HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1999-03-03, Page 11Wednesday, March 3, 1999
Exeter Tim a .Advocate
Sharing memories. From left, Christy Hartman, Edna Stewart, Jasmine Westlake -Power and Jane Simmons look
through a photo album.At right: Hensall Girl Guide Sarah Vaessen and Queensway resident John Pepper talk
about the Year 2000 computer bug and school events at Queensway last Monday night.
Buddies program brings
seniors and Girl Guides together
By Kate Monk
Pepper of Hensall has
been reading about the
Year 2000 computer bug
and was wondering what
Sarah V.i essen thought
about it.
It's not a typical conver-
sation between a 96 -
year -old man and a Girl
Guide but that's what was
overheard at Queensway
Retirement Home on Feb.
22 when the Hensall Girl
Guides came for their
monthly visit.
The girls are teamed
with residents and spend
the fourth Monday
evening of each month
from October to June in
the Buddy Program.
The time is spent visit-
ing or playing. games.
Last week, the activities
included looking at photo
Trailer stolen
LUCAN — A snowmobile
trailer was stolen
overnight Feb. 25 from
Main St. in Lucan.
Money stolen
from Vanastra
Rec Centre
male youths are thought
to have stolen a cash box
from Vanastra Rec
Centre's snack bar.
The rec centre's care-
taker reported the crime
to the Huron OPP at
about 9:30 p.m. on Feb.
22 after he discovered the
grey metal box was miss-
ing. Ile had earlier seen
two teenage males hang-
ing around thy; building.
After the youths disap-
peared a short time later,
the caretaker discovered
someone had entered the
snack bar by lifting the
bar that holds the sliding
albums, jigsaw puzzles grandparents, Gascho
and sharing what was explained.
happening in their lives. Guide leader Kim Bilcke
Each year, residents are is equally enthusiastic
asked in October if they about the program that's
want to be involved in the been in existence for
program and Queensway more than three years.
activities coor- Bilcke said
dinator Carol "The mutual she can see the
Gascho says respect and caring difference in
there hasthein the the Guides as
always been• a they get to
good response. relationship is know their
"I feel thatfulfilling to both Buddies. At
the Buddy resident and Girl first, both the
Program has seniors and
countless bene- Guide."
girls are hesi-
fits. The mute- — CAROL GASCIIOtant and a little
al respect and QUEENSWAYshy but as they
caring demon- get to know
strated in the relationship each other, they look for -
is fulfilling to both resi- ward to the Monday night
dent and Girl Guide," visit.
Gascho said. Bilcke said the Guides
It is especially beneficial come to realize how
to residents whose grand- much the visit means to
children live a distance the seniors.
away and some Guides She hopes the Buddies
who may no longer have Program will have two
doors together.
• The youths are
described as white males
about age 15. The first
male is 6' with a slender
build with blue eyes
wearing a grey waist
length jacket and a black
tuque. The second male
is described as 5'8" with
a stocky build with blue
eyes and short close
cropped blond hair.
Anyone with informa-
tion on this crime are
asked to call the Huron
OPP at (519) 524-8314 or
Crime Stoppers.
outcomes that will last
beyond the days of
Guiding. She would like
the girls to make volun-
teering part of their lives
and hopes they'll look at
alternative careers.
At Queensway, the girls
are able to "see all the
pieces and how they fit
together," Bilcke said.
She praised Gascho who
helped start the program
and has supported it over
the years. Likewise,
Gascho said she appreci-
ates the support of lead-
ers Sheila Corbett and
"I hope the program
continues for a long time
to come," Gascho said.
A similar program is
operated between the
Bluewater Retirement
Home and St. Boniface
'School in Zurich.
Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello
Blood in the stool is not normal. It migh
be .due to hemorrhoids or could be a sign
of colorectal cancer. Early diagnosis is ve
important if it's the latter. If you observe this kind of
occurrence, see your doctor.
It was in 1946 that the first antihistamine became freely
available to the public. It was called Benadryl and is still
available today.
We often hear the term "borderline diabetic". That's like
being a little bit pregnant. You either are or you aren't
diabetic. However many Canadians have diabetes and
don't know it. Symptoms include tiredness, fatigue,
thirst, increased urination and weight Toss. These symp-
toms could be due to high blood sugar. Have it
By the way, if you are diabetic, remember that proper fit-
ting shoes are very important. Because circulation to the
feet may be impaired in diabetics, pressureon foot
areas can result in pressure sores and ulcers. Good
shoes and daily foot checks are important.
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