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Wednesday, February 24..199')
Local historian honoured
Pizza and partybin oor ' ed for
youth at Thames'Road-ElinlVffle
Ry Rhoda Rohde church service at Thames Road.
nlittaliMarailMINDEta On March 31 there will be a "Once In A
Blue Moon" appreciation banquet for
THAMES ROAD - Rev. Marilyn Carter adults. Everyone is welcome.
was in charge of the first Sunday of Lent
church service on Sunday morning in
She lit the Christ Candle with the help
of Mirjam Veldman. She told the youth a
story entitled "Psalms", and "God's Love
is Never Ending."
The choir sang "Dear to the Heart of
God" accompanied by pianist Marilyn
Vandenbussche. Jack Stewart read
The title of Rev. Carter's sermon was'
"Change the Channel". Bruce and Fred
Delbridge greeted parishioners and
received the offering.
Local historian Austin Hodgins, centre, was honoured on Feb. 15 by the Biddulph
history committee for his work on the Township of Biddulph history book,
"Pioneers to the Present?' Presenting an embossed copy of the book to Hodgins
are Lucan Biddulph Reeve Earl French, left, and deputy -clerk Joan Goddard.
Copies of the history book, which covers Biddulph's history since 1850, are avail-
able in the Township of Lucan Biddulph offices for $50.
Bowling tournament held in Lucan
By H. Davis
Feb. 21 St. Patrick's cele-
brated their Holy
Eucharist Service at 10:30
a.m.. i.ent,1 •with : the Rev.
Stanley Jay officiant.
Children's focus led by
Rev. Jay.
Rose Cunningham
assisted with the scrip-
ture lessons and acted as
server for the service.
Get well prayers were
given remembering
Mabel Needham and
Courtney MacGillivray
also prayers for
Cunningham, Anson and
Bolt -Smith families in the
sad loss of Laura -Lynn
Bolt -Smith who was
buried in London.
Flowers in the church
were given in memory of
Laura -Lynn.
A thank you note was
read from the
MacGillivray and
Sovereign :families ferithe
gift remembering daugh-
ter and sister Hazel.
MacDonald at Christmas.
Following closing prayers
the recessional hymn was
"Beneath the Cross of
Granddaughter Heather
MacGillivray and great
granddaughter Katie -
Scarlett MacGillivray visit-
ed with Mary Davis at the
Exeter Villa, also calling
on parents Hugh and
Hazel Friday.
Sunday dinner guests
with Arnold and Rose
Cunningham were Dan
and Kathy Anson, Dan
and Angela Bolt -Smith
and daughter Samantha
all of London and Allan
Cunningham and Heather
Katie -Scarlett Mac-
Gillivray participated in a
girls bowling tournament
Sunday in Lucan.
Saturday evening
prayer service will be
held at St. Patricks at 7
p.m. Feb. 27.
Mirjam Veldman visited
with Starr Davis on
Friday and enjoyed swim-
ming at Kicks in Exeter.
Cousin Audrey
McRoberts of Exeter
called on Mary Davis
Speech night at Hensall Legion
On February 24 the Junior Youth
Group at Thames Road will hold a pizza
and bingo party from 6 to 8 p.m.
Members are asked to bring $5. Note
the change of date.
On February 28 there will be a
"Celebration of Laity" . service and pre-
sentation of the church council during
the service. at Thames Road.
On March 5 at 2 p.m. the World Day of
Prayer service will be held at Thames
On March 14 the choir will be hosting
a pancake and sausage brunch after the
At Kristy Bray's birthday party recent-
ly the n4mes of Kay Morley, great-
grandmother, and Don and Anne Bray,
grandparents, were omitted and in last
week's news Nona Shulman's name was
Friends and relatives of the late Jim
Coates attended a memorial service for
him on Saturday at St. Marks Lutheran
Church, Port Credit.
Sympathy of the community is extend-
ed to Glen and June Stewart and
Michael and other relatives in the pass-
ing of Isabel Coward (Allen). The funeral
took place on Monday at Westmount
Chapel, Kitchener.
Bill and Rhoda Rohde spent Friday
evening with Arnold and Marion Cann.
Bill and Rhoda Rohde visited a couple
of days last week with Dan and Nancy
Rohde in Balinafad.
Jackie Riehl of Stratford, Alan and
Michele Hodgert attended the annual
convocation ceremony, Institute of
Chartered Accountants of Ontario at the
Weston Harbour Castle Convention
Centre in Toronto on Saturday for their
sister Tonya Riehl who graduated as a
chartered accountant.
Usborne School plans open house
By Usborne Viability Committee
EXETER - The Usborne Central Public
School Viability Committee would like to
extends warm :weke ne:to any new fam-
ilies interested in enrolling their child to
our safe and compassionate school.
Usborne School is located on the out-
skirts of. Exeter, on Huron Street East.
We are a school community committed
to our children and their educational
Our Safe Arrival, Big Buddy, Step Two
and Peacemaking programs promote a
safe environment for all students.
Usborne Central School has a very ded-
icated teaching staff and support staff
who provide a well rounded education
and who are committed to excellence.
Our riarents are always welcome to be
involved in their children's education.
Our students use portable word proces-
sors such as Dreamwriters and E -Mates
to develop keyboarding skills in grades
1-8. Besides our newly renovated library
computer resource centre, every class-
room is linked to the Internet. We are
pilottng Techworks, a pregrsm designed
to assist the integration of technology
into curriculum in Grades K-8. Usborne
Central is a school working hard to pre-
pare our students for the challenges ,of
the next millennium!
Please feel free to visit Usborne Central
School on March 1 or 2, from 9 a.m. to 3
p.m. View our modern, well maintained
facilities and note our spacious Early
Years classroom.
Junior and Senior Kindergarten
Registratiori forms will be available in
the office from Carol. if these dates do.
not suit your schedule, please phone our
school at 235-0331 to set up an appoint-
ment to view our school, or visitour
website at www.avonmaitland.on.ca and
select Usborne.
Hensall Horticultural Society
Students from Hensall. and Zurich public schools and St. Boniface school partici-
pated in a public speaking contest at the Hensall Legion on Feb. 16.The winners
go on to the zone finals in Seaforth on March 6. Pictured from left are Jayne
Glenn,Ashley Erle (I st Senior, Zurich), Jenna McKinnon (2nd Senior, St. Boniface),
Breanne Becker (I st Junior, St. Boniface), Brittany Pilgrim (2nd Junior, Hensall) and
chairman of public speaking Peter Zwan. In front is storytelling winner Lauren
Haberer of Zurich.
The executive for the Hensall Horticultural Society was installed at the
group's meeting at the Queensway Retirement Home in Hensall onFeb. 15.
Seated from. left are vice president Rosemary Pentland (holding Eugenia Pentland),
district director of aid jean Whitby, secretary Janeth Sangster and treasurer
Luanne Phair. Standing in back from left are directors Julia Darbishire, Gail
MacDonald, Pirie Mitchell, Liz Putherbough, president Liz. Sangster, Hensall Reeve
Cecil Pepper, past president Sybille Schaufler and directors Betty Nuttall, Cheryl
Bilcke and Jennifer Roth.Absent is director Bill Gibson.