HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-23, Page 287.1110. 9 Sports Eq &1rehices 1991. Sl U K1 RM - Motocross. Excellent on used ycseason.b balance stored heated garage Selling due to move. Receipt available for new pans Asking S3.000 00 or hest offer. For more information or view call .(519)284-1793(34-52x) 11 Cars, Trucks 1966 CHEF BEL AIR - 4 door - offers. 284-3233 (47.1 SA) 1985 CHEV CAPRICE • bodv good. runs good. Call 565.. 2728 after S pm (S l tfx ) i'ANTED DEAD OR ALIVE - Cars, trucks and scrap for wrecking. Any condition for Pail Campbell, Paul' Maine, 168 Thames R Exeter 235-3922 (26tfn) 13 Musical Instruments 16 For Sale FIREWOOD - seasoned hardwood hickor), beech, ash. • maple, delivered and picked up Phone Dtgnan Landscaping 236-4457 (26tfn) g 486 ACER COAIPI?TER - • Internet ready. 3.1 windows. Includes mouse, monitor and keyboard. 237-3211. (52'1 APPLES -AVAILABLE LE - Apple Butter. Apple Cider. Open Saturday. SAWYER ORCHARD 235-0446. Hwy 4 & Crediton Sideroad. (39tfn) BIG SCREEN TV . Hitachi 55 inch picture in picture transferable .warranty. Great condition with remote plus Ask many other options. 284-3726 s Auto. d. W CASE 930- TRACTOR - rebuilt; 1 -Ford 100 lawn mower; 1 foley reel mower grinder; • rototiller • and • snowblower attachment for -Cub Cadet & Lawn Mower; 2 •rototillers(no engine) 5,500 Ib ea on forklift+(3pt hitch) 1 set ertrie 20.8x38 tires, good for d call 1-307 Old Engine and t Acorn stove. Call 349- (34- !NG 34- !NG -- -� ape. COLD FEET? - You nee firm call Wooly Warmers. FI lined socks, knee warmers more. Call 473-5052. (51- • GUITAR LESS SO Ara,lable in Zurich at cla►sical, acoustic or el guitar All ages welcome 1519)236-4230 (2611n) SHERLOCK MANNPIANO - Excellent sh beautiful tone S1500 •393-6920 (52-6SA) Gl_'!TAR , & PIA LESSONS '• • Avai1a e Beginner to advanced. all styles of music, l;,xeter Music (sinus 235=1263 (26tIn) 15 *Personal EXETER COMMUNITY FOOD BANK - with 24 hr: 'Food. Drop at 29.3 Main Si (fits)Qt' .Nuab'a Ark) Open 9-:)2 on y. Tuesday -Thursday Photic 235-4J04'26t1s1- Exeter Ttmetr.,Ativoeate Classifieds 16 For Sale 16 For Sale GOOD USED OIL FURNA(•li AND TANK • for sale. Call 236-4646.(52') HAY AND STRAW - for sale, excellent quality. Small squares -Call 284-3045 (41- S2SA) HORN'S OVEN READY ROASTING CHICKENS - 7-9 lbs. Government inspected. limited quantity. Ask about special savings on chickens with I leg. Call 229-8176. • (341fn) KELVINATOR ELECTRIC I STOVE - almond. black glass C $IS0; chimney blocks and tile; h .2 furnace blowers with 1/4 hp . S motors. CaII 284-1236, (49-.. 3 3SA) LIKE NEW GE BUILT-IN - dishwasher, paid S900, sell $550; Singer sewing machine small cabinet style $95; oak BE chair $50; Queen Ann rocker- o $75; oak buffet with mirror $450; desk $125; hot tub 3 S person 'with lid and skirt S M PIIANTOM'FURY - bag'Icss vacuum. CaII 284-3377. (51- iSA) PINE HUTCH - with gold' etched glass doors $80.00; like new 4 scrub dresses, one jack size XXL; figure skating dresses various sizes. CaII 284-4718 anytime. (49-3SA) ROASTING CHICKENS - Call after 5 pm. 225-2609 (40- 3SA) ROUNDTABLE WITH - 2 arge leaves, 4 chairs plus 1 aptains Chair. buffet and utch, large corner cabinet, 1.700 or best offer. 