HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-16, Page 32wednesdii lieer+mber 16 199x
BALLANTYNE - We would like to extend a
'ery Merry Christmas and a Happy_ New Year to
di our neighbors, friends and relatives: Ross and
Alma (51;52x)
BATTEN - Our family would like to w
-elatrves, friends and neighbours. a Mer y
Thnstmas for ,1998 and a Merry
999. WeHdPPY New Year in
hope everyone's season is filled with
Food tithes and treasured memories. Ralph.. i
Cathy. Jason & Jeremy !.51:52* i
BATTEN - To a• ll our. relatives. friends and
.teighbors, Warmest� ti
Greetings of the Season and g
• =very good wish for the coming year. John .& .H
BECKETT - W'r wish everyone peace.. health
.rnd happiness especially over the' holiday season. S
The Beckett Family (51;52x)
HAUGH - Season 'of blessings, Season of love,
Seaton for thanking the good Lord above.
Season of sharing, Rich memories and..laughter,
And all the warm feelings, That linger long after.
May all these blessings be yours. Ross & Irene
Merry Christmas to 'our: friends and
relatives in Grand Bend, Exeter and everywhere
n between: and also to our friends and neigh-
bours in Bayview Subdivision in St. -Joseph. We
ope your holidays are filled with 1riendshipa
ood times. Murray and Jan (51:52* k
UDGERT - We would like' to extend speci
Holiday Wishes to all our Family' Friends,
RJJN - May your Christmas be filled with.
love and laughter. May your New Year be filled
with peace and prosperity. Merry ..
Season's Greetings to all. Fred. Ru hanne, Davimas d
and Bryan. (51;52x )
PEPPER - To all .our neighbours, relatives and
friends we wish you a very Merry: Christmas and
Happya and Prosperous New Year. Cecil and .
Joyce. (51;52*1 •
lid- � - 'We wish you hralih.•
good friends, -and cheer..•At Christmas and
throughout the year. Mary (Peterson). Rob and
Jason . -
zdERENDS - We wish all our relatives': friends Al
and neighbours a Very Merry Christmas and -a
-lealthy. Happy- New Year. Bill & Rosaleen
BLACKBURN - To our friends and neighbours: Joh
Many wishes for a wonderful Holid (51;
+ o ew• Year's.
Dade and
CAMPBELL-- We wish all our relatives. iriend,
and neighbours a -very Merry
.-appy, Healthy and Prosperous Yeanr
iutner & Marilyn (51;52*,1 P year.
::UNSITI' - Season's Greetings 10 all our rela-
ives, friends and neighbors .during tt�e fest: e
season and sincere wishes' for peace and joy m
.he coining year. Tom; Barb and Paul (51:52;,
LREE(--H Wishing simple pleasures. fond
memories and every joy that Christmas brings to
Jur relatives, friends. neighbours, including all .:
-Staff at Exeter Villa and a New Year filled with
:ove, health and happiness. Jean, Ann, Tom ti
5 * ou
(51*) Y every day.Russell &Isabelle SNIT
al - J n Esser}. (51,52x,
eighbours and Ringette Team, this Chri tma
Se and may your New Year be filled wit
happiness and success. Alan,. Michele
dna. Andrew and Amanda (51;52x)
• ROHDE. - To our friends, neighbours and rela-
h tives, may your Christmas be filled with .Peace,
Love and. Joy and may the New
- dear bring you
Health and Happiness. Bill & Rhoda (51;52x)
.ROLLINGS -.Wishing our relatives, -friends and
• neighbours warmest wishes for a Happy Holiday
Season and a ,Prosperous and Healthy- '99.
Glenn, Sue, Jeff and Laura (51:52x)
LLINGS Warmest greetings of the season
and even- good wish for the coming year to our
families, friends and neighbours.-. Merry
istmas Cliff & Dorothy (51:52*)
INNER - We wish all our relatives and
nds a ver) happy Christmas season with food
th'and happiness throughout the coming year.
& Aldeen (51'
GHT-.Wishingall our friends. relatives and
burs a very Merry Christmas and a sale and
Y 1999. Jeff. Ruth, Jessica. Hailey and.
n. (51:52x )
- To ail our family, friends, and relatives. -
Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a :Ha
Year. Leonard & Doreen. (51';52*) PPS
to wish our customers, family and friends a vert
Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year.
