payment tot hardwood tests, prepayment for Umber stands Veneer log . prices. Provhciey kensed tree markers and certified equ wnent operators. Special caro taken in harvesting. Pared Veneer Ca 1* est. 1927. 340 Louisa SLAW). (519)742.5687. 1111111111111111111111111111111101.1 $150,000/yeer ea INFORMATION BROKER. Rated 1t INTERNET FRANCHISE worldwide. Hone based. 1-6118- 6711-7566. CASH IWCASH OUT Cake, Pepsi. Hostess, M&M. Re- stock established ti* ue vendors in you area. No selIg. Fkl4tne, part -line. Miirwrn investment 113.960. 1.886- 503.8884 24 hours. EARN SUBSTANTIAL ff PER WEEK FR, P/T from home, be you own boss. We do the telling tor you! Work menet not twder. TW Free 14100-9M-0796, Eta. 8782. HOME-BASED TRAVEL CAREER TRAINING. Eam money whils teeming the trawl business working from hone. 100% daily wppoi1. CALL Trewisokxce: 1.800- 561.9999. Ontario foetus 02122091. PAYPHONES. Now you can own ten. Most InettJy secure home based business h the world. Subste ted sSeriousQOfl . only. Caith l tri: v IInvest d . 1100-253- 9779. Ars you a home-based business producing gilt akdbr specially food Items? Do you semi you business to glow? You aro kneed b perticlpte In a Molests tieds Mow and business program trough skbeidtted funding Wild M M end private sectoueiaasa in ed must suhM ernpls, r. Ba tis best sat by May 19,19N. CN 1.800672-0103. SPECIALTY INSURANCE AGENCY faddy be key kid - Nark lx**ip prdessionidlomad sees Ivens t ran• kel our sickish" los a Portal& Aaidsnt 8 Sddrnsse Compensation pyrn kridstwrillen by Coarwael Union 1ri.1.N0.2654215. 11111111111111111111111111111111111010 COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institut. of Canada offers co- conut and meeing Pracfioe, a ecobegirurses towed a Maall . Daixn cata- logue,a cal 24In. 1-800666.7044. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home - study course. Cel today tor you FREE BOOK. 1.800 287-1629. The Writing Sana, 38 McArthur Avenue, Suite 32te, Ottawa, ON K1 L cm. SAWMILL 14895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks. beams. Large apecily. Best sawmill value anywhere. Fre. Information 1.800-666.8899. Norwood Sawmills, R.R 2, KlwoAry, Ontario POE 100. DDS SATELLITE stbsaiptIm or ab prablelns? Euro - cards over 300 chimed + PPV one low price.guaran- teed. Satellite syst.ms/Echoster available. Dealer NUM, wNcon*,1.400-888-11261.877.777.1147. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 $$cHOcOLATES$1 Sprikg Is canhimoney Ming chocolds bars. Now g..� Maki lots 01 test dsPvMy. Fund Roiling rabbis. CN nows1e-800-� 3689 LOOKING FOR A NEW CAREER or Just need extra mom* SNC 8 M GIFTS' **Id Ire of Hone Decor, Mho Accessories. and Christmas Treasures. Cat 519-258.7906, Fax: 519451.O1071or fres analogues and Monndion about ria wadsdul works*. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ONTARIO PROPERTES TO BE BOLD lot tnald hies. WHM Dept CN, Bot' 5390 Stn. F, Chws, K2C 3J1 or Visit omit walippoparlistawn. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ASHGROVE CHRISUA4 SINGLES. wnn huntsssh- Oldoirs kw Oanp rda=�YM.TMpe. AOq 18'85• x 205: ,�,e� M aEruas Canada P.O. Box 206, Oh CB , VOE 1M0. Fres kbnnellon. 1.250.679- 53DIVORCE RP OFFI Man Wring man ktil an 643. b poNq Fra ori 14177 Ext 06 your IddsU. BUT A HOI118 LIMB a no maw Stan I you an mord b WM,, vat an afbrd b bye CO 1•M9.C50-l11b. Ext H14. Mit-F,116 PST. Wing sN ped arms h caroler programs*. We will preps" Midst. appitants. Ministry d Education Hans Study Diploma Ptogrsm. Financial asNssuios bow canoeist syeMms and fob amnia a1 No experience necessary. CMS 14100• 477 ATHABASCA UNIVERSITY'S new Mem a Health Slud- iosdolma wkicallon Mils tie Seaw Ttedes haMr* le Iwo Mr* to g all 2and num 1 pracilla u. For nae IMerwiaton NEW STEEL BUIl01NGS....0o 09.01 and Save. 4:12 roofp� 25x30 25x40S4,000.00.30140 1➢I50 035 x 50 $7,100.01 40x80 010/00.00. 