284- 491. (46-53SA) • RUKO GUN SAFE - Holds 8 long guns and 15-20 handguns, anchors to wall and is a very thick gauge of steel. MUST SEEN. 5500.00 or best of 235-2033. (50-52•) LABRIF E WOOD FOR ALE - We buy Woodlots. ILLER WOOD PRODUCTS. 235-2516 (26 ;uals. S2> . C l Breathier painting an limited edition -3 wolves $550. 2304 284-2525. (48-2SA) MAKITA1KSLSAW - 8 1/4 " d to .with 60 tooth carbide blade ecce S175. Call 284-1814 after 5 and • pm. (45-52SA) 1') MIXED FIREWOOD FOR sate, SALE - $33.00 in the yard, 540.00 delivered. Phone 234- 6316. • if no answer leave message with name and number. (50-52•) • ••PATONS . YARNS* Discount Prices. Ron's Health Centre, Ilcnsalf(26tfn) AO DRY_EIREWOOD - fur bl delivered. Call Don Parsons 263-2821..,(49-52°) FIREWOOD - All seasoned hardwood Stored •rn.side. S35/card Delivery available. 2346497 leave message., (50, 52') 41.1.1 16 For Sale 1''4'1NC11 •(•(/).(lt'•k TV & • C(1N VI:k7 Ui(- 3190 Oil O'ai1; TV VCR unit 3150 i1(i. cum," 'Cade condoner and rr}'etc Bing i,tclst.,rt $75.9J0 2(}.cbar,:iCl a!,ncr.liY.t• new 17590. gla,s tvl, »alnui wilts tal,lr 35(/ 1 par wvineris gtnuir/r cowboy- bvotal alis 7-7 1/ Never been worn )75 (}(/, pair ceiauuc ' tablet lain! $ 50.10 Phone 2rs4 '5614 (5( 4SA) FIREWOOD - Dumprruck loads. of hardwood .slabwood arid cdg,nga ur hlocks Call 1< 1. Dungry dcc Sons-519.348- .84717 ons-519."34t1- ts47'1 (52-2) 1.Okll I.ON(; 110X Wedge style fiberglass ;truck 'cal, with 27',' door and tum,,/ win.luws Metallic•p'ac>,fic yrreti with xlear coat his 1997 199/',, 1•ord I.15U/1.25U rr box 1,") '• yr brei Wier ('all 21;4 0,54 (Xl (49.3SA) • ire . 2 I•R1:1;1.1;K 51't�c'IAI. - (Iua1ny 1 'JiC)rk. cut, ivrappCd and frui/rn 1S Platt 31 40/Ib''Call 51'/291 1. 394' (50'4SAr 14 ,X 72 ,.19/s0 MOJ311.1: HOMI: ! 1)tdr',r,n open curic: rpt. urw Oa cupl)uards, wheel trial ' acces)bie -4 39 14()0 Jtt,r. O l sic; .(34i1, ) J 9.89 .I-Okl) '11 A (`1(lk ! rn , blade arid c Alenia V./590 vi)i) 22)5 0 392 6 52. -11:11{IiY" = anywk i'i'ik,nit hi: I'urby Privnr u, with your brat offer and we'll get 'back to if you (_all 51''6 2?s4 1')12 154. -ASA/ l l;JJ '( but arw ,hirractivr toy v1 tlir. year: with lois uJ adult apprjl:-Irard to tired 1)vn i retia, �,w• pi will by lx-si „fire it 229 Cowl- /19 4SA1 LA . IVIED MARKETPLACE A ,o$ 4f0Arof04,4 Of, 4200fir ' .,p li't2 ae J i' run nM Vawl.w/ v u!M aw. i.ra to til, zSi /r t >.. az - , , 111.1, .: Plunn:,,se twwrc . La A.ar..wf 0.0; ...,....i!..,..1/44:.,N.. ,.r ./. 0•06, .• r..:N�,i' l 1 44 ✓r.p �..a .c ca �rir a4. Hi yJl Alta iV .y . wr. YW,s r*.awi 106M Ma e>M7 aAaanyrot J.y,.. .Vail.. M/ a.as iR arw w:1.�.a slur.,.. n.ta.rarr s:.Yiri, opt Su :a :aa r)N� 4laiN � kit A.t H ial;,r v4,4 911I 0. b.(. •o ,q uNYiJE .'lr.rAA,r. W!tr.W:t, a rroksair ur.;r d.ur Cat 14(44// 4�W Wl(JftUF iM,YIfSfFAMt•,JEru.�r0 &Sr'.a vnirdW 'i.tvWJ1....b.•;4 nantj f'uWai /l( 44 4 4 'fwd ... t Ynit,..ypnr• SAWMi-: $4b1C SAW :0,45 WlG W;NiIJS W'w .Irma .010 <4i•`N•ar 6t> rn.r�r .N.,Y Y.rr.rt rota ;.;‘;(4.o.,'40L-tik GE.Sv Hili rlUiaY,r iw.Wa.D(It ;GC .+r/h arf �: Nry. AMJYrt.,: it/ ..ac •w. ya,.,y.• _. •j j Niru ru.