HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1999-03-31, Page 33..•- 32 Exeter Times -Advocate Wednesday. March 31. 1999 Classifieds 6 Services LAWN & GARDEN CARE - POWER SWEEPING - LAWN ROLLING - FERTILIZING - AERATING - GRASS CUTTING - HEDGE TRIMMING - Laverne McCarter 235-1062 (I 2tfn) 6 Services YOUR PICTURED ENLARGED WITHOUT NEGATIVES - or reduced, red eye removed, cropped, subject centered, restored. Matting Framing Mounting and Laminating. Jervis Photo Inc. Clinton at lights. Jervis Photo Inc Kodak Image Center Exeter across from Scotiabank. PS Your pictures make great gifts! (6tfn) Geo. Goultis & Son Ltd. Thedford, Ontario Buyers of Standing Timber We Estimate Wood Lots For Sale by the Truck Load Delivered Hardwood Sawdust for Bedding Slab Firewood Serving the area since 1886 Phone: 519-296-4978 Fax: 519-296-5112 SUPFSB LAWN CARE & MAINTENANCE Seeding & Sodding Power Tilling Flower Beds Flower Planting Lawn Rolling Lawn Maintenance Fertilizing Shrub & Tree Trimming Call Harry Knip at (519) 235-4393 N.C. JONES & SONS LTD. Sand - Gravel - Stone - Top Sci! Excavating - Dozing - Trucking Driveways - Parking Lots - Ponds - Site Preparation Clean-up of Barns, Houses, Foundations, Silo's etc. Call for an estimate (519) 235-2489 (Shop) 235-0925 (Office) 235-2815 (Res.) Exeter t i A.C. PAVING Division of VAN BREE ENTERPRISES • Laneways • Driveways • Asphalt Sealing • Textured Asphalt • Roadways • Pothole Repiar • IndustrialCommercial • Parking Lots • Line Painting FOR FREE ESTIMATES Please call 828-3641 or toll free 1-877-250-99.95 Get Read or the Busy Mowing Season Ready MD Small Engine Repair - Parts and Service - Mery and Evelyn Durnin 519-263-2313 2 1/2 miles north of Exeter on Highway 4 Open Mon. -Fri. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Saturday mornings. Closed - Tuesdays 6 Services BARBER AVAILABLE - Open 7:30-5:30 Mon -Fri. Closed Wednesday; Sat at 2 pm. Wayne Otterbein's Barber Shop, 394 Main St. Exeter. 235-0559. Closed Good Friday. (13-17*) FOR PRIME POWER - and standby electricity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519-655-2396 (26tfn) QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING - and custom framing and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis Photography, Main St. Exeter 235-1612 (26tfn) HELP LOWER YOUR PROPERTY TAXES r SCRAPPER JOHN wants to clean up your unsafe or abandoned barns, farm houses or buildings. Give us a call. You'll be surprised. (519) 235-1662 (after 6 p.m. or leave a message) For classifieds Call 235-1331 7 Livestock HORSE OWNERS - Have you ever considered "Hay Cubes" as a cost effective alternative to hay? Please call 237-3889 for more info. and pricing. (12- 14*) 8 Farm Machinery CASE 970 - tractor $7700, Case 430 diesel tractor $2600; International 17 ft. cultivator $525, Kongskilde 11 ft 5 -tine 3 pt cultivator, 150 gal George White trail sprayer $12 V icon 3 pt fertilizer spreader $175, 3- 14 in plow 3 pt $75. 7 1/2 ft auger snowblower $225, 10 ft Kewanee cultipacker (parts), McKee 4 row crop cultivator 3 pt $350, gravity wagon 175 bu. $200, 4 sections diamond harrows $75. Phone 349-2874 after 6:00 pm. (10-17SA) 9 Sports Equip &Vehicles 17' HOUSE TRAILER - Winterized. As is condition. $700 or best offer. 