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Exeter Threes -Advocate
Wrdnesd1ty, Irecenih r 9, 1'19
Christmas Dining - From My Home toYours
Debby Wagler is well-
known for her culinary
expertise. Debby has been
very diligent in sharing .her
recipes with the Times -
Advocate over the last year,
t1ith the holiday season.
only a few weeks away,
Debby has organized a
."Holiday Menu". This menu
will ._iop.efu!l-y--k-eelr- your
time in• the kitchen to a
minimum and.a chance to
spend time. with family and
friends to a maximum.
. The Ttmes-Advocate hopes
you enjoy the following
TO•ur thoice of * Overnight Eggs
or * iiashbrOwn Delight
• * Fipple -Caramel Coffee Cake
• Or juice
• Fresh Fruit
LtINH: .
• ' Sausage Dean Soup
• Vegetable Tray with * Dilly Dip
• * fiom's Squares
• Roo sf ey, Potatoes
• ' Dressing in a Crock
• * Turnip Casserole
• * Cranberry ,and Ormond Salad
• *PumPvwniakin l��
• 'Petzel Mix
• * Cheeseball Delight
• *• Spirwch and Pumpernickel f
Overnight Eggs
We hate been experimenting with
overnight breakfasts for a couple of
years. It• seems fun to *ice some-
thing ready to tuck .in early
Christmas morning without fuss! .
• ,12 bread slices, (:rusts removed
(white pre'fi'rred)
2 cups grated medium or old
je:hetldar cheese_ • .. .
1/2 Ib bacon slice's fried arid
crumbled (ryeiree if desired)
K (mss
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp pepper .
1/2 tap onion powder
1 ta►p welrcesurrshlrer sauce
1/2-tsp dry mustard powder
2 2/3 cups milk , .
1_u,t' bottom ,of greased `:t try :1 3
inch pan vitt ( bread slices
Sprinkle with c}teerse';tnd bacon
f'Isii:r- retma,,in.v ( ylie:iry of bread
over te,p, li(r;,t eggs in 'bowl Add
remaining ,ingredients arid !nix well.,
Your over bread (over:- Refrigerate
(ivernight Rakes uncovered, in :150
over( for ;shoal 1 ho(ir anti) s►e't.
Hashbrown Delight
This has traditionally been
I1andy'S Breakfast! 1 love 1i, have
fun help out on a lazy
morning and take s'ime
extra time la make
this l,,((JI&fU,t!t
use u large teJl n' , 0)'
skills•! oath U lid [o
make this habli-•
hrou;►t treat.
1/2 to 1 pound of
J iltirdiut11'oriion
pkg. cif frozeri bash btti►w11,
)•!Lisa itS needed (we do usually (►'
Salt and pepper la taste
2 cups gritted e'heddat- cheese
brig ba:1'in, and onion iynti) OAS()
/1-111tov1-"Ibi '011 acid set itaide In 111e
d1-ifipitl4S -add hitsir •br'owlis,
• .enlix
well 'iota over medium high beat
'tor at least 1(J ulitluI s, turning
1)1.1 *Slone!!). Stir 111 baron and
onion..l:singl, a large wooden Spoon
all indentation in haslibrown
n»xtiirt-• fi,r the nulniber of eggs you
would like li, t•ook. Break eggs into
the 'wells' Sprinkle wiih .sah gild
pepper. Place lid over ii&d -*auk till
eggs white over" Sprinkle with
cheese and cover and cook until
eggs are a on►pft;tely Wit. 4:U( ittii
serve lint from lire pari.
Apple Caramel
Coffee Cake •
Coffee cake is. such a !real! 1t goes
back to dating days when Randy
and I were living two hours apart.
Weekends he would arrive With a
fresh Amish ,type cuffeetake or
apple strudel and cheese. 'Wow -sink- Dilly Dip
your teeth into that and -no wonder / Veggies and dip make a great light.
was won over! This recipe came as rneal •addition! This recipe,(uine . .
a trial and it is a WWIWL..------ -- -- -fro,- our good flfrAds who here
camped With us for nearly Ill years.
This is an easy quick dip ready.
with a simple stir. Keeps for a day
or two in the refrigerator.
1' cup salad dressing
• 1 cup sour cream ,
1 small inion chopped line
2-3 tsp. dill weed
1/2 tsp, black pepper
Stir all ingredients together and
• Garlic croutons: r, slices bread •
cut into rubes. [feat 1 tbsp. olive oil
and cook 3 minced garlic cloves and
bread cubes till crisp and golden.
Drain 'on paper towels-. Serve on top
for individual serving bowls.
3 eggs .
2 cups sugar -
3/4 cups vegetable oil -
3/4 cups applesauce
2 tsp. vanilla extract
3 cups all-purpose flour.
1 tsp. salt .
1 tsp. baking soda
• 3 cups peeled apples
. 1 cup chopped pecans
Topping: -
1 cup.paeked brown sugar
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup milk.
• i'inch of salt .
