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Exeter Times -Advocate
Wednesday, March 31, 1999
Jr. D Hawks hand out
the hardware, coach
Bogart steps down
By Craig Bradford Shaw) and. Berton
TIMES -ADVOCATE STAFF Dykstra was named the
best defensive defence -
EXETER — The Exeter man (in memory of Bill
Jr. D Hawks may be done Heywood, sponsored by
early this. season, but Eldon and Elva Heywood
there was still cause for and presented by Cy and
celebration at the team's Eleanor Bloemart).
annual awards banquet Jeremy Geoffrey was
on Saturday night at the presented the most
Exeter Legion. improved award by
Goaltender Andy Glavin assistant coach Dave
was the big winner of the Dalrymple (sponsored by
night. Glavin was given Thames Road Cabinets).
the regular season MVP Jeff 'Turnip' Glavin
award by presenters Ron won the playoff MVP
and Corey Bilcke (spon- award (in memory of
sored by Bilcke Electric Derry Boyle, sponsored
and in memory of Donny by the Frank Boyle fami-
McKellar) and the Hawk ly and presented by.
Award from Ron Bogart Hawks vice-president Bill
(sponsored by RSD Farquhar).
Authentics). Christian Stuckless was
This year was Glavin's handed the sportsman -
last season with the ship award by teammate
Hawks as he frilled one of Ryan Sullivan -On memo -
two overage spots. ry of Doug Gould and
Glavin said he hopes to sponsored by the Val
play university hockey Gould family).
with Brock next season Craig Corriveau won
or backstop the Hensall the defensive forward
br. A Sherwoods. award (presented by
Dave Farquhar won the Nick the Bus Driver and
leading scorer prize for sponsored by
his 36 points (15 goals, Charterways).
21 assists) in 36 games. The .Jr. Hawk team
The award was present- leadership award went to
ed by Karen Dickens and captain Bill Hodge (pre -
sponsored by Bank of sented by Hawks presi-
Montreal. • dent Tom
Jar r et t ".The players McCann and
Jeffrey was deserve a coach sponsored by
presented the
rookie of the
year award by
Don Lewis
(sponsored by
Jeffrey wound up sec-
ond in Hawks scoring
with 31 points (18 goals,
13 assists) in 40 games.
Jeffrey was the top goal
Ben McCann picked up
the MVP defenceman
award (presented by
Bruce Shaw in honour of
former NHLer Dave
that can put 100
per cent in it"
Doug Geoffrey
This season
marks Hodge's
last with the
Hawks because
he, along with
Andy Glavin, were the
two overage players.
Hodge said he hasn't
made up his mind where
he'll be playing hockey
next year but hinted he
may play for a rec league
team or even the
The banquet also
marked the departure of
Top Hawks. The Exeter Jr. D Hawks hockey club handed held their annual awards banquet at the
Exeter Legion Saturday nightThe award winners were, from left: Jeff Glavin (playoff MVP), Bill Hodge
(leadership), Jeremy Geoffrey (most improved), Ben McCann (MVP defenceman), Craig Corriveau
(best defensive forward), Berton Dykstra (best defensive defenceman), Dave Farquhar (tqp scorer),
Christian Stuckless (sportsmanship award),Andy Glavin (regular season MVP, Hawk Award) and
Jarrett Jeffrey (rookie of the year).
Hawks coach Scott
Bogart and assistant
coach Steve Matthews.
"I don't have the com-
mitment," Bogart said
after announcing his first
year coaching the Hawks
would be his last. "The
players deserve a coach
that can put 100 per cent
in it."
Bogart hopes to be
involved with the Hawks
in some capacity next
season and will perhaps
serve on the executive.
Assistant coach Dave
Dalrymple said he hopes
to remain behind the
bench With the team next
season and. will apply for
the head coaching posi-
Team president
McCann said the execu-
tive is looking for new
members with "new
ideas and energy" •and
anyone interested is
invited to the club's
annual meeting in May.
Despite the early exit
from the playoffs,
McCann considers the
season a success since it
was one of "transition"
with new players and a
new coaching staff. He
said the team is "close to
breaking even" financial-
ly this season.
"Our goals for this year
were not lofty," he said.
