HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-09, Page 21Crossroads
Exeter 'Uncus -Advocate
Wednesday, December 9, 1995
lagt 21
Hensall hockey players' careers on the rise
Dynamic' Hensall duo. Mark Bell and Jeff Campbell are key members of the
Strathroy Jr. B Rockets hockey club. Both -hail from Hensall
- By Craig Bradford -
S'f'UATFIHUY — Twu young Fieffsall
Hien. a re hoping their stint with the
Strathro) Jr.. 8 Huckcits will blast then- to
U.S. college -Scholarships.
Mark Bell and Jeff Campbell are impor-
-Lant cogs in the Rocket machine. Bell, 19.
becatne the- team captaiir this year atter
scoring 'six goals: -and 32 `assists on the
blueirtle for the Rockets. This setikon the
-6'. 2115 Ib dettlncen►an has- scored two
• goals and 20 assists in 24 gatuts.
StoneAngels fi
.By Blake Patterson
G01)E3HICF1 = The pioneers o1' Huron County will nut _
be turgetleti.. but it is still uncertain how they will be
'remembered. • _ -
That was the Message. given to a group of citizens
last .week when they-e'xpresse;d coneer'n about a grave-
• yard cairn levelled recently b) 1-turi►n County workers.
'I'ht• Health and Seniors Cutitntittee listened to the • -t
citizen's conte
"It's a good• honc,ur." Bell said a
winning the big '(:' -on his jt'r
"Hopefully 1'11. show them a good ex
• Campbell. 17, has scored 22 goals
16 astitsts to 25 games. The 5'10". 16
centre points to the talent ori the lin
plays an with Hob....McFeeters and Ja
Davies for lits high c►fiensive output:
Both • say they enjoy playing_=z5tra;tiro! and--its-dit• r "cilli0rCer o
talons Pat Stapleton • arid. -head
c:uacti/G.M. Len Press.
.Bell said the secret .to improving your
game from Jr. 0 -to Jr. R is to listen•to the
wealth of experience around vee.
bout theHensall ,and Exeter minor hockey
sey. systems -
am-• •Bell landed a tryout with .the Hull Jr. A
Olympiques in•August '97 brut didn't fit in
and with the team's plans.
5 Ib Though 'Bell has almost worn out his
e he chances of moving 'up to Jr. A,. Campbell -
son -still has a shot. although last year was
his draft•year the was rated in • the 18th
fur round but wasn't selected). Whetter he'1T . "
per- .go. to a'.Jr: •A team if offered a spot
'depends on the education "deal" the
team puts en his plate. -
"1'm just worried about My educatiop.".•
Campbell said.
Education is -the focus of where Bell
est • and Campbell want to go in -their .hockey
careers. .Loth want .to land a scholarship
to a U.S. Division 1 college. Bell- wants •to
D pursue a career in the fields of geogra-
re. phy or .business. Campbell is interested
in a sports -related field or business.
a Bell arid. Campbell stay: in Straitly)).
St during the season. ,Bell at the. home of -
s Rockets- videotape operator 'David
Honsberger with Mcl'eeters arid.
Campbi 11 at the. home of Jack. and heti) -
s Daubs. Jack is the Strathroy arena man,
ager. Both attended. Strathroy District
s Collegiate Institute. •
s While' they miss their horse toWil, 1Sr Il
e said he's used to being away from home-
and .Campbell .enjoys tine change. -
► Campbell -has noticed that although
Strathrov isn't a whole lot bigger than
Hensall and Exeter, it isn't home .sweet
tonne .
"ut "everyone is as_.tight as bark _in
South -Huron:" he said .
-Just hard work and taking the in
froth practice- Bell said. "The guy's he
are also very knowledgeable."
_Bell said Jr. B is just as tough as Jr.
but- is .rnuch faster and the players a
younger. Campbell agreed. • .•
"1 think 1've becorne a 'lot quicker of
-hockey player." he -.said• adding jo
about eyery fac•et.uf his gine ha
Both Bell (sometimes known as Bells
or 'Anger) arid Campbell (Soupy to hi
friends) are (*terrier Exeter Jr. 1b. Hawks
Bell was a member -of the '95/96. Hawk
that won the-Uiitario.c:hanlpionstlip.--)ii
nine goal, eight- assist performance in th
.playoffs was a big reason. the Hawks
.were to the top. Bell also won a Vb'esterr
Jr.. H title with Strathroy-in '96/97.
• Campbell was named the Jr. 0 Morena
Division rookie of the .year last. season
.after scoring '25 goals .and 10 assists dur-
ing the regular season.
• Both Bell arid Ca•
mpbell are p:ioducts of
t to have graveyard cairn rebuilt
removed :the tablets. -they removed the rock cite
well and tossed the stutter into a nearby• ditch.
Albeit an over zealous job. Tur'tiberry Reeve B
McBurney said the destruction of the cairn. is only
issue because tile' county tried to preSer e a piec
which had been deteriorating unnoticed
decades. Fk' defended the -county's derision to tit
tt( tablets rind said he- hoped the. relocation of
ablets would make the names more accessible to the
ublic._ 1f ahe cairn and tablets had been Ireft to cruim-
li', he said nobody would h<tvt' noticed
'1 ht' tu'si .question he asked of the Citizens. was how
1411) tours iu the. last five years ail) of them ltad'visit-
d the sit!'.
"Nobody cared as long as we -did nothing."'said
c.)Burne) "As soup as we did sorriething.'Ws hecuriit.-
nnatiunal shrine' or sonle.tiiing."
