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Farm news
income program
OTTAWA — A • consen-
sus is emerging with
provincial and industry
agriculture officials on the
overall design of a $1.5
billion national farm
income disaster program.
The purpose of the pro-
gram is to provide assis- .
tauce to agricultural pro-
ducers who face dramatic
'declines in net income as a
result, of factors far
beyond their own control,
and for which existing
programs cannot provide
assurance of continuing
the -farm business. Federal .
and provincial agriculture
ministers have agreed that
"nothing is decided until it
is all decided", .
The following are the
general parameters devel-
oping for the program;
Farm operators who
have filed income tax
'returns as farmers will be
eligible. .
The program will be
"whole. farm" - i.e.: all
farmers of all commodiitiies
eligible and will be -con-
sistent with Canada's
international obligations.
The average gross mar-
gin in the preceding three_
years will -be the reference
level. Beginning farmers
will be accommodated
through a special- calcula-
There will be a payment
cap to an individual farm
Crop. insurance pay-
ments will be included .in
Huron Federation
calls for program cap
• 1'ANASTHA The Huron Federation of
'Agriottlture wants a cap on funding received by indi-
vidual farm operators from the farm income disas-
ter relief programs. _
The HFA passed the resolution at its Dec. board
meeting last week.
The federal government plans to comit $900 mil-
lion to help Canadian farmers suffering sharp
declines in farm income and the provincial govern-
ment has committed $40 million to ,a whole farm
relief program.
Continents of both praise and concern were debat-
ed about the need for such programs, eligibility rri-
tiera, possible 'payment scenarios for Ontario pro-
ducers, their'relationship to other safety net pro -
graces and how they will atlect-export and trade.
Concern of dollars heading into the cotters of third
party investors versus the farnily farm -was the
impetus h calling .for a cap on the total .dollars
received by an individual producer.
- The HFA has taken- its stand to the Orltario •
Federation of Agriculture, urging them to support
the need tur,such a cap and will be circulating ti><en-
stand to other county federations fur support_.
'l'he federal and provincial prugrarns are, whole
farm relief programs which will apply to all' coin -
both reference levels and
current gross margins.
There will be a link to
NISA, probably the three
per cent government con,
tribution. It will not be
necessary for a farmer to
be enrolled in NISA or
crop insurance to be eligi-
ble under the program.
• Payments will be adjust-
ed to account for inventory
change, change in
.payables and receivables,
so that .farmers will
receive a payment based
on an accurate represen-
tation of their, operation.
Existing provincial sup-
port programs will be inte-
grated to ensure equiva-
lent support across the
country. Cost sharing with
the provinces will be
60:40. The program will
be administered collabora-
tively with the provinces.
Information required for
program operations will
be. based on the farm
income tax return and
minimal supplementary
Source: . Ontario
Federation of Agriculture
Website: http//ofa.on.ca -
Denfield Livestock Sales
]'he market at Denfield
LiYestock 'Sales on
Tuesday. December,15,
traded On a moderate
demand at steady prices
on all classes of fed cattle.
Cows sold stronger, veal
strong, stockers were
steady. -
Brian Pelleboer,
Wyoming sold 7 heifers,
average weight 1254,
average .: price 91.59: with
sales to 94.00 purchased
by Norwich Packers.
Don Eedy and. Mark
Vanderploeg, Denfield sold
10 heifers, average price
1368, average price 90.97.
Jack . Campbell,
Kerwuod, sold 4 heifers,
average, weight- 1299.
average price 89.36.
Norm Hudgins, Parkhill:
sold 30 steers: average
weight 1431, , average
price 87.64 with sales to
96.25 - purchased by
Norwich Packers
Murray . Switzer St.
Marys sold . 10 . steers,
average weight 1343,
average price 87'42. -
CJr,uice steers: 90.00-
94.00, sales to 96.25.;
Good steers-: 87.00-90.00;
Plain steers: 80.00-85.00;
Good fed Holstein steers:
77.00-82.00; Choice exotic
cross heifers: 90.00-93.00,
sales to 94.25.; Common
end medium heifers: .
75.00-80.00; Ileifery COWS:
60.00-65.00; Good cows:
Canners and cutters:
44.00-49.00; Shells: 25.00-
40.00; Direct to packer,
over 600 lbs.: 97.00;
Direct to packer bulls:
100.00: Goodveal: 80.00-
90.00: -Plain veal: 70.00-
78.00; - .
Good Holstein bull
calves: $125.00-$175.00; ..
_ Sows: 10.00-12.50;
Boars: 6.00-8:00.
11'ednesday, December 13. 199X
1'( )I k 1\I)( I In 1 I( )i t.i\i-.
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