Times-Advocate, 1999-02-24, Page 1212
Wednesday, February 24, 1999
Stephen Central Public School held its junior and intermediate public speaking
competition on Feb. 1 6.Above, Grades 4 to 6 speakers were: Kristen Reschke,
Megan Finkbeiner, Lisa Johnson, Lea Mudge, Matt Lovie and Ashley McCarthy.
Below, Grades 7 and 8 speakers were Jamie Bibby, Meghan O'Rourke,Amber
Lord, Zach Neil and Stacey Bartlett. Megan Finkbeiner and Meghan O'Rourke will
represent Stephen Central at the Legion Speak -Off.
Stephen Central Public
School held its story-
telling competition on
Feb. 16. Speakers were:
Justin Finkbeiner, Don
MacLeod and Toni Rose
MacPherson. Justin
Finkbeiner won first
place and will represent
Stephen at the Legion
Speak -off.
Donations handed out inVarna
by Joan Beierling
VARNA - Church Service was held in
Goshen on Sunday with EIIy VanBergen
with the Call to Worship and prayer.
Lori Merner, the new Sunday School
Superintendent presented Joe Laurie
with a gift in appreciation for all his
dedicated years as Sunday School
John Finlay, Clerk of the Session pre-
sented Peter, Julie and Annie McBride
for the baptism of their daughter and
sister Mckahla Nicole Marie. Elly Van
Bergen performed the celebration of
baptism. Anna Keys presented her with
a rose from the U.C.W.
The results of Counting Your Blessings
calendar was in the church bulletin.
Donations were given to Missions and
Services, Make a Wish Foundation,
1-lealing Fund, Ziquala, Foodgrains
Bank, Youth Groups, Sunday School,
Heart and Stroke, and Jesse's Journey.
Flowers were placed in the church by
Charles and Bernice Reid and Margaret
Reid in memory of Belle Reid. Flowers
were also placed in the church in mem-
ory of Bill Carnohan by his family.
Sincere sympathy goes out to these fam-
ilies. _
The Trends will meet Friday, Feb. 26
to go bowling in Clinton. The teens will
meet March 3 to go curling in Vanastra.
Anyone wanting to be confirmed
please contact Elly VanBergen as soon
as possible as classes will be starting
Wednesdays after school at the manse.
Sunday School teachers for Sunday,
Feb 28 will be Mavis Govier and Leisa
Stephenson. Anyone wanting to teach
for a one-time or regular basis please
contact Lori Merner at 482-7404.
Please remember to mark your calen-
dars for the Open Crokinole Party to be
held on Tuesday, March 16 at 8 p.m.
Please bring crokinole boards, tables
and lunch. Everyone welcome!
There is also a crokinole tournament
on March 20 at South Huron District
High School in Exeter, sponsored by the
Varna Crokinole Club. This is to begin
at 1 p.m. with $5 admission fee. Entries
are limited. Send registration to Ivan
and Marg McClymont , RR# 1 Varna,
NOM, 2R0 or call 233-3214 or Joe
Fulop at 235-1022 for further informa-
tion. Refreshments and door prizes
Varna U.C.W. meet for their World
Day of Prayer meeting Thursday, March
4 at 8 p.m. with Goshen U.C.W.
Legion sponsors public speaking
By Liz Sangster
HENSALL - At Hensall
United Church on Sunday
Pirie Mitchell was the
minister. It was a special
service in honour of the
Scouts and Guides move-
ment. Mitchell told two
stories, . "Water Can Make
A Difference" and "How
Can l Make A
Difference?" Pat and Ross
Veal were the ushers.
Lunch was served after
the service.
The World Day of
Prayer will be held at
Hensall United Church on
March 5 at 2 p.m. Pirie
Mitchell will be the
At Hensall Carmel
Presbyterian Church on
SundayyTracy Bahro was
the minister with Dorothy
Taylor playing the organ.
Bob Bell and Harry Smith
received the offering.
A public speaking com-
petition was held at
Hensall Legion on
Fe.,truary 16. St.
Boniface, Zurich Public
School, and Hensall
Public School all partici-
pated. The speeches were
very well -presented.
Judges Margaret Stewart,
Jim Chapman and Dave
Frayne had a difficult
task. The first -place sto-
UCW members
attend .
Huron -Perth
.GRAND BEND - "Daring
Discipleship", was the
theme at Grand Bend
United Church, on Sunday
Feb. 7 with Rev. R.
Putman in charge. The
scriptures were read by
Frank Loscombe.
