HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1999-02-10, Page 7Wednesday, , February MI ;999
ExstioriAn "dvooste
Top Tweens
$320,000 worth of road
work proposed for Exeter
The Exeter M&M Meats Tween ringette team brought home gold medals (in
this case trophies) from the Richmond Hill 'C' tournament on the weekend. In
front Holly Hern; middle left: Chelsey Mommersteeg, Frances VanOss, Aman-
da Overholt, Ashley Desjardine, Jaci Marshall, Jenn Timmermans; back left as-
sistant coach Kevin Baer, Laura Parsons, Brittney Foster, Christina Somerville,
Jennifer Alderdice, Shannon Baer, coach Michele Hodgert and Theresa Gal-
lagher. Exeter beat London 4-2 in the final (great goaltending by Hern, goals by
Alderdice. Marshall, Foster and Timmermans). Exeter lost their first game to
London (Exeter goals by Timmermans, Somerville and Marshall) but recovered
to beat Newmarket 4-3 (goals by Timmermans, Parsons, Foster and Marshall)
and Richmond Hill 12-9 (10 different Exeter girls scored). (photo/contributed)
County to continue present policy
By Jim Brown
Municipalities in Huron
ceuxq will have to contin-
ue .paying for fire calls on
county roads.
The Wingham Area Fire
Board had written to the
county requesting financial
assistance on the provin-
cial highways that were
downloadedand are now
county roads.
The county Agriculture
and Public Works
Committee : reviewed poli-
cies of surrounding coun-
ties Bruce, Grey,
Wellington and Perth.
The committee found
these counties do not pay
for .fire calls on county
Ringette scoreboard
Mitchell 9 vs. Exeter 5 Next game: St. Marys at 9 a.m. on
Goals: Meghan McCann (4) Saturday; Sunday at 4:30 p.m.in
Assists: Staci Miller, Jessica Brock -Hensall vs. Waterloo
(2), Carrie Powe, Morgan Powe
Feb. - Exeter 5 at Seaforth 2
Goals: Alecia Drummond, Janine
Baer (2), Jasmine VanHaarlem (2)
Goaltender: Lindsay.Blane
Feb. 7 - Mitchell Black 4 at Exeter
Goals: VanHaarlem, Kristin
Ferguson (3)'
Goaltender: Blane
Feb. 5-7 - Richmond Hill tourna-
Exeter 'C' M&M Meats 3 vs.
London 6 '
Goals: Jenn Timmermans,
Christina Somerville, Jaci
Assists: Timmermans, Marshall,
Theresa Gallagher
Goaltender: Holly Hern
Game 2 - Exeter 'C' M&M Meats 4
vs< New Market 3
GoaLs: Marshall, Timmermans,
Laura Parsons, Brittney Foster
Assists: Marshall, Shannon Baer,
Chelsey Mommersteeg
Goaltender; Nern
Game 3 - Exeter 'C' M&M Meats
12 vs. Richmond 11111 9
Goals: Parsons (2). Timmermans
(2), Somerville, Gallagher,
Mommersteeg, Baer, Jenn
Alderdice, Foster, Amanda
Overholt, Frances VanOss
Assists: Timmermans, Somerville,
Marshall (2), Mommersteeg, Baer,
Alderdice, Overholt (2), Ashley
Desjardine (2)
Goaltender: Hern
Exeter 'C' M&M Meats 4 vs.
London2 - 'A' championship
Goals: Alderdice, Marshall,
Foster, Timmermans
Assists: Alderdice, Marshall, Baer
Outstanding in goal: Hern
Next game: Thursday in Hensall
vs. Forest; Sundayin Hensall vs.
roads. These counties stat-
ed their municipalities
have no problem collecting
for fire calls from the
insurance companies.
This policy was also
reviewed by county council
when the highways were
downloaded and letters
sent to all municipalities
indicating the county
would not be paying for
fire calls.
Municipalities which bill
the owner of the vehicle
find they get paid because
the individual. collects from
the insurance company.
The municipalities which
try to bill the insurance
companies are not as suc-
Brian McBurney of
Turnberry Township said
paying for fire calls on the
downloaded roads should
be the responsibility of the
The committee had rec-
ommended that the pre-
sent policy of no compen-
sation for fire calls on
county roads be continued.
The recommendation
was accepted and carried
by council.
B Craig Bradford
EXETER -- Exeter's
pubiie-works staff has
proposed the town stick
with the status quo when
It, comes to the costs of
proposed '99 road work.
In a report to the town's
committee of the whole
by service delivery man-
ager Dave Moyer,
$320,000 worth of road
work is proposed for '99.
The list of projects was
devised after public works
staff surveyed the com-
munity, assessed the con-
dition of town streets and
discussed the projects
with Goderich's B M Ross
and Associates, the con-
sulting engineers.
The projects include:
(removal of existing pave-
ment, new granular base,
curbs and gutters, service
relocation, widening of
street when needed) of
Simcoe St. from Andrew
St. to Edward St.; work
would include storm sew-
ers to complete work
started in '98 on Andrew
St. Price tag: $120,000.
•Reconstruction of
Churchill Dr. from Pryde
Blvd. to Eastern Ave; the
second layer of asphalt
wouldn't be laid till next
year (not included in
cost). Price tag: $85,000.