237-3533 (13;14*) 1991 SUZUKI RM - 125cc Motocross. Excellent condition used only 1/2 season, balance stored in dry heated garage. Selling due to move. Receipt available for new parts. Asking $3,000.00 or best offer. For more information or view call (519)284-1793 (34-13SA) 11 Cars, Trucks WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE - Cars, trucks and scrap for wrecking. Any condition. Ask for Paul Campbell, Paul's Auto Marine, 168 Thame.s Rd. W. Exeter. 235-3922 (26tfn) 1985 CHEV CAPRICE - body good, runs good. Call 565- 2728 after 5 pm. (51 tfx) 1966 CHEV BEL AIR - 4 door *offers. 284-3233 (13-20SA) 13 Musical Instruments GUITAR & PIANO LESSONS - Soundsystem & Lighting Rentals. Authorized dealer for Fender, Yamaha, Pearl, Marshall & more. Exeter Music Centre 235-1263. (12tfn ) GUITAR LESSONS - Available in Zurich area on crassical, acoustic or electric guitar. All ages welcome, call (519)236-4230 (26tfn) • Lawn Sweeping & Fertilizing STILL BOOKING FOR... • Weed Spray Programs • Lawn Rolling CASEY'S LAWN CARE 176 Francis St. Exeter • 235-1885 Pro Drainage R.R. #6 Forest Ontario - Farm Drainage Specialists - • SEPTIC SYSTEMS • MILK HOUSE DRAINS • EROSION CONTROL • BACKHOE RENTAL • WATER LINES • BASEMENTS "We guarantee you the best value for your dollar" For free estimates call: Days 8 2 8 3b 4 1 -Ron Evenings - 786-4241 - Rick Wellington 15 Personal SINGLE WHITE MALE - 41, 6' 1", brown hair/eyes. 195 lbs, outgoing, sincere, honest, loveable who likes fun times and quiet times. Looking for same for possible long term relationship. Apply to Box 132, Exeter Times Advocate, Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6.(13;14*) 16 For Sale ARTIST SKETCH PADS NOW IN STOCK $5.95 -$9.95 Suitable for: pen, pencil, charcoal or watercolour EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE (26tfx) 75 T STEEL POSTS - 9' treated anchor posts, 20x40 pool cover tarpaulin; quantity of used 2"x 6" 's assorted lengths. Call 461-0597 (1 1- 18SA) APPLES AVAILABLE - Apple Butter, Apple Cider. Open Saturday. SAWYER ORCHARD 235-0446. Hwy 4 & Crediton Sideroad. (39tfn) BIG SCREEN TV - Hitachi 55 inch picture in picture transferable warranty. Great condition with remote plus many other options. 284-3726 (51-13SA) CASE 930 TRACTOR - rebuilt; 1 -For -d 100 lawn mower; 1 foley reel mower grinder; rototiller and snowblower attachment for Cub Cadet & Lawn. Mower; 2 rototillers(no engine) 5,500 lb forklift+(3pt hitch) 1 set 20.8x38 tires, good for duals. 1-307 Old Engine and trany; Acorn stove. Call 349-2304 (34-13SA) COMPUTER FACTORY BLOWOUT - Amazing 1 year no payments then $16/wk (oac). 300 Mhz loaded, printer, monitor, internet, software and more. Free scanner, delivery and set up. 1-800-515-5545. (9-13x) 16 For Sale CONCERTMATE KEYBOARD - almost new. Phone 229-6354 (13*) CYCLECHAIR - electric 3 wheel - with surrey top, storage box and front basket. $500. 519-236-4142. (13*) FIREWOOD - seasoned hardwood hickory, beech, ash, maple, delivered and picked up. Phone Dignan Landscaping 236-4457 (10tfn) LARGE FRIDGE WITH LOWER FREEZER - and double door top like new, $700; Sofa (oatmeal) $50.00; washer/dryer set $400.00; exercise bike, ab roller, stepper, rowing machine $60.00 for all; dog cage $25.00; CB base station with antron aerial $200.00. Call 284-4998. (13-20SA) LIVING ROOM SOFA, CHAIR & OTTOMAN SET - Perfect condition. Will sell at good price, negotiable. 