HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1999-02-24, Page 5Wednesday, February 24. 1999
Exeter Time • ocate
In the News
Future ogrants
Exeter councill with
ors wrestle the of lostprovincialgrants
after aural amaonStephenwith Usborne and
By Craig Bradford
TIMES -ADVOCATE STAFF all provincial grants are received will likely be Coun. Joe Hogan said all $309,870 would be saved loaded Huron sewage
cut, Usborne's tax assess- reduced by the province three municipalities in wages and benefits, pumping facility to the
ment if it stays out of • in the future. should have the same council costs and operat- expanded Exeter facility
EXETER — Just who amalgamation skyrockets • Armstrong and Urlin general tax rate after ing costs if Exeter, to eliminate raw sewage
will make up for lost to $873.49, Exeter's goes continued to argue that amalgamation. Stephen and Usborne making its way to the
provincial grants after a to $694.78 and Stephen's any shortfalls in grants Triebner said Usborne's merge, assumed total staff Ausable River:
merger with Usborne and goes to $714.57. If the has to be picked up by the position on Hundey's is downsized by three Hundey said there are
Stephen townships contin- three merge, all three's effected former munici- report is needed before positions. delays in getting the cash
ues to nag at Exeter coun- assessment would be pality after a merger. Exeter council can make In other business from from the Ministry of the
cillors. $681.60. "If you lose a grant your any decision. the meeting, Hundey gave Environment. Ile said it's
The issue was broached Deputy Reeve Dave Urlin taxes go up to compensate The committee directed a verbal update on the time for the town to push
again at the Exeter com- and Coun. Peter for that," Armstrong said. Hundey to forward his Exeter/Stephen sewage the province to send the
mittee of the whole meet- Armstrong argued the C 1 e . k - t r e a s u r e r scenarios to Usborne as treatment system grant. cash soon so the job can
ing Monday night. new municipality should Elizabeth Bell questioned well as a suggested time On June 2, Huron MPP be tendered as soon as
The discussion was have a separate tax rate wh'y townships would table for the amalgama- Helen Johns announced possible to take advantage
sparked by chief adminis- for each of the former amalgamate if grants tion process that has the Exeter and Stephen would of the early season prices
tr'ative officer Rick municipalities. remained unchanged. She amalgamation proposal receive a $5,270,615 from contractors. He
Hundey's report on possi- "I cannot fathom or see added townships to the brought to the public grant ($2.96 million for added Mayor Ben
ble tax rate scenarios for an amalgamation coming north are not looking at June -July and it going to Exeter, $2.3 million for, Hoogenboom (who wasn't
the proposed merged to be with a one all tax interim tax bills or are the province for approval Stephen) from the provin- at the meeting due to
South Huron including a system," Armstrong said. pursuing amalgamation in September. tial Water Protection work responsibilities)
general tax rate for all Urlin believes Stephen because their provincial In an earlier report to Fund to improve their could be asked to work
three former municipali- has 17 different municipal grants this year were so council, Hundey outlined sewage treatment facili- more closely with Johns to
ties. tax rates and the new rich. potential savings and ben- ties. force the province's hand.
The scenarios included merged municipality Bell said the difference efits of a merger and a Exeter would get an Hundey said the grant
working in the provincial . could have several tax in tax assessments in the first take on what the expansion to its sewage may be less than the origi-
grants remaining the rates as well. , , townships and in Exeter elimination of provincial treatment plant to address nal figure since the town
same, having the polic- But Reeve Roy Triebner make up for some of the grants will do to tax rates overloading problems at has reduced the price tag
ing/farm portions elimi- and Rick Hundey coun- inequities when it comes in the three n'iunicipali- the Exeter and Huron for the project.
nated, having the policing tered the possibility of to the general tax rates. ties. Park plants and Stephen
part only eliminated, a 20 provincial grants .being For instance, a house Hundey and Bell found would connect to the over -
per cent reduction of reduced or cut entirely is assessed at $150,000 in'
provincial grants and a the reason small rural town will likely be much
total elimination of municipalities like smaller and have less land
provincial grants. Usborne are willing to sit attached than one in the
Right now, Exeter's at the amalgamation talks townships. Exeter has
$100,000 residential tax table. more services than the
assessment is $574.50, Hundey said if the townships and some areas
Usborne's is $273.90 and grants are made "equi- of the townships, like
Stephen's is $437.70 table" by the province an Dashwood for instance,
before amalgamation. amalgamation with pay extra for services like
if the three municipali- Usborne and. Stephen street lighting. Exeter res -
ties merge end the grants "makes sense." idents pay user fees for
remain constant, all three Triebner said Usborne's town services like garbage
would have an assess- large grant this year com- pickup that township resi-
ment of $428. But in the pared with what urban dents don't pay.
worst case scenario when municipalities like Exeter Meeting chairperson/.
Wrong boy in hospital
in last week's story
Times -Advocate had the
wrong boy in thehospi-
tal over the Feb. 13
weekend in last week's
front page story on the
Clarke/Overholt acci-
Stephen Clarke was
treated for severe bruis-
ing in London's Sick
Children's Hospital after
the accident, not Scott
The Times -Advocate
regrets the error.
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