HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-23, Page 29*UnaIne +day. risrarniber 21, rl fMR a' a/ Far Salle HENSAILI New, ready to choose your own colors, .1.700 sq. h. • with large, garage. • . 2 -baths 3 bedrooms, hvlrtgroom, family room,/dining/kitchen with cathedral ceiling. Main floor laundry,, fully landscapep. cement drive. Quist street has school., bus pick up yea• new home warranty. C. 21)29. Broker protected. 20 Property For Bidet • 1000 S CII ARE . FOOT Ai•'ARTNIENT • with. attached deck .• plu. full busy:irent accesh Two bedroom sec:uud vturc•! Mail St Lxttei $5(I0 pluhydrtl• heat" paid)► liuldlord._ fridge and "sru.r supplictl. Ylnu�r arnd upoliconon to Bt►i,. 99. Exeter,' Ontario NOM ISG (50-53) - T BEDROOM APARTMENT Stair, Iridgt• and heat �tcltid d X350 j)it PL.0 x.35-18.44. 441ltfu f 2 BEDROOM HUE E WITH LADE\'IE'H' ..Is aniles north of Grand Bend Acnesis trona halt • conte Natural it heated. ' 519-2:36-460" (-Zychu A1'AILAbLE ).5Uti t►edruon, apartment. heated ata►t and 'rider Nupprlec. $ sy0inluntli . Call 2:• S. t X54 "15011,, . •. b.\C:F(Eii.Uk APARTIALf Thr Maples, Heusult-1.25(/.;IC'. pt.!! tht,tlth"twat int uck-c! Pittner 23(,-42:;U (44t4i', EXUTLR 2 bedroom, apt reeentfi fedC,:•►,fitivtl-:Sltwt rriclge. !rola r tett; 499( . 2yfi ur ' SEE WHY PEOPLE ARE CHOOSING CO. OPERATIVE UViNG! d j e✓o:7• apron • tow-/ho.•.s •: available- I- r' c wart.." watt. L.,“/"l.r,it, ,• (.tt•,ry, Wrt:rrr::rrclir a...t: .:,rr,)rt J'nr cri'altcr(!it . wiry ,, GO -Up grid e r rfF.t. or ian/iorpr, . i.o±: ,. •r l•i.t:•rtivet• available to ti.ralitreoi applicants Call • Aieibp ea ip at 2854382. 20 PropertFr Read BROOKSIDE APART1vlE'NTS • Large Iuiiur 2 bedroom cohtrollpd tans. f►Am It Isappundrs, 3 ensu,ic appliances. areiragc area. deelgncd pet mature adults Phtrne 519-235.:961 Nitta Ideal for single g person, . young or retired couple Stove and refrigerir balcony: laundry face l►t,es . cable TV and heating. • One year lease. • Phone Cliff Knip 2284236 attester Tme"Adirlecitnte Classifieds 20 Property For Rent bed.. h - Spacious one apt on 2 floors trea,laMe anytime Rer►t 5595 'niiudes unlities Dashwssd 1 and 2 Mdlroom apt. $395 and $45 mr,ntfl5. includes appliances, laundry /acetifies ,a►titlat+le Call RE/MAX Slue•w•ater Realth Inc Marione Parsons at 235.3777 (2twin EXET R - nesse/ eine bc+iroorn >'M 1445 plui utilities Fndgeistose inc luded •Punic 235-3293 (4tstin) EXETER R . 395 Main St upper apartment Recon th reno►yted. Call 238-2742 (51tfn) EXETER bedroom townhouse 1.& 2 bedroom apartments in Hensall Newts cleaned and painted 235.4693 TO SAY "THANKS"! cluse the: dor r un another year, we hype the unF to.fuj.ow brings y'uu cheer Merry Citrisizaas ant(Nippy Afrw year 7furnkyou for your patronage nage LANDMARK REALTY INC. Ron O'Brien„ Sales Rep. 439-1400 anytime or 2346281 Residence 20 Property For Refit 1 \ 1 11 I: NE% FEATURES IN(21 ( UE • Large common room•loungc. cscrcnsc aiad games rooms One and two hcdmorn al►arinacnt. from $375 up. fudge and most. included. Ems options :asa,lahle One month's trek rent Phone Glenn Haven Apts 235-0349 t26(fn1 FIRST MONTH FREE • 3(11 Senior St Quiet. one burrs. asael: imm. Lots of parking. two appliances $150.00lus • hydns C411.235-2171 or 652- • 3009 (-S2tfnr , • HENSALL • , and 2 bedroom apts ..full)car►etcd. •1ndge and store. pared parking. TV cable. -etc. Special rates for seniors 13th month rent free 62.2230 or 905-662.6601 (_6010• HEN'SALL - ground floor. 1 & .2 bedroom apts. Heat included. Special rates for tenants that geah f) . 236-4230(301W .HENSALL. -18/2 bedroom apartments available npw. Well maintained building with con%en,ent (atrn'drs JaciJffic, Ca11 Slit 2s' _..23. , 'tsifni •L' LGE 2 BEDROO!1I SE\1I - ith dinging room and den. Central .location. non-smokers preferred Stove and fridge.. 4575 plus:.235-4(j39 or 235- 2972.