HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-16, Page 39••"*'s+rr, uecember 16. 1998• • i krnpktc salines • Pnrate Its:on. •�• '��• • ttetresistr C T• MARYS •a:'eSeniors Courses Preparation us Standard Simi o, 284-3348 Standard transmission lesson, TELEPHONE -TV CABLE INSTALLATIONS Prewire houses-Rejacks f for wiring- Installnes_ modems -Internet PETER MCFALLS 235-0368 LAWN & GARDEN CARE SNOW BLOWING Laverne McCarter 235-1062 Cie[ PET GROOMING (3647) Do You Need Help With Your Computer & Internet Problems? CRIT Jeff McCann 237-3531 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Reports & Invoices Internet Scanning - OCR text Quicken 99 Accounting Tutoring Peter Aunger 235-2877 7 Livestock •CHRIS QUARTERHORSE - colt for the frig sale. beautiful markings and Great se confirmation. Call 225-2020. Scotch P (50-4SA) 7 foot 8 Farm comped Machinery cut y VandJD 7000 PLANTER - 4R W. Cres., 2 monitor, dry fertilizer, next 2 insecticide, new seed and 09to fertilizer discs in '97. 2697. (48 5 Excellent condition. $4,500. N-‘-'4""-' 11 Can„ Trucks 1966 CHEV,BEL AIR - 4. -door - offers. 284 -3233(47 -ISA) 1985 CHIN CAPRICE - body good. runs good. Call 565- 2728 after S pm. (Sltfxl WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE - Cars. trucks and scrap for wrecking. Any condition. Ask for Paul Campbell. Paul's Auto Marine. 168 Thames Rd. W. Exeter. 235-3922 (26ttn) 13 Musical Instruments GUITAR LESSONS Available in Zurich area on' classical, acoustic or electric guitar AH ages welcome, call (519)236-4230 (26tfn) GUITAR . & PIANO LESSONS Available. Beginner to advanced, all styles of music. Exeter Music Centre 235-1263 (26tfn) 15 Personal EXETER COMMUNITY FOOD BANK - with 24 hr. Food Drop at 293 Main St.(Beside Noah's Ark) Open 9-12 only Tuesday -Thursday Phone 235-4104 (26tfx) 16 For Sale 14 INCH COLOUR TV & CONVERTOR - $100.00. Oak TV VCR unit $150.00; custom made comforter and matching bedskirt $75.00; 20 channel scanner like new $75.00; glass top walnut coffee table $50.00; 1 pair womens genuine leather cowboy boots size 7-7 '1/2 Never been worn, $75.00; 1 pair ceramic table lamps $50.00. Phone 284-3614. (50- 4SA) 14 X 72. 1986 .GENERAL MOBILE HOME - 3 bedroom, open concept, new oak cupboards, wheel chair accessible. 439-1400 Ron O'Brien. (34tlit) • 4 SNOW TIRES -in excellent shape, 225-60.16, price $200.00. Call 349-2522. (49- 3SA) APPLES AVAILABLE - Apple Butter; Apple Cider. Open Saturday. SAWYER ORCHARD 235-0446. Hwy 4 & Crediton Sideruad. (39tfn) • BIG SCREEN TV - Hitachi 55 inch .picture in . picture . transferable warranty. Great condition with rcmotc.plus many other options. 284-3726 (51-5SA) - CASE 930. TRACTOR - rebuilt; I -Ford 100 lawn mower; 1 Tuley reel- mower grinder; rototiller and snowblower attachment for Cub Cadet & Lawn Mower; 2 rototillers(no engine) 5,500 Ib • forklift+(3pt hitch) 1 set 20.8x38 tires, good for duals. 1-307 Old Engine and trany; Acorn stove. Cal1.349-2304 (34-51*) TMAS TREES Enjoy ranee of a natural tree. lection of high quality, ine and Spruce. ,Up to • , Al ways fresh, five prices. You may our own. W. Bygaart, Parkview km S of Grand Bend, Pineridge Zoo. 238- 1*). TER FACTORY NG CHRISTMAS - One , free scanner. 266 ed, internet, printer, and more. $16/wk one 1-800-515-5545. very.(45-51x) YOUR OWN MAS TREES - hite Pine & Spruce. 285 (514') WOOD - for sale, Call Don Parsons 49-52') 227-1719. (50-4SA) AMAZI 9 Sports Equip Special! payments &Vehicles mmx load 1991 SUZUKI RM software Motocross. Excellent Free deli condition used only 1/2 season, ----_-_ balance stored in dry heated CUT garage. Selling due to move. CHRIST Receipt available for new Scotch, W parts. Asking $3,000.00 or Call 229-6 best offer. For information or view more DRY FIRE (519)284-1793 (34-51x) call delivered. 263=2821.( Exeter Times -Advocate Classifieds lf' For Sale 16 For Sale 16 For Sale I"FURRY" - anyone looking to Furby. Phone.us with you best oiler and we'll get back k you. Call 519-284-1912. (50- 4SA) Selection • Service • Parts i1 Hensall * 262-2728 FIREWOOD - All -seasoned hardwood. Stored inside. $35/curd. Delivery available. 