237- 3121 after 6pm weekdays. (9- 16SA ) MAPLE FINISHED MATE'S BED - on legs, three drawers, spindled headboard, includes 7" mattress/mattress cover/spread/comforter. Asking $275. Call 235-1491. (13-20SA) MOVING! - Roxton maple trestle table, 72" with 2 leaves 96", with 8 chairs (1 captain), very good condition, $1800; Kroehler Capretto black simulated leather reclining sofa and chair, loveseat, like new, $1900; Futon mattress, floral print, $75; 5 piece computer work station, white, $100. and more. Call 284-2501. (13-15*). NEW ITALIAN RACING BIKE - $850; NAD 5000 cd player $180. (have other equipment); Hardwood rocking chair $110; Butler' (coffee) table $55: Hon# trains. Call" 284-1836 after 6 pm. (9-16SA) CLASS1FLIi.; MARKETPLACE Advertise Across Ontario ©i -Across the Country' QUILT SHOW IPM '99 Aprd 3-11 South ♦uron Rec. Centre. EXETER 0u:tt Cxnpetd'on. Special interest Owls. merchants man Jenna. ilexth roan. Admission 43.00. Dolores;519f235,1027 11111111111111111111.1111110111 WAIVED: HARDWOOD LOGS. Prompt pawner* tot !hardwood logs. prepaynwrll to tnnber scalds Varier bg prices. Prance slwwsd t'ee lancers and certified equipment cperelors treciat ;are taken n harwa g. Pared Veneer Ca Ltd. est ;927, 340 Louisa S! . Kach- ener (519)7427, JEHOVANS WITNESSES. Friends Famly, Fad out the fasts fie Society doestt went you 10 know. Free it Confi- dential. alfdential. JW FACTS. Bo: 294. Nelson. BC VIL 5P0. abilunkaregonairiatriesarg CA$ NCIH OUT calla. Peak HOMAN. MOIL Re. s$Idl eldelhed Lade vodka in wiz area. No sig. F1111ae. pari -line. Minton awesewnt $13.910 14 503-8844 24 hors. HOME-BASED TRAVEL CAREER TRAINING. Eam money vitae leamng the trawl btsness worttng from horse. 100% dairy support. CAU. Tnvelsource: 1-800- %1-9999. Ontario -800561.9999.Ontario keens. 42122091 ITS LEGAL' Comng to Canada our service to con- sumers otters e,1ersive Legal coverage - Aknost -FREE. Managers agents v-gentty moored. Work from Home Tall Free message. CALL 1-877-4105293 EARN A SUBSTANTIAL INCOME PER WEEK. Guaran- teed cin Lease. Gateway Computer. No Credit Needed $450 Down Purrs 1.877.210-7715. • SECURITY INDUSTRY IS EXPLODING' Large Residen- tial Aurin Company with u clue. aggressor* marketing program fret wit downers the marketplace 4 mOevlg 10 fila area We are looking to Class A Entrepreneurs to bin our winwg team Dealer Investment S15.000- 425.000. We ars currently seting appronmaleky 150 'nee( cusianeearmcnn. PoVng a $26 95 mcr#4y nra'- tong fee. Our lop seasteorr*n n 1998 made 4140.000. CalGry MCOmU 11.7(34729-7444 {*verwlg 4 nook- . •dtl - Saps-, Comparny. *m,eg Uarhacea tall FREE 1.1100414-81K6. nwnwjls•ctrtyampany wow isms MICTIONE IIG. fiesta held bpI 1T$1 '99. Far alepwalion contact: Southwestern Ontario Windt/ A0o1one4t.g, RA. 45. Woodstock. ones* NOM 1416473-6180. KM W*ly cptvn• MIOWintryof Edu Education rn-...a et* Oke Ffro9'am. Fnlsrecw Molar °NW* Items sr u lob pleawnMnt 111114tll i. Ns •ipsrlyrw ra9Ileary. CMS 1100 111011111111111111.111111111111 AFFORDABLE COMPUTERS" FINALLY" Compile MIN P-11 Computer Systems and ;..aptops Starting at 5531140nth or 51699.99 (Nese. Mastercard/Amen On the soot ttrancrng. Cal Nowr 1-888.722.9009 PC Vann 2000. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... well our great hone - study cease. Cal today to your FREE BOOK 1-800- 267-1829. The Wrntrng School. 38 McArthur Avenue. Suis 3183. Ottawa, ON K IL 6R2 COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Canada filers m cerwpus and correspondence courses toward a Dipbrna in Counselling Practice. lo Opp Apnt 30"99. Free cata- ogre, al24hrs. 1.7044. SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, Malik teams. Large capacity. Best sawn)! value anywhere. Free a Onnetron 1400-566-6899. Norwood Sawmills. RA 2. Illaor*y. c We10 POE 160. $*QIDCDLATI:S*$ *req is coning. Wks 1 s d maw seep Enid tars. Nod roduc a odd* y dslialy. Flaw/ Remy ausjaMa Cal row 1-100.1113.. 