HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1999-01-27, Page 44Mar TNvwAd�a+M.
In the News
Wednesday, January 27. 1999
More garbage needed at Exeter landfill
than m....,.... in 1998 �... increasing the rate
Expenses exceeded revenue by more th$50,000 but rate
of fi g
�.rpthanrnStSore than costs
11 bv brining--- ---_„:�....................r,,,, ri.11in new customers will increase revenue m •
By .Kate Monk
increase the rate of fill management crisis and rected Hundey to send a
TIMES -ADVOCATE STAFF by bringing in new cus- no need to buy the Exet- letter to Stephen and Us-
tomers thereby in- er landfill site. borne to determine their
t a Receiving garbage interest in bringing their
EXETER --The cost of
operating the Exeter
landfill site in Hay Twp.
is increasing and Exet-
er's user fees are no
longer covering the full
Exeter administrator
Rick Hundey brought '•
this news to the council's
committee of the whole
on Monday night:
Waste " management
costs are now exceeding
user -pay revenues and a
more involved design
and operations plan for
the landfill site will drive
costs; up further in 1999
and later years.
llesidents • are com-
posting their household
waste, redueing and, re-
cycling. The town re-
ceived less than $90,000
in revenue from the $2
per bag tags in 1998.
Councillors also sus-
pect some residents are
not buying garbage bag
tags and- are ..dumping.
their. garbage in busi-
ness or industrial dump-
Revenues from tipping
fees in 1998 were down
$35,000 from 1997.
In 1998; the .town bud-
geted for the° landfill site
to break even. Instead,
the site lost $50,537.36.
By taking $41,000 from
reserves, the deficit was
reduced to $9,537.36.
Hundey's solution is to
creasing revenues a
rate that exceeds the in- from Exeter and Usbornearbage to Exeter's site.
se in operating doesn't rule out selling , Time to tip the
crea scales
costs. the site to the county
Neighbours Stephen "This protecting our lit- The committee also
and Usborne Townships, tle asset .is costing us a discussed tipping fees.
also damn for- Fees are charged
tune," Coun. based on volume, not
P Protecting our little
in Peter ^ rm- weight and.most carriers
Exeter treasurer Liz Bell
suggested reducing or
eliminating this rebate
would improve the bot-
tom line.
Coun. Robert Drum-
mond recommended
nmcipa -
1 asset its costing us a strong said. compress the garbage t
amalga damn fortune." Exeter has before• it's taken tote ..
mation COUN. PETE an active: ap- landfill site. Those who
plication with do not compress the gar- -
.first on
talks are ARMSTRONG he Ministry bage are paying much
the list of the En- higher rates for the same
to ask.
Usborne recently be-
gan exporting its gar-
bage through Bluewate
Recycling Association be-
cause its site was too ex-
pensive to operate. Ste-
phen is also finding it
landfill site very ex -
pensive to operate Hun-
dey said.
The problem for Exeter
and other small landfill
sites is that operating a
landfill site on a small
basis, the per unit costs
are high.
Hundey said the Huron
County Waste Man-
agement Plan which
called for the garbage
south of Highway 8 to
>c a tQ
Exeter's landfill,
slie, is stalled. He Said
there may be a lack of
political will at the
county level to purchase
the site perhaps because
many municipalities may
feel there is no waste
vironment and would
like have. the MOE con-
sider amending it to in-
clude other municipal-
ities at = the same time
because a new applica-
tion . is very expensive,
Hundey said.
The. cominittee .. di -
According to figures in
the town's 1998 budget
report, only one industry
receives a rebate
($21,726 in 1998 and
$16,848 in 1997) from
the town because its gar-
bage is not compacted.
scales be installed this
year at the landfill site.
The committee also rec-
ommended tipping fees
be investigated as part
of this year's budget
_ Carving d2 Painting
Wi 'fe Sculptures in Wood • •
mosses .to• being mici-Febroark
Carve and paint a Iifesize male
Kestrel (Sparrow Hawk)
in a lifelike and animated pose.
For mot*; information -call
(519) 235422
Environmental Impact Assessment
In 1995, Ecoplans Limited (Ecopisns) was i+etalned by Union Gas Limited (Union Gas) to
prepare an Environmental impact Assessment report for a proposed 8 inch (219.1 mm)
diameter natural gas pipeline linking the Hensall Transmission Station in Lot 2, Conc. IX,
former London Township(now Township of Middlesex Centre) to the Lucan Gate Station in
Lot 7, Conc. V, former Biddulph Township (now Lucan Biddulph Township), within the
County of Middlesex.
1inalbatb n of the study was postponed in early 1997 due to`a deferral of the project
ECOpte is has how been' asked to proceed With the cornptetlon of the study and the public
consultation process.
Council sets Break
Open ticket fees
at two per cent
EXETER — Because of fers for the Bazaar and.
provincial downloading, Novelty boxes that have
funds to support local prizes totally $1,115.
government are going to The new license fee for
have to come frons local Specialty Print boxes
sourees.. 2 with $1,430 in prizes will
One source: in Exeter is. be $28.60, $57.20 for
license fees Break. Open boxes with $2,860 in
tickets (Bazaar and Nov ' prizes and : $18.60 for
elty and Special Print). boxes with $930 in priz-
• That . was - the phi- es.
losophy • ,behind. Exeter • Ten . • establishments
Coun. Joe Hogan's mo- have Break Open tickets
Von . at the Jan. 18 coup- in Exeter, according to
cil meeting to charge ,&. Exeter staff. Organiza-
fee of two per cent of the. tions that do not have
cash value• of total: prizes property sell Bazaar and
• for Break Open Draws in Novelty tickets while or-
r-the, town; Coun. George ganizations ' such as the
Armstrong seconded the Legion that sell tickets at
motion. their property . sell Spe-
Under provincial law, cialty Print tickets.
municipalities • can The provincial govern -
charge up to three per ment charges a five per
tent but in the past, cent administration fee
council only charged a for each box.
one and one-half per Hogan said the town
cent fee because the ser- has to pay for municipal
vice clubs who sell the costs locally with in -
tickets ' put the money creasing property taxes
back into the community. as the other option.
The two per cent'ili'i The motion was
cense fee will biitig passed.
.$22.30, to the town cot- _ .... .. .
house will be held on February 2,1999 at the Lucan Comunity Centl�s•.
A open house
and infoFination
from 8;00 p,m to 9:00 p.m. to update you on the project.
describing theprebrred pipeline route, the route refinement prod. Potential issues
orconcetns assodat od with -the routs, proposed mon meas and opportunities,
for natural gar seniioe, will be weeented.
tn'the interim, if you have any comments or questions about the study,,,piease contact -
Ms. Anne Machan.,
Project Manager, Ecloplans Limited
81 Hollinger Crescent,
Kitchener, ON, N2K 2Y8
(519) 741-8850 (please call collect)
• email: eooplsne4goldih.nst
Mr. Greg Payne,
Environmental Planner, Union Gas -Limited
50 Keil Drive,
Chatham, ON, N7M 5M1
1-800-265-6230 (Ext 2963)
e-mail: gpayneuniongas.com
ecop' : .