HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1999-05-05, Page 9Wednesday, May 5. 1999
Chernobyl fundraiser
Huron County for Children of Chernobyl held their 2nd annual SilentAuction
and Bazaar on Saturday at the Exeter Legion to raise funds for their project,
which will see Belorussian children arriving in the area in lune to spend the sum-
mer in Canada. From left are volunteer Sherri Talbot, vice -chair Shelley Bender
and treasurer joy Casarin.The day's event raised $2,000, a figure Casarin said she
was happy with.
Flexibility the key for Kippers EastWI.
KIPPEN - Kippen East W.I. met at the
home of Mona Alderdice for the annual
meeting. President Grace Drummond
welcomed everyone and thanked those
that had helped at the Quilt Show for
the I.P.M. and the SIice of Huron fol-
lowed by an opening poem.
Nine members answered the Roll Call -
a pleasant surprise in my lifetime; and
paid fees to join again. The minutes
were read and the following reports
Otte &envseerett[y, ireagagrent-8�.��
tial examiners, program, curators, resoi-
lutions, P.R.O. and the Sunshine.
What a year we have had!
Car trip and a visit to Huron Country
Playhouse, a picnic, visited M&M Meats,
heard about Nic Bayley's trip to New
York, had numerous treasures displayed
and went to the Christmas Show of Dave
Hog at London Wonderland Gardens;
The group went on trips to South Africa
with Fern Dougall, to the ACWW
Convention and to Ireland with Mona
Alderdice via pictures etc. The
Flexibility Skit was at the annual meet-
ing with Hilda Payne, Helen MacLean
and Mona Alderdice doing the honours.
Grace Drummond conducted the
Election of Officers for 1999-2000: Past
President, Ruby Triebner, President,
Grace Drummond, 2nd Vice President,
Mona Alderdice. Secretary, Helen
MacLean. Public Relations, Mona
Alderdice. Brand Directors, Ruby
Triebner, Phyllis Parsons. Program Co-
ordinator, Grace Drummond; District.
Director, Hilda Payne; Resolutions,
aisoaaddszdicik...:_Gracsr.Eyra ,
Assistant, Dorothy Bell. Education and
Cultural Activities, Helen MacLean and
Phyllis Parsons. Family and. Consumer
Affairs, Rena Caldwell and Ruby
Triebner; Agriculture and Canadian
Industries, Grace Eye, Ruby Triebner.
Christian and: World Affairs, Lil
McLellan and Dorothy Bell. Curator,
Hilda Payne. Financial Examiner, Phyllis
Parsons. Grace Eyre conducted a con-
test - things in your purse.
. Courtesy remarks were given by Rena
Caldwell. Lunch was served after
singing the W.I. Anthem by Mona
Alderdice and Phyllis Parsons:
4-H club discusses special projects
LUCAN - On April 24
the Lucan #1 4-H club
met at Cairn Marr's home
for the second meeting of
"Working with Wool
LUCAN-- The OPP are
reminding the public to
hit the links and not the
park after individuals
were seen golfing in Elm
St. Park on April 27.
While no bylaw exists
prohibiting golfing in
parks in Lucan, police
warn the activity is dan-
gdrous for children and
other park users.
An Stn/94 MTD Red
rototiller was reported
stolen from a backyard
on King St. in Hensall on
The President opened
the meeting with the 4-H
pledge. The roll call was:
"Name a nursery rhyme
or fairy tale about yarn,
sheep etc.".
One of the members
read the minutes of the
last meeting. Members
then welcomed a new
member and exchanged
names and telephone
The meeting continued ,
with special project ideas
and requirements. Next
the members began
working on a purling
The President closed the
meeting with the 4-H
Do you have questions or
concerns about how your
child talks?
Would your child.
benefit from a speech
HuroR-^11 branoh9dassessment?
s ►vLanww ►s w•
CALL 273-2222
and ask for smaIRALK
Granton planning Biddulph
township celebrations
By Muriel Lewis
GRANTON - 'Volunteers for the
Biddulph celebrations committee met at
the township hall in Lucan on Monday,
April 26.
A pork barbecue is being planned for
Saturday, July 24 at the Granton Park
Pavilion. The Granton area firemen are
also spanitoring . a breakfast at the fire
hall on Sunday, June 13 to help out with
the cost of the history book `Biddulph
Pioneers to the Present.'
Casandra Harding Whatman was hon-
oured with a bridal shower at
Community Bible. Church on
Wednesday, April 28. Following a few
games, Whatman was assisted in open-
ing her many gifts by her sister.
Katherine and °friend Paula Pincombe.
When expressing her thanks, Whatman
gave a few highlights of her career thus
far, including her wedding in Australia.
Refreshments were served by the ladies
of the church during the social time
which followed.
Granton and area residents who
attended 'A Spring Cabaret' by the St.
Marys Community Players, on the week-
end unanimously agreed that it was a
great performance.
At the Granton United Church on
Sunday, May . 2 Lay Pastor Val Hodgins
entitled her sermon `Rocks and Stones'
based on the lessons from Acts 7 and -
First -Peter chapter 2. The anthem by the
choir was 'God's Love' (words by Jill
Westman) and the. Sunday School chit-
dnmm,ortitofth'e ce.' :. dt lid
Unit los a rar.'tiett e '
dogs and hamburgers after the service
when the Sunday School provided
'Sunday Sundaes' for dessert.
The Youth group met Sunday evening
at the church and then went swimming
at Veronica Blom's place._
At St. Paul's Anglican Church in
Kirkton on Sunday, May 2 Rev.- Glenda
Meakin's message was about hearing
the faith story in a troubled world. John
Urquhart and the minister read the
lessons. A time of fellowship followed in
the church hall.
Unit 3 met at the hnme *oFMargaret
Bryan on Tuesday, April 27. Elizabeth
Garrett and Ruth Cook presented the
program with the -theme 'A Woman's
Place - in the home and in the senate.'
Each one gave an illustration of a well-
known woman and how occupations
have changed. `Beneath the Cross of
Jesus' was sung and Elizabeth gave a
reading 'What is a Grandmother' and
prayer. There was also a Mother's Day
story. President Margaret Bryan led the
business discussion on several upcoming
events including the Regional Rally
which is being held at Granton United
Church on Tuesday evening, May 4.
Also, there wf be a Food Grains service
and dinner, at the Granton Park on
Sunday, July 4 for the surrounding
churches involved.
Ruth and Elizabeth served lunch
assisted by hostess Margaret.
Break and enter
A vacant building on County,. Rd. 2
south of Hwy. 83 in Stephen, Twp. was
brroke on ` ` WiifletNe sMe
dlitir dt`_titif `�fitfl n w Es' i��tit'Tn b,
nothing was stolen.
Gardeners Choice
Welcomes you back for another spring gardening season.
The Greenhouses Open May 5
Same location on Highway 4, south end of Exeter
Arriving just in time for Mother's Day
Beautiful blooming hangers.
To name a few: Wave Petunia, Tapien, Fushir;
Ivy Geranium, Tamari, etc.
Enter Mom's name in our draw
and she may win one of two $25.
Gift Certificates
(Draw will be held Sun., May 9th atclosing)
Gardening: for your gardens we carry
• Annuals (Flowers,
vegetables, herbs)
• Perennials (Flowers, herbs
• Vines
• Garden accessories
• Ornamental shrubs
.• Patio planters
• Peat moss
• Potting soil
• Fertilizers