HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1999-02-17, Page 3Wednesday, February 17, 1999
Exeter Times–Advocate
Durrell wants lease transferred
GRAND BEND --- To Robert
Durrell, 10 feet of land is a big
deal, especially when it's along
the Ausable River.
Durrell appeared before
Grand Bend Council Monday
night concerned that a 25 square
foot chunk of land leased to the
current owner of 71 River Road
may not automatically be trans-
ferred to him when he buys the
The land is owned by the fed-
eral government and leased to
the Village of Grand Bend. The
village subleases it for the opera-
tion of fishing vessels.
The current owner, Joe
Green, has operated fishing ves-
sels from the 10' portion of the
federally -owned river frontage in
the past.
The lease lasts five years and
won't expire until 2001.
Mayor Cam Ivey said pleasure
boats have used all or part of the
10' and that two or three years
ago he received orders from
Small Craft Harbours to get the
situation "remedied."
Small Craft Harbours is the
federal branch that provides
funding to dredge the harbour so
that the fishing industry can use
the area. The dredging also ben-
efits recreational boaters and the
village's economy.
"Small Craft Harbours is here
because of the fishing industry,
riot because of recreational use,"
Ivey said.
The problem with the rec-
reational boat use of the site is
compounded because the owner
of the next site has a 75' fishing
vessel and only 75' of dockage
area. If there's a current, it's
very difficult to dock the vessel
safely, Ivey explained.
Ivey asked Durrell how im-
portarft the 10' lease was to him
and if he was open to some form
of compromise.
"From May 1 -Sept. 15 it's very
important," Durrell replied.
He said he could understand
the stance of the fishermen and
didn't have a problem with them
using the area when he didn't
have a boat there.
"We're available to work any
kind of compromise,". Durrell
said. "That's what life's about."
However, Durrell also said the
10' lease is a condition of him
buying the property and thai
condition may or may not be
Durrell said he would proceed
with making a formal request for
the lease transfer and that he
had onlycome to the council
meeting because he had been
under the impression a lawyer
had already made the written re-
Goderich gets involved in
Paul Maguire of the Grand
Bend Salmon and Trout Derby
committee told council 10 spon-
sors from Goderich want to get
involved in the derby. The spon-
sors will donate $250 each for
daily prizes to be awarded at the
Goderich weigh station.
Maguire said this will allow
the derby to give away more
'prizes and raise more money •
which will be reinvested in the
Last year, the derby was suc-
cessfully expanded to include
Goderich and will do so again
this sMaguire said the in-
creaseir base makes the event
more favourable to sponsors.
He assured council the name
of the derby will remain the
Council agreed with the con-
cept and directed village ad-
ministrator Paul Turnbull to
communicate with Goderich's
administrator to ensure in-
surance details are ironed out.
Parking and signs
Coun. Bob. Mann. reported the
Parking and Bylaw Enforcement
Advisory Committee .was re-
viewing the issue of parking on
River Road. He said the com-
mittee's suggestions will be pre-
sented to the Harbour Committee
and River Road businesses for
their input before it is brought to
Mann said the committee also
studied the draft sign bylaw and
wanted the council to examine it
closely to ensure it was going to
aLhieve what council wanted. He
recommended public input be so-
licited as well.
Council opposes new liquor licenses
By Kate Monk
Grand Bend Council will
not be supporting any
new applications for liq-
uor licenses until it re-
ceives public input.
"Let's take some guid-
• ance from the people
who elected us," Coun.
Brian Knightssaid when
making the motion at
Monday night's council
The discussion began
when Robert Durrell,
who wants to purchase
71 River Road in Grand
Bend, appeared . 'before
council concerning a liq-
uor license for a res-
Mayor Cam Ivey told
Durrell the village has an
obligation to sign the ap-
plication which will be
sent to the Alcohol and
Gaming Commission for
Ilowever, the village
will also send a letter to
the commission stating it
does not support the ap-
The Grand Bend area
has 5,800 licensed spac-
es to serve liquor, nearly
six times the population.
Coun. Bob Mann said
this is a concern because
it means a heavy police
presence and a high cost
of policing.
Coun. Phil Maguire and
Knights said they have
also heard concerns
from rate payers.
"I believe this .council
can do better and have
to find a way to do bet-
ter," Maguire said.
A public meeting
be held in the
Spring to see
what rat-
epayers think.
Ivey added
there are con-
cerns with
Durrell's res-
taurant pro-
posal because
it has no park-
ing facilities
and is in an
open area with
idences nearby.
Mann emphasized Dur-
rell is not the source of
the problem but . is a
In his defense, Durrell
said his restaurant will
be "off ; the
beaten path"
and will be
open 12
months a
"It's damn
hard to sell a
meal if you
can't sell a
beer," he
said. "I can't
see this license for 40
seats in that area as be -
"I believe this coun-
cil can do better
and have to find a
way to do better."
ing , the black mark
you're making it out to
Council was somewhat
surprised Durrell was
proposing a restaurant
(or the site. Iveysaid the
last time Durrell ap-
peared • before council,
he had proposed a ma-
rina for the Ausable Riv-
er site. Durrell said his
plans had always in-
cluded a restaurant.
The motion to place a
moratorium on the sup-
port of new liquor li-
cense applications
passed unanimously.
South Huron needs
three more doctors
By Craig Bradford
' EXETER — The South
Huron area' can now
post a help wanted sign
to attract three doctors
to the area.
Provincial Health
Minister Elizabeth
Witmer sent a letter to
South Huron Medical
Committee's Maureen
Cole and the heads of
South Huron municipal-
ities earlier this month
telling them South
Huron • has been
approved to be desig-
nated for eight general
practitioners (GPs) or
family practitioners
(FPs) through the
Underserviced Area
Program (UAP).
Exeter currently has
five GPs and Witmer
said the Exeter area can
now participate in the
UAP's recruitment pro-
grams . such as the
Community Visit
Program and the Health
Ministry's Annual
Health Professionals
Recruitment Tour to
attract three doctors to
move to the area.
Witmer was careful to
point ,o'utin l3er, letter
that while South Huron
may acquire some bene-
fits to attract doctors
from being. designated
underserviced, "the
community does not
require designation for
the recruitment of
"Exeter will be identi-
fied as requiring a total
complement of eight
GP/FPs and recruiting
three physicians on the
Underserviced Area
Program's -next List of
Areas Designated as
Underserviced (LADAU)
as well as on the
Ontario Medical
Association's Physician
Job Registry on the
Internet," Witmer said
in her letter, adding the
LADAU is widely distrib-
uted to doctors and
medical facilities across
the province.
Witmer added that
South Huron would
become eligible for an
incentive grant to
attract a physician to
move to the area if the
area is unsuccessful in
recruiting a doctor over
the next year.
The letter was for-
warded to Exeter Mayor
Ben Hoogenboom,
Stephen Reeve Harvey
Ratz, Usborne Reeve
Rob Morley, Hensall
Reeve Cecil Pepper, Hay
Reeve Jim , Love, :Huron
MPP Helen Johns and
Grey Bruce Huron Perth
DHC chairperson Bob
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