HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-16, Page 29Wednesday, December 16, 1998
Exeter Times -Advocate
Carbon monoxide awareness urged during heating season
TORONTO - As the cooler
weather approaches this
fall, Ontario safety experts
are urging consumers to
have their furnaces and
other fuelburning heating
appliances in their homes
inspected by a qualified
service technician to pre-
vent the serious hazards of
carbon monoxide (CO) poi-
A . Carbon Monoxide
Awareness Committee.
comprised of representa-.
tives from the fuels indus-
try, regulatory authorities,
fire services, public utilities,
standards and certification
agencies and appliance
manufacturers, is advising
'consumers that a profes-
sional check-up of their
home heating system prior
to the winter heating sea-
son might detect a problem
that could lead to a CO haz-
There have been an
increasing number of CO
poisoning incidents over
the past several years
which have resulted in seri-
ous injury and, in extreme
cases, death.
"Education is the best
protection against this
deadly gas," said
Committee member and
Ontario Association of Fire
Chiefs representative Chief
Cyril hare. "Increased
awareness of the dangers,
combined with measures
people can take to safe-
guard themselves and their
families, will hopefully pre-
vent incidents of CO poison-
ing from happening in the
first place."
CO is a colourless, odour-
less toxic gas which is pro-
duced by the incomplete
burning of fuels such as
natural gas, propane, heat-
ing oil, kerosene, coal,
charcoal or wood. The ini-
tial symptoms of CO are
similar to the flu, and
include fatigue, nausea,
headaches and dizziness.
Exposure to high levels of
CO can result in physical
disability or death. Poorly
maintained and improperly
vented fuel -burning appli-
ances - including furnaces,
stoves, fireplaces and space
heaters - may create
unsafe levels of CO in your
The use of CO detectors
certified to the new
Canadian Standards
Association CAN/CGA 6.19
standard or the U n d e rw
rite r s Laboratories (UL)
2034 standard are recom-
mended by the, Committee
as a good second line of
defence against CO expo-
xposure. However, CO detec-
tors are,no substitute for
the care and regular main-
tenance of your fuel burn-
ing appliances.
The Committee recom-
mends annual mainte-
nance of all fuel -burning
appliances, venting systems
and chimneys.
The Committee has pro-
duced an information
brochure on CO hazards to
support its public education
activities. An electronic ver-
sion of the brochure is
available on the Technical
Standards and Safety
Authority's Web site at
Please contact the
Committee members listed
below for details regarding
their respective CO aware-
ness activities:
•Canadian Standards
Association (CSA)
•Consumers Gas
*Heating, Refrigeration
and Air Conditioning
Institute of Canada (HRAI)
*Ministry of Municipal
Affairs and Housing
•Ontario Association of
Fire Chiefs
*Ontario Fire Marshal's
•Ontario Natural Gas
Association (ONGA)
•Ontario Pt•opune
Association (OPA)
*Technical Standards and
Safety Authority (TSSA)
• Underwriters'
Laboratories of Canada
•Union Gas
Carbon monoxide info
• Carbon monoxide (also
called CO) is a poisonous
gas that you cannot see,
smell or taste. 1t is often
referred 10 as. the 'silent
killer'. CO is produced by
the incomplete burning of
fuels such as natural-gas,
propane, heating oil,
kerosene. coal, charcoal or
wood. •
• Exposure to CO can
cause flu-like symptoms
such as headaches, nausea,
dizziness, burning eyes,
confusion, drowsiness and
even loss of consciousness.
In very severe cases, car-
bon monoxide can cause
brain damage and death.
The elderly. children, peo-
ple with heart or respirato-
ry condition, and pets may
bo particularly sensitive to
CO and may feel the effects
• Conditions that can cre-
ate a CO hazard include:
- Fuel -burning appliances
(e.g. furnaces, water
heaters) venting systems
and chimneys that have not.
been serviced and main-
tained regularly by a quali-
fied service technician or
heating contractor.
- A chimney blocked by a
bird or squirrel's nest,
snow, ice or other debris.
- Exhaust fumes from an
automobile or other fuel -
burning equipment (chain-
saw, lawnmower, snow
blower) operating in an
enclosed space (garage.
- Improper venting of a
furnace and cracked heat
- Combustion ' gases
spilling into a home. if too
much air is being con-
sumed by a fireplace or
exhausted by kitchen/bath-
room fans in a tightly -
sealed house:
1f you or any ono else in
your home is experiencing
the symptoms of CO, make
sure that everyone leaves
the home immediately and
gets medical help. Call 911
or your local fire depart-
• Carbon Monoxide
- If a CO detector alarm
sounds in your home, open
all doors and windows to
ventilate. 1f you can't find
the problem and the alarm
.continue contact your
local gas utility or a quali=
feed heating contractor to
check. out the fuel -burning
- At least one CO detector
should be installed at knee -
height, adjacent to the
sleeping area of your
home. You may need more
than one CO detector if
sleeping areas are located
.on different levels of your
home. Please refer to the
manufacturer's instruc-
tions for additional infor-
mation regarding proper
use and maintenance.
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