45 x e0018,400.00.Ohm. P1i ssf__1.0006811.6422. FUTURE STEEL BLIIDiNOS • Unna rrgnlary Gsi- arpe.Btly Now e1d 8M Thadw dl. Sexual on Load- M.ing Wass aRe* ullsDollsO. sal Todry. 14004036111 STEEL BUILDING& wwNUFFAACIURERs CLEARANCE. 89.. b 150 sada BMpa lip b IO%. Take A oimbgs no.ntlrbfl. Cd Ta Few id 65 91- 411/05011 28 Auctions in effect, supporting law. Coun. George Marr said he could give Mills his verbal sup- port but couldn't support giv- ing town- ship money towards the appeal. He said council can't afford it. ROSA has the appeal $65,000, with ' 28 Auctions that already raised. Deputy Rr gve Bob Benner said, as a former Lucan representative, he doesn't have enough facts about the case to support it. "I'm not prepared to take a position," he said, adding that the issue is complex and one which has set Biddulph neigh bours against each oth- er. He also said it won't make any difference to Ontario Divisional Court if Lucan Biddulph coun- cil supports ROSA or not. Mills, though, ques- tioned Benner's ra- tionale, saying it only makes sense " for council to support its own by- law. "Where does that leave you with any_. bylaw?" he asked. Benner explained that an independent tribunal has already looked at the bylaw and said the bylaw is in place. - Coun. Leo Maguire added that council is in fact supporting its bylaw because it is keeping it in effect. Councillors Harry Wraith and Doug Ander- son agreed with Benner, with Anderson saying council is supposed to represent the whole mu- nicipality, not divide res- idents against each oth- er. Coun. Perry Caskan- ette said he thinks coun- cil should change the by- law if it is flawed. Coun. Paul Wallis also said the bylaw needs amend- ments. "Where does that leave you with any bylaw?" — ROSA chair Don Mills after council's decision to not support ROSA's appeal estimated will cost a chunk of Auction Calendar Auctioneer Bob Heywood 235-0874 Thursday. May 13 at 5 p.m. at the South Huron Rec Centre. Exeter We will be dispersing a large offering of household effects, collectibles and useful items from the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Etherington and Mrs. E.L. Johnston incl. dining, bedroom and living room furnishings, excel- lent appliances (as new), 6 antique gun stalk chairs, col- lectible smalls incl. china and glass, hand and garden tools and much more. Full list next week. Saturday, May 15 at 10 a.m.: on location at "Scrapper Johns" yard, 1/2 mile west of town, on Hwy. 83, just over the tracks on southside. We will be dispersing a large offering of items incl. 16'x36' portable workshop - insulat- ed (to be moved off sight), 25' storage trailer, new and used white vinyl windows, a Targe offering of reclaimed architecture pcs. incl. doors, trim,_ windows., gothic brack- ets, also many antiques, hand and power tools, farm machinery incl. Ford 3 fur. plough, 8' MF rotary hoe, MF #10 baler, 6' Kongskilde cultivator, approx. 10 antique trail ploughs (repainted) and hundreds of useful items. Full list next week. •y AUCTION SALE To be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building In Clinton. Consignments from London, Bayfleld, Ooderlch, Seaforth, Hensell Saturday May 8 at 9 a.m. COINS Approx. 