HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1999-03-17, Page 19Wednesday, March 17, 1999
''EXater TIMWAdvocate
Former Hensall woman proves.
pursuing your dream can pay off
By Craig Bradford
EXETER - Denise
Bedard is proof positive
that perseverance can
produce a dream come
Bedard, 36, is starting
her own private fitness
consultant business in
London where she now
It has been a long road
for the former Hensall
resident. Bedard dreamed
of being a phys ed teacher
as a pre -teen but found
no encouragement while
she was going through
high school in the late
'70s to pursue sports or
physical activity, especial-
ly among her peers.
The fact that she lived in
Exeter and her mother
didn't drive compounded
Bedard's lack of physical
activity and involvement
in sports.
Bedard's self esteem
went even further south
as she gained weight,
developed acne and
became depressed.
She eventually dropped
out of high school with
only a Gr. 10 education,
got married and had chil-
But at age 29 Bedard
had a revelation.
"There must be more to
life," she thought.
Bedard needed to find
something to do after her
youngest child started
She stopped smoking
and started to exercise.
With the more exercise
she did, the more self
esteem she earned.
Bedard enrolled in a
couple night courses at
South Huron District High
School in '89 starting her
on her way to become a
phys ed teacher.
A year later she
enrolled in a psychology
course at the University of
Western Ontario and later
registered for the kinesi-
ology program.
After going to school
part time and working
(and getting divorced
along the way) Bedard's
dream of becoming a
phys ed teacher was
Shamrock Ngvke Tatters
March 13 - EihIbition game
Lucan 5 vs. North London
Nationals 1
Goals: Logan Couture (4), Josh
Assists: Chad Liley (5). Alex Avery,
Jesse Garrison
March 14 - Exhibition game
North London Nationals 6 vs.
Lucan 2
Goals: Cornelissen, Gregory Noyes
Assists: Couture, Noyes
Atom AE
Punching power. Former
Bedard pursued her dream
attained her goal. She's
ground to hold Cardio -Spa
Huron District High Schoo
dashed by what she called
"politics" at UWO.
Bedard hopes to finish
her honours degree in
kinesiology after taking
last year off to find out
what she wanted to do
with her life.
She said the experience
at UWO has been a "won-
derful experience." In
1994 Bedard tried out for
the UWO track and field
team in the 60m dash
after not participating in
a race in 18 years. She
missed out by five tenths
of a second but later
helped coach the team.
Currently a cook at
London's Chelsea Park (a
retirement home), Bedard
hopes her personal fitness
business takes off.
"This feels right," she
said. "I feel great for the
first time in my life,"
Bedard also wants to
promote women in sports.
"My big focus is women
in sport and the equal
representation of women
Hensall resident Denise
of a physical fitness career
back to her old stomping
r fitness classes at South
I starting March 29.
in sport," she said. "We
need to educate women
with sports instead of just
talking about it. We need
to make it affordable for
kids to participate in
sports and make it more
Another business
Bedard hopes will take off
is her Cardio -Spar four-
week long classes that
start at SHDHS on March
29. Over the four weeks,
participants will follow
Bedard through a Tae Bo -
type exercise class (a
combination of martial
arts, kickboxing, boxing
moves set to music), each
Tuesday and Thursday
from 7:30-8:30 p.m.
Bedard is looking for
men and women over the
age of 13 to join up for
$50 per person or $80
per couple. Teens and
seniors can register for
$25 each.
Participants must pre -
register by calling (519)
472-9010 by March 28.
March 8 and 10
Women's League
Stratford 3 vs. Exeter (1) 2
Goals for Stratford: Erin Mitchell, Melissa Bean, Maggie
Goals for Exeter (I): Erin Robilllard, Sarah Workman
Goderich 6 vs. Lucan 5
Goals for Goderich: Julie Hansen (2), Tory Westbrook (2),
Christine Lapp, Nicole Frayne
Goals for Lucan: Rose Flanagan (2), Adrienne Leakey, Sara
Exeter (11) 2 vs. Grand Bend Lioness (2)
Goals for Exeter (ii): Ann Money, Wendt Sims
Goals for Grand Bend: Angela Boundy (2).
