HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-09, Page 37Wednesday, December 9, 1998 ,
Exeter Times Advocate
Lobro gets drainage plan exemption.
"Reeve" Heather Irvine, standing, clarifies a point of order for "Councillor" Jeff
Scott, left, "Deputy Reeve" Bill Thompson, "Clerk" Carrie Dixon and
"Councillors" Lee Ritchie and Reid O'Neil dur ng a recent mock council meeting
to discuss the dog control. by-law in McGillivray Township. The Grade 8 students
from McGillivray Central School were extending their civics studies.
Biddulph Central School held its student council elections recently and in-
stalled its executive. Pictured are, from left: secretary Cam Mitchell, prime
minister Martina Mardlin, deputy prime minister Loni Hardy and treasurer
Lance Marsh.
Winter clothing needed now
Winter clothing, especially
children's outerwear, is
desperately needed now.
"If you have serviceable
children's winter clothing
that you would like to
donate_ to a worthy cause
please take it to your
nearest used clothing
store today", said
Christmas Bureau manag-
er Karen Riddell".
Most of these retail out-
lets are charities them-
selves and use the profits
to support community pro-
jects. The cost of clothing
at these outlet.% is nominal
and the provision 'of this
service by these, charities
supports the working
poor. "As a Christmas ser-
vice, our goal is to ensure
that every child has new
toys and clothes for
Christmas. Providing used
items has never been the
purpose of the Huron
County Christmas Bureau.
Used clothing gifts are
more efficiently distrib-
uted by these charities,"
Riddell said.
Exeter Legion
Ladies Auxiliary
Dec. 10
7:00 P.m.
Last Bingo for the gear
next Bingo
Thurs. Jan. 7/99
Jackpot Guaranteed
Full card $500.
130-150 Persons $750 Over
150 $1000
"NEW" Air purifiers
No one under 18 admitted
Lic. #M405944
By Craig Bradford policy.
Vandenberg argued h
impression of ABC.A eng
neer Alec Scott's discu
sions at a past counc
meeting left the doo
open for the entire subdi
vision to be exempted.
Vandenberg said hi
company has been wait
ing to proceed with th
subdivision plans till th
issue was resolved.
Ile added the most cost
to his company is to "get
across the drain" and
splitting the development
into two phases would
mean "you won't see the
other side of the develop-
A total of 44 units (38
single family homes and
six semi-detached) are
The. ABCA's rationale
ehind Its insistence the
illage pay for a subwa-
ershed study stems from
oncerns about d, velop-
ent heightening storm
ater flows to the
usable River. The Lobro
bdivision plans would
Tutsi.A VOcA ere d
LUCAN — Ask and ye
will receive.
At last week's Lucan
council meeting,
Vanderberg Bros.
Construction Inc.'s Marius
Vandenberg asked for
and got an exemption for
the entire Lobro subdivi-
sion from the Ausable
Bayfield Conservation.
Authority's stay on any
development in the village
till the village commits to
a subwatershed study.
In a recorded vote,
council • narrowly
.approved placing the
entire Lobro subdivision
as an exemption. . •
Councillors Glenn Silver,
Reg Crawford and.Perry
Caskanette voted yea
while Deputy Reeve Barry b
Wraith and Reeve Robert v
Benner voted nay. t
The ARCA had original- c
ly let a first phase ' r, m
Tots of the Lobro soh w
sion be built a A
time only exempt, u. its s
ate evelopment. that
Is would increase those
1- flows, though not to an
s- unacceptable level.
11 Vandenberg agreed to
r pay $2.000 towards the
subwatershed study at
thecompletion of the sub-.
s division.
- . The study, called a mas-
e ter drainage plan. should
e be completed by London's
Dillon Consulting by Jan.
15 ata cost of $20,865.
..Administrator Ron
Keymer noted the plan
might . identity runoff
problems that may cost
the village -and developers
some extra money and
Changes to improve Motorplex •
• STFPIIEN TWP. — Council here has approved a
bylaw to allow Grand Bend Motorplex to continue
holding motorsport races and its associated uses.
As part of the bylaw, the Motorplex will be forced to
erect noise barriers and improve its entrance before
the season begins.
The passing of the bylaw at council's Nov. 30 meeting
stems_ from a Nov. 17 public meeting at which neigh-
bours of the. Motorplex voiced their concerns about
noise and heavy traffic from the Motorplex.
