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Times-Advocate, 1999-01-06, Page 15
r 14 Graduate - Dr. Kelly Herbst (Hern) graduat- ed from The National College of Chiropractic in Chicago, Illinois, receiving her Doctorate in Chiro- practic. Kelly will be opening a practice in Barrie, Ontario. Congratulations Kelly! Love Dad (Ron), Jason, Adam, JaneIle and Jamie WEIGH DOWN WORKSHOP There will be a free weigh down Orientation Night on Mon., Jan. 11 at 7:00 p.m. At Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle 670 Main St. Exeter Come discover why 10's of 1000's are learning to eat God's way. 0000a a c noa .ono as"0 U oaa . aala R .ma ©. a . . c Dn MO Da Ota 000000 0000 c*13s 0000 00D0a AL1 R s 0000 ooaoi 0000 anon ORNO t'A 0a 0 00000000 0°01 000000 0°0 s a© D A R A. A a N A .0a. 1 0 * o. o. coman noon nal© A p.m ODA 000 ANSWERS SOER - BOERSMA trui t reside in Exeter:,. Dianne Boersma and Gerrit Soer were united in marriage on Saturday, August 15, 1998 at the Exeter Christian Reformed Church. Dianne is the daughter of Peter and Audrey Boersma of Exeter and Gerrit is the son. of Anthony axetsr Tirnesp.Advocate HORIZONS • The Exeter Times Advocate surveyed prominent members in our community asking for their fore- cast of 1999. Will it be a year of development, change or chanllenges? Or will it be a year of cut- backs, hard decisions or hard work?' ORGANIZATION Harvey Ratz, Reeve, Stephen Township "99 WILL BE A YEAR OF:Municipal challenges. WHY? Since one year ago we have received a lot of directives from the Province of Ontario. HARvEy There are some directives we are RAT. still waiting : There are chat-�.,„�, lenges proposed to the directives we have received_ In 1999 there may be a provincial election result- ing in controversial changes delayed in being initi- ated. THE COMING YE,R'S CHALLENGES AND HOW TO MEET THEM? Maintaining the Stephen Township and Huron County share of your tax bill as close as possible to last year's by maintaining our costs, spending and our way of managing. The International Plowing Match, one mile north of Dashwood, hopefully, with good weather, enthu- slastic support of neighbours and volunteers will be the most successful match ever. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: With public input and all our excellent employees, 1999 will. be another good year for Stephen. Wednesday. January 6, 1999 DO YOU, OR DOES SOMEONE YOU LOVE HAVE AN ALCOHOL PROBLEM? - Beginning January 11, 1999 "Overcomers Outreach" (non -denominational) Christian 12 Step Recovery Program meets Mondays 8 pm. Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle Ph.(519)235-2991. Everyone Welcome. (51-1*) EXETER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEET- ING - Friday, January 15, 1999, Bpm. Exeter United Church. Guest speaker: Sandy Edelsward from Community Food Advisors on "Safe Food Handling", also slides: Historical Highlights of Exeter Fall Fairs. All members wel- come. (53-2) EXETER ODDFELLOWS - will confer The First Degree at Lodge Hall. Tuesday, January 19, 1999 St. Marys will be in attendance, All Bros. welcome. Lunch will be served after meeting. (I ;2*) SERVICES • SERVICES Florida rooms, build & r�Z �\� Lr 4 1111 sign additions, windows, steel roofing, self storing retractable fabric awnings for decks and windows. FREE ESTIMATES 53.9 2274033 N.C. JONES & SONS LTD. Auctions •AllCtl()11,5' Sand - Gravel - Stone -Top Sci! Excavating - Dozing -Trucking Driveways - Parking Lots - Ponds - :,,: Site Preparation M Clean-upof B Houses, Barns, Hoa s, u s, Foundations, Silo's, etc. DOUGHERTY` MURR.AY Bill and June Dougherty of Exeter are haply to announce the marriage of their. son Michaef to Kimberlee, . daugh- ter of Helen Murray, of Unionville, Ont. and Bill Johnston of The Turks . and Caicos Islands. The wedding took place in Toronto on Saturday, Sept. 26, 1998. The newlyweds honey- mooned in w. California and are now residing in Toronto. L ° .11 k spersing`o•rarge offering from a London estate along with additions from