(S0lfni --------=--- •LUCAN - • .1 Bedroom apartment• for rent:- Seniors welcome. -227-1385. (50-52') LUCAS - TWO LARGE 2 BEDROOM APTS. - Clean. quiet burld•,ng, close -to all cun►enlenc'ee. utii,t,cs Included. laundry' facilities and parking 5550./month Call 227-1066 anytime (49tfnj NEWLY DECORATED 1 BEDi((Xj.M APT - with fridge and stove Close tq downtown. $375/month plus utilities. 235- 1286 after6 pin. 235-0800 (belure 5O1n/ 6 pin ask for Jcrr.y. •. • Uf 7 -lett SPACE I -OR RENT - approxrmately 4000 ,quare feet. Will divide -if necessary = Srcund floor 190 ',harries kd• ham. lienee. Una (;.,react 235- 29(4 , Tony of lural 1<rir,uw iot lurthrr tnlrxtnntirirr (48tin/ 01-1-1(.101.0k I: 1.1 (EVI - (fintnirtsial • f/acc for rent Mann St. 1) ):>rtr•r' .2.55 .1442 TO Proms For Rett READY TO MOVE IN - 2 bedroom apt newly cleaned and painted Stove and fridge supplied 215-0512 1481101 RETAIL/OH:IC'1' SPACE ON E.XEIER•S MAIN ST Great %nil t p ' JI parking Call ('uldwclliiflankerAll Points-Festi►al City Realty. 235- J449 (52iIn1 29 211 Property For Rett •I BEDROOM APARTMENT - corner of John & Albert. Recently renovated. Heat• appliances and laundry facilities included. Asking 5495/month 235-4996 (50- 5.3.1 Exeter's finest adult tou.nhome t.• 'community ,• Wishing all a • happy, healthy TILL twos holiday sr"awrre..r+ctie Cason and a Pin►eiro Realty great 1999! 451-2696 Bob Heywood Dave Youmans 126:110/ During The Holidays We take great ha in greeting all our s slop friss in P friends and customers this season. May your holiday be filled. with warmth and joy. Prudential HEARTLAND REALTY 109 Main St. ixeter (519) 235-3330 1,. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW .4 ' 011it RFA1 Marlene li1.Ul;µ'A'1'1•:R REALTY INC.aleParsons ep ,,. Sales Rep. • 396 MAIN ,5t• EXETER, ON'L Member of RE/MAX r is 235-3777 • a'vww.mis.ca 100%1 CLUB r'M'• • WEBSITE: http://ieeltors. . EMAIL address. mos•C>s/london/marleneparauna.htrn mparseestoodysibey.en.ca Res. 235-1304 NtW //St/Nei BILINE two-bi- Christmas Bonus 5100 Muve•Iri buries FREE MONTH! UTILITIES!REE • Spacious ach,1,25 3 bdrm • Superb & caring bldg. mgr • Starting at S321 it>cl. util. • Very. ver) reasonable • Renovated Corridors • Lovely clean units • Come see and believe' ELIZABETH COURT 176 Oxford St. Hensall 519-262-106 L. ^_�--..• ', NEW LISTING -Hensel rear iwnll► •rvnrt • fl 1,2 Ire<o' :.';Y./9 4. ` a'' t rl' . Gdt'.; . lh(J# err,:. ver rcq•x len, Cir 1� r bed' '.efIIld ale or ties '•vfist(wriko? 2x1:' • S14V.0)1j.�(J tickleNe. • TNN Lal% . fJwayne ieY' 2s;.-3809 - BEAVTIFULL• Y` 0 Orr.k faro., ir,l Epi L i near sc+14401b 8 ret; (-entrel t,drrjrlai5. fir 3 1rin• r direr �Qorn a in 4� air.. 119 O )m. Natio ,: Ckr�r. frufn dNletle .brie i4 LLLL rear r •:lJ , flrllylied rat. "Ant* vas hear replacement wlndrJws ;t` lar• a ',errc yard Asking 007!Lee 4-159.. ) J Ar, ✓ehftPil, lir trip int nr,r rl,A rS THOMAS ST., EXETEFI 1 1/2 - storey WWII rear 0Urnier 1S11.: deep k, • l+edruunls. 2 UaUI,. ur Natio t#us 1(0110 dNUl ro rear (104k aory pour farniilyro•.rrrr 4 y)U 441 RENTING IS AN OP110N! STAN TEq/fET aT NOME Mau, level !aur ry d d family room High elf gas displace Beautifully . landscaped 101 wrpriva'e patio arra $108.000.07 AskaNl oNf1u1N;•�I r�aU l,erKid l air, central vac. caUredral ceauiij exgwslt(,I1y deo rated. attached 'ivuiAe garage Stan 119y vft sieve 'h1 Ute r:owllry on 3.6 acres wan some out bulldogs Lots of potential tot the ngin buyer $ 109.(.X/ HAY 1 WY • 3 t>t,druprn. gidbd iron;►..~,Hewer awaits, 200 r/ 4Vsiydro.newer roOO•. StA.WIU.00 stied Asking Sales Re tesentatiye Dwayne Nifty 235-3889 'I bedroom back bungalow wilt' enclosed sun 0011.1, uta1/1 flexor ,a ridiy. Idrgb drbd oft ;lmaye for workbroop Ashuru $92,000 Open to u►feis / 4 IASIStSL4iSLSL tSl!:LLK4 Best Wtsltww fur a Safe and �., I hippy Iluliday Sea o i /11 the .)pull of the 'lou/day .5eusai, / t/nmk you jar your bu.iire.. ,• luya/ry IV /u,W i you and yourfami/ya Mrerrry l /rrtor/aas and a health, /iappiire. and prospenfy. ri!yearfallr f Saracen* Warluu %arsons. ------------------------------------- 4 1