Men's league
Goderich 3 vs. Grand Bend 2
Goals for Goderich: Jim O'Reilly (2), Gerd Keller
Goals for Grand Bend: David Bushnell, Fadhil Askar
Stratford 14 vs. Exeter C mtennlais 3
Goals for Stratford: Carlos Ramos (6), Martin Butler (3),
Darren Flood (2), Keith Donnelly, Ken Murphy, Edvin Mena
Goals for Exeter: Frank Bax, Joe Circelli, Dan Circelli
Exeter Thunder 11 vs. Exeter Fury 1
Goals for Thunder: Marty DeBruyn (5), Jason Monteith (3),
Ryan Beattie, Andrew Prout, Darren Marziall
Goals for Fury: Chris Genttner
OWHA Junior Girls
March 11 - Stephen 1 at Elma
Logan 0
Goal: Carrie Dixon
Assist: Jillian McCann
March 12 - Elma Logan 2 at
Stephen 1
Goal: Stephanie McCann
Assist: Aimee McCann
Next game: Stephen at Ehna Logan,
March 19 at 6 p.m.
IJM Senior Tyke (11)
March 13 - Playoff game
Stephen 3 vs. Forest 4
Goals: Matt Koricina (3)
Assists: Nadine McCann, John
Hall, Ritchie Forest (2)
Goaltender: Steve Mann
Novice Local
Feb. 27 - Round robin playoffs
Stpehen 0 vs. Strathroy 2
March 1 - Stephen 0 vs. Mt.
Brydges 0
March 8 - Stephen 2 vs. Strathroy 1
Goals: Hodge (2)
March 13 - Stephen 3 vs. Mt.
Brydgtes 2
Goals: Hodge, McCann, Pfaff
Assists: Parker. Hodge
March 14 - Stephen 4 vs. Mt.
Brydges 3
Goals: Hodge. Weber, Dinney
Assists: Hodge (2), Lovie, McCann
Shamrock Novice Rep
March 5 - semi-finals
Thamesford 2 at Stephen 6
Goals: Kelly Cronyn, David Reschke
(2), Derek Wells (2). Justin Lightfoot
Assists: Cronyn, Reschke, Lightfoot,
Brett Steeper, Nick Jeffrey (2),
Kurtis VanOsch
Goaltender: Kyle Masse
March 6 - Stephen 4 at Thamesford
5 in OT
Goals: VanOsch, Reschke (2), Wells
Lucan • ! r Uockey
March 13 - OMIHA finals
Lucan 3 at Frankford 2 m OT
Goals: Thomas Cannichael (2),
Tommy Dunn
Assists: Andrew Crowley (2). Scott
March 14 - Lucan 2 at Frankford 3
Goals: Jacob Jeffrey, Thompson
Assists: Dunn, Carmichael, Jeff
Next games: Game 3 in Lucan.
March 19. 7:30 p.m.: Game 4 in
Lucan March 20
Shamrock Atom (11)
0 ti
Assists: Cronyn, Lightfoot, Eric
Goaltender: Masse
March 9 - Thamesford 3 at Stpehen
Goals: VanOsch, Reschke (2).
Duenk, Wells, Lightfoot
Assists: VanOsch (2). Lightfoot,
Jeffrey, Tyler Windsor, Duenk
Goaltender: Masse
March 13 - Stephen 5 at
Thamesford 3
Goals: Jeffrey (2). Wells, Lightfoot,
Assists: Jeffrey, Wells, Reschke (3)
Goaltender: Masse
Stephen defeated Thamesford 3-1
in the series.
Next Fame: March 19, 8 p.m..
