HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1999-02-10, Page 21• Wednesday, .Februar 10. 1999 21 Chamber of Commerce ready for first m By Scott Nixon TIMES -ADVOCATE STAFF EXETER — After its first meeting on Feb - 23, the Exeter and District Chamber of Commerce is hoping to give area businesses a bigger voice in the community. Hugh McMaster, president of the Chamber's steering committee since the committee began Oct. 15, said he's pleased with how things have gone so far and said he's opti- mistic the Chamber will continue to grow. The Chamber's main order of business at its first meeting will be. to nominate and elect its board of directors. The board of directors will then elect its executive committee at a later date. As he helped start the idea of having a Chamber in Exeter, McMaster said he hopes to be elected as the Chamber's first president. The Chamber now has about 45 members, a number McMaster is happy with because he said he only expected to have about 30-35 members by this time. Eventually, he said he would like the Chamber to have 200 mem- bers. While heis happy with the number of mem- bers so far, McMaster admits he is unhappy with the small amount of out-of-town busi- nesses who have become involved with the Chamber. He said he's confident, though,out- lying areas will become more involved in the Chamber. Eventually, McMaster wants the Chamber to have individual chapters for communities such as Dashwood and Centralia. McMaster said the Chamber's toughest job will be positioning itself within the community and deciding in what direction it wants to go. Basically, he said it will help the town pro- mote area industry and business. The Chamber will also help promote the area in general, which, if successful, will help bring money into the town. One way to promote the area, according to McMaster, is to give the white squirrel a big - g ger profile. He points out Wiartorn Willie as a mascot that has done'a lolibr a community. To- promote the white squirrel, McMaster suggested having businesses and schools putting a white squirrel on their ,letterhead and spreading the white squirrel image beyond Exeter. The Chamber Intends to become an active voice in Exeter by getting involved with busi- ness, by meeting with town council, working with the Business Improvement Association and holding business meetings, McMaster said. Chamber meetings are open to anyone who wants to attend to find out for themselves what the Chamber is all about. The first meet- ing on Feb. 23 will be held at The Ranch House Inn at 7 p.m. In addition to electing its board of directors, the Chamber will hear reports from its com- mittees on finance, membership, communica- tion and tourism and will accept its constitu- tion and bylaws. WarAmps produce video documenting Merchant Seamen OTTAWA - Relying on documents going back to the 1940's, The War Amps has produced a new video charging. that the government of the day purposely withheld veter- ans' benefits to Merchant Seamen. Quoitiitg a statement frog the Honourable' Lionel Cherier, Canada's wartime Minister of Transport, the govern- ment decided to dissuade Merchant Seamen from taking their discharge as they would be needed to man an expanded Canadian Merchant fleet. Organizations represent- ing Merchant Navy veter- ans have long claimed that veterans' status was Reale, Ur vote. against p OTTAWA =- Two local -gibers-.of parliament were among four Liberals who supported a Reform - sponsored motion on Feb. 2. demanding the federal government immediately oveirs a court decision. legalizing the possession of child pornography. Although_ Huron Bruce. MP Paul Steckle and Lambton-Kent-Middlesex MP Rose -Marie Ur voted against their party, there were no sanctions issued to the dissenting Liberals. The Liberal majority defeated the Reform - sponsored motion 143- 129 A Jan. 15 ruling by British Columbia Supreme Court Justice Duncan Shaw found that federal legislation banning the possession of child porn violated a citizen's right to freedom of expression and personal privacy. ' After a petition from 63 Liberal MPs and seven senators, the federal gov- ernment announced it plans to join the B.C. gov- ernment in a speedy appeal of the case. The dissenting votes by the four MPs on the Reform motion were a fol- low-up to the petition. Steckle said Justice Minister Anne McLellan -only-made the decision- .to - appeal the case because she was prodded by the backbenchers. Steckle said children are the most vulnerable peo- ple in society to "being made pawns" of by the advocates of child pornog- raphy. "It's a sad day when we don't stand tall for our children," Stechle said. Ur echoed Steckle's thoughts. "This is not a question of politics. This is a question of putting the interests of children first," Ur said of her decision to vote against her party. 