HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-05-05, Page 2020 W.r.7irr-Ai.r.s
Wednesday, May 5, 1999
Blyth Festival's 1999 company for Silver Season announced
BLYTH - The actors,
directors, designers and
technicians who will
mount the Blyth Festival
Silver Season are all cho-
sen, and many have
begun work on what
promises to be a truly
fun -filled and festive
25th season.
Members of the
Festival's creative team
will be front and centre
this year as honorary
associate artist, Jerry
Franken, takes to the
Festival stage for the
16th year in Every
Dream and as Sam
Walton, founder of Wal-
Mart in the outrageously
funny Big Box.
Also in Big Box, Blyth's
assistant artistic director
Eric Coates, whom audi-
ences will remember
from Barndance Live!,
Booze Days in a Dry
County and Yesteryear,
takes on a comic turn as
Canada's most inept pri-
vate detective.
Coates will also be the
director of the comedy -
thriller When the Reaper
Newly appointed hon-
orary artist, designer
Shawn Kerwin, who first
designed for Blyth in
1977 and last year gave
audiences a visual treat
with the stunning set
and costumes for
Thirteen Hands, will be
back for her 17th show.
Other Blyth favourites
in starring roles this sea-
son are Huron County's
own Ted Johns in The
Great School Crisis of
'99, and the fabulous
Diana Belshaw in Thai
Terry Tweed has
scored the funniest role
as the grey-haired owner
of a failed "mom and
pop" store-, now turned
Winnebago -driving -mad -
bomber in Big Box.
\Both Belshaw and
Tweed made their first
Blyth appearances 20
Six people join Grand
Bend United Church
years ago and the Silver directorial debut at Blyth
Season couldn't shine as with her wonderful
brightly without them. revival of The Tomorrow
Someone who hasn't yet Box in 1996 and this
reached 20 years old, year returns to direct
but is a Blyth veteran Every Dream.
nonethtless, is Erin The only director of
Roulton, who has two this season who can
roles in the '99 season. boast of a longer affilia-
Kate Trotter made her tion with the Festival is
professional debut at Blyth's founder, James
Blyth in 1978 and has Roy, the director of Big
since gone on to star on Box.
stages all over Canada, Designers Pat Flood,
as well as in film and John Ferguson and
television. Lesley Wilkinson also
Trotter made her have a lengthy history of
creating exciting staging Michael Spenser Davis,
effects. Jill Dyke, Malcolm
Actress Michelle Fisk, Xerxes, and 12 year old
who won kudos last sea- professional actor, Noah
son for Beth in Reid.
Yesteryear and her For more information
ensemble work in and to order perfor-
Thirteen Hands, returns mance tickets call (519)
to leading roles in That 523-9300 (toll free 1 -
Summer and Emery 877-TO-BLYTH).
Dream. Remember to ask about
Making their first money saving voucher
appearance on the Blyth packages - on sale only
stage will be Adrienne until -Canada Day.
Wilson, Eric Davis, Larry - Submitted by the
Yachimac, Samantha Blyth Festival
Reyolds, Kate Hemblen,
GRAND BEND - Several women from Grand Bend
United Church attended the Huron Perth Spring
Event at Main St. United Church in Mitchell on April
A number of people from Grand Bend attended the
musical by the Seaforth Harmony Hi Lites and
Carousel and the Goderich Harbouraires, sponsored
by Camp Menesetung at North St. United Church,
Seaforth, on April 18.
Joyce Thompson, Jean Clapperton and Bertie Keyes
attended the 37th London Conference of United
Church Women, held at St. Andrews United Church,
Sault Ste. Marie, on April 25, 26 and 27.
The theme on April 18 at Grand Bend United
Church was "Jesus is always ready."
Rev. R. Putman's talk to the children was about
hide and seek, with the message we must equip our-
selves with the study of God's word to be ready for
To the congregation, Rev. Putman said God meets
us in unexpected ways.
The children's hymn was "Jesus, Friend of Little
Children." The choir's anthem was "In the Bulb
There is a Flower."
Scriptures were read by Evelyn Johnson.
It was "Good Shepherd" Sunday on April 25 at
x.. Grand Bend United Church. Rev. Putman talked to
the children about listening, encouraging them to lis-
ten to their parents and to things that are positive
and good.
The scriptures were read by Anne Lawton. In Rev.
Putman's sermon, he explored the imagery of sheep
and shepherds, and listening to Jesus' voice amidst
all the noise.
The choir's anthem was "The Lord's My Shepherd.
accompanied by Elva McIntyre at the piano. Prayers
of the people were read by Bob Southcott.
Bible study is held on Friday mornings at 10 a.m.
Everyone is welcome.
A collection of items are asked to be brought in on
May 16 for Camp Menesetung.
Six new members were welcomed to Grand Bend
- United Church on May 2.
The theme was "Stone upon Stone", as Rev.
Putman explained some insights into how, the com-
munity of disciples faced the stones of their adver-
saries and survived as a community.
Rev. Putman told the children that. fish symbols -
represent Christianity, and that people wear a cross.
as a sign of a Christian.
The scriptures were read by Glenna Horner. The
choir's anthem was "Christ is made the sure founda-
During the children's time a hymn "God is Here"
was sung by the congregation accompanied by Rev. --
Putman on his guitar and Elva McIntyre at the piano.
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