Stephen vs. Belmont
March 8 - Mt. Brydges 0 at Stephen
Goals: Matt Steeper. RyanMasse,
Brendan VanOsh (2)
Assists: VanOsch, Stephanie
McCann, Stephen Glanville. Justin
Goaltender: Brent Dixon
Shamrock Peewee
March 8 - Thamesford 0 at Stephen
Goals: James Reschke (2), Jason
Stuckless (2), Jeff VanBergen, Jesse
Assists: Reschke, Stuckless,
VanBergen, McCann, Corey Lawton,
Wes deLange (2). Brian Glavin, Joe
Powell (2), Ryan Knee, Wes
March 9 - Stephen 9 at Thamesford
Goals: Stuckless (4),.Jamie Bibby
(4), McCann
Assists: Stuckless (3). VanBergen
March 7 - Playoff game 13
Lucan2atCMO 5
Goals: Andrew Taylor, Cain
Assists: Travis Mueller, Jake Jeffrey'
Goaltender: Alex Parkinson
March 11 - Playoff game 14
Strathroy 2 at Lucan 3
Goals: Josh White, Mueller, J.
Assists: Joseph Mulhall, Ben Jeffrey'
Goaltender: Parkinson
The Atoms now go to the finals.
(2). Reschke (3), deLange, Powell,
Corey Lawton (3), Knee, Johnson,
Brian Glavin
March 13 - Stephen 1 at
Thamesford 3
Goal: Knee
Assists: Reschke. Korey VanAltena
March 14 - Thamesford 3 at
Stephen 6
Goals: Stuckless (2), Bibby (2),
Knee, VanAltena
Assists: Stuckless, Knee. VanAltena.
deLange (2), Johnson, Lawton (3),
Reschke, John Young
Shamrock Bantam AE
March 11 - Stephen 3 at St. Thomas
Goals: Lee Finkbeiner (2), Frazer
Assists: Matt Anstett, Ken Tilley
Goaltender: Jeremy Howard
March 13.14 - Brighton tournament
Game 1 - Stephen 5 at Brighton 7
Goals: Tim Meidinger (2). Ben
Parsons. Colin Sauder. Finkbeiner
Assists: Parsons, Sauder, Chris
Tgahrt (2), Tilley. Scott Ralph (2),
Cayle Lawton. MacDonald
Goaltender: Richard Young
Game 2 - Stephen 4 vs. St. George 1
Goals: Meidinger, Sauder, Ralph.
Assists: Meidinger, Ralph, Tgahrt
(2), Parsons. Nevin Hodgins,
Goaltender: Howard
Game 3 - Stephen 1 vs. Acton 4
Goal: MacDonald
Assists: Sauder, Anstett
Goaltender: Young
Stephen was the 'B' runnerup for
the tournament.
M.V.P. for Stephen: Ralph
March 10 - Playoffs
Game 3 of 5 - Mt. Forest 1 at
Hensall 2'
Goals: Kenney Allen (2)
Goaltender: Aaron Bedard
Hensall now moves to OWAA
series with South Hampton.
Peewee RepHogs
March 3 - Playoff ame 1 of 5
Carpet bowling
Exeter - March 12
Bill Bell
Marg Deichert
John Batten
Joan Cole
Wilma Davis
Marshall Dearing
Marion Dearing
Stan Roth
March 15
John Batten
Cathy Bell
Mary DeBoer
Don Maguire
Marion Dearing
Helen Patterson
Leona Elliott
June Hodgson
Bill Bell
John DeWeerd
Myrtle Maguire
2W 1T32
Mitchell 0 at Hensall 7
Goals: Rob Erb, Shaun Thomson,
Justin Fields (2), Matt`Martin'(3)
Assists: Erb, Thomson, Martin,
Nathan Regier (2). Ryan Campbell,
Kevin Ferris, Erik Lawrence
March 8 - Playoff game 2 of 5
Hensall 7 at Mitchell 1
Goals: Dan Moir (3), Matt Forrest
(2), Erb; Martin
Assists: Erb, Martin (3), Jeff Smale
(2), Regier (2), Lawrence
March 13 - Playoff game 3 of 5
Hensall 3 at Mitchell 2
Goals: Ferris, Martin. Forrest
Assists: Fields, Erb, Moir
Hensall put Mitchell out 3 games
1045C - (CCM)
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March 13 -10 a.m. -1 p.m.
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For more information call:
David Reid 235-0670 Work, 235-4154 Home
Albert Van Dyken 235.1704 Home
137 Thames Rd. E., Exeter
235-1040, Grand Bend 237-3519
You'll find It at •! - T