HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1999-02-24, Page 1SEJP'S
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4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262
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4 k 83 Exeter 2354262
All occasion
elium balloons
Exeter, Ontario, Canada
Wednesday, February 24, 1999
$1.00 (includes GST)
lives Exeter area men
Usborne crash
takes the two
Hockeyfrom 2-4 wearing a seatbelt and
p.m., and 7-9 p.m. it's not clear whether Cole
Prayers will be said at was wearing one or not.
3:45 p.m. Cole was working as a
Donations will go to linesman at the Mitchell
South Huron Hospital Jr. D Hawks game Friday
Portable Ventilator Fund night.
or London Health People who knew Cole
Sciences Centre Critical said he was a nice young
Care Trauma Centre. man who enjoyed his
The vehicle was south- duties as a hockey referee
bound on Conc. 5 when it and linesman.
crossed Cty. Rd. 6 and "He enjoyed reffing a
entered a frozen field on Lot," past Exeter Minor
the southwest corner. Hockey president John
Graham said speed is Rasenberg said. "Actually
believed to be a factor. he was good at it."
Investigators believe the Rasenberg remembers
car sped through the stop Cole made the difficult
sign, hit a raised patch in choice to become an offi-
the road and headed cial instead of pursuing
towardsthe shoulder. hockey as a player.
The vehicle then left the "He took the more chal-
roadway and hit furrows lenging direction to
_... {..{{..::.,... in the frozen field causing become an official,"
�: . :> it to roll numerous times. Rasenberg said. "We lost
�4ni •� r �C}�-�4' *9V '�' :S: ti�4ii F.y -j� If
-' �' =``'::« ::.:.:€:;r<:�fh:{ men were thrown a qualityotlicial.
=;: :t.},:.�.;� Both e
held yesterday (Tuesday) Ontario or the Sunshine from the vehueh¢ Wilhelm Regional referee assign -
at Hopper Hockey Foundation. more than 40 metres er Carl Nickles said Cole
Funeral Home. The family Cole's funeral is 10 a.m. from the car and Cole was "a super nice guy.
wishes donations to be Thursday at Precious about 10 metres. "He was an excellent
made to the Children's Blood Mission. Graham said it is not referee and linesman. We
Hospital of Western Visitation is today at believed Wilhelm was See CRASH page 2
By Craig Bradford
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Usborne Township young
men are dead after a
tragic accident Saturday
Christopher Wilhelm,
20, and Lawrence Cole,
19, were killed in a single
car accident about six
kilometres southeast of
Exeter on Usborne Conc.
5 near Huron Cty. Rd. 6.
The crumpled green
Chev Cavalier Z24 was
discovered by witnesses
just after 8 a.m., London
OPP Const. Doug Graham
The accident could have
gone undiscovered for a
number of hours, Graham
Passenger Wilhelm of
Conc. 3 Usborne Twp.
(RR1 Centralia) was killed
instantly in the crash.
Cole, the driver, of Conc.
4 Usborne Twp. (RR3
Exeter) was first taken to
South Huron Hospital and
then transferred to
London Health Sciences
Centre's South St. campus
where he died Sunday
Wilhelm's funeral was
Agricultural Society cancels fall fair,
members busy for Plowing Match
EXETER — The Exeter
Agricultural Society is
taking on a new flavour
as it becomes an ingredi-
ent in many community
events this year.
Ag Society members are
involved in the
International Plowing
Match held Sept. 21-25
near Dashwood making it
difficult to hold a full fall
fair on the traditional
"Many society directors
are on planning commit-
tees for that event and
would make it difficult to
orgnize both the IPM
and aa fair that would fall
on the Match's closing
weekend," Ag Society
President Bev Prout said.
"In addition, it is hoped
the surrounding commu-
nities will put their ener-
gies into the IPM activities
which has only been in
Huron County four times
in its existence."
Only the Arabian Horse
Show will culminate on
the traditional fair date of
Sept. 25, said Prout.
The organization will
still encourage an aware-
ness of agriculture and
promote improvements in
life skills -and quality of
life of people living in the
agricultural community.
Society members will be
involved in many commu-
nity events throughout
the year.
"Associates of the Ag
Society are knee-deep in
the planning stages of the
IPM Quilt Show, taking
place at the South Huron
I events
Recreation Centre April
7-11," Prout explained.
In April, directors and
members will be at the
Slice of Huron, a county- .
wide agricultural educa-
tion event geared for ele-
mentary school children
and their families. The
five-day event will be held
in Seaforth April 12-16.
At the end of April, Julie
Hearn will represent the
Exeter Ag Society in the
District 8 Ambassador
Exeter Legion's Canada
Day Celebrations will be
the nexf event on the soci-
ety's calendar. The School
Division is planning chil-
dren's activities with
board members assisting
with the parade and host -
See FALL FAIR page 2
to bring. Lt back up.
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People have been "oohing and ahhin( over our floor
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