Doris Hestard said she thought the Motorplex's
speakers were louder .last summer than in previous
summers and said her complaints to the Motorplex
were met "with- little response. Resident Bill Jennison
-was-concerned- the new noise barrier wouldn't help -
with noise problems. •
Other local residents complained about heavy traffic.
Asa result of the.traffic, north and south bound turn
ing lanes will be constructed at the Motorplex's
Another response to the noise level will be the limit of
jet car events to four per season.
Responding to -races running longer into the night
last summer, the- Motorplex will be starting its events
two hours earlier.'
Motorhome, golf cart, snowblower, riding mower, generator
and shop tools.
Mr. George Kopar of Goderlch.
Richard Lobbs Auction Buliding, Bayfield Road, Clinton Ont.
Saturday, December 12 at 9 a.m.
. MQ1ORHOM 1980 Aristocrat 22 ft. Class C on a Chevrolet.
30 Chassis, 350 V8, roof air, toilet, shower, furnace, stove,
new tires, sleeps 6 etc., ONLY 104,600 km., GOLF CART:
1988 EZGO with gas engine, roof and roll up sides; RIDING
MOWER: Mastercraft 12 HP 38" cut, 4 or 5 yrs. old, (Like
new), SNOW BLOWER: 8 HP 26" walk behind blower, 2 or 3
yrs. old (Like New). GENERATOR: Homelite LR 4400 8 HP
4400 watts portable generator ?in wheels (like. new).
PREMat WASHER• Small portable .pressure washer with
electric motor (Like New), METAL LATHE: Grizzly G -4000.
metal chucks, tin yrs. lather, 20" b (cost en centres with side slides, 4
$1 200 new): POWER AND
HAND TOOLS: 10. inch table saw, Mastercraft bench top .drill
press, electric drills, 2- wheel, trailer, B&D 6 inch bench
grinder, dial indicator, set of leaf springs for a trailer.
Calipers, screw drivers, hammers, dies, drill bits, punches,
tin snips, wood bits, come along, pipe cutter, jig saw, Wonder
Wrench socket, drill chucks plus other hand tools etc. This is
a good, clean offering. PLAN TO ATTEND.
SALE ORDER Tools at 9 a.m. Motorhome, golf cart, riding
mower etc. at 11:30 a.m. NOTE: This is not a large auction
Terms: cash or cheque with proper. I.D.
Richard Lobb Auctions
289 Bayfield Road, Clinton Ontario
Phone: 519-482-7898
www.auction hotline.com
[FnFE rl
We wish to draw your
attention to the following in
our current 'Great Gifts, Great
Prices" flyer. -
Page 23. Beechwood Kitchen
Coordinates. 42=3.2237X. The
Bread Buz is not on sale, as
stated in. the flyer. Page 31.
Heavy -Duty Booster Caples.
11-1207-8. Copy reads: Reg.
24.99. Sale 14.E99, Save 40%.:
Should read: Rcg. 21.99, Sale
14.99, Save 31% Page 40 -
Item #4, NHL Rear Mats, 31-
257.5X. Copy reads: Reg.
11.99, 9.59 set. Should read:
Reg. 11.99, 9.59 each.
We wish to draw your
attention to 'the following in
our current
"Check . Out These Savings"
Page 5 - Item #10, 5 -getting
Heat.. Pad. 43-9552-0. Copy
reads: S settings. Should read:
3 settings. Page 10. Waffle
Maker. 99-4312-0. This
Waffle Maker does not make
sandwiches as stated in the
flyer. Page' 17 - Item #2,
• 100W Floodlamp Bulb, 52-
5483X. Copy reads: 100W..
Should read: 85W.
enote d348/349 - Zone 0..
TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Township of k
Biddulph intends to pass by-law at its meeting on I
December 1, 1998 to close part of an unopened
highway O'Flynn Street through Part Lot 25, Concession
1 .(Leslie and Steven Gteenlee property) as shown on r
Plan 178. A full metes and bounds description of the r
Clerk of the Township.section of road to be closed may, be obtained from the
Biddulph shall hear any person who claims that his/her
land will be prejudicially affected by the by-law and who ,
applies to be heard: Any person wishing to be heard
must apply at the address below and a day and time will
be set. Any person who does not otherwise apply may
attend the meeting of Council commencing at 7:30 p.m. `
on December 1, 1998 and such person will be heard by
Council. .
Dated October 27, 1998.-
AND TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Township of
0_ -
Lawrence Kitson
Administrator,. Township of Biddulph
33351 Richmond Street, RR '3
Lucan, ON NOM 2J0
(519) 227-4491' -
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