HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1999-04-07, Page 23Wednesday. April 7, 1999
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Easter celebrated in Granton
By Muriel Lewis
GRANTON- Congratulations to
Katherine Harding who has received an
early acceptance for the 2 year Master's
Journalism course at Carlton University
in Ottawa which will be accompanied by
a substantial scholarship.
Emerson and Mary Wallis arrived
home on March 30 after spending a
month at Rancho Margate Estates in
Margate, Florida and one week with
their son Kevin, Linda and grandson
Keith at Lighthouse Point, Florida.
Cassandra Harding recently of New
Zealand, isspending some time at her
home in the village and plans to take up
residence in Toronto where her hus-
band will join her soon.
Granton U.C.W. Unit 5 members met
as a group and enjoyed the Salvation
Army ladies dinner held at the United
Church in St. Marys on Tuesday
evening, March 30th.
Granton U.C.W. hosted the Lenten
Luncheon for the Granton-Lucan area
on Wednesday, March 31 when Gordon
Duncan of Lucan United Church gave
the meditation.
At Granton United Church on Easter
Sunday, April 4th the service was pre-
ceded by breakfast prepared by the
Stewards. Lay pastor Val Hodgins enti-
tled her message "He Lives" and led the
celebration of the Lord's Supper.
At St. Paul's Anglican Church, Kirkton
on Easter Sunday Rev. Glenda meakin
celebrated the Holy Eucharist and
reflected on sharing the new life, follow-
ing Christ's Resurrection. The lessons
were read by Kathy Blackler and the
An Easter Lily was placed in the
church in memory of Clayton and Bessie
Smith, son Lloyd and grandson Douglas.
On -Good Friday morning at St. Paul's,
Kirkton, Rev. Glenda Meakin led the
parish service with St. James Church,
St. Marys in attendance. The Passion of
Our Lord Jesus Christ according to St.
John was portrayed with Bill Schaefer
as narrator and Ray Venturin as Jesus,
and the choir and congregation taking
part. The 'Old Rugged Cross' was sung
by Ken Blackler. A time of fellowship
followed the service.
Granton 4H
The fifth meeting of 'Stretching
Dollars' Financial Fitness 4H club was
held on Monday, March 29th at leader
Margaret Bryan's home. Different types
of expenses and cash flows were dis-
cussed and the group filled in a cash
flow statement from their balance sheet
done at a previous meeting. Youth
leader Mary McIlhargey did an exercise
explaining three kinds of expenses -
flexible, fixed and periodic. Jordan
Thompson was the secretary and
reporter. After the meeting everyone
enjoyed cake and ice cream in honor of
Shannon O'Shea's and Jordan's birth-
The 6th meeting of 'Stretching Dollars'
was held at leader Margaret Bryan's
home on March 31st. After opening with
the 4H pledge, the roll call was
answered by two examples of merchan-
dise and services which can be bought
on • credit. Youth leader Mary
Mcllhargey and leader Margaret led dis-
cussion on credit and cash loans, a skit
was done on credit rates and each one
filled in a Sears credit card application.
Activities concluded with a debate on
buying on credit and the meeting closed
with the 4H motto. Melissa Gollan was
the secretary and reporter.
The Zurich Optimist Club
held its annual Spelling Bee
at St. Boniface • School last
week.The top two finishers
.competed at the zone bee
at Parkhill West William •
School yesterday and the •
top spellers from the zone
move onto the district
competition in West Lorne
on April 24.The club win-
ners were, front left:
Kathleen Hosang (1st Gr. 5,
St. Boniface),Tyler
Markham (2nd Gr. 8, Zurich
Public School),Ashley
Bruxer (2nd Gr. 5, St. B);
back Ieft:Amanda Zehr (1st
Gr. 6, ZPS),Teala MacBean
(2nd Gr. 8, ZPS), Brad
Vermunt (1st Gr, 8, St. B)
and Derek Mathonia (2nd
Gr. 6, St. B).Absent is
Danielle Culbert (I st Gr. 7,
At left: students from
Stephen Central, McCurdy
public school and Our Lady
of Mount Carmel partici-
pated in the Crediton
District Optimist Spelling
Bee Finals last Thursday at
Mount Carmel.Winners
were, in front from left:
Jordan Williams, 2nd,
Stephen Central; Michelle
Muller, I st, Mt. Carmel;
Ashley Arnold, I st,
McCurdy; and Cathy
Conlin, I st, Mt. Carmel. In
back from left are: Shawna
Forrester, 2nd, McCurdy;
Jeff Baker, 2nd, Stephen
Central; Zach Neil, 2nd,
Stephen Central; and Jillian
McCann, 1 st, Mt. Carmel.
The winners were to par-
ticipate at the zone finals
last night in Parkhill after
the T A went to press.
News From St.Anne.'s
By Philip J. McMillan
CLINTON - This week
we will have our first
ever Fashion Show.
Chic Alors is the name
given to this very spe-
cial event which will
begin Thursday and
run Friday night as
well. It starts at 7:30
p.m. so call the school
to book your tickets.
The spring brings
with it many new
sports. Track and field
has already begun and
soccer and rugby all get
students out on the
playing fields in the
brisk spring air. The
teams are busy almost
every night with prac-
tices. Drama club is.
developing a series of
workshops and plans
are already underway
for a fall production.
There are many
changes coming in
Secondary Education
and starting next week
I shall begin to explain
the changes proposed
for next year's grade
nine class. There are
many changes that are
being explained in
Ministry of Education
and Training sessions,
held in
various regions in
Ontario. Our training
group will go to
Kitchener Waterloo to
have inservice sessions
for three days. I will
clarify, as best as I can,
how these, reforms will
better serve the s•tu-•
dents of tomorrow.
The Easter Season
always renews oriels
spirit to start anew. 1
love to garden and in a
way the process is simi-
lar to that of education.
We are lucky enough to
lave in a rural setting
where we are connect-
ed to the changes of the
seasons. The process
of change Is everpre-
sent as n&ture renews
itself. Education is like
a well prepared garden.
It requires
a lot of planning and
the time spent always
rewards the gardener.
Patience is _ a prerequi-
site and there are
always things that hap-
pen that you don't
The students of today
are a lucky group.
That sentiment may
surprise you but I truly
believe it. Education is
a big issue and school-
ing gets a great deal of
attention in the press.
The harvest shall
indeed be rich if we
donft lose hope in the
future of education and
its value for tomorrow.
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