Joh Kathy, Mathew. Melissa & Miranda
52'x) •
ind the happiest f
larolyn (51' )
a}` Season - RO
`KELLER - Bring Christ Back into Chris
- Christians 'today spend tori mach time prep
the worldly things for Christmas; gilt shop
decorating, food preparing and parties: Let's
time to prepare our hearts and hrinds fur the
reason Christmas is celebrated-- Jesus' Ne
2U((j years ago Jesus 'was born on Christmas
for us. He brought love,
new life for all.mankind. Don't flet gthe nwor
things get in the -way of the real celebration..
Dear fellow; Christians put your heart into the
Christ -Christmas. Have a blessed Christm
Earl (51 r)
ariiig Chr
take SK
real Iris
arty heal
Da) Sam
and SLA
1d1 neigh
So_ . h -app
real Jorda
as. SMII
ect New
KING - A special time like Christmas is a- pert
chance to say. May the happiness of Christm
me be with
.S - We wish all our family and friends a '
s Christmas and a Prosperous New Year..
Bill & Mary (51;52*)
UEVLII�' Merry -' 1
ry Xmas and Happy New Year to LORD -
�amily, friends, nurses and staff at Exeter Villa. m Christmas is a time for sharing
Jenny (51 *) )d STEW
To all our neighbours, friends and rel- Cl
atives, may all the joys of the Holiday Season be
yours.- Today
and Always. Bill & Joyce. (51;52*) nei
emories and creating new ones. It is the seaso
love, hope and peace. And above al
iristmas is the wonderful miracle of lbve whicl
all share. Wishing' all our friends; family
ghbours and relatives, happiness and heals(
ELLIS - Season Greetings to my relatives, neigh- du
boors and friends. May 1999 bringDi
• happiness to you and your famil . health and
FLETCHERY Lila (51.;52*)
-, Wishing relatives, neighbours and
friends a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy
and Happy New Year. Ron & Isabelle (51;52*)
n' - - ART - To fairnily, friends and neighbours:
1 , May your Christmas, b•
e filled with Peace, Love
anyi Joy'
and may the New Year bring you Health
i '& Happiness. Rosemary (51;52*)
joy, we wish our relatj ve the and iris of peace and
friends a Merry
Christmas and a happy and ros
fillew Year,
d with Love; Friendship and Peace. eRussell,
and Marron (51;52*) , '
WEBER - May warmth and joy fill your homes
at Christmas and throughout the coming year to
all friends and relatives. Ralph (51';52*)
WEIGAND - Best Wishes to all ourifaniil'y and
this holiday season -and through 11999
k, Deb. Brayden andiAmber (51;52x)
MAIR Y Wishing. my friends at Thames
Roys, Elimville and Exeter d Happy Christnlas
. and many blessings in the New Year.
Mair (51*)
Jean D.
BRIDE - Jay all that makes your Christmas
ht and fills your heart with cheer; be yours,
ughout the 'holidays and yours throughout the
Merry Chris''--
1as to all. Gerald and
ette-(51 *)
Wishing f ny
very Merry Chnstrn. � brig
friends a ' my
a ily and
as and, a Healthy,
Happy New Year and to doctors, nurses and all ea
staff and resident, you are a year
• now and 1 love you all. Flora '(51 *) of my family Jean
GLAVIN - Wishing •all our lanai dMCLEOD - To family , friends and neighbours,
Greetings of 'the Section and
g Quis,
forr the conn n many good wlyhes
beautiful Christmas and a New Year ofii
family. (51;52)
Happiness '
and Good Health. Gerry,. June and
ng year. Marguerite (51;52*)
would like to extend Seasons Greetings'and Best
Wishes to all our valuable customers. Thank -you
for your business.
Glavin, Steve Glavin-,
Crai Holidays from�'►erry
Beaver. (51;52) g Glavin and Gerry
MILLER - We would like to wish our customers,
neighbours, relatives and friends a sate and
Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year..
Miller's Welding and Machine;
Steven, Vicki, Laura &.Mitchell; Fred! (51 52)on &ar'l;
May the b
inspiration to you throughout thy year - bright
with promise and ;warm with love. ill Doris
family. (51;5:
Y eauty, of Christ h
- To our family, friends and team -
►nates everywhere; May the joy -and spirit of the
season be with you always.
Brent, Kendra'& Tyler. (51;52x)
Love, Kevin; Carol.YE LI.O W - 1 would like to wish all my friends
and relatives also all 'nty fraternal Brothers and
isters, Merry. Christmas and Happy New Year.
MOL - Merry Christmas and Happy
all our relatives and friends. New Year to
health and happiness in 1999. We wish you good -
(51;52*) Gabby & Margaret