HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1999-03-31, Page 41' Wednesda mach 31 1999 In the N Dashwood public meeting well attended and e By Stott Nbcon .• TIMES -ADVOCATE STAFF DASHWOOD Residents in this small police village spoke loudly and clearly at a public meeting last Thursday: don't split our village apart. Approximately 80 people filled the Dashwood Community Centre to talk about the community's future, which has been caught in the middle of amal- gamation talks. The South Huron amalgamation group Exeter, Stephen and Usborne — wants to annex the northern Hay por- tion of Dashwood. So far, Hay Twp., itself involved in amalgamation talks with five other municipalities, has resist- ed. The Dashwood meeting featured a head table consisting of three trustees of the village as well as councillors and staff from Hay and Stephen. Hay Reeve Jim Love was at a conference in Niagara Falls and unable to attend the meeting. Councilors from Exeter, Usborne and Zurich were also in the audience. • The meeting began with Stephen administrator Larry Brown taking the audience through the South Huron amalgamation proposal. Hay clerk -trea- surer Janisse Zimmerman then went through the 'Original Six' proposal, which consists of Hay, Hensall, Zurich, Stanley, Tuckersmith and Bayfield. Chairman of the Dashwood village trustees Bill Becker admitted he was surprised at the large turnout and ,explained to the -audience, "We have some real concerns as to the future." When the meeting was opened to pub- lic discussion, resident Tim Steele asked if Dashwood residents would be able to know what their taxes ,would be if they went with the north group or the south group. "It's impossible to predict," said Brown, leading Steele to say Dashwood "residents can't decide where to go if they don't know how it will affect them financially. Another Dashwood resident, Adrienne Talbot, wondered if amalgamation and any proposed boundary changes will affect what schools Dashwood children attend. Brown said school boundaries will not change. Dashwood fire chief Jim Hoffman questioned why Hay is not amalgamat- ing with the South Huron group, explaining that the natural flow for Dashwood residents is to go to Exeter. "These have been our people for many, many years," he said of South Huron, adding that Dashwood residents have no connection With municipalities such as Bayfield and Tuckersmith. He added that Hay isn't even talking to the South Huron group or giving them a ,chance. "You're scared of Exeter," Hoffman said to audience applause. Hay Coun. Fred Campbell admitted there was some fear of Exeter, but said council believes it should join with other small municipalities, not a larger centre such as Exeter. He said there is also the -concern that taxes in Hay will rise if the township joins with Exeter. Hay Deputy Reeve Gerald Shantz later said Hay Is committed to its group of six and won't talk about amalgamating to the south even If Exeter leaves that u • Resident Cathy Cade said Dashwood residents should be able to vote which way they want the village to go, adding it isn't a decision councillors should make. "We didn't vote you in to decide some- thing like this." Campbell, trying to ease the fear of some audience members that Dashwood will lose its identity if split in half, said the village has been split down the mid- dle between the two townships anyway, "so what's the difference" if amalgama- tion splits it up? He added that the vil- lage will keep its identity. Becker, though, disagreed, saying the village will have no trustees after amal- gamation and won't have the represen- tation it has. now. Of the choice of either staying together and joining Stephen or being split, Becker said, "I don't like either option." But according to Shantz, Dashwood won't change if it is split. He used the examples of Kirkton and Sebringville, both of which have been split in half. The only difference since ,they were split, he said, is that garbage collection on one side of the highway is on a differ- ent day than collection on the other side. Another resident, John Becker, asked Shantz what will happen to the Dashwood fire board after amalgama- tion. Shantz told him the fire board will remain until thecouncil of the new municipality decides to change it. Becker also wondered about how ser- vices such as road plowing will be deliv- ered to Dashwood. "What happens to the little hole of Dashwood?" he asked. Brown told him all services of the for- mer municipalities will be consolidated and Dashwood will still have road ser- vice, but it won't necessarily be a local person doing the work. Jennifer Steele, a five-year resident of Dashwood, said she was getting the feel- ing that Stephen Township really wants Dashwood to stay together and join South Huron, while Hay is simply saying the north part of the village belongs to Hay, "so tough." Responding to several audience mem- bers who wanted to know why Hay has never requested the southern Stephen portion of Dashwood in an effort to pull the village north with the group of six, Campbell said that group doesn't want any boundary changes. He added Hay wants to be good neigh- bours and not take anybody else's land. Campbell later said Hay may put together a proposal to annex the south part of Dashwood from Stephen, which would result In a struggle over Dashwood by both amalgamation groups. . Responding to Hay's refusal to give , up its portion of Dashwood, Shantz said there has to be compensation and that Hay would be losing $7 million,worth of assessment If it gives up Dashwood. Campbell asked Stephen Township if it would be willing to give 'up its portion of Dashwood in exchange for money. Stephen .Deputy Reeve Tom Tomes said Stephen would agree with 'that if "We didn't vo decide somet to you in to hing like this." RESIDENT CATHY CADE TO HAY AND STEPHEN COUNCILS, EXPLAINING THAT DASHWOOD RESIDENTS SHOULD VOTE ON THE VILLAGE'S FUTURE. • 1 4s Dashwood trustee chairman Bill Becker addresses a crowd of approximately 80 at the Dashwood public meeting last week.Trustee Mike Tiernan looks on. that's what residents wanted. Exeter Mayor Ben Hoogenbooni, a member of the -audience, assured Hay any annexation would include a "negoti- ation" and would be fair for "You're scared Hay council and — DASHWOOD FIRE the people of Dashwood. He also defended Exeter, saying the town is not acting as a bully, and the partners of Exeter, Stephen and Usborne are equal. Usborne Reeve Robert Morley agreed with Hoogenboom, saying Usborne is getting a good deal with the South Huron group. "We're happy" he said. Trustee Becker, near the end of 'the meeting, said it is obvious Dashwood residents want the village to stay togeth- er and most at the of Exeter." meeting appeared to CHIEF JIM HOFFMAN want to join the TO HAY COUNCIL South Huron group. • Several members of the audience,though, said they didn't have enough information to decide which way they wanted to go. The South Huron amalgamation group meets tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Exeter council chambers, while the Original Six meet again on April 14 at 7 p.m. at the Hay Township office in Zurich. #at, 2, left, cey rtlett, l 2, and Tarr Elliott,4 (and a t#)'` strut their stuff on the runway during the Crediton Zion United Church Spring Fashion Show at South Huron District High School last week. Ninety-five children and adults modeled clothes from Exeter's Purple Turtle, Deslgners,,Saans and European Addition.The show, a first for Crediton United, was a fund-raiser for the church,