35118 Jaen use fix _ 1e a RAMS CIF NQ+E TRW RIDE AND CARRIAGE niVE. Sew* Me, 20,1000 In Elmi- ra' A nottammalie mak on hor9lut Ss tie matey for Maude idea de sone pineal Cal 1.519a48 - FUTURE ON L - Ataarll0 psedtlivns lOr TOW all beyond Candid un/yes! Etpsrrenced PSYCHICS, Quesboot areasrersd accurately and rapoly. /21111141144i. 1h. coal. M 1-900-643-2233. 11111111111.1111.1111111. LACK SELF-CONFIDENCE, Then buy. reed Wig. 'DidnMn''by L. Ron Hibberd ordy 98.99 OMIT. Cal 1410,.611 -5101,od,,. VETT 9 A NT7 FottdMon UAW RafMmet fke (w�teeQs "' me .i sono* by Byres* r�lws Yee Fr» Ei*N. Cal 1.100511.1331, NEW STEEL BUILDPIQS._.Do Dyed and Soo. kit roof pith 2S : 30 43.900.00.25 : 40 54.900.00.30: re 56.500.00. 15 : 50 *7.10000 40 : 60 410.100.00: 43 p 80 411,400 00. Others. Picnesr . 1400.669.6422. On 0* Do • t y, Cenral • c Ontario $138 yin • $1X 4 £ $13d-/wawG ,o $390 • / indinbia • Capita paper ter abaft Exeter Cleaning 1 Center { C4R WISH Your Complete Car Centre • Complete Car Cleaning interior/Exterior • Gift Certificates Phone Cathy 2354116 • Touch Free Automatic with Auto Cashier Hours: 6 a.m.-10 p.m. • 4 U -Wash Bays and Vacuums Open 24 hrs. For classifieds Call 235-1331 7 Livestock HORSE OWNERS - Have you ever considered "Hay Cubes" as a cost effective alternative to hay? Please call 237-3889 for more info. and pricing. (12- 14*) 8 Farm Machinery CASE 970 - tractor $7700, Case 430 diesel tractor $2600; International 17 ft. cultivator $525, Kongskilde 11 ft 5 -tine 3 pt cultivator, 150 gal George White trail sprayer $12 V icon 3 pt fertilizer spreader $175, 3- 14 in plow 3 pt $75. 7 1/2 ft auger snowblower $225, 10 ft Kewanee cultipacker (parts), McKee 4 row crop cultivator 3 pt $350, gravity wagon 175 bu. $200, 4 sections diamond harrows $75. Phone 349-2874 after 6:00 pm. (10-17SA) 9 Sports Equip &Vehicles 17' HOUSE TRAILER - Winterized. As is condition. $700 or best offer. 237-3533 (13;14*) 1991 SUZUKI RM - 125cc Motocross. Excellent condition used only 1/2 season, balance stored in dry heated garage. Selling due to move. Receipt available for new parts. Asking $3,000.00 or best offer. For more information or view call (519)284-1793 (34-13SA) 11 Cars, Trucks WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE - Cars, trucks and scrap for wrecking. Any condition. Ask for Paul Campbell, Paul's Auto Marine, 168 Thame.s Rd. W. Exeter. 235-3922 (26tfn) 1985 CHEV CAPRICE - body good, runs good. Call 565- 2728 after 5 pm. (51 tfx) 1966 CHEV BEL AIR - 4 door *offers. 284-3233 (13-20SA) 13 Musical Instruments GUITAR & PIANO LESSONS - Soundsystem & Lighting Rentals. Authorized dealer for Fender, Yamaha, Pearl, Marshall & more. Exeter Music Centre 235-1263. (12tfn ) GUITAR LESSONS - Available in Zurich area on crassical, acoustic or electric guitar. All ages welcome, call (519)236-4230 (26tfn) • Lawn Sweeping & Fertilizing STILL BOOKING FOR... • Weed Spray Programs • Lawn Rolling CASEY'S LAWN CARE 176 Francis St. Exeter • 235-1885 Pro Drainage R.R. #6 Forest Ontario - Farm Drainage Specialists - • SEPTIC SYSTEMS • MILK HOUSE DRAINS • EROSION CONTROL • BACKHOE RENTAL • WATER LINES • BASEMENTS "We guarantee you the best value for your dollar" For free estimates call: Days 8 2 8 3b 4 1 -Ron Evenings - 786-4241 - Rick Wellington 15 Personal SINGLE WHITE MALE - 41, 6' 1", brown hair/eyes. 195 lbs, outgoing, sincere, honest, loveable who likes fun times and quiet times. Looking for same for possible long term relationship. Apply to Box 132, Exeter Times Advocate, Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6.