HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-16, Page 43Wednesday, December 16, 1998
Exeter Times -Advocate
Remembrance Day contest winners
Usborne Central School. Category 2 Coloured Poster winners from left, Jes-
sica Bray (first), Holly Hern (second) and Julie Prout (third) and Jenna Bickell
(second in the Category 2 Poem).
Category 2 Poster - Coloured.
1st: Jessica Bray, Usborne central
Public School '
2nd: Holly Hern, Usborne Central
Public. School
3rd: Julie Prout, Usborne Central
Public School-'
Category 2. Poem
1st: Nathan Scott,
McCurdy Public School
2nd: Jenna Bickel) -
Usborne Central P.S.
3rd: Sarah Hayes -
Exeter Public School
Category 2 Poster- Black and White'
1st: Sean Ellison -
Exeter Public School
2nd: Thu Ha - McCurdy Public School
3rd: Candice Sheridan
McCurdy Public School
Category 2 Essay
1st:- Kristylee Varley -
Exeter Public School
2nd: Amberley Dickey -
Exeter Public School
3rd: Ryan'Knee -
McCurdy Public School
Category ern -
1st:Fan, ,.off,
Presio, • id School
2nd: Amy Weide, Exeter Public School
• 3rd:NMandy Campbell, .
Exeter Public. School
Category 3 -Poster - Coloured
1st: Sara Howe, Exeter Public School
2nd:. Danae Krohn,
Exeter Public School
3rd: Clarissa Shaver,
Exeter Public'School
Category 3 Poster r Black and White
1st: Cathy Conlin, Mt. Carmel School
2nd: Julia )lardy, Mt: Carmel School
3rd: Josh V#aining, •
Exeter Public School
Category 3 Essay
1st: Cathy Conlin, Mt. Carmel School
2nd: Faith Anne- Wagler: 1,
Exeter Public School
3rd: Tyson Bruer, Mt. Cannel School
McCurdy Public School. Fr lm left, Exeter Legion member Don McCurdy, Thu Ha
(second Black and White Poster), Candice.Sheridan (second Black and White
Poster),Ryan Knee (third Essay), and Nathan Scott (first Poem).
Exeter Public School. Category 3 Coloured Poster winners with Don McCurdy of
' the Exeter' Legion from,left, Sara Howe (first), Danad Krahn (second) and Clarissa
Shaver (third).
By Pauline Kerr, Editor
Let' the punishment fit the crime
been subjected to, a strip search by police. who a re' trained Few people would complain abopt t child's locker',being
SAI IGEF,V CITY NEWS to exercise power very carefully wlen dealing with chil- checked, . whether for suspected explosives. stolen mer -
"Let the punishment fit the crime." iso more, than a line' dren. Most police and prison officials view strip searching chandise, illegal, drugs, or to locate the source of a toxic
from a Gilbert and Sullivan musical. It contains a lot of prisbners as an extferpe measpfe. ,'' ' " stench (students have been known to harbour, partly filled
common sense. School boards across the. province are no It is almost' unbelievable to think an experienced teacher milk cartons'and oranges in their lockers for months).
doubt scrambling to come up with a detailed policy on and administrator- would congider doing such a, bizarre and Searching gym bags, purses, pockets. and socks is pushing
searching students for stolen items, drugs and' weapons in perverted act as checking students' bare buttocks for, stolen close to the line.
response to the report of 19 Ontario high school boys eget- cash - pockets, certainly, along with lockers and gym hags, The 'public might- not have been so angered by this
ting strip searched by their phys ed teacher and vice princi- nbt naked young bodies. However, that is apparently what reported ,violation of the students' personal rights had the '
pal. They need not waste their time. Most schools already happened. It alsoappears the teacher and administrator search been conducted by p9lice, for a concealed weapon,
have a zero -tolerance policy regarding crimes on school responsible felt they were'entilled to conduct such a search: or even illegal drugs. The 'former would have been consid-
property. Theft of almost $100 is clearly a police matter. So 'The widespread public outrage has sent a clear message ' eyed an immediate danger to staffand students: the latter
is; assault in its various forms, as most teachers and admin- society has limits on the sort of treatment of students which not 'as immediate. but still a danger. Teachers cheating
istrators are all too aware. As of press time, police had laid , will, and will not, be itoterated. , bare buttocks for stolen money is. in a word, perverted. It is
no charges but were continuing their investigation into both, ' Vigilante justice - conductingidembaning and invasive a blatant abuse of power. ,
the theft and the strip search. - searchesof students certainly would qualify, even if the Both staff members have been punished by the school
A lot of heartache would have been avoided had the search was visual, with no touching - is completely out of board although neither has lost his job. Did the punishment
police been called in at the beginning of the mess - that line. In this case, the punishment did not fit the crime. One fit the crime? Will the story end here? It seems unlikely.
would have been common sense. ' ' person stealing less than'$100 does not justify traumatizing This case is surely headed for the courts. either criminal or
One might venture a guess the students would not have 19 children. ' civil - or perhaps both. -
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