Lucan, Canton and Thedford incl. antiques, collectibles, household furnishings and- effects, new carpet remnants etc. PARTIAL USTIND - Beautiful bonnet chest, antique dresser, lovely Roxton dinette table and four chairs, 3 pc. bedroom suite with double box and mattress, wooden dining table with 6 padded chairs and matching sideboard, good kitchen table and chair set, couch and matching love seat, 3 pc. couch set, lovely matching coffee and lamp tables, dressers and chests, sofa beds, swivel rockers, 30" elec. range, upright vacuums, stereos, 2 colour Ns, elec. dr=yer, 2 single beds (no mattresses), 4 black* swivel bar stools (with backs), antique cash register, collectible smalls incl. tools, yard sticks, china and glass incl. Depression, Wade, pressed glass oil lamp, McCoy cookie jar, Germany, Wedgewood, paintings, lamps, a large collection of chickens and related nostalgia, kitchenware, crocks, old emery stand, church window, Mastercaft lannmower with rear bagger, photo copier (works good). NEW CARPET: approx. 10 pieces to 12'x25' - good quality and hundreds of useful and collectible items. Motorized chair lift with track for 2 stairs. NOTE: SATURDAY. JAN. 3Q AT 10 A.M. AT SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE - LARGE OFFERING OF FURNISHINGS AND COLLECTIBLE SMALLS ETC. E3REE 1 AINAGE I Farm Drainage R.R. 6 Forest FENCE ROWS, {� . O EROSION CONTF SEPTIC TANKS, .- BASEMENTS X i, WATER LiNES TRUCKING .. DEMOUTION: GRAVEL Exeter Bible Fellowship invites you to HEAR THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST iN WORD AND SPECIAL MUSIC By: Roy Dreaning Jan. 10 to Jan. 17, 1999 Sun. Jan. 10 - 11 am & T p.m. - Meeting at Exeter Bible Fellowship Mon. Jan, 11 to Fri, Jan, 15 - 7:30 pm nightly - Meeting at Exeter Bible Fellowship Sat. Jan 10 - 9 am - Breakfast meeting at Three AAA Restaurant Sat. Jan. I§ - 7 pm - Meeting at Exeter Bible Fellowship 'Sun. Jan. 17 - 11 am & 7 pm - Meeting at Exeter Bible Fellowship Our Chapel is located at 94 Orchard St. in Exeter For more infornL,atiort about thio enriching eek- contact: Dave Gardiner at 229-6572 or Dave Isaac at 2344-6709 o • 4 • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 ? It•••••• • LARGE AUCTION Of U eeet'old, Antiques, Bankrupt Stock, Mc. Etc., Etc., Komoka Community Centre - Queen St., K�omoka. SATURDAY, JAN. 9 - 9:30 A.M. Consignments, from London, Komoka homes include stack- ing apartment size Admiral washer and dryer; small fridge, small sized deep freezers; gas Jrange, 5 pc. bedroom suite, china cabinet/buffet combination, piano stool, clocks, 2 pc.. china cabinet, 3 pc. bedroom suite, love seat, several ches- terfields, sofa bed, tables, odd chairs, variety of small dishes, knick-knacks, lamps, pictures, Lazy Boy chair, etc., bhurch pew, 3 pc. parlour set (excelient).8 h.p. dual auger snowblower •I NKRUPTTY•STOCK: New comforters, bed in a bag, bed spreads, draperies, sheets, etc., new luggage of all kinds, bird feeders, exercise equipment, ornaments, etc. all new merchandise. • Consigned from O.P.P. 3 Hankook dynamic radial tires 236 33x12.50 R15 LT and rims. QEFICE- IOUIPMENT A MISC; Office desks and chairs, tables, T.V. stands, gum machine, VCR, pop bottles, hockey cards, cast iron pcs., glass shades, display case, store shelving, can machine with cans, variety of wrenches, drill press, grinder, 2 tall shelf units, coffee maker, vacuums, sweepers, etc. TRACTOR; M.F. small with cultivator gas. This is a partial list only, Not Responsible for Additions or Deletions. Consignments still accepted by phoning the Auctioneer. illessh or approved cheque sale da� & 6666833Robson, ' Pbsie/ : a • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • For free estimates call 828-3641, Ron or Paul 1111,. -111.1 •r • SEPTIC SYSTEMS:.. +Soil Reports -V Installation Weeping Beds Designed We Also Sell & k AL Types of Fencing ,' 0 0t.1i'I It ii1i1l Ulla ►til P� otpwt,10?r,r 4. f6, *. ♦ A 1 • PVC • Chain Link • Wooden • Woven Wire • Wrought Iron Cott Jim or Shannon Hose O MANE 851 mow owe