HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1999-01-20, Page 3Niidn'esaay. '999" Driver tells E thefr:home is on fire ELGINFIELD -- An alert 'river stopped on his way tome along Hwy. 7 near Elginfield early Monday to :ell a family their home was on fire. Paul Flannigan was on his way home from a shift at Blue Circle Cement In St. Marys when he saw the house on fire. He itopped, knocked on the door and told an occupant the home, owned by Tony Amaral and his family of RR3 Lucan, was on fire. Biddulph-Blanshard Fire Chief John Damen said it appears the fire started in the roof of the home when it was hit by lightning just after mid- night early Monday. The fire caused about $300,000 damage. Call MTO but not OPP for road conditions Stop already! The London OPP are busy enough responding to calls for assistance without fielding calls about road condi- tions. In fact, OPP dispatchers don't have up to the minute road information. Those wishing to find out which roads are closed and general road conditions are asked to call these Ministry of Transportation numbers: •For the London area (including the T -A coverage , area), (519) 873-4224. • Long distance, 1-800-265-5407. • Other regions, 1-800-268-1376. For those who have access to the Internet, the MTO provides information on its new website. The address is httpl/www.mto.gov.on.ca/englishftraveller/condi- tions/. The website provides regional information on high- ways across Ontario, as well as a snapshot of condi- tions on major routes. The information is updated seven days a week, four times a day at about 6 a.m., noon, 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. The winter road condition information is available till March 30, 1999, after which time road construction information is available. DON'T MISS. THIS S ANNUAL EVENT W1trtdtltce. 3 - Location o f office a stumbling block for Original- Six' group By Scott Nixon TUNES -ADVOCATE STAFF BAYFIELD — After their second meeting, it's clear a big stumbling block for the amalgama- tion of the 'Original Six' municipalities is where to locate the new mu- nicipal office. The six municipalities — Hensall, Zurich, Hay, Stanley, Bayfield and Tuckersmith — met in Bayfield on Jan. 13 to • continue working through their draft re- structuring proposal. But unlike the Exeter- Stephen-Usborne re- structuring group (see story in this week's T -A), the 'Original Six' have some major dis- agreements. While the group . has proposed locating the new municipality's office in Varna, Zurich and Hay expressed objec- tions. • Hay . Reeve Jim Love said the new municipal- ity, scheduled to become official on Jan. 1, 2001, should have two mu- nicipal offices, one in the north and one in the south. Tuckersmith Reeve Bob Carnochan • dis- agreed, saying having more than one mu- nicipal office would be unnecessary duplica- tion. "We're amal- gamating," he said. "We're trying to get rid of duplication . , . . I thought the reason for amalgamation was to save some money." Love, though, argued there wouldn't be du- plication with two of- fices and said the Varna office alone won't be big enough to hold , 12 members of council. Stanley Reeve Jack Coleman disagreed, ar- guing there is room in the Varna office. He also spoke out against • having two offices. "Don't propose two (offices). I can't see that." Zurich Reeve Dwayne LaPorte agreed with ...Love the municipal of- fice shouldn't be in Var- na. "Nothing against Var- na," LaPorte said, "but it's basically in the mid- dle of nowhere." LaPorte said any office for the new municipality should be in one of the urban locations, where people can also do their grocery shopping and banking. Love said Varna's lo- cation would force some residents of,the neW municipality tdrive 20 miles to the municipal office. Carnochan re- sponded that not many people will need to visit the office an 'way. While Love wants to see two offices, he doesn't want any new buildings built and doesn't want to spend money on renovating the Varna office. Doug Grant, chairper- , son of the meeting and Bayfield reeve, said the new municipality won't; be building any new buildings, adding he thinks a one -tier form of government will even- tually govern municipal- ities, drastically shrink- ing the number 'of municipal offices. While it was clear the group couldn't agree on what to do about office location, Coleman sug- gested the grouphave a vote. Those disagreeing 'with the result - could walk • away . from the' talks," he said. ' • However, members of" the committee were giv- en time to discuss the matter at their in- dividual councils and the group of ' six ' will vote on the ideation is- sue at their next. Meet- ing on Feb. 'in Var- na, which Will give' the members of the com- mittee 'a:,chande to look. it the Varna facilities. Other - discussions at, the meeting ' included, the future of employees. The group decided in ' their draft that "where , .possible," employees of the former municipal- ities will become em- ployees of the hew town, which still doesn't have a name. Carnochan said the intent of the new mu- nicipality is to keep as many of the former em- ployees as possible; al- though lthough it is still not known how many em- ployees will be needed. 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