HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1999-02-10, Page 1616
Pre arin
for Canala Da
Exeter's Canada Day corrimittee kicked off its efforts last Tuesday with a
meeting at the Legion. Standing from left are chairman Casey Zeehuisen, Bev
Prout of the agricultural society, Joanne Fields of the rec centre and co-
chairman Tom Burke. The committee will meet monthly and is working on
two new events for Canada Day '99 — a parade and a time capsule. Details
for the time capsule haven't been finalized, but organizers say they are open to
ideas from the public. This is the committee's 8th Canada Darcelebration.
Sewer project planned for spring
communion service and
her message was about
showing forth God's Love.
The lessons were read by
Brent Blackler and the
Lenten Reflections will
be held each Monday dur-
ing Lent commencing on
s ob 22- at, 12 noosr.fol
towed by hutch -at 12:30.
By Muriel Lewis
• GRANTON - The sewer
project in Granton will
commence in the spring.
Information meetings
were held last Thursday
morning and evening at
_ At the Grantani _ United
Church on Sunday, Feb. 7
Lay Pastor Val Hodgins
entitled: the sermon
`Habits of Faith'. A noon
luncheon followed the
service, after which the
annual general . meeting
was chaired by Lay Pastor
Val Hodgins. Marilyn
Humphrey was appointed
secretary. Financial
reports were reviewed
and approved. John Scott
was named to the Session
and Jeffrey Bryan and
Robert McAlorum to the
Board of Stewards. It was
decided to continue the
Food Grains Project next
At St. Paul's Anglican
Church in Kirkton on
Sunday, Feb. 7 Rev.
Glenda Meakin led the
Unit one met at Norah
Wissel's home on
Thursday, Feb. 4. Lunch
was served by Cathie and
Jill Westman assisted by
the hostess. Acting presi-
dent Cathie welcomed
everyone and opened the
meeting with a reading
`Valentine Crush.'
Upcoming dates under
discussion were the
Baden Powell Day on
Sunday Feb. 21, the
Lenten Luncheon on
Wednesday, Mar. 31 and
the General U.C.W. on
Tuesday, Apr. 13. Carlene
Goos will be the bazaar
Amelia Jameson pre-
sented the . program,
reading a story `Angels
Dashwood WI tak
February 2 the Dashwood
Women's Institute 'met at
the hall for the
Tweedsmuir meeting con-
by Maud Hoffman.
The Roll Call was "Bring
old document or paper". c
Former owners, price and "
'materials were men- S
tioned: Many deeds and a
log book were displayed. t
Reports were read by t
secretary Brenda p
Sheppard and treasurer L
Kaethe Freiter. During v
the business we viewed o
the newspaper quilt dis-
The motto, "He who for- B
gets the past, loses the key
to the' future",. expresses
the need to conserve our gi
resources, air, water and'
es a look back
never say hello' and
Madeline Hardie had a
contest about things that
are worn.
Unit 3 met at Margaret
Bryan's home on Tuesday
evening, Feb. 2.
Marguerite Garrett and
Bryan led the worship
.'setviue using the theme
"Love" when Garrett gave
a.prayer and scripture
reading. Bryan gave a
story and members told
of someone who gave love
for others. The prayer of
St. Francis brought this
part to a close. A poem
from Mother Teresa and
a story about a school
teacher's influence on her
students were read, and
some Valentine trivia and
a Valentine quiz conclud-
ed the program.
Business included a
report from the executive
meeting and discussion
about the family night on
Saturday, Feb. 13, as well
as the Lenten services
and luncheons schedule.
Wednesday. February 10. 1999
Shipka correspondent
recalls memories of 1941
By Annie Morenz
SHIPKA - An afiernoo
euchre party was held
Shipka Communit
Centre on February
with five tables in pla
Prizes were awarded t
Ladies high - Mar
Moser; Ladies lone hand
- Marg Baker; Ladies lo
- Ruby Lagerwerf; Men
high - Hazel Scott; Men
lone hands -Ann Martin
Mens low - Ethe
Desjardine. _
The east group serve
lunch. The next euchr
will be held February 1
at 1:30 p.m.
Hugh and Anni
Morenz quietly observe
their 58th weddin
anniversary on Februa
They enjoyed supper
out followed by Sol
games, cards and phon
calls. The weather i
1941 was cold, sunny
and quite a bit of snow.
In a computer card
they received, they were
reminded that Canada's
Prime Minister in 1941
was Mackenzie King and
the U.S. President was
Franklin Roosevelt.