Bogart said winning is
fine, but there are even
more important matters
when you play on a
"Building new friend-
ships," he said.
"Sometimes that gets
The top ten
The Hawks released
the '98/99 season final
statistics last week. As
mentioned above,
Farquhar and Jeffrey led
35th Ontario 5 Pin. Open begins tonight in Hamilton
By Ron and jean Dann
ZURICH - Ontario Five
Pin Bowlers' Association's
(0.F.P.B.A.) highest level
and only flat score tour-
nament for its best
bowlers, the 1999 Ontario
Open 5 Pin Championship
for the Sidney L. Morris
Awards and the right to
represent Ontario in the
1999 Canadian
Championships May .25-
29 at Regina,
Saskatchewan, begins
tonight at Hamilton's 48
lane Sherwood Centre.
Three area bowlers
from the newly amalga-
mated Bluewater
Association Zone T 19
member contingent,
which covers from Owen
Sound in the north to the
Zurich Bowlers'
Association in the south,
are Murray Benneweis,
Parts Manager for Exeter
Chrysler Ltd., and
Dashwood's 011ie
Edwards who bowl out of
Clinton Crown lanes along
with Gayle Schellenberger
from Seaforth Bowl.
Benneweis is a 10 time
Bluewater qualifier for
the Ontario Open, has
bowled a perfect 450
game, was a pin bowler
who carried a 250 plus
average in league play but
discovered he could raise
hisaverage into the 265
range by converting to
spot bowling and will be a
Men's Roc WOO Teams
Exeter mane slow. pitch
league has openings for
the 1999 ball season. 2
openings for teams are
available on a first come,
first serve basis. For
more information contact
Scott 0 2354945
competing members of the
Oluewater men's team.
Edwards, a life member
of the zurich Association
and many times qualifier
for the Open, is a fully
certified Level Two
National Coach and will
be head coach for the
Bluewater men's team.
Schellenberger is a reg-
ular Open qualifier and
holds the all-time ladies
Open high single game of
445 (just Sve pins short of
a perfect. game) width she
bowled in 1993 Open sin-
gles competition. She will
be competing this week
for Bluewater in both sin-
gles and ladies team com-
Benneweis and
Schellenberger will not
only provide strong lead-
ership for the Bluewater
contingent at Hamilton
but will also be keen com-
petitors for the Ontario
Open perfect game award
providedby Sidney L.
Register now for our next "One Stop" Hunter
Safety and/or Firearms License (FAC) Course.
The course and tests will be held in Dashwood
on April 17, 18 and 24th.
Advanced registration only :
Call Terry Romphf at 237-3248
scoring with 36 and 31
points respectively.
Farquhar also led in
plus/minus with a plus 8.
Jeffrey was third in
plus/minus with plus 2
and Mike Noble was sec-
ond with plus 4.
Jeffrey was the only
player to
appear in all
40 games
this season.
The rest of
the top 10
scorers in descending
order: Corriveau, 17
points (8 G, 9 A, 23 GP);
Erik Abayof, 13 points (7
G, 6 A, 22 GP); McCann,
12 points (5 G, 7 A, 39
GP); Brad Brown, 12
points (2 G, 10 A, 32 GP);
tied with 10 points each
• are Stuckless, Noble, Jon
Miller and Hodge.
Glavin finished with a
3.84 goals against aver-
age, an .890 save per -
Dave Farq
led in plus
with a plu
centage, one shutout and
an 8-18-2 record.
Backup goalie Ryan
Shelton finished with a
3.67 GAA, an .8790 save
percentage and a 3-8-1
The team .had an 11-
26-3 overall record going
5-13-2 at
home and 6-
13-1 away.
It's power-
play efficiency
was 14.6 per
cent and, penalty killing
efficiency 82 per cent.
The team scored a total
of 114 goals (2.85
goals/game) and let in
154 (3.85 goals/game).
The Hawks played best
versus Belmont with a 3-
1 season record.
Exeter. had the . most
trouble with Mitchell
who won all live of their
uhar also
s 8.
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The Exeter
Junior D Hawks
aoe accepting applications for
Please submit applications, in writing,
stating qualifications and experience to
Exeter Hawks, P.O. Box 1675, Exeter,
Ontario, NOM 1S7,
on or before May 1,1999.