U.C.W. members who
attended the Huron -Perth
Presbyterial, held Monday
Feb. 8, were Bertie Keyes,
Evelyn Johnson, Loreen
Gill and Joyce Thompson.
The meeting was held at
Centralia United Church
with West Zion hosting.
Feb. 14 at Grand Bend
United Church featured
the "Theme", the
Transfiguration and a
Service of Holy
Communion. .Kev.
Putmans sermon was
"Mountain Top
Experience". In his talk to
the children he talked
about things happening
that were exciting and
awesome referring to the
Mountain top.
The childrens hymn was
sung, followed by scrip-
ture readings by Edna
Frampton. The choir
anthem was sung as a
duet by Don McLean and
Frank Loscombe.
The Scouts, Guides and
Pathfinders joined the
congregation on Feb. 21.
The front of the church
was nicely decorated by
Joan and John Love on
the theme of Scouts, Cubs
and Guides.
ryteller was Lauren
Haberer from Zurich
Public School. Other com-
petitors were Chantel
Masse and Keelan Power
from Hensall Public
School, Jacob Rottenburg
and Phillip Denomme
from St. Boniface School,
and Holly Gray from
Zurich Public School. The
Grade 4-6 winner was
Breanne Becker from St.
Boniface. The second -
place winner was
Brittany Pilgrim from
Hensall Public School.
The third-place winnf
was Dana Martin fro'
Hensall Public School.
Others competing in this
category were Katelyn
Freiter and Gordon
Skinner from Zurich
Public School, and Kyle
Clausius from St.
Boniface School.
The Grade 7-8 winner
was Ashley Erb from
' Zurich Public School. The
second place winner was
Jenna McKinnon from St.
Boniface School. The
third-place winner was
Amber -Lea Elder from
Hensall Public School.
Others competing in this
category were Denise
Ritchie and Dustin
Verhoeve from Hensall
Public School, and
Michelle Denomme from
Zurich Public School.
There was an excellent
audience turnout for this
event, and a great deal of
support and enthusiasm
was shown to the com-
'ors by parents,
!parents, and sib-
s. The presentation of
trophies and certificates
was followed by refresh-
Provincial Service
Officer Randy
Groundwater will visit
Hensall Legion on March
2 at 4:30 p.m. Please call
Branch Service Officer
Larry Uyl at 262-2618 to
arrange an appointment
with Randy Groundwater.
Kate's Canine Corner
• The Times -Advocate is pleased to
offer an exciting new column: Kate's
Canine Corner. This is an opportunity
for our readers to have their questions
about dog behavior answered by a pro-
fessional dog trainer.
Kate Fletcher has been the head
instructor and owner of the South
Huron Dog Obedience School for nine
years. She is the owner of Bull Lovers
Kennels near Exeter and breeds bull
terriers. Kate shows dogs competitively
in both confirmation and obedience.
Why don't you say the dog's name before you
say "sit"?
The reason you don't say your dog's name
before you say "sit" is because "sit" is a negative
When you call your dog to come you say its
name to get its attention to encourage them to
move towards you. Likewise you use your dog's
name before you say "heel" to encourage your dog
to start moving, but when you say "sit" it is a neg-
ative command. You don't want to encourage your
dog to move, you want them to "sit" and remain
there until the next command. "Sit", "down" and
"stay" are all negative commands that you don't
say your dog's name with.
"Heel", "come" and "stand" are positive com-
mands that require the dog to move and you do
say your dog's name before the command to
encourage your dog to move into the correct posi-
Why do you say "leave it" rather than "no". •
The reason you say "leave it" to your dog rather
than "no" is "no" means never, ever.
Anytime you say to yourself I don't everwant my
dog doing that again, i.e., peeing on the floor,
chewing etc. that is "NO". But anytime you just
want your dog to turn away from something and
ignore it say "leave it" which means to turn away
-from something, for example, a child eating a hot
dog, a cat, a squirrel in the park.
If you say "no" the dog thinks oh, I have done
something wrong and they want to get out of there
but if you just want your dog to ignore something
say leave it" instead.
Saying that tells your dog you're not angry with
it, you just want it to ignore something. When you
say "leave it" your dog should turn away from
whatever you want them to ignore. Your dog does-
n't have to move away from it, just ignore it.
Mail, fax. deliver or e-mail (kmonketa:eedy.com)
your questions to Kate Monk at the Times -
Advocate. Please include your name and phone
number. Your name will be kept confidential.