Times Advocate, 1998-12-23, Page 43• Santa The
Super Hero
Kimberly Stewardson,
Grade 4
Stephen Public School
One night a dog. cat
and horse got lost because
there was a big storm and
they got out when the gate
blew open. They ran out
into the forrest..They were
very scared. 1Vith today
being the 21st. it was only
four days until Christmas
and they wanted to spend
it with their owners.
The. animals went to a
tree and laid down until
the storm was over. Soon
it was morning arid the
storm was over and the
sun was shining. The ani-
mals found some break-
fast to eat and then went
for a walk to find the way
home to their owners.
They -did not know where
to go. They looked for a
way home each day and
each night they slept
under a big tree.
It is now Christmas live.
'They looked at the sky
and saw Santa. flying
through the air. Santa
came down. The cat, .dog
and horse got into the
sleigh and helped Santa
deliver toys to boys and
girls all over the world.
When they were all done
Santa took them home. Ile
called the owners to tell
them their animals were
with him and they lived
happily ever after.
Wednesday. December 23, 1998
Exeter Teats -Advocate
4-H honours
Members of Huron County 4-H clubs were hon-
oured for their achievements during the 4-H
Awards Day Program in Clinton recently.
Above, Club leader Florence Pullen presents
Robyn Etherington with the award for the champi-
on 4-H fleece at the Seaforth Fall Fair.
Heather Becker received the Don Pullen Award as
the 4-H member in Huron county receiving the
highest number of points on the basis of awards
for 4-H club work in 1998. She had 979 points out
of 1,000 and is a member of the Huron Goat Club.
Presenting the' award •is Joan Van Slightenhorst.
Christmas Dinner
Caroline Thompson, McGillivray School
• On Christmas night we have our feast ' '
About 6 o'clock'we take our seats
Grandpa Jeffery stands up and, says. ra.1;e .
A smiling look upon' his face
1 look around to .see' who's there
here's someone sitting.in everychair
Now the' circus begins! , .
People are eating and talking and shouting
:1 look at my cousin who is sitting there pouting
Turkey and stuffing, potatoes and gravy
Everyone is now going really -azy.
I reach for the Jello but here comes the bread
With all,this food, we'll be super fed
Oh net! here comes dessert!
Hot Christmas pudding with butterscotch sauce
' All served with pride from Grandma "the boss"
Here comes the plates full of holiday sweets
Stomachs are full, but who can resist this once -a -year
treat •
fast comes the stories, told year after year,
13y the end of the day we're full of good cheer
We're tired; we're happy,
we're off to our bed
With long lasting memories filling our heads.
The Best Christmas Ever..
Michael Lanberge, Sl. Boniface School
If 1 could get a lot of gifts and if I could see Santa. if
could. ride in Santa's sleigh and if 1 could -have my fami-
ly over for Christmas. If my entire'family could wake up
early. ;
The Sleigh
Natalie Klaver, Grad
Huron Centennial
It was December 2
and Santa Claus wa
loading his new sleig
limousine. The elves ha
given it to hint for a
early Christmas present.
lie was almost finishe
loading the presents ont
the sleigh.
It was decorated wit
lights, presents and bells
If he wanted a snack, th
sleigh would give it t
A few minutes later he
climbed inside. It was
perfect. Yaa! Santa Claus
sped away with his rein-
After his job around the
world. Santa Claus took a
little ride. %Vhat a beauti-
ful sight!
"Bring me some cook-
ies and cocoa please," he
told the sleigh. Santa
Claus licked his lips.
"Yum, Yum," he
After his snack Santa
went home. He parked his
sleigh in the garage. Ile
had got a lot of presents
but his favourite one was
the sleigh.
Christmas Gifts
Jeff Smale
Hensall Public School
On Christmas morning
woke up and ran down
4.the stairs. I was vary
excited when I saw a
s huge pile of brightly
h wrapped gifts all for me.
d 'There were gifts of all
n sizes. 'There"were short
ones and tall ones, fat
d cines and thin ones. The
° first. gift 1 opened was ,a
h shiny red fire truck that
had a screaming siren
• and bright flashing lights.
e The next gift I tore open
° made me grin from ear to
ear. The package con-
, talned a black, roaring CD
player that shook the win-
dows when I. crank the
volume. Hut the best. gift
of all was in a box full of
tiny holes ;and from inside
1 could hear a faint whim-
pering noise. 1 shredded
the wrapping and ripped
open the box. The present
inside gave me a big wet
sloppy .kiss! It was a tiny.
cute black and white bea-
gle only seven weeks old!
Dear Santa
Ryan Orr
Biddulph Central
Dear Santa:
1 have been very good. I
_ have tried very hard in
school. 1 have tried not to
'_fight with my brother. I
sometimes help my mum
with the chores when she
needs a lot of help. I
always help my mom with
things around the house.
have read a lot of books
so could you get Ime a
couple of books. 1 would
like a nerf blaster,'
wcyyvsnwo revenge, ham-
sters,' a laser pen,
Godzilla bank, Anirnorphs
4, 0, 14, 17, 21 and tick-
ets to the movies. -
' Sincerely, Ryan Orr
_Inventions •
Kelly Miller, Grade 3/4
Huron Centennial
My Christmas -invention
would be for Santa. This
invention would be a toy
maker.• It could make any
toy and it could even wrap
the toys.- It would have a
big. Alpe that you 'stick a
little piece of paper that
said what you wanted,
and it would.make it.
The toy maker would be
called the- Amazing
Machine. It would be der.-,
orated with Christmas
lights with bells, and a big
wreath. My 'next invention
would be for the reindeer:
For the reindeer I
would make hard hats
with three cans of pop. If
they _got thirsty; they could
have a drink of pup! The
hard hats would be called
'the Pop (:an. I fati.
Merry Christmas to All!
. - We wish you the true meaning
of the season.
Th.ihk you for your patronage
;mid we look forward 'io serving
you iii the New Year
Apothecary Ltd.
E.J. Miatello
440 Main St. Exeter
We're extending our
holiday best to you
and yours. May you
enjoy each and every
fun -filled day of this
very special holiday.
Dashwood 237-3322
+� *..
?hi Iky's the Limit
May your Holiday. Spirit soar and
'may your joy lead you to something
During this wonderful se tscin of the •
year, we welcome the opportunity to
extend our very best wishes to you...
along with a big "Thank you" for
your patronage.
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