HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1999-01-27, Page 5Wednesday, January 27, 1999
Exeter Times -Advocate
Stay safe near water
EXETER — The Ausable-Bayfield Conservation
Authority is warning children and adults to stay
away from rivers, streams, drains and especially
ponds and reservoirs.
The weekend rains and above freezing tem-
peratures have weakened ice and made the river
banks slippery. The water remains frigid and cur-
rents are strong.
Despite heavy rains and above average snow
cover, the area escaped any flooding damages on
the weekend.
On Monday afternoon, ABCA general manager
Tom Prout told the T -A, there were ice jams in
the lower end of the Ausable River in the Port
Franks area but there were no flooding damages.
The T -A coverage area also escaped unharmed
and the outlook for the near future is good. Prout
said there is very little snow cover left from Mt.
Carmel west to t lade.
FloodwaterAWareness Program .
In February and March, ABCA education tech-
nician Rob Ridley will be presenting the Flood-
water Awareness Program to local school stu-
dents in Grades fourto eight. _
A video, slides about local floodwaters, dein
onstrations and activity sheets are included in an
action -packed one-hour program. In a controlled
setting, students -learn about the'dangers of being
near a lake, river or stream ;it this time of year.
In addition, the ABCA has CIeveloped a new pro-
gram for primary grades called the River Safety
"Education is the key to keep our children safe
and away from dangerous waterways," Ridley
For more information, call Ridley at 519-235-
Hydro Electric
preparing for
Year 2000
-EXETER — The Exeter
Hydro -Electric Commis-
sion ([iEC) is well on its
way to being ready for
the Year 2000.
The Exeter HEC is ad-
dressing the -Year 2000
computer bug, ac-
cording to a letter from
HEC administrator Sher-
man Roth to Exeter ad-
ministrator Rick Hun-
The computer system
has been upgraded to be
Y2K compliant and Har-
ris Computer Systems is
currently working on a
Y2K -compliant software
package for customer in-
formation and internal
financial data, according
to the letter.
The HEC doesn't have
any date sensitive equip-
ment on the electrical
distribution system but
services would be af-
Grand Bend council accepts
ABCA special projects levy
By Scott Nixon
GRAND BEND — Despite some earlier
concerns about the Ausable Bayfield
Conservation Authority's levy for special
projects, Grand Bend council has given
deputy mayor Bob Mann the go-ahead
to vote in favour of the levy at the
• ABCA's Feb. 18 meeting.
Mann explained the ABCA's special
projects to council Monday night. The
first, aerial photos to update the map-
ping of the watershed, will cost $30,000,
with the province picking up -half of the
cost. The remaining $15,000 is divided
among the 29 ABCA municipalities.
Grand Bend's cost is $703.
The second project, the updating and
repair of the Morrison Dam, will cost
$121,000. Exeter and Usborne will pay
the most because the repairs will benefit
those two municipalities the most. Mann
said Exeter will pay $31;600of the.cost,
with Usborne paying..I21,000; The
province will also pay half of thetotal,
with Grand Bend's share .of the remain-
ing cost being $370. -
fected if Ontario Hydro
ran into problems. Roth
said Ontario Hydro has
been working towards
being Y2K compliant for
several years and he is
certain it is addressing
the issue.
The Ontario Clean Wa-
ter Agency sent a letter
to the HEC in October
stating that to the best of
their knowledge, their
equipment is Y2K com-
The HEC staff is still in-
vestigating other com-
puter systems and re-
tirement savings plan,
Fabrics, wallpaper, hardware, in-store
displays all reduced to clear
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new look for spring
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Day, there will be many American •
tourists in the area fo{ the event.
Council a cepts
recommendation of Huron -
Perth Electric Utilities
Council also accepted a report from
the `Huron -Perth Electric Utilities sup-
porting an amalgamation of municipal
utilities. The report states amalgamn
of the utilities is "operationally feasible
and financially beneficial", estimating a
cost savings for Huron County of
The report has already- been- accepted
by all 11ofthe affected municipal utili-
ties: Exeter, Dashwood, Hensall, Zurich,
Blyth, Brussels, Clinton, Goderich,
Seaforth, Wing ia:m and Grand Bend,
which is in Lambton Count3i but got. -
involved because of its proximity to
Huron County, according to Ivey.
Ivey said the motion to accept the
report merely keeps the: village's options
opens in -:terms of the future of electrici
"It's a look-see . a window. We'll see
where it goes."
The ice management project in Port Convention andvisitors Bureau
Franks will cost $20,000;' with the- '- 1"nia-LambtOn•
province again paying half, Bosangtret Winch of the Convention and.
paying 90 per cent of the remainder and Visitors - Bureau .(CVO) of Sarnia -
the other municipalities splitting the 10 Lam%ton spoke to council to explain the -
per cent of the remaining cost. Grand promotional activities the .group -does for
Bend's share is $47.
to our
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(Next to Holtzmann's IGA)
- 3:00-7:3Q pan.
We're looking forward to meeting you!
Grand Bend. • _.
Mann said the projects, are dependant, . - The .CVB, said. Winch, has-a.yearly
on approval from the province. , . advertis_ ing, budget,..of $25,000 but. pro -
Other notes from Monday's meeting.., ' motes' Grand Bend and the rest of -
Council gives permisiiori for x.� ;1 mbton-county. in .many publications
beach volleyball dates including the Bluewater Vacation Guide,
Council agreed to give permission to the Southwestern Ontario Travel Book
Amotion, a group asking to stage: a acid Ontario. Marinas.
He added the CVB also has a close
national beach volleyball tournament on relationshipwith various media to pro -
July 1-4 in Grand Bend. mote the area.
In addition to the- tournament, „
Amotion may be presenting day proThink- of us as an arm of your com-,
grams and a concert. According to r>unity, Winch.said.
,' He added the 2001 Summer Games
Mayor Cam Ivey, the event could be talo-
vised. The village may also be able to will be a good opportunity for the village
use the volleyball stands -tor its Canada to promote itself and raise its profile.
Day fireworks.: �'- Councillors Phil Maguire and Brian
As that weekepdwill also'be a long Knights both credited the CVB's staff of
U.S. weekend because of independence four for promoting the village on a limit-
ed advertising budget.
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