�,' IV Ia411 liy !Jay./ • 046 444 waO4l id ie Uresis Busyp W 'N`• U 9.00 (6'0,4Grrrt.Nni eaJaat.. vr1• .{.awe .,e tip* uwy vt Wvutwy' rt1Nr• a.t y ry Mr Ir•ta Sa Vui YMai( r dm r r.nrt. u 114r0Yris k r', Nww ♦Y/,rlsrvY �Ii✓,� Nw, :Fal., 4n tit* Jlki, bVM.uol s.(ill ovtu wV oaf 25 a g062A00A0 2s a W N low u. >. ' 66.5(0.00 36 , s0140044 ac i 64'610.4,11. Il. 1 , 14.400.00 011.4.4 Iswift .64.. e J,UNt b fkE, bMJ/4.4 . r .444d4 hese,. 4.1.+41.9 4.461 •1 YYi .... Iv S'USM ear alit r//Gtrin,.Id.,lj,Fi'F ells a:a�Fl1ct rardwre 1404Ea d i f f �Q •M'+'1frrolate'wriliterlia'Pir *Own 4710 gni 11 04049.11411 AM SOLID WOOD TRIM - and furniture diningroom, bedroom sets. Come sec what we sell. Melvin Albrecht, south of St. Marys off No 7 highway on Cherryhill road, 3rd place right house. No. 24081 (34-524') TWO PIECE PREMIUM NYLON - arctic cat snowmobile suit, large/tall, two seasons old, like new, $295.00 or best tiller. Call 284-3034. (48-2SA) Wodnondny. Hectirnber Z3. I (Nils 16 For sale SONY PI.AYS'I'ATION - like new, conies -with 2 controllers, brand new memory card, TV adapter and 4 games with no scratches, worth $450, sell $275 -or best offer. One pair of Phoenix Gots XS 124 DVC 12 inch. subs. brand new still in boxes. Paid $460 sell .1.350 firm. CaII Scott at 284.1883. (51-5SA)• VICTORIAN SOFA - $925, rattan chesterfield and table $450; Upright & 17 cu. ft. chest freezers $70 each. Phone 284-4870 after 5 pm. (44 52SA) W00 -15-F012 SALE - Good dry mixed hardwood, by the cord load. or Will deliver. ie . Cal 225- 2609 after 6pm. (34-52x) ARTIST SKETCH PADS NOW IN STOCK $5.95 -$9.95 Suitable for: pen, pencil, charcoal or watercolour EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE (26tfx). 17 Wanted To Buy HIGHCHAIR wide base; toys Little -Tykes, Fisher Price.. etc. clean and good condition. 238-2820. (51;52') TOP DOLLAR PAID - for older cars, trucks, scrap, etc. Brock's. Auto 228-6700, Mt. Carmel Road. Safety inspections $35.00. Auto repairs. (24t1n) 17 Wanted To Buy WANTED: • CARS & TRUCKS - for wrecking. Any condition. Will buy any scrap metal. You will be surprised at our prices. Pickups can he arranged. 234-6252 Advanced' Auto Pans. (261fn) • FRIDGE AND STOVE - white or almond. in good condition.. 236.4855 after 6 pm. (52) 18 Wants! WANTED - Older ROLEX wrist watches. Here are some models - Oyster. Perpetual, Skyrocket, Victory Oyster, Datejust, or any others you may have. Will pay top dollar.. Please call 1-519-272-041 I, 9 Market Place. Stratford, Ont. (33tfx) 19 Property For Sale BROOKSIDE. GARDEN HOMES IN EXETER - units now available for sale. Ideal for adults. • .. Exterior. maintenance free. 235-2961 or 519-565-5062.. (4211n) NO MONEY DOWN! - • Assuntable mortgage. - -- Southcoti Pines, Grand Bend: 5 bedroom, 2 1/2 -baths, 2 kitchens, fireplace. patio, basement setup as -Granny suite with separate entrance. Excellent condition. Call 273- 0436 days or 273-0769 evenings. (51;52•).. Luxurious Freehold 7ovi'nitlousets' are now For Sale, . LoccJte(l 0/! ct..new Street (Brookside Pluc'e) Only three blocks, from.:downtown. MEAL L� OR ADULTS! I No Exterior Muintenunee- JoeiUurand PLEASE CALL Doug Geoffrey �, E y *1-519-505-5062. or 1-519-235-2961