HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1999-03-17, Page 5orjtr-VVTVPgrr'--
Wednesday, March 17, 1999 � � -
-- F,xeter Time oca
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Improvement projects in the works for the 'Bend
By Kat. Monk
Grand Bend and Distri
Optimist Club will r
ceive the same treatme
as other service o
ganizations for licensin
application fees.
The club requeste
council waive its Lotter
license fees be :e pro
ceeds are rete th
community for ,uth ac
tivities and communit
The club is continuin
to work towards re
placing the playgroun
equipment at the 8
Crescent park and has
applied for a raffle lot
tery license which should
enable it to raise enough
funds to begin work on
the park once it receives
council approval.
At council's March 8
meeting, Coun. Shirley
Andraza said a prec-
edent has been set with
the Grand Bend Legion
and Rotary Club, which
receive a discount from
village council on their li-
censing fees. -
Council directed d
a - structures be permitted
ministrator Paul Turn- on the beach which con -
bull to find out more de- form with the beach .
he tails from the Optimists house's design char-
ct including a list of pro- acted,
e- grams they had in mind. Jason Gibbon has pro-
nt posed renting lounge
r- On the beach chairs from a structure
g The village will request on the beach. The com-
tenders for this year's mittee wants its architect
d operation of the beach to design the structure
Y bathhouse. Although so it conforms with the i
- council was satisfied beach house. s
e with last year's arrange- Council has decided to
ment, Coun. Phil Ma- include the parking area
Y guire said it should be adjacent to Bonnie t
put to tender because it Doone from the stone a
g was only a one-year wall to Government Road o
agreement. in the design concept for "
d The lease will expire in the beach enhancement. t
1 early September to allow
construction to begin this On the street fi
- fall on the new bath- Council will apply to e
house. the Main Street Ontario t
A public meeting will program for a $1,000 t
be held Sat., April 24 at grant for the beautifica- s
the Grand Bend Public tion of the corner of Mo -
School from 10 a.m. to rent Lane and Main St. F
noon to receive public in- in Grand Bend. B
put on the design con- A condition of re- 0
cept of the new beach ceiving the grant is that re
house facility. the village match the b
Council has accepted a provincial funding. Coun- hi
recommendation from cil had not included this Pa
the Community Enhance- funding in this year's er
ment Advisory Com- budget but at its March 8 no
mittee that only kiosks/ meeting, council passed th
a resolution asking th
the grant be included
the budget.
The wall at 12 More
Lane also needs to
strengthened. The bea
tification project usin
components that can b
moved can be done th
year if funding is avai
able with the costs of r
nforcing the wall con
idered in the 200
Council received a le
er from Wayne Forbe
bout parking violation
n River Road an
stoop and scoop" viola
Forbes claims up t
ve vehicles and/o
quipment, boats an
railers are parked on
he street nightly in th
In response to the
orbes letter, Grand
end bylaw enforcement
fficer Keith Crawford
ported to council that
oats or recreational ve-
cles should not be
rked on village prop-
ty. He added there is
t a parking problem in
e off-season except for
at snow removal purposes.
in Coun. Andraza said the
village is not in the
nz "business of boat stor-
be age" and asked that the
u- utility trailer, boat and
g boat trailer be removed
e from village property.
is With the dog bylaw vi-
1- olations, Crawford sug-
e- gested Forbes "keep a
diary of poop events and
0 then agree to testify." At
that point, the village
t- could lay a charge.
s Council directed Turn- s
s ball to proceed with the
d registration of tax liens y
against a Main St. busi- e
ness which has been in
o tax arrears for three d
✓ years. s
d Turnbull reported he M
sent a notice to the prop- it
e erty owner on Feb. 8 p
with a March 8 payment
deadline. On March 8, b
the owner asked Turn- F
bull to extend the dead- K
line to March 31, at
which time the owner p
would pay '96 taxes and je
the interest owing to to
date on the '97, '98 and cl
'99 taxes. re
Maguire made the mo- m
tion to deny the request
with Andraza seconding
the motion.
Arena funding
Council received a let-
ter from the North Mid-
dlesex Community Cen-
tre Board asking for
funding to replace the
boards at the North Mid-
dlesex arena. Grand
Bend and area residents
use the Parkhill arena
for hockey and figure
Coun. Andraza said the
illage should do what -
ver it can to help. Coun.
Maguire, though, said he
idn't think the village ,
hould be funding North
iddlesex projects when
is being asked to sup -
ort North Lambton.
"Down the road, we'll
e asked to contribute to
orest etc. " Coun. Brian
nights said.
While not committing
ublic funds to the pro-
ct, council agreed to al -
w the committee to in-
ude Grand Bend
sidents in the direct
ail canvas.
`Original Six' to take draft proposal goes back to councils
By Scott Nixon
.ils for six municipalities
::volved in amalgama-
tion talks will soon be
deciding whether or not
o accept a draft pro-
iosal following a full
-ouncils meeting last
Vednesday in Bruce -
It only took the group
of Hensall, Zurich, Bay-
field, Hay, Stanley and
Tuckersmith 30 minutes
to look through • the re-
structuring proposal and
discuss any problems.
The new municipality,
which still has no name,
will go into effect Jan ! ,
2001, with a riunwi}.;
election in h, gel
The council will con-
sist of two councillors
each from the former
municipalities of Hay,
Stanley and Tuckersmith
and one councillor each
from the former mu-
nicipalities of Hensall,
Zurich and Bayfield.
There will also be a
mayor, deputy mayor
and councillor elected at
large, who will also serve
on county council.
If the draft proposal is
accepted by the six mu-
nicipalities, a transition
hoard will be established
to hammer out the major
+ +++++++++++++++4.
Don't be Disappointed
Order your Easter
Cake Now
Cakery Decor
details of amalgamation
such as personnel, bud-
gets and bylaws. The
board will consist of all
members of the six
• The document pro-
poses the dissolution of
the Police Village of
Dashwood, . an issue of
some controversy be-
cause the
South Huron
n group of
Exeter, Ste-
phen and
Usborne also
wants Dash-
wood, which
is split down
the middle
by Hay and Stephen
That matter is to be
discussed at a public
meeting at the Dashwood
Community Centre on
March 25 at 7:30 p.m.
where Dashwood res-
idents will give their
opinions on which amal-
gamation group they
want to join.
Because of the Dash-
wood meeting, Hay
Reeve Jim Love re-
quested the next meeting
for the group of six be
postponed two weeks to
give Hay a chance td
react to the Dashwood
concerns. The group
agreed with Love and set
a meeting date for April
14 in the Hay
Township of-
fice in Zurich
at 7 p.m. Zu-
rich council
will host the
Reeve Doug
though, ques-
tioned delaying the next
amalgamation meeting,
arguing that whatever
Dashwood residents say,
has no bearing on the
amalgamation of the six
Love argued that the
people have to be heard
and said, "I'd just like to
see them happy before
we proceed."
"I'd just I
them hap
we proce
ike to see
py before
Also discussed last new
Wednesday was a name
for the municipality.
While names such as
North Huron and Blue -
water were suggested, it
was agreed each of the
six councils will discuss
the issue at their next
council meetings.
Hay Deputy -Reeve Ge-
rald Shantz spoke out
against Grant's- use of
the word "town" for the
new municipality, ar-
guing that most of the
municipality will be rural.
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