(13;14*) 16 For Sale ARTIST SKETCH PADS NOW IN STOCK $5.95 -$9.95 Suitable for: pen, pencil, charcoal or watercolour EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE (26tfx) 75 T STEEL POSTS - 9' treated anchor posts, 20x40 pool cover tarpaulin; quantity of used 2"x 6" 's assorted lengths. Call 461-0597 (1 1- 18SA) APPLES AVAILABLE - Apple Butter, Apple Cider. Open Saturday. SAWYER ORCHARD 235-0446. Hwy 4 & Crediton Sideroad. (39tfn) BIG SCREEN TV - Hitachi 55 inch picture in picture transferable warranty. Great condition with remote plus many other options. 284-3726 (51-13SA) CASE 930 TRACTOR - rebuilt; 1 -For -d 100 lawn mower; 1 foley reel mower grinder; rototiller and snowblower attachment for Cub Cadet & Lawn. Mower; 2 rototillers(no engine) 5,500 lb forklift+(3pt hitch) 1 set 20.8x38 tires, good for duals. 1-307 Old Engine and trany; Acorn stove. Call 349-2304 (34-13SA) COMPUTER FACTORY BLOWOUT - Amazing 1 year no payments then $16/wk (oac). 300 Mhz loaded, printer, monitor, internet, software and more. Free scanner, delivery and set up. 1-800-515-5545. (9-13x) 16 For Sale CONCERTMATE KEYBOARD - almost new. Phone 229-6354 (13*) CYCLECHAIR - electric 3 wheel - with surrey top, storage box and front basket. $500. 519-236-4142. (13*) FIREWOOD - seasoned hardwood hickory, beech, ash, maple, delivered and picked up. Phone Dignan Landscaping 236-4457 (10tfn) LARGE FRIDGE WITH LOWER FREEZER - and double door top like new, $700; Sofa (oatmeal) $50.00; washer/dryer set $400.00; exercise bike, ab roller, stepper, rowing machine $60.00 for all; dog cage $25.00; CB base station with antron aerial $200.00. Call 284-4998. (13-20SA) LIVING ROOM SOFA, CHAIR & OTTOMAN SET - Perfect condition. Will sell at good price, negotiable. 237- 3121 after 6pm weekdays. (9- 16SA ) MAPLE FINISHED MATE'S BED - on legs, three drawers, spindled headboard, includes 7" mattress/mattress cover/spread/comforter. Asking $275. Call 235-1491. (13-20SA) MOVING! - Roxton maple trestle table, 72" with 2 leaves 96", with 8 chairs (1 captain), very good condition, $1800; Kroehler Capretto black simulated leather reclining sofa and chair, loveseat, like new, $1900; Futon mattress, floral print, $75; 5 piece computer work station, white, $100. and more. Call 284-2501. (13-15*). NEW ITALIAN RACING BIKE - $850; NAD 5000 cd player $180. (have other equipment); Hardwood rocking chair $110; Butler' (coffee) table $55: Hon# trains. Call" 284-1836 after 6 pm. (9-16SA) CLASS1FLIi.; MARKETPLACE Advertise Across Ontario ©i -Across the Country' QUILT SHOW IPM '99 Aprd 3-11 South ♦uron Rec. Centre. EXETER 0u:tt Cxnpetd'on. Special interest Owls. merchants man Jenna. ilexth roan. Admission 43.00. Dolores;519f235,1027 11111111111111111111.1111110111 WAIVED: HARDWOOD LOGS. Prompt pawner* tot !hardwood logs. prepaynwrll to tnnber scalds Varier bg prices. Prance slwwsd t'ee lancers and certified equipment cperelors treciat ;are taken n harwa g. Pared Veneer Ca Ltd. est ;927, 340 Louisa S! . Kach- ener (519)7427, JEHOVANS WITNESSES. Friends Famly, Fad out the fasts fie Society doestt went you 10 know. Free it Confi- dential. alfdential. JW FACTS. Bo: 294. Nelson. BC VIL 5P0. abilunkaregonairiatriesarg CA$ NCIH OUT calla. Peak HOMAN. MOIL Re. s$Idl eldelhed Lade vodka in wiz area. No sig. F1111ae. pari -line. Minton awesewnt $13.910 14 503-8844 24 hors. HOME-BASED TRAVEL CAREER TRAINING. Eam money vitae leamng the trawl btsness worttng from horse. 