80 Tots our usual good variety. Sell at 12 noon. APPUANCES: Apt. size freezer, 2 yrs. old, apt. size dryer, dehumidifier, humidifier, Kirby vacuum cleaner, 3 colour 1Vs, air conditioner. . FURNITURE: Glass top table, six chairs, matching hutch, 4 iron twist Ice cream chains and tables, chesterfield with pull out bed, like new, other chesterfields, 2 matching single beds with mattresses, six wooden dining chairs, buffet, 2 bar stools, 2 drawer file cabinet, dressers, patio umbrella table w/2 matching chairs (nice one), childs rocker, antique bed, 2 office desks, 36" weaving loom, floor lamps, outside bench, pictures, 8 gal. crock, blanket box, 4 drawer filing cabinet, sewing machine, small appliances, large offering of dishes and glassware. POWER TOOLS) HAND TOOLS, ANTIQUE TOOLS: Several antique wooden moulding plows, some blacksmith tools, cross cut saw, hand saws, skill saws, Riobe 3 HP variable speed router on large stand, Makita 3" bett sander, drywall tape tools, B & D csrdiass drill, Delta contractors saw with Delta Yuna fend guide, sliding pipe clamps, 4" jointer, set of 8 lathe chlse!:l, jlg saw, 2 electric drills, dove tail jig, finishing nails, box of wood working books, portable air compressor, 30 electric motors, 4 heavy duty timer clocks, 4 small gear reduction drives, hydro line wire, 11 chicken crates, plus other small items. LAWNMOWERS: Arians riding mower, Lawn Boy 21" gas push mower with grass catcher, tall buggy wheel. NOTE: 2 auctioneers selling starting at 9 a.m. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper iD. Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7888 Clinton www.auctionhodine.com for full listing Sat. May15 at 9 a.m. Antique and furniture at Lobb Auction or George Huck of Goderich Township, additions being accepted, call now. Mips told council he was disappointed in their decision. In a later interview with the T -A, Mills said he doesn't understand why council won't pub- licly defend its own by- law. "It's a bit dist •essing," he said, adding that, while he didn't expect council to provide funds for the appeal, he did ex- pect support: While he agreed with council that there are people in opposition to the bylaw, he said all by- laws have people -for and against them. He said it is up to council to make the tough decisions, not sit on the fence. Mills said no court date has yet been set for the appeal. OUR ADVERTISING POUCY Advertising in the Times -Advocate is accepted on condition that, in the event of a typographical error, that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item. Will be re -run in a sub- sequent issue as a make good at no charge. while the balance of the adver- tisement will be paid for at an °pplice- ble,rate. In the event of a typographical error advertising goods or services at a • wrong pace. goods or services may not be sold. Advertising is an otter to sell and may be withdrawn at any time. Any errors must be acknowledged within seven days of publication. The Times -Advocate reserves the pnvi- lege of revising or rejecting advertise- ments that it considers objectionable and to change the classification of any advertisement from that ordered to con- form to the policy of this newspaper_ Contents are protected by copyright. Reploduction of any material without the permission of the publisher is for- bidden. - Advertisers purchase space and circula- tion only. All rights to any advertise- ments ptdduced by the Times -Advocate. using artwork, typography or pho- tographs arranged for by the newspaper shall be the property of the Times - Advocate. No such ad or any part there- of may be reproduced or assigned with- out written consent of the Times - Advocate. STATEMENT OF POLICY: The Times - Advocate is not responsible for errors in advertisements not submitted in legible form, nor for more than a single incor- rect insertion of that advertisement. TIMES -ADVOCATE Exeter 235-1331 .............. .i6'------24,0 t. ori ; PEARTREE HOME MARKETING CONSULTANTS "THE ALTERNATIVE TO REAL ESTATE" • 0% Commission • For sale by owner • Professional lawn and open house signs • Complete professional assistance throughout the process • Total advertising package for your home In Exeter call 235-4391 for a FREE :