HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1999-01-20, Page 2322
Exeter Times.Advocate
Making fitness a habitis possible
Kendra Arthur checks out her father Tom's progress
on the bike at Health First. Kendra believes people
who are physically fit have more energy and feel bet-
ter mentally.
By Kate Monk
EXETER — Who hasn't
made a New Year's reso-
lution to get into shape?
But_ three weeks into
January, those resolu-
tions are dropping like
Kendra Arthur of Health
First in Exeter says mak-
ing fitness a new habit is
Arthur says it takes 21
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days to create a habit and
if you can get to that
three-week hump, you
have a good chance of
"Who can't do some-
thing for 21 days?" she
Motivation is the ticket
to becoming and staying
physically fit and three
factors help.
The first is consistency.
Arthur said people should
exercise at the same time
each day — it's more dif-
ficult to stick to a routine
when the time is varied.
But the time of day may
be different depending on
the person. Arthur admits
she's not a morning per-
son and although she
promises herself she'll get
up when the alarm goes
off in the early hours, she
tends to push the snooze
button. Her work sched-
ule, however, allows her
to exercise in the after-
noon.Others may find the
evening the -best time.
time of day.
"If you don't go to bed
until midnight, there's
nothing wrong with exer-
cising at 10 at night,"
Arthur said.
Exercise doesn't have to
be in one block of time —
three 20 -minute sessions em
can be as effective as an be
hour-long chunk. be
"Anything's better than to
nothing," Arthur said. Ins
Variety is a second key Pic
to success. She believes the
people will discontinue red
their fitness activities if ma
they find them boring or ano
Last but not least, hav- co
ing a workout partner or phy
buddy is critical to contin- ove
uing the regime. bec
She said some days, no it t
matter how diligent a per- me
son is on their own, they and
just won't feel like exer-
cising. That's the day a
workout partner pays off
because they will goad
you into exercising.
"Once you're out, you'll
have no problem," Arthur
Arthur says being physi-
cally fit has many merits.
Losing weight may be
one reason but weight
loss on its own doesn't
guarentee fitness, partly
because muscle weighs
more than fat, As well,
thin people are, not
always in good shape.
"You may be fit with
lean body tissue but that
doesn't mean you're fit
aerobically or cardiovas-
cularly," Arthur
A better gauge of fitness
is how clothesfit and how
you feel rather than
watching the
Arthur said
people who are
fit have more
energy and feel
better mentally
and sweating
helps the skin.
"You can tell when peo-
ple work out," she
said."When you feel good
about yourself, your atti-
tude gets better."
But don't expect the
inches and pounds to
drop off instantly.
"You may not see the
physical results right
away but you feel better
mentally," Arthur
"The longer time period
gives everybody a fair
chance," Arthur
She suggests people
Invest something in the
competition such as cash
or goods which the win-
ner would receive. It's
better the company not
contribute to the prize
because that would not be
as great a motivator as
the employee's invest-
Athletic skills not
Arthur stresses a person
doesn't have to be active
or athletic to start a fit-
ness program — she
ascertains the person's
level of fitness and tailors
the program to a pers m --s'
goals and interests.
A r t h u r
describes her-
self as an "idea
board" for peo-
ple who may
know what they
want but don't
know how to
reach the goal.
While the fit-
ness plans she devises
can be used for general
fitness, she can also get
"sport specific," tailoring
a program to an athlete's
sport such as volleyball or
hockey. She can also
work with an entire team
and incorporate the
coach's goals.
For a $ 50 fee, Arthur
has a meeting with the
client to determine goals
and then develops a per-
sonal fitness plan.
Included in the price is
second consultation to
revamp the program as
While people can use
Health First's workout
equipment for an addi-
tional fee, Arthur will also
visit the client's home to
help them get the most
from their equipment.
Thus far, her clients
have been looking for
total body fitness by los-
ing fat or toning muscles
and have identified health
as the main reason for
wanting a personal fitness
plan. Some may want to
return to a healthy
lifestyle or get back into
shape after having chil-
Arthur admits nutrition
is an important compo-
nent of being healthy and
refers people to a nutri-
tionist if they wish.
Arthur has a degree in
human kinetics from the
University of Guelph and
an athletic therapy diplo-
ma from Sheridan
College. She has worked
as an athletic therapist
for three years.
She says the fitness plan
part of her business has
"taken off" as well as the
sports therapy work.
Wednesday, January 20, 1998
man caught
not too discreet driver
who was drinking in
his vehicle paid for it
down the road.
A 40 -year-old
Whalen Line,
Centralia, man was
charged with
impaired driving on
Saturday after he was
noticed drinking at
the Esso parking lot
at Highbury Rd. and
Hwy. 7, London OPP
Const. Doug Graham
"Exercise is
an awesome
stress reliever?'
Good health is good
Arthur promises compa-
nies will see the results of
having fit people on staff.
"It can't do anything but
help productivity," Arthur
said, adding fit employees
will also be more focused.
Companies also benefit
from less time loss for
injuries, sickness or
"Exercise is an awe-
some stress reliever,"
Arthur said.
Coincidentally, the
workplace is an idea
place to start a fitness
program. Arthur said
competition is a great
motivator and "it doesn't
take much to bring out
thecompetitive instincts."
That competition will
come to mind when
you're looking at that bag
of chips, she said.
She suggests the
ployee competition not
based on weight loss
cause people are
mpted to crash diet.
tead, everyone should
k a part of the body
y'd like to tone or
uce. For one person it
y be the hips, for
ther the waist.
he also advises the
mpetition to become
sically fit take place
r a six-month period
ause for some people,
akes time for their
tabolism to speed up
start burning fat.
Full Dentures
Partial Dentures
14 Ontario St. (Hwy. 21 N.) Grand Bend
Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello
"Andropause" is the male equiva-
lent of menopause. It is caused by
a gradual decline in testosterone
levels and is recognizable by a se-
ries of symptoms: lack of physical
and mental energy; loss of sexual
desire; irritability and moodiness; sleep problems;
weight gain; memory problems and social withdraw-
al or apathy. Men are less keen on seeking help but
they should. Andropause can be quite debilitating.
Brain Facts: A man's brain (3 Ib) is slightly larger
than a woman's brain but in both sexes the brain
makes up a similar proportion of total body weight.
But there is no correlation between brain size and
intelligence. Also the average brain contains about
100 billion neurons or nerve cells. Nerve impulses
to and from the brain move quickly... about 280
km/hr. and slightly slower in the elderly.
There is more evidence that the herb ginseng has
an effect on the clotting mechanism of the blood. If
you start taking ginseng and take anticoagulant
drugs (or "blood thinners"), inform your doctor and
the lab of this fact. The addition of ginseng could af-
fect your lab results.
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