HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-05-05, Page 14a
*Exeter Times -Advocate
Wednesday, May 5, 1999
The Story Hour and Little Lambs at the Exeter Christian Reformed Church gather for their graduation photo on April 27.The children sang songs for their families.
and listened to a slide show stury during the last day of the program.
Blue Water Re
st Horne residents transplant seedlings
ZURICH - The residents Leonard Onn, Dennis Dietrich, Juliette on Saturday afternoon to
of Blue Water Rest Home Charrette, Eben Weigand, Denomme, Florence watch the "Maple
listened intently to the Carman Lovie, Bob Brown, Margaret Hess, Sugaring Story" in the
Grand Benders on Carson, Esther Makins, Beatrice McNab, Beatrice auditorium. Monday after -
Monday evening. Fred Donna Merner, Florence Rader and Ruby Hoggarth noon they watched "Maple
Willert as master of cere- Brown, Mabel Riley, dressed in their favourite Syrup", videos loaned to
monies, Doug Shephard Clarence Smillie and Clara pajamas or nightgown and the Home for viewing
on gut bucket, Bob Gilmor Hamilton let the soil trick- housecoat and comfort- from the Ontario Ministry
on violin, Keith Haynes on le through their fingers as able slippers with their of Agriculture and Rural
guitar, Lloyd Mousseau on they transplanted spider, favourite bed -mate teddy Affairs. Sunday afternoon
drums, and Don Dann on aster and tomato plants. bear. The women dis- tea was enjoyed in the
piano played old time The Wednesday afternoon cussed their favourite bed- courtyard and the resi-
music for the seniors and tea tables were decorated time stories and prayers dents watched the birds
their guests. Auxiliary vol- with fresh daffodils and when they were young. visiting the bird feeders
unteers Alieda Rau and tulips, which gave the tea Marie Gingerich recited a and the plants budding
Jean Gingerich served a fresh spring aroma. bedtime prayer in into their spring growth.
refreshments. Rev. Bob Peebles, a German, Juliette Residents Neil Mustard,
Tuesday morning the retired United Church Denomme recited the Beatrice Rader, Marie
Grade five students from minister from Exeter con- Lord's Prayer in French, Gingerich, Clarence
St. Boniface School, Zurich ducted Thursday after- and the resident recited Gascho, Clara Hamilton,
bused to the Home to visit noon chapel service with "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Margaret Hess, Mabel
their resident buddies. the assistance of Grace Star", "Lady Moon" and Riley and Vera Haberer
The students played their Martin as organist. Fr. "Bedtime in Summer". were assisted by volunteer
recorders and sang for the Matthias Wronski, St. Herbal teas, fruit and driver Bob Hendrick and
residents. The buddies Boniface Church, Zurich homemade cookies were Adam Lloyd, Emma and
made raindrop sun catch- conducted the Catholic served for the snack. Robert Manson to Zurich
ers for the residents' win- service. Friday afternoon the res- Mennonite Church for the
dows out of tissue and Thursday evening the idents enjoyed music pro- Sunday morning service.
wax paper with spring women residents gathered vided by Bryan Geoffrey Other residents preferred
flower motifs. A spring in the auditorium for a from Redford, Michigan. to watch the church ser -
quiz was a challenge to pajama/slumber party. Bryan, nephew to resident vice on the T.V. screen in
both the students and resi- Jean Burr, Esther Makins, Mary Romaniszyn played the auditorium.
dents. Ethel Moore, Philippa his guitar and sang for his The residents look for -
In the afternoon resi- Steckle, Marie Gingerich, audience. ward to Jelly Bean Day on
dents Isidore Ducharme, Mabel Riley, Dorothy The residents gathered May 3, the Auxiliary visit
Queenswayresidents en)oY nice weather
HENSALL At a time of visitation over dents went out for walks Coming events
IL lee Queensway, volunteers, refreshments afterward. and wheelchair rides May 6, 2 p.m. The Grand
stats and family members On Wednesday the bak- throughout the afternoon. Cove Singers.
are making the most of ing group was superyised Nursing Home Resident May 7, 7 p.m. Friendship
the balmy weather and by co-op student Joyce Council met Friday morn- Friday with Clare and
ensuring that as many Beamer. Auxiliary volun- ing and Rest Home Andy.
residents as possible are teer Kay Mock was in Operations group met in
outdoors to enjoy it. A Wednesday to staff the the afternoon. Upcoming
sure sign of spring was -the Tuck and Library Cart and event.were discussed.
appearance of the lawn also provided lots of There will be more details
furniture and umbrellas. friendly visiting. to follow.
The Hensail On Thursday the resi-
Presbyterian Women pro- . _ _ . . _ . _ •
vided assistance and
prizes at bingo Monday.
Several women were out T E N T S
to help and residents have
appreciated their support +
each Monday in
April.Tuesdays church
service was led by Pat
Dobbs, Lay Reader of the
Exeter Anglican Church.
Choir members were
Louise Rether-Kopp and
Edna Sims. Maude
Connon ,accompanied on
the piano. In the evening
The Lakeview Singers pro-
vided a beautiful program
of Sacred Music as well as
Planning a garden party, outdoor
wedding, family reunion or
special event?
Excellent Rates
and Service
May 4, Phyllis Deichert as over refreshmentsand
pianist on May 5, the homemade baked goods,
Zurich Connection May 6 browse the displays and
and Art Coker May 7. Th purchase their choice of
Auxiliary are holding their baked goods or try lady
annual crafts, baked luck on the many draws
goods, draws and tea available.
room on Saturday, May 8 A happy Mother's Day to
from 2 to 4 p.m. Everyone one and all.
is invited to visit their par-
ents or friends, have a visit
Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello
What are good cholesterol readings? Using
Canadian units, total cholesterol ideally
should be under 5.2. The HDL ("Good cho•
lesterol) levels should be above 1.6. Cardibvascular risk
factors increase if HDL falls below 0.9. Risk factors rise
if LDL (bad cholesterol) rises above 4.1. Yourtdoctor is
the best Judge of your results.
The hot flashes of menopause could be harder to treat if
the woman smokes. The inhaled smoke affects the
metabolism of estrogens causing less to be available to
the body. Estrogen supplements help suppress these
hot flashes. Another reason to quit smoking!
Vitamin .0 is a water-soluble vitamin. You will absorb
more if you divide your total daily intake into two doses
(with breakfast and supper).
Foods consumed at bedtime have no more of an influ-
ence on weight -grain than food eaten at other times of
the day. It's the number of calories you consume daily
that puts the weight on, not the time of day you eat. The
calories consumed at night will be burned off when
needed. (You even bum 50 calories per hour while you ,
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