*Reconstruction of
Riverside Dr. from
Hillcrest Dr. to work on
Riverside Dr. done in '98;
second layer of asphalt
wouldn't be laid till next
year (not including in
cost). Price tag: $50,000.
•Pavement of Anne St.
from Marlborough St. to
railway tracks. Price tag:
•Pavement of Hill St.
from Main St. to park
entrance. Price tag:
•Pavement of Riverside
Dr. from Hillcrest Dr. to
turning circle. Price tag:
$13,000 (second layer of
asphalt to be laid next
year not included).
The proposal includes a
$29,000 contingency.
Councillor Joe Hogan
asked if any sidewalk pro-
jects were being contem-
plated, noting Wellington
St. would be a "high pri-
ority". since Nabisco is
working all year round.
Moyer said he'd look at
costs of such a project but
added he doesn't recom-
mend any major sidewalk
The proposal will be up
for approval at Monday's
council meeting.
Country Recording Star
Learning for a Lifetime
For School Year '99-'00
Public Elementary Schools in Huron and Perth Counties will hold
Kindergarten Registration for tf s next school year beginning March 1,
1999 and concluding on:
Thursday, March 11, 1999
(8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.)
Senior Kindergarten
(a) Students who will be 5 years of age by December 31, 1999
Junior Kindergarten
b) Students who will be 4 years of age by December 31, 1999
arents of Kindergarten Age children are asked to telephone their area
school no later than Friday. February 12. 1999.
Students presently attending Junior Kindergarten in an Avon Maitland
school do too need to be re -registered.
The school will forward a registration package to the home.
The following information must be brought to the school at the time of
1. Proof of the Child's Age (birth certificate, birth registration card)
2. Proof of the Child's Immunization Record
3. Proof of the Child's Health Card Number
4. Completed registration forms, the student information form, and the -
immunization form contained in the registration package:
For further information please contact the Seaforth Administration
1-519-527-0111 or 1 -800 -592 -KIDS (5437) and ask for Judy Tobion or
Darlene Million
L. Rachlis, Director of Education W. Anderson, Chairperson
Tix $8 advance $10 door
*Available at New Orleans
Pizza, Clinton * Ernie King's
Goderich & Wingham
Feb. 5,6 - Richmond Hill tourna-
Game 1 - Exeter Optimist 'B' 9 vs.
Walkerton 7
Goals: Kerri liultun (3), Ashley
Gooch (3), Nicole Zwaan, Terri
Regier, Robyn Etherington
Assists: Fulton (2), Gooch (4),
Zwaan, Heather Morgan (2), Amy
Hodgert (2), Megan Preszcator
12), Kristin Regier, Jen Mittelholtz
Excellent goaltending by: Stacey
Game 2 - Exeter Optimist 'B' 4 vs.
Woolwich 8
Goals: Preszcator, F ulton, Gooch
Assists: Preszcator, Morgan,
Regier, Mittelholtz, Etherigton
Goaltender: Snow
Game 3 - Exeter 'B' Optimist 6 vs.
Newmarket 3
Goals: Fulton (4), Gooch,
Assists: Morgan, Mittelholtz,
Goaltender: Snow
Exeter was in a 3 -way tie for first
place but lost out with goal
against decision. ,
to first 50 ladies
who purchase a
Deluxe -Touch
Free Car Wash
Say "Be My Valentine" with
a Touch Free Wash Card
Available Feb. 12 & 13
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
156 Marin St. N. Exeter
Self-directed RRSP's, are
they for you?
Yes, it's that time of year again when we
are bombarded with advertisements,
seminars and telemarketers telling us why
and how we should be investing our
money. Having said that, planning for
one's retirement is probably one of the
most important goals facing Canadians Michael
today. Skochinski
Who do you trust and why does every sales person say that their
plan is the best? Today I will explain what a self-directed RRSP
plan is and why investors should consider them as an option.
The very name itself instills fear into investors who think that
they have to be an expert and make all of the investment
decisions themselves. This couldn't be further from the truth! The
term self-directed means that you have one plan which can hold
the widest selection of investments available. These include
GIC's, stocks, bonds and a wide array of mutual funds, both load
and no load. When dealing with a full-service brokerage you will
receive experienced advice your Investment Executive who, in
turn, has a full research team behind him, to help you sort through
and make sense of all the investment products. Together, then,
you select the correct mix, based on your needs, risk tolerance
and long term objectives. The result: a truly individualized,
diversified and well balanced portfolio.
May financial institutions offer GIC's or term deposits as, well as
in house mutual funds. Although many may be fine investments.
no one company has the top performers in all categories. A self-
directed plan broadens your selection by allowing you to pick and
choose the best investments for your plan from all the different
Canada represents less than 3% of the global investment market
and therefore maximizing foreign holdings is very important. In a
self-directed plan, all of your investments are considered when
calculating the amount you can put towards international
investments. Another advantage with this type of plan is that it
will save you the time and bother associated with trying to keep
track of your Investments held at various financial institutions.
All of your holdings, no matter where invested, will appear on
one statement.
A self-directed plan offers one advisor, one plan, the widest
selection, the greatest choice, all organized in one statement...
definitely worth considering.
Michael Skochinski is an investment executive
ficotiaMcLeod. He can be reached at 660-3254.