HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-23, Page 383t
Precious carols
The Precious Blood School Gr. 7 and 8 classes sang Chri� carols at Exeter
Villa during their ,recent monthly visit The students are matched up with a Villa
resident in a type of 'adoptive grandparent' program so they can learn more about
each others generation.
Exeter Times-Adyocat.
The Night Bef
Chad Swell. Gr
Zurich Public Si',,
I wait all rear.
It's finally here.
That very sp
thrtstmas night.
I sit by the tree.
Where the lights a
My family is altogeth
It's a time to remember
About times gone by.
It's almost time for bed,
But 1 can't get him o
my head.
I'm talking about St.
you know, •
A man I hope to show
My mom tacks me in.
With a kiss on the chee
My sister and 1 sneak
For one last peek, .
But no St. Nick. he hasn't
come yet.
Without a peep,
I can't wait to celebrate
tomorrow morning.
That special da) ,
Friendship Circle doantes hymn books
By Liz Sangster
HFMSAI I tutatup(m+ula
HENSALL - At Hensall United Church,
• Rev. Pam Tolmay was the minister.
"God Creator of the Universe - A Baby"
was the topic of Rev. T0lmay's sermon. J
Mark Ga.rluugh supplied music for the o
TheJolly family wrap). y Y greeted thg worship-
pe.rs. The ushers were Justin and C
Joshua Fields. Susan and Sarah Stott Bl
looked after the lighting of the Advent
candle and the Litany. - 11
Flowers in the sanctuary were in c
memory of Mrs. Pirie Mitchell. - M
The Friendship Circle donated live an
new hymn books to the church. an
The church office will be closed over m
the* holidays. In case of emergency, fru
Jaren Jolly can be reached at 262-3207. 1
Rev. Tolmay's nuinber is 519-245-7589. co
Pirie Mitchell. who will be ministering re
at the church after the new year, attend- (ti
ed morning worship.'
Tbe Christmas Eve service will take en
place at 7:30 p.m.
Carmel Presbyterian Church will hold
their s Eve Service at 7 p.m. All
are welcome.
Residents of Hensel) are advised that
Christmas trees will be collected on
anuary 4.. Trees must be free of all dec-
rations, tinsel and plastic (or tree
Also, trees should be to the curb
by 7 a.m., to ensure collection.
ollection will be completed by
uewater Recycling Association.
Dog and cat owners in the- village of "B
ensall are advised that both dog and too,
at tags are currently available at the beer
nicipal once (l 999. ,tags). , All dogs "S
d cats are required to be registered muc
d licensed in Hensa J. Additional infor- "N
atiun (and fee schedule) is available sents
m the Municipal Office. "T
lensalJ residents are reminded that Sante
-collection of Ragged garbage and :1'h
cyclables will return to weekly play
''ednesdays) in the new year. Materials Th
Quid be to the curb -by 7 a.m. to "Give
sure collection.
the ch
ore Christmas
Melanie hunt
ade 6 St. Boniface School
ool C hurch
H ouse
R eindeer
ectal 1
re so
er, S
T ree
Merry Christmas
ut of Lindsay Hayter. Gr, 3
Our Lady of Mt.
Nick Cannel School
Santa loads his sleigh
Rudolph gets ready for
Wednesday, I)ec.mber 23. 1998
Toys are being made for
girls and boys
North Pule is a big com-
1 Remember Jesus
Greedy enHuvel
McGillivray School
A little boy waiting
patiently. for his presents
to pop under the tree.
He saw little black
boots* and a big red bag
Bed with candy and toys
for thee.
Santa yelled "Hey kid,
you shouldn't be here," •
ut while you're up
can you get me a root
orry, not now, too
h to see." •
ow'are those pre -
just forme?" -
hey're not now,"
ose toys are mine to
and ride."
e )ittle'boy pleaded
me, give me."
Santa was gone up
imney with glee.
HTA elects new executive
''Huron Tuursm
Association (HTA) has
,established the new exec-
utive for 1999: Newly
chosen President Laurel
Armstrong along' with
Vice-president Micheline
' Nutte will provide guid-
ance fur their bbard and
the 17. association mem-
The MA B.oar.J mem-
bers fur 1998-1999 'are:
Juan Karstens, Sybille
Schaufler, • Laurel
Armstrong,, Cindy Fisher,
Micheline Notte, Pat
Osborn, Judy Lecompte.,
, ' Kathy Nichol, Donna
Watson, Jack Gillespie,
Dave Bushnell, Kathryn
Darby and Joe Wooden.
The Huron iTourism
Association, in partner-
ship with the Huron
County Planning and.
Development Department
will continue their
tourism development for
the upcoming season,
along with implementing
a review of activities and
Marketing promotions to
extend the seasons in the
• . county, thereby contribut-
ing to stronger seasonal
employment. The market -
Mg of the popular slogan
'Huron County - Ontario'
West Coast' will be' con
tinued, along with' th
marketing of the new
'Huron Harvest Trail'.
• The key tool of the mar
keting strategy is the
Huron County Trave
guide, p,ublication in
wide distribution to visi-
tors exploring the region.
This Have' publication is
a Co-operative 'production
or the Huron County,
Planning and
Department, the Huron
'tourism Association and
the 'Huron County.
Plowmen's Association.
For', 1998-99, the
International Plowing
Match will be' featured as
preparations are made ,
or this mammoth event
Septen ber 21-25, 1999,
near Dashwood.
Tourism and related
businesses are listed for
no charge in the pages of
the travel guide and
Huron • Tourism
Association members are
given enhanced listings
and I1'1 A logos to denote
their support- for the,
tourism association.
Huron Tourism
• Association members can
take advantage of a vari-
e ety of marketing and pro-
motional benefits which
' include. enhanced listings
and HTA logos in th.e
,pages of the Huron
1 County travel guide.
Pride of
.EXETER - The final
meeting of 1998 of Pride
of .Huron Rebekah Lodge
was preceded by a turkey
The Lodge donated
$100 to the Christmas
Bureau and $200 to the
Exeter Centennial Soccer
Assoc. for the lighting'
February 17 the Lodge
will 'be putting on the
degree fur one candidate.
The first meeting in
January will be the secret
sister night. New names
will be drawn so plan to .
attend. Merry Christmas
to everyone.
Micheal Dietrich
Zurich Public School
1 like decorating the
Christmas tree.
1 like presents.
1 like Santa.
1 like Mrs. (s,
Cod! Wilson
Biddulph Central
M - :-osty is a friendly
R - egularly cold
O - my lives outdoors
S - nowman, he is very
T - hat is Frosty, like him
or not
V • ou'll be singing his.
song even when it's hot.
to all. and Best Wishes
Visit any service area of our
association. It will be enjoyable,
educational and enlightening
Phone Iris 237-3637
• Community Living
South Huron
Box 29 Dashwood -Ant.
Blue Water Rest Home
Tbank Y
On behalf of the residents, staff and
board of directors we would like to
extend a sincere thank you to all
who have added some comfort to
our residents by visits, providing
entertairunent, assisting financially,
food donations or treats, during
We at the Blue Water Rest Home
wish you all a very Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Stuart Steckle, Chairman_
Josef Risi
May all your plans fora happy
holiday be fulfilled We value
your f riendship and trust
le*" tt'1i�3Aft ' Vr
� V
'�ank.ijou for your
patronage, We Cook
forward to serving
you in the New Year
'Construction Ltd.
Residential - Comm.ercial
Agricultural -Renovations
Ex r 23.62961