HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-30, Page 2424
Exeter Times -Advocate
Wednesday, December 30. 1998
Dashwood correspondent says goodbye
By Mindy Gough and her mom, who is always friendly and gracious
DASrrwoon CORRESPONDENT no matter how tired or busy she may be. People like
DASHWOOD - Dashwood happily welcomes our Scott Musser, who mowed our big lawn for us when
newest member - Remira Naomi Eryn Price was he found out we had no lawn mower. Eleanor and
born at home to Cheryl and 'lain on November 29. the girls at the 6a.m. aerobics class. Stopping to visit
Big brother Braden chose ..emira's name, which Farmer Becker's cows on our nightly walks. The
means "the one who brings peace." What a special care and concern always shown by neighbours like
gift at Christmas time! Midwife Susan Wilts helped Peter and Irene Datars and their sons Aaron and
Itemlra into the world. Sam. Our wonderful vet, Dr. Earle. The congrega-
Dashwood celebrated the Christmas season with tion at Zion Lutheran. Mrs. Marshall, who always
services at Zion Lutheran Church and Calvary saved a few tomatoes for Karlie the dog. Dashing
United. Christmas Eve services were held at Zion. across the street for acup of sugar or just a chat
Doug and Nancy Nutt have created a wonderful with Murray and Pat Keller. Beating George Keller
1999 calendar picturing scenes from the Dashwood at crockinole. Our very special friends Anne and
of days gone by. The calendar can be purchased for Murray Reid, whose kindnesses to us are too numer-
only $3.00 at Doug and Nancy's General Store, and ous to list. Most deeply of all, we'll miss Grandma
most importantly, all proceeds go to support Jesse's Keller, whose stories we cherish, whose laughter we
Journey. What a great gift for current and former so enjoy, and whose warm hugs we love. We will
Dashwood residents! long remember the happy times we had as part of
Sadly this will be my last column as the this community.
Dashwood correspondent. As we pack our house- A warm welcome to Wayne and Peggy Smith and
hold for our move to Stratford, we realize how their two children who have purchased our home
deeply we will miss our home and friends here. A and will be moving in shortly. Please introduce your -
list of what and whom we'll miss grows long: self and make them feel at home. We hope they will
Walking to church on sunny Sunday mornings. Cara feel part of Dashwood as we have.
Trembulak, who always has something neat to say,
Special music planned inVarna
by Joan Beierling
VARNA - The Candlelight Service was held Christmas
Eve at the Varna Church with
minister Elly Van Bergen giving the welcome and call
to Worship. Christmas carols were sung along with
scripture readings read. Van Bergen's husband Harry
lit the Christ Candle. Cara Stephenson shared her gift
of music once again and sang 'Tennessee Christmas'.
While everyone proceeded to light their candles
Heather and Valerie Laurie played their musical
instruments. A beautiful sight to see with all the can -
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dles lit! Darren Keys , Danny Peck and Rommert
Steenbeek recited a reading on 'My Christmas Gift' fol-
lowed by the commissioning and the blessing.
Sunday, Dec. 27 church service was held in Goshen .
This was a service of Christmas Carol singing and a
celebration of communion.
Van Bergen announced that the Teen and Trends
would meet to go tubing in St. Marys from 9 a.m. - 3
p.m. for a cost of $10 each plus lunch money. Please
bring Health cards and permission slips. Extra drivers
are needed.
Christmas decorations are also needed for the
Goshen church. If you have any spares or see some
when shopping keep this in mind.
The Annual Reports should be in right away so they
can be copied.
Sunday, Jan. 3 church will be in Varna and also on
Jan. 10 in Varna.
Special music will be South Huron District High
School Grade 11 ,12 and OACNocal Class with director
Mrs. Classens on Jan . 10.
Don't forget the Good Old Fashioned Christmas Tree
Burning on Saturday January 2 at 7 p.m. at the Stanley
Township Complex. Admission to be a non-perishable
item for the foodbank. Hotdogs and drinks to be sup-
plied. This is sponsored by the Stanley Township Rec
Stan Lee Club will meet Tuesday Jan. 5 at 12 noon
for a soap and sandwich lunch. Soup will be supplied.
The rest is potlluck. Bring your own dishes and cutlery.
Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello
Canadians are drinking less alcohol. In 1977
usage was 130.8 litres per person. In 1997, con-
sumption was 99.4 litres. That includes all home
brew and brew -on-site products and duty free
Can you take too much Vitamin C? There is some evidence to
say yes. Vitamin C protects cells form injury by naturally -occur-
ring free radicals. It seems that 200 to 500 mg daily is the right
amount but taking more might encourage free radical damage.
If you use blood glucose testing meters for good ciabetes.con-
trol, keep the test strips in their foil wrap till just before use.
Exposure to the air for as rdtie as two hours can give a falsely
low reading.
We eat about 19 teaspoons (about 304 calories) of sugar daily
from all sources. If we were to cut that amount in half, we would
lose 16 pounds in one year. How's that for a New Year's resolu-
Another year has gone by and I want to wish you alt. a very
happy and healthy 1999. Thank you for and your kind.comments
about this column. We look forward to serving you throughout
the coming year with great service by our great staff. Happy
New Years
Phone 235-1982 440 Main St., Exeter
"Your Health Care Pharmacy"
Queensway news
11ENSALL - The
Swinging Seniors Band
provided excellent enter-
tainment at the December
Birthday Party, Christmas
Eve afternoon. Everyone
was definitely in the holi-
day 'spirit enjoying the
music and the company
at our party. Birthday
greetings go to Ethel
Forrest, Dorothy
Wildfong, Shirley Stone,
Eva Tinkler, Gladys
Simpson, Mary Campbell,
Mildred Klopp, Cecealia
Edgar, Bernice Gregson
and Walter Smith.
Strawberry Shortcake
and eggnog were served,
complete the afternoon. A
special thank you goes
out to the band and the
auxiliary volunteers who
found the time to enter-
tain and help out on
Christmas Eve.
Margaret Finkbeiner
celebrated Christmas over
a family potluck dinner in
the activity room
Wednesday afternoon,
with her entire family in
All were thankful that
the weather cooperated.
In the evening the St.
Boniface Choir visited
their friend Father Morris
in the Retirement home
and sang for the residents
in the lounge.
All of us at Queensway
wish you a healthy and
happy new year.
Coming Events •
December 31- 2p.m.
New Years Eve party with
entertainment by Gary
Boyle, singer and gui-
January 4- 9:30 a.m.
Volunteer auxiliary meet-
Driver nabbed
EXETER - A concerned
citizen helped the OPP
track down an drunk dri-
ver early Monday.
London OPP Const. Doug
•Graham said a 55 -year-
old Main St. Exeter man
was arrested at about 2:41
p.m. after another
motorist followed the sus-
pected impaired man
northbound on Hwy. 4
south of Exeter.
The concerned motorist
called the OPP after wit-
nessing the. suspected
impaired driver driving
only 60 km/h in an 80
km/h zone and weaving
across the road.
Officers found the
impaired driver in the
Becker's variety store
and sew much more
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Brenda Desjardine
(519) 235-2960
Staff of
Scotty's Pizza and Subs
Wishes you a Happy and Prosperous
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Over 90
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Grand Prize Dream Vacation...
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plus a...
Bonny Bridal Gown from Baliett's
The first 1000
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JANUARY 9 & 10
SATURDAY 10 - 6, SUNDAY 12 - 5
Admission . .00