234-6497 leave message. (50- 52*) FORD LONG BOWedge style fiberglass truck cap with 27" door and tinted windows. Metallic pacific green with clear. coat. Fits 1997-1998 Ford FI50/F250 8' box. $895. or best offer. Call 284-3034. (49-3SA) 2 hairs slimes siesiasis aria fisrrsawsr • iR tr R it a " Fresh Cut tr 6 s y All sizes $12.00 i a White and Scots Pine R Ai • (Cedar, Pine & Spruce) R Ai • Swags & Boughs R yLes Cudmore R 235-1267'ait S iin,X XXX,..z�RRiiRRi,.RRRRRR r HAY AND STRAW - for sa r excellent quality. Sm ► squares,. Call 284-3045 ( 51 SA) • FURBY - hot new interactive toy of the year, with lots of adult appeal, hard to find. Don't miss out, price will be best offer. Call 229-6621. (50- 4SA) • FIREWOOD - seasoned hardwood hickory, beech, ash. maple. delivered and picked. up. Phone Dignan Landscaping 236-4457 (26ttii) FREEZER SPECIAL - Quality • pork; cut. Wrapped and frozen. Price $1.40/1b. Call 519-293- . 3066. (50-4SA) STUDENT DESK - Hurd • maple. 2:35-2194. (51*, THIS YEAR GIVE 'HIM WHAT HE WANTS FOR CHRISTMAS - Hunting and fishing library books, $22.99 •Binnoculars from $35.95. Ii Neoprene waders.$99. Fishing 2 jackets $89.00. Noodle rods from $59.00. 4 B!3 Shirnano -Sahara reel with free aluminum w spool $99.00. Excalibur $ Exocet package $479.00. Sportchief waterproof hunting Ivl clothes on sale now. Boundry S huntiong hoots $59.99. S4 Fishing vests $49.99. Stocking • 63 stuffers galore. • Gift certificates available. Huron Sports Outfitters. Hwy. 114 HIGH CHAIR wide ha toys Little Tykes, Fisher Pr etc. clean and good condni 238-2820 (51') HORN'SOVEN READ ROASTING CHICKENS - 7 lbs. Government inspecte Limited quantity. Ask aho special savings on chicken with 1 leg. Call 229-8176 (34tfn) • 39 16 For Sale le. PHANTOM FURY - haglcss all vacuum. Call 284-3.377. (5.1. 41- 5SA) PINE HUTCH - with gold has etched glass doors $80.00; like ice new 4 scrub (tresses. one jack un. size XXL; rigure skating . dress' vartdus sizes. Call Y 254-47 anytime. (49-3SA) .9 ROASTING CHICKENS d. Call atter 5 pm 225-2609 (49-. i 3SA) s ROUND TABLE WITH - 2 large leaves. 4 chain plus 1 • Captains Chair, buffet and C hutch, large corner cabinet, , $1, 700 or hest offer. 284- '; 3491. (46-53SA) RUKO GUN SAFE - Holds 8 . Icing guns and 15:20 handguns. ' anchors.to wall and is a very • thick gauge of steel. MUST B.E SEEN. $50.0.00 or: best offer.. 235-2033. (50-52*) SEWING MACHINES S & SERGERS NEW FROM. $229.00 - used from $59.95. The gift that keeps on giving. Sew & Save Centre, 149 Downie•Si., Stratford 271- 9660.. The sewing machine people to trust since 1969. Visa, Mastercard, Interac. 90 days no interest (oac) A small desposir will hold till • Christmas. (48-51.) SHUFFLE BOARD CLEARANCE SALE - also pool tables. Phone Bob at (519) 291-3270. or 291-3617 •� (evenings): (47-51x) SLAB • FIREWOOD FOR SALE We buy Woodlots. MILLER WOOD PRODUCTS. 235-2516 26tfn) - KELVINATOR EL'ECT'RI -STOVE - almond. black glas $150;• chimney hocks and til 2 furnace hlowers,with 1/4 hp motors. Call 284-1236. (49- 3SA) LIKE NEW GE BUILT-IN - uishwasher, paid $900, sell $550; Singer sewing machine small cabinet style $95; oak chair 550; Queen Ann rocker 575; oak buffet with mirror 5450; desk $125; hot tub 3 person with lid and skirt 52800. Carl Breadner. painting mited edition 3 wolves 5550. 84-2525. (48-2SA) AKITA SKILSAW - 8 1/q ••• ith 60 tooth carbide blade 175. Call 284-1814 after 5 P (45-52SA) IXED FIREWOOD FOR ALE - 533.00 in the yard, 0.00 delivered. Phone 234- 16. If no answerleave �ssage ' with name and number: (50-52*) • Kippen. Open 7 days a week *P R .1 (50;51) Ce ATONS YARNS* count Pnces. Ron's Health ntre. Hensall (26t1n) ill Christmas. 263-2141 Dis • Luxurious Freehold Townhouses are now For Sale. Located on a new Str t 'Mans, (Brookside Place) /1 •/ Only three blocks from downtown. M+�botaigh ss IDEAL FOR AD ULTIS7 I No Exterior Maintenance Joe Durand PLEASE CALL Doug Geoffrey 1-519-565-5062 or 1-519-23$-2961