HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1999-01-27, Page 2GODERICH -- The Goderich-Exeter Railway
(GEXH) has added the Guelph sub line providing
access to the major centres of London, Kitchener -
Waterloo, Cambridge;. Stratford and Guelph, re-
ports the Goderich Signal -Star.
Management offices have been relocated to
Stratford and Kitchener from Goderich but crew
arrangements haven't been finalized. Not all jobs
will be removed from Goderich.
The addition of the Guelph sub will give GEXR a
bigger piece of the pie allowing them to go all the
way to Georgetown.
But the changeover to GEXR hasn't been
smooth. In the Signal -Star, the company's manag-
er Jan Polley said problems expected to take a
couple weeks to solve have taken a couple months.
The weather hasn't helped the transition. Prob-
lems included removal of a track plow after it had
been stranded in the snow. Employees have been
shovelling parts of the track to free up necessary
switches along the line.
The GEXR is owned and operated by parent
company RailTex of San Antonio, Texas which
owns 27 shortlines, mostly in the United States.
County Pipe Band members
head .to . New Zealand,
MITCHELL -- Members of the Perth County Pipe
Band will travel to Stratford, New Zealand •in
March as part of a Sister Cities Reunion, reports
The Mitchell Advocate.
People from Stratfords in Canada, United States
and England will join in celebration. The primary
focus is the arts but sprots are also part of the sis-
ter cities mix.
Stephen. Benedict, Alan Bernard and his daugh-
ter Jennifer of Mitchell will be part of the entour-
} Jennifer, "= ...
at age 11, is the youngest -ever metier
of the Perth County Pipe Band. This is the -first
time the young tenor drummer has travelled out-
side of the continent and is also the first time she
has ever been on a plane.
Along with the 12 pipe band members, a choir
from Stratford will also attend the event.
The pipe band has a long history dating back
several decades.
Kingsway Lodge neighbours
air concerns at public meeting
ST. MARYS --- Some re,,dents are upset about a
planned "expansion to Kingsway Lodge,:a nursing
home on Queen St. in St. Marys.
They voiced their concerns at a recent public
meeting. The St. Marys Journal -Argus reports no
one was opposed to providing more accommoda-
tions for seniors by doubling the size of the build-
ing. However, some residents were not happy with.
the problems they said would be created by trucks
bringing supplies and services to the nursing
Currently, delivery trucks back in off Queen
Street, the town's busiest road, to access the front
of the building. With the expansion they will ac-
cess loading docks by turning onto St. John Street
and entering at the back of the building.
While this would be a much safer alternative,
neighbours did not like the, idea of trucks passing
close to their houses, especially in early morning
hours when they would be sleeping.
Nearby business owner Barry ,Hearn was most
vocal in supporting the expansion saying the town
is very fortunate to have a facility like; this close to
the downtown.
Board office construction delayed
SEAFORTH — The price of the American dollar,
a skylight being run over and other difficulties
have resulted in construction delays at the com-
bined Avon District School Board headquarters
and Seaforth District High School, reports The Hu-
ron Expositor.
Although staff have moved to the new location,
considerable work is required until construction is
E1I W e
In the News
Walk for Memories
Wednesday, January 27, 1999
Taking a break. Back row: Matt McAllister and Patti Down om left
t `
Houle were walking the halls at South Huron District High School on Saturday Jacob, Sarah and Anne
ciety Walk for Memories fund-raising event. At least 600 people suffer during the Alzheimer Soy
County.P P from Alzheimer Disease in Huron'
ucan murder leaves community
Continued from
front page
Lucan Biddulph Deputy
Reeve Robert Benner said
the community will rally
behind the family and
•friends of the dead couple
"the way it always does."
"The people in Lucan
are still pretty well
numb," he said. "There is
a deep sadness in town
that this can happen to
people you know."
When asked about the
Chillingworths, several
Lucan residents said
Brenda was a nice, pope-
t6o rtirn.----..
the Chillingworths ma
have had a rocky mar
riage but the shooting
were completely out o
character for the couple.
