HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1999-03-03, Page 44 Wednesday, March 3, 1999 Meeting set �r Craig Bradford TESTS EXETER -- Exeter council and the Exeter Hydro Electric Commission will put their heads together this Monday to try and figure out where they are going with the future of hydro in Exeter. The meeting was set by council at Monday's meet- ing after discussion on a Feb. 24 meeting with Enerconnect's Al Sloan. Enerconnect offers to serve new corporations in the newly competitive power market after the restructuring and partial dismantling of Ontario Hydro. Enerconnect has joined forces with Enron, one of the largest power procurement companies in Ontario. Sloan encouraged coun- cil and the HEC to consid- er all "viable options" when it comes to power provision. Council, the HEC and neighbouring municipalities and utili- ties have been working towards a Huron -wide or Huron -Perth amalgama- tion of hydro utilities. Sloan said the amalgama- tion is just one option of many on the table. Other optiorfs Sloan identified include setting up a stand -along Wireco (wire company), a stand-alone Wireco/town combination, selling to service to a pri- vate company or a sale to Ontario Hydro. On the retail -service side, council/HEC could decide to let the Wireco provide hydro to cus- tomers not buying power from retail companies or crate a "shell" company to buy from the most competitive suppliers. Sloan told counciVHEC Wirecos providing hydro to customers not buying power from retail compa- nies will be the norm for the next few years. A service provider like Enerconnect would prob- ably be the route for council/HEC to take to run a retail company since the town wouldn't be able to operate such a company without outside help. Sloan noted $20 per customer may be gained from amalgamation, but added Ontario Hydro won't likely be willing to give up its wires easily. Council and the HEC will 'discuss Sloan's corns ments Monday in council chambers beginning at 7:30 p.m. POLICE BRIEFS Sexual assault at Medway ARVA — A 17 -year-old male is charged with sex- ual assault on a female student after an incident at Medway High School in Arva. No more details were released by the London OPP. Notice "fr o NOTICE APPLICATION AND NOTICE OF E.B.A. 969 « d HEARING FRANCHISE APPROVAL �� GYRI FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN An Application dated September 3, 1998, has been Med by Union Gas Limited (Union) with the Ontario p Board under sections 9 and 10 of the Municipal Franchises Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.55; as amended: Energy Union has applied for an order of the Board approving the terms and conditions upon which and the period for which the Corporation of the Township of Stephen ("the Municipality") is, by by-law ("the By-law"),to o grant to Union rights to construct and operate works for the distribution of gas; to extend or add to works; rks; and to supply gas to the inhabitants of the Township of Stephen ("the Franchise Agreement"). ectors of Union has also applied for an order .of the Board declaring and directing that the assent of thethe Township of Stephen to the By-law is not necesary. Union is presently serving the Municipality and has a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (E.B.C. 77) and aOrder of the Board approving the terms and conditions and the period of a franchise agreement between Union and the Municipality which will expire on April 9, 1999. There have been no boundary changes since the effective date of the current franchise, April 9, 1969. The Board intends to proceed in this matter by way of a written hearing. How to see Union's Application Copies of Union's Application are available for inspection at the Board's offices, at Union's head office, at the P Union divisional office in Waterloo, and at the office of the Clerk -Treasurer of the Corporation oft e Township of Stephen (addresses below). How to Intervene If you wish to intervene (i.e. actively participate) in the proceedings relating to this Application, you must file a letter of intervention within 14 days of the publication of this Notice. Your letter of intervention must be delivered for mailed to the Board Secretary and to Union at the addresses below. The letter of intervention must state: 1. your name, address, telephone and facsimile numbers; 2. your interest in the Application; 3. your intention to participate in the written hearing; 4. the issues you intend to address in the written hearing; and 5. whether you intend to seek an award of costs. If you wish to participate in the French language in the proceeding, your letter must state this. Written Hearing The Board intends to proceed in this matter by way of a written hearing. If you wish to object to this matter proceeding byway of a written hearing you must file your objection with your letter of intervention or within P g 21 days of the publication of this Notice. If an intervenor objects to a written hearing the Board will then Y proceed by way of an oral hearing. All Intervenors and Board Staff must file any written submissions with the Board and with Union by March 17, 1999 at 4:45 pm. Union must rile any reply submissions by March 24, 1999 at 4:45 pm. Other procedural orders as to how these matters will proceed may be issued by the Board from time to time. Copies of any procedural orders will be sent to all intervenors. How to Observe If you do not wish to actively participate,, but wish to monitor the proceeding and receive Board issued doc- uments, you may request observer status in the proceeding by writing the Board Secretary within 14 days of the publication of this Notice. How to Comment If you wish to comment on the Application without becoming an intervenor or an observer, you may (.write a letter of comment to the Board Secretary stating your views and any relevant information. All letters of f com- ment will be provided to Union and will become part of the public record in the proceeding. All letters o comment must be filed with the Board Secretary within 21 days of the publication of this Notice. IMPORTANT OR IF YOU DO NOT IF YOU DO NOT FILE A LETTER OF INTERVENTION OR A LETTER OF COMMENT, FILE WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS OR OBJECT TO THE MATTER PROCEEDING BY WAY OF A WRITTEN HEAR- ING, EA ING, THE BOARD MAY PROCEED IN YOUR ABSENCE AND YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY THEP. NOTICE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS. ADDRESSES Ontario Energy Board PO Box 2319, 2300 Yonge Street, 26th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M4P 1E4 • Attn: Paul Pudge, Board Secretary Toll Free: 1-888-632-6273 The Corporation of the Township of Stephen 38 Victoria Street East, Crediton, Ontario NOM IMO Attn: Laurence R. Brown, Clerk -Treasurer Tel: (519) 234-6331 All documents sent by mail should be directed to the following address: Union Gas Limited 50 Keil Drive North, Chatham, Ontario N7M 5M1 Attn: Christine L. Jackson, Senior Solicitor Tel: (519) 436-4617 Fax: (519) 436-5218 Union Gas Divisional Office P.O. Box 340 Waterloo, Ontario N21 4A4 Attn: Bob Adie Tel: (519) 885-7400, ext.. 425 Dated at Toronto February 22, 1999 ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD Peter I. O'Dell Assistant Board Secretary Ar