The members of the. citizens group adiiiittf•d tht'
urial ground was nut visittid often. but added that
ea) a consideration should not. be used to deride the
to of our ancestor's resting places. Hamilton Seeger respoitdf..d to. McBurtie ► b► ask-ir
visitor frequency was the e;riteria used .for oils_
uteteries in the cuunLv!
The Stone Angels had tour rccunliuc'mdittior►s li)r LI
utas to redrtss what they consider a desforration of
:red. iir•ea.
n_us tIte-decision to preserve the` original tablets 1Ib- said
the. reconstruction of the -Cairn at this time- should bre
r•iar► considered by the -county as a way to redress pa,,i
an wrongs. - -
e of :Fhe 1931 county council r.alJi,d for the.discontinued
for cemetery -to be given '"perpetual cars'" .and 'decided to
ova•"- mark il►e•inner area of the burial wound With the cone
tl,ie ant•nti)ratr,e cairn and a 12 foot b 12 blot white pirket
Alice.. -
1Juring the war year's, however. the area outside' the
picket k'ii e was leased -out -for Crop pr•i durlion and .
the little t e mete r•y. obscured from view. fi•Jl gradurill
into disrepair -
Thompson said ri OiIstrut'Iio,rt of the site al flip-. IJtme
Will equate to "pretty links IJpke:el) 14 -the e finis 'Oil.
side•ring nothing has been done for the t-erni•ti , in 40
ur 51J years.
Colborne '1'e.iwnsliip Hee%e Stuart Sti•eli51r'a said it.
derision concerning 'the• gra‘t'y;i rd should be )n;idr
until the ar.tuaj area ot`the site. is knt,v,-,j •
He said tlu- count) alid the >itirie Angels should.
►g - work tugelher on the project aridre'qu,:ste•d the rinser,
'1- r•f•sriu't'li the original bourldaries,of iia• rill u'tt•r. ;,ne!
I bark to the ct,11•uuitter• • wit t a preferred rel om
If' ntendation
•res and agreed something Hued~ to be ' t
done to mark the grave site of the pio1n err, but they
asked the citizens. who call themselves the SStone p
Angels. to provide more details. about Cllr' silt' ..before
any action is taken.
Specifically. the cuuumitlt:e asked the group to deter- e1
• Urine the exact boundaries df the burial ground which
for decades have beet) ubsc ured by surrounding,. fiu'nl M
land. Unci' the boundaries are known.. the committee a
and the Stone Amgels will work together to develop a
ref:Uninte,rt(led course. tit action-.fi,i' approval by county b
.council: -
. Reg Thompson. a spokesperson fur the Stone Angels fit
and Member of the Fluroti County !Branch 0I' the
Uirtario Genealogical Society. said the rne:eting "went if
very welt" and .ht' hopers something r.an_ be done Lo ce
rebttiltl the cairn b) next spring-. -
'I'he easel) !marked the burial site uf' 124 .1-1uroii cu
CuurtR) t:rti,ens who were residents of a House of sae
Refuge built in 1895 near- the present site of the i;oun-
• t_v's Fleaith and Library Ciniiplex'.in Clinton. -
'I'he cemetery was used for over 30 years,- the last
interment took place in 1929." Duda). the burial ground st
• • is located it) the middle uta tield o11 property owned by • s
the•'ci►unly but leased to a tanner
"l jtist don't think harvesting crops utl' the graves of spa
our ancestors is a good idea.". said Rhea Hamilton ed
Seeger, one of' Stone .Angels who attended the see
Thursday meeting. • -
In September, due to the deteriorating condition of •
the cemetery' as a result of neglect. weather and van- • I
dalistn, county council decided the cairn's marble mint
name tablets. would be relocated t I all uf-metno-
ries" adjacent to the lobby at Hurunview pros
The re, :ommendations were as -follows;
• Heston, the t.ui1. 1 to its original size. r-e'buildirig
the same pyramid. shape using some of the o►•igie
les if possible. -
(:r•f att• replicas of the name plaques with the saint
fling and order of'tite.names. 1ihf' names were list
on the tablets in order' by death and the namlt
Ilings.retlet:t period usages and spurt (urns:)
Build a fence around the entire' area of the. origina
later). . -
-lave the site properly registered tis a cemetery arid
stained as such. -
'e want to ensure the dignity of the resting place is
erved." said Thompson..
huutpsun did not blame the current county council
Or the neglect of the cemetery, and he agrees with
- The rt)lllflllllel' suppor'L(•d't(•el)str;1 •
1'hof►ipsor-i said the cit i en's gree() hope Lo lr;1 l' )lis
torte aerial )photographs of the re11u•ter-! ready to slab
a • _nit to the ronrllir.lte'e-at tln-i,,- Dece,rrbl'r' meeting
Thompson said .the outer paraniell•r 1,l .the burl,,•
- ground was at one Lime narked by a. ring of fir trees' 1
a photograph Including those trees can be found. tilt
- Slone Angels will know what area needs to be lent et:
. to ensure the pioneer graves are.1ie%er plowed .urrde r.
or.plowwed up.
ile estimated. the area needed to protect the emir.
site of the original graveyard would•bc• about one gum-
'. W.I. of an acro':•
'J.ater last -week. Thompson noted that due to pros:
coverage concerning- the cairn he has agreed) .beer _
contacted by a possible relative of ome of the people
maned on the cairn:
In October, However, county workers not only1
•- for