Graham, of the Luca
detachment for 11. years
said . Brendawas :"real
well liked and popular in
"The community is .defi-
nitely in shock."
In another sad incident
connected to the..sho.ot-
ings, Tyler Nadgewon, a
student at Lucan Public
School was�hi
y to cross a sidestreeithat
had become busier than
s normal with detoured
f traffic. Nadgewon was
taken to a London - hospi-
n tal where he was treated
, for bruises ,and later
ly released.
Both Lucan Public and
Biddulph Central schools
have brought in their
Tragic Events Response
Teams (TERTs) to help
any students distraught
over the shootings 'and
Nadgewon's accident
lar woman. Others said' about 9 a.m..es he tried was closed for about
ti ny a car at Hwy. 4 through Lucan
Huron Park car break-in
HURON PARK -- Overnight Friday thieves broke into
a car on Algonquin Dr. in Huron Park and stole an
Alpine CD player and a toolbox, London OPP Const.
Myra Rusk said.
Van vandalized in Centralia
CENTRALIA — The rear window of a van parked at
A&T Collision on Elgin St. in Centralia between 6:30- h
7:30 p.m. on Saturday. London OPP Const. Myra Rusk b
said the van was in for repairs.
OPP costing has concerns t
in shock
hours Wednesday sur-
rounding the crime scene
for the OPP to conduct its
investigation and remove
the bodies. The road was
reopened at about 3:30
a.. The Murder is the. first
ever in Lucan _ j'he last i
murder. Graham remem-
-bers in the Lucan area . •
was more than 15 years
ago when someone was
killed on -Hwy. 7 on• hear
Elginfield In: a "mock . acci-
dent. -
in snotnlobleCr�.a
EXETER -- A 25 -year- firefighters were brought
old Lucan ,Biddulph into the area by snowmo-
Township man is in criti- bilers who had been sled-
alccondition .in a London ding on the trail.
ospital after a gnowmo- Glavin . was unconscious
ile accident Wednesday. butbreathing and was
Stephen Glavin was first. taken to Exeter's
ravelling westbound on South Huron Hospital and
he groomed snowmobile later transferred to
rail about a kilometre .London Health Sciences
west of Exeter at about 8 Centre's Victoria c
m. when his sled left the He, was transferred a age
rail and grazed two small to University campus
ees, London OPP Const. where he is in critical
oug Graham said. condition.
The sled failed to. nego- The OPP said the colli -
ate a curve when the sion is still under investi-
all veered to the north- gation.
est. Glavin fell off the Graham had this advice
e m whichAcame to a stop for sledders. "Don't go too
ay quick especially. if it's an
OPP officers, ambulance area you aren't familiar':
endants and Exeter with.
... _
HURON CTY. - Huron County Council have agreed
the cost for court security for municipalities in the p.
county -wide police contract would be a county cost. t
Some concern was rased by some county councillors tr
as to how these costs would be covered since estimated D
costs at the Goderich Courthouse alone was estimated
at about $30,000.
This cost will be allocated throughy to tr
the municipalities in Huron who be undertheco - w
tract rather than on a user -based cost.n w
Since Wingham has already opted out of coup 2t
policing, Jocelynecounty-wide 20
Murray, clerk -administrator, said
that they will have to provide for the cost of their own att
court security.
At the Jan. 7 meeting, council also passed a motion
that Indicated the county's intent to set up a five -mem-
ber Police Services Board under the Police Services
Council also agreed that Win
ed that
under the standard OPP contract, "oam neyearinfon written
notice of termination to the otherten
required should anyparty" � all that is
level take place, the ewly formed municipalityon at elower tier
have the right to decide whether they wised to have
either the OPP or an alternate police force within the
new municipality.
Return library surveys today
EXETER -- A survey asking
dents to comment on the Exeter tter and area reit-
library was distrib-
uted in the Saturday, Jan. 23 Focus bag.,
The survey also asked people to rate how satis-
fied they are with town services such as sewers,
streets and parks.
Completed surveys will be kept confidential and
are to be returned to the Exeter municipal office or
library by today. The survey is part of the process ,
to re -develop the Exster,Jibrary