100% dairy support. CAU. Tnvelsource: 1-800- %1-9999. Ontario -800561.9999.Ontario keens. 42122091 ITS LEGAL' Comng to Canada our service to con- sumers otters e,1ersive Legal coverage - Aknost -FREE. Managers agents v-gentty moored. Work from Home Tall Free message. CALL 1-877-4105293 EARN A SUBSTANTIAL INCOME PER WEEK. Guaran- teed cin Lease. Gateway Computer. No Credit Needed $450 Down Purrs 1.877.210-7715. • SECURITY INDUSTRY IS EXPLODING' Large Residen- tial Aurin Company with u clue. aggressor* marketing program fret wit downers the marketplace 4 mOevlg 10 fila area We are looking to Class A Entrepreneurs to bin our winwg team Dealer Investment S15.000- 425.000. We ars currently seting appronmaleky 150 'nee( cusianeearmcnn. PoVng a $26 95 mcr#4y nra'- tong fee. Our lop seasteorr*n n 1998 made 4140.000. CalGry MCOmU 11.7(34729-7444 {*verwlg 4 nook- . •dtl - Saps-, Comparny. *m,eg Uarhacea tall FREE 1.1100414-81K6. nwnwjls•ctrtyampany wow isms MICTIONE IIG. fiesta held bpI 1T$1 '99. Far alepwalion contact: Southwestern Ontario Windt/ A0o1one4t.g, RA. 45. Woodstock. ones* NOM 1416473-6180. KM W*ly cptvn• MIOWintryof Edu Education rn-...a et* Oke Ffro9'am. Fnlsrecw Molar °NW* Items sr u lob pleawnMnt 111114tll i. Ns •ipsrlyrw ra9Ileary. CMS 1100 111011111111111111.111111111111 AFFORDABLE COMPUTERS" FINALLY" Compile MIN P-11 Computer Systems and ;..aptops Starting at 5531140nth or 51699.99 (Nese. Mastercard/Amen On the soot ttrancrng. Cal Nowr 1-888.722.9009 PC Vann 2000. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... well our great hone - study cease. Cal today to your FREE BOOK 1-800- 267-1829. The Wrntrng School. 38 McArthur Avenue. Suis 3183. Ottawa, ON K IL 6R2 COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Canada filers m cerwpus and correspondence courses toward a Dipbrna in Counselling Practice. lo Opp Apnt 30"99. Free cata- ogre, al24hrs. 1.7044. SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, Malik teams. Large capacity. Best sawn)! value anywhere. Free a Onnetron 1400-566-6899. Norwood Sawmills. RA 2. Illaor*y. c We10 POE 160. $*QIDCDLATI:S*$ *req is coning. Wks 1 s d maw seep Enid tars. Nod roduc a odd* y dslialy. Flaw/ Remy ausjaMa Cal row 1-100.1113.. 35118 Jaen use fix _ 1e a RAMS CIF NQ+E TRW RIDE AND CARRIAGE niVE. Sew* Me, 20,1000 In Elmi- ra' A nottammalie mak on hor9lut Ss tie matey for Maude idea de sone pineal Cal 1.519a48 - FUTURE ON L - Ataarll0 psedtlivns lOr TOW all beyond Candid un/yes! Etpsrrenced PSYCHICS, Quesboot areasrersd accurately and rapoly. /21111141144i. 1h. coal. M 1-900-643-2233. 11111111111.1111.1111111. LACK SELF-CONFIDENCE, Then buy. reed Wig. 'DidnMn''by L. Ron Hibberd ordy 98.99 OMIT. Cal 1410,.611 -5101,od,,. VETT 9 A NT7 FottdMon UAW RafMmet fke (w�teeQs "' me .i sono* by Byres* r�lws Yee Fr» Ei*N. Cal 1.100511.1331, NEW STEEL BUILDPIQS._.Do Dyed and Soo. kit roof pith 2S : 30 43.900.00.25 : 40 54.900.00.30: re 56.500.00. 15 : 50 *7.10000 40 : 60 410.100.00: 43 p 80 411,400 00. Others. Picnesr . 1400.669.6422. On 0* Do • t y, Cenral • c Ontario $138 yin • $1X 4 £ $13d-/wawG ,o $390 • / indinbia • Capita paper ter abaft