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Wednesday, January 27, 1999
Exeter Times—Advocate
Crediton says goodbye Swiss editions highlighted at Blue Water
to Rev. Ed Laksmanis
CREDITON - More than
120 members and adher-
ents of Zion United Church
in Crediton filled the
church basement Sunday
afternoon to say
"farewell" to Rev. Ed and
Lynda Laksmanis.
After almost 10 years in
Crediton, the very popular
young couple leave next
Monday for Wiarton
where Rev. Laksmanis has
accepted a call from the
United Church congrega-
tion there.
At Sunday's presenta-
tion, clerk of the session
Larry Ratz praised the
couple for their hard work
and good will in increas-
ing the church, not only in
participation at all age lev-
els, but in finances as well.
A cheque in the amount
of $1,000 was presented
and earmarked for the
purchase of furniture and
furnishings for the home
they have purchased on
Division Street in Wiarton.
In a lighter vein, Rev. Ed
and Lynda who are avid
campers received some
articles to ensure more
comfort for their camping
and boating endeavours.
Each were presented with
a hat and netting to keep
the black flies and mos-
quitoes away, along with a
can of insect repellent.
United Church Women's
president Linda
Finkbeiner presented
Lynda Laksmanis with a
beautiful framed picture
to remember her four
years of very active partic-
ipation in the womens'
Sunday's farewell party
was organized and carried
out by members of the
session and their spouses.
The session includes clerk
ZURICH - Tuesday
evening members of the
Christian Reformed
Church Singers, Exeter
visited Blue Water Rest
Home to sing hymns to
the residents. Peter
Visscher as spokesper-
son, and Steve Poortinga
as organist led the choir.
The singers mingled
with residents following
their presentation.
In the afternoon the
residents unpacked their
rhythm instruments for
an afternoon of making
music and exercising
Wednesday afternoon
the residents enjoyed
their afternoon tea with
a Robbie .3urns theme in
honour of his birth on
January 25. Two robins
were viewed in the court
yard visiting the bird
feeders and nesting in
the shrubbery.
Thursday afternoon
Chapel Service was led
by Rev.Doreen Canavan,
Brucefield United
Church. Fr. Matthias
Wronski, St. Boniface
Church, Zurich, cele-
brated Mass.
Thursday evening the
residents gathered in the
auditorium for Swiss
Night. Josef Risi, a Swiss
himself, told the resi-
dents about some of the
traditions of his country,
Larry Ratz, Ross Nominate a conservationist
Pickering, Doug Lightfoot,
Jeanette Wales, Irene forABCA recognition
Haugh, Lloyd Bender and
Earl Neil.
Sunday evening, the
farewell celebrations
came to a conclusion
when the Laksmanis's
were entertained by the
session for dinner at the
Shall Be In.
Rev. Ed and Lynda Laksmanis receive a cheque for
$1,000 from clerk of session Larry Ratz during
Sunday's farewell party at Zion United Church in
Crediton. On arrival at their new charge in Wiarton
they will find plenty of use for the insect hats, netting
and repellent they also received as they pursuetheir
camping activities in the Georgian Bay area.
poor boy
EXETER - The Pride
of Huron Rebekah
Lodge met on January
20. Plans are underway
for a poor boy luncheon
at the Lodge Hall on
January 29,
to 1:30 p.m. The cost
will be $5 and everyone
is welcome.
Rebekah members
will be cutting and
serving birthday cake
at the Exeter Seniors
Cub in early February.
The Degree will be per-
formed on February 17
to welcome a new
Secret Sisters for
1999 were drawn and
the 1998 ones were
As the need for envi-
ronmental protection
increases, the public
becomes more aware
that care of our land and
water is up to each of us.
Since 1984, the
Ausable Bayfield
Conservation Authority
has given conservation
awards to recognize
those individuals, fami-
lies, groups or organiza-
ytions who demonstrate
outstanding achieve -
merits in the areas of
local '466i: quality,
reforestation, conserva-
tion farming and envi-
ronmental education.
To be eligible for the
award, recipients must
be located within the
ABCA's jurisdiction.
Current ABCA staff and
directors are not eligible.
Details describing the
categories and nomina-
tion forms are available
from the ABCA office at
David McClure,
Crediton and Brian
Arnold, Ailsa Craig were
last year's winners.
As a _geography
•teacher, McClure
brought a conservation
ethic to the classroom
and has served on the
ABCA Board of Directors
and is currently on the
Foundation. By example,
he has undertaken tree
planting and forest man-
agement on his own
properties to. protect the
soil and water and
increase wildlife habitat.
Arnold has reforested
his property extensively,
transforming a fragile
piece of land back into
The deadline for sub-
missions is Feb. 5 and
will be presented at the
upcoming ABCA annual
meeting on Feb. 18.
Switzerland, e.g. mou
tain farming. R
showed the resident va
ious souvenir items fro
Switzerland and a vid
of Central Switzerlan
Special Swiss pastr
made with the country
technique was pu
chased from St. Aubin
Grand Bend for th
occasion. Adjuva
Cathy Shantz, Auxilfar
volunteers Jea
Armstrong and pas
president Martha Ris
helped serve the pastr
with French Vanill
Cappuccino, tea, coffee
and cool drinks.
Monday afternoon, Li
in the Animal Kingdom
was shown on the bi
screen in the auditori
Condolences go to the
family and friends of the
late Harold (Tiny)
George Thiel who passed
away at South Huron
Hospital, Exeter, on
January 23 in his 85th
n- year. Thiel, a resident of
isi the Home the past 20
r- years kept a watchful
m eye upon the usage of
eo Hwy. 84. He spent many
d. an hour counting the
y, number of trucks which
's used the highway, since
r- he himself was a trucker
s, in his youth. Thiel's late
e wife Vera Sarah Thiel
nt was also a resident of
y the Home from February
n 1993 to August 11,
t- 1996.
i The residents look for-
ward to a visit from their
a Grade five Buddies on
, January 26, the winter
carnival on January 27,
fe the Zurich Connection
, on January 28, and Art
g Coker entertaining on
January 29. The
Auxiliary visit the Home
on February 2, Select
Shoes is coming on
February 3 and mem-
bers of the Highbury
Gospel Hall will enter-
tain on February 6.
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