Some. musical, mezpo ,q
of 1941 were: ' The
Anniversary Waltz',
'Bewitched, Bothered
and Bewildered', 'Deep
in the Heart of Texas'
and 'I Don't Want to Set
the World on Fire.'
In entertainment the
best movie was 'How
Green Was My Valley'.
The best actor was
Gary Cooper and the best
actress Joan Fontaine.
Some new things were
polio treatment devel-
oped by Sister Kenny,
polyurethanes and poly-
ester fiber was pro-
duced, Cherrios were
first marketed, the C.B.C.
news service began with
.Lorne Greene, and Red
Skelton debuted on
Prices then were: a
three-bedroom home
$4,000; an average
income was $1,316; a
new Ford was $1,136,
one litre of gas was 7e,
bread 21e, a litre of milk
18e, bacon 34e.
Some of Annie's memo-
ries of those years were
of bread being delivered
by the Zurich bakery
once a week in a box at
the gate. Due to gas
rationing theyeliminated
the trip in and out the
country lanes.
Another memory she
has is of the late Art and
Nora Webb who operat-
ed the Shipka store who
came once a week in
their van equippedwith
all necessary, groceries,
saving farmers a trip to
Things to
The value of time,
The success of persever-
The pleasure of working,
The dignity of simplicity,
The worth of character,
The influence of exam-
The obligation of duty,
The wisdom of economy,
The virtue of patience,
The improvement of tal-
The joy of originating
and the power of kind-
x teT CENTRE Music
342 Main St. Exeter
Sound systems are our
We have over 15 years
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Wei& Rerttals of PA,
Systems in all sizes
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We also rent CD players,
tape decks, lighting
and fog machines.
Call (519) 235-1263
We are proud to be supplying
P.A. systems at the
1999 Plowin: Match
We wish to draw your
attention to the following in
our current 'Best Prices, Best
Sales' flyer.
Page 16. Remote Car Starter,
34-0680-0. Copy should read:
Keyless entry is available at
an extra charge. Auto Service
Wheel Deal Special. Copy
should read: Installation of
rear -wheel shims or adjusters
extra, if required.
We wish to draw your
attention to the following in
our current 'Great Weekly
Sales' flyer.
Page 6. Caruso Hairsetting
Steam Set, 99-4238-8. Copy
reads: 20 rollers in 4 sizes.
Shou)4_r.Rd.; 4i roljers, p i 3
sizes. Page 1,5. Assorted
Exercise Equipment. Copy
reads: `Do not pay for 6
months' on item #3, York
Weight Bench and item #9,
Weslo Treadmill. Should
read: 'Do not pay • for 6
months' on item #5, Weider
Home Gym and item #9,
Weslo Treadmill.
enote d305/306 - All zones
land. An outline for "A
Grandmother's Legacy"
was completed. Readings
were shared from
`Kirkton, the location of
the first Eaton Store":
A' treasure hunt helped
omplete information for
The Interesting History of
t. Joseph". Thanks for a
map of the proposed his-
orical walkway with sta-
ions and information. A
oem "The History of a
le" was read verse by
erse. With the aid of an
bituary, the 21 member
amily of Onezime August
(James) . Masse and Mabel
ertha Charrette were
Birthday greetings were
ven to Aldene Wolfe and
Dorothy. Restemayer.
Usborne & Hlbbert Mutual
4 ' Fire Insurance Company
The annual meeting of the policyholders of the
Usborne & _Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance
Company will be held in the Kirkton-Woodham
Community Centre at 2:00 p.m. on Monday,
February 22, 1999 to receive and dispose of the
Financial and Auditor's Reports; to elect
Directors and to transact any business that may
rightly come before the meeting.
Nominations will be received for the election of
two Directors for a three year term. The Directors
whose term of office expires are Ron Feeney and
Mlehael O'Shea, both of whom are eligible for re-
Michael O'Shea Sharon Doxtator
Secretary -Manager
Please accept this as your invitation
to join us on
Tuesday, February 16, 1999
at the Exeter Legion, 7:00 p.m.
Guest Speakers include:
Bill Hill, District Sales Manager.
Royal Bank Mutual Funds
and other members of Royal Bank
Financial Group.
Doug Lamond - Dominion Securities
Darren Scrimgeour - Dominion Securities
Carole Preece -Investment Retirement Planner
You will have the opportunity to speak
with these specialists one on one, share
ideas and obtain advice.
This is also a chance for Royal Bank to
convey its sincere appreciation to bur
valued clients for their business.
Please RSVP by February 10, 1999
Phone Jane at 235-2111