1st & 2nd Mortgage MONEY at 6.5% interest AVAILOf less�AB E al Loans Totally Unsecured 4 you quality, monthly payments as Payt .68 !.6 Oat1.25 lN1t. A S5 A 11d,000 15,000 TO we specie 11e00) W-19 • Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S1 (Established in 1.876) Provides. Full Insu- rance Coverage for Farm Properties New Applications are Welcomed DIRECTORS & ADJUSTERS Jo. Chani., RM Michel MOM Ron Feeney. nR 2 twin srs4122 Larry Ciesditles. R. sed! .rear Jack 'lodged. RRf. KYiM 22,41112 Micheal Mhos Rii1 GgrMoa . .2214/118 Mmris Wtiows. Rate >w Wgryns Mast that,..... • Or irt Moors Dublin 8arh Weeds'', thiein. Joseph Umiak MAO Need ot*a.. barer amain A rotund Aron surplus wrs did to; all poll-- cy holders Who quells are ser►niseslapil kr good* standing seat Cirsember, withheld from them in 1945. The War Amps video points out, however, that the plans for a Canadian Mercantile Marine never materialized by 1949 with the result that the Merchant Seamen were released but were given no rehabilitation benefits. The War Amps pro- duced the film after public indignation was raised as a result_ of, hunger strikes on Parliament Hill by the aging men who risked the deadly carry war supplies, mostly ' to Europe. The film is titled, Sail or Jail: Merchant Seamen's Claim for Benefits. Early in World War II, the Canadian government declared the Merchant Marine to be an essential arm of the fighting ser- vices. When it became obvious after the war Canadian ships could not compete with those of for- eign registry (flags of con- venience), the Merchant Seamen were left to fend for themselves. The film debunks the myth' that Merchant Seamen, when' eo1T pared with members of the regu- lar forces, were not sub- ject to discipline or contin- Business Directory AUCTIONEER FULLY UCENSED & BONDED, CAU. OR FAX (519) 666-0833 Pick up and sale of complete or partial estates. Specializing in Fes, Real Estate, and Gin Sales. Serving the community and area for over Q ars. REPAI RS uous service. The video, which is being distributed free of charge to commu- nity channels, explains that the legislation cur- rently before the House of Commons fails to provide compensation in lieu of the benefits which would have permitted these men to make a successful return to civilian life-. The video is"available for purchase or on loan at no charge by calling toll-free 1-800-250-3030. TOWNSHIP OF HAY INVITES TENDERS FOR CURBSIDE GARBAGE COLLECTION Tenders must be submitted on tender forms available at the Hay Township Municipal Office, 14 Mill Street, Zurich, NOM 2T0, (519) 236-4351. Tenders are to be submitted to the Municipal Office by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, February 26th, 1999 in a sealed envelope marked "Garbage Collection Tender" Sewing Machine Repairs to all makes Free estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952- Sew 952Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 Downie St., Stratford Phone 271-9660 MCKILLOP"MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The 123rd Annual Meeting of the McKillop Mutual Insurance Company will be held in the office building of McKillop Mutual Insurance Company at 91 Main Street, South, SEAFORTH, Ontario .z1401s ,: at: on tr Wednesday, February 24, 1999 at 1:30 P.M. - To receive and dispose of the 1998 financial statements and Auditors Report - To appoint Auditors - To consider and enact proposed amendments to 'By-law CO* - To elect three directors - To transact mix other business that may properly come bef ` the meeting. - The reti 'ng directors are Eric Anderson, Stuart Wilson and Kenneth Moore. All are eligible for re-election. Mr. Moore has decided not to seek re-election for another term. Please note any person wishing to seek election or re-election as a Director must file his. intention to stand for election in writing. with the Secretary of the Corporation at least seven days in advance of the Annual: ll eeting (By -Law #21) By order of the Board of Directors McKillop Mutual. Insurance Company Seaforth, Ontario Ross Struthers Corporate Secretary ser 1