In a -mixing bowl beat eggs, until
finally. Slowly add sugar. Mix in oil,
applesauce, and vanilla. Combine
dry ingredients and add to egg; inix-
ture..Stir in apples_arid pecans. four
into a greased 10 inch tube' pan.
!fake at 350 kir 1 hour and 15 noel.
or until a, too thpick.ncar rrntre
rorne•S out demi. God in .parr fur 10
'min then invert on a serving tilat-
ter Roil topping ingredients in it
tiaticepan for :f minutes, stirring
constantly. Slowly pour 'over Warp!
rake (some topping will 11111 fawn
ottte, tl►e'.SPrving plate).
Sausage Bean Soup
This sou/, ix (l great •►►lak(s ahead
.soup - a even tastes better the. se(: -
and tine aruundl,Ani/une 1 have
served 11 to lope's it and I fund myself
mobilo a often! •-
2 cups white navy beans
1/4 Ib: baron
3 !bap, oil •
2 large imitate; chopped
3 garlic c1ovebvtnit►ced
I atulk celery clopped
-1. carrot diced
- (� cups witle•s. -
2 bayleaves
1-!/2 Inp ptpl•Ikst
1/2 top. dried thyme ,
1/4 tall. dl`aid marjoram ,
1 - 1 `1 111. ('IUs ,(111'(((1. tosnutinib
1/4 pound ha114 Ibought Its a -whole'
t•litlnk,-tl•en 4114'1011 , -
1/2 Ib. pipp0r0111 ahc'r(O, 111 .an14111
'rou11d5 -
1/2 cup h•rah parsley
(;i1 h1' Ft owing) (recipe billows)
To yolk-5ostk I1) itna,,i-tivor with :f
IISIIVb their- vol+1111l! of 1'1►!d W41101;
bring u► it Roll „iid Inds gently lar 2
minutes Il((tiwvt- 11 tan h((at, covet
and let stand bit. 1 lu,ur ihai11, die
i•strdi'ng water, rinse and (trait'
again . • ' -
Uir(( bacon and try in oil over
medium.. high heat tilt t rise `-)tit
aside • •
Discard all but 3 thbp fist and rook
'Onions, garlic, celery and carrot pule
5•lo 7,nItnules.till stiffened 'Add
baron, beans water, spices and
bring to boil. lit(du1 a heat to medi-
Ilnl low. cover and Sntllrittr fill 1le4iits
are tender. about .1 hour.
Add tomatoes and midst. billuner,
ullcuvered ler 10 u,iuut.es it 111(41.111
through fieuson with salt and pep-
per to taste. Sprinkle parsley and
garlt1' cruutotIs tin each serving... • .
Mom's Squares
It wouldn't seem right if / did not
include my mother's special square
in a collection of special recipes..tly
morn taught inc hock to cook and
hoir to experiment with recipes to
came up with someticing all. your
own! [his is .Vuriette Chester's Ire-
ulium and clues her proud' 1:'ttiu(l.
3/4 cup melted margarine -
1/4 cup brown sugar -
1/2 cup (lour .
, \lix ingredients together aI4d_errs,
into a'/ by 12 inch,pa11. !lake ;it 350
oven for 12-15 minutes. •
Taking ;t. total' of 3 cups in combi-
nation,, mix the following with one
ran kagle.Ifraud sweetened vont-
(tensed milk. '
- mixed peel
- chopped mixed fruit
- chuppeel'ree) and green rhrrrie,
- chopped brazil ts
- 011,111111,4 walnuts or Ircctins
- S0111i•.sW(•eet churUIatr drips
• a111101ltls sliver0(1
I:111'01114 spoon tnMIT rr ba,r
4141 bake al 350 Ij,r another 25 nan-
nies. Goal 411(1 cut
Dressing In A Crock
/let/peen .1 unit ;, years ago. mry
mom (lecttletl lo not 14,,A the chess -
tn(1 to the turkey - some sort o/ ,al
►nunella score, wttl it not? Anyway
we stalled the drea.,l►trl 111 a slow
cooker anti (1114 r see started the
trend. why/ yo, k? It Is a great
way to emik n trmdittumul slr(IJiny
2 largo imams chopped '
' spas celery i•hoppr.(I1
1/4 cup limier or 11111 }acme
'Irvin!' 1st 1111\111141 of bruw11, wlint
bitie, ear., equal lis tt1 It.14I 1 11)411 -.
tap s,tt) Ii
1/2 .tsp ginger
1 lap. ,peppe+i
10 or cream of ( hit ken soul,
pkg. chit keg b1411hou.
1 clip water,' • -
1 iylit) .its 111000411' t( 011 11:11 Mull,
holo roasting; ttrkey, milk o1 witlet 1
1`ry 14uiuns, 1 glary 111 11141gai na• 111
Rutter Add sptc,os, •4111 nll.>, %vitt)
1►1ra1 falx Soup. with boulllou,
water and nix 1)e with bread utlk
1u1c, l'141'n in a well greased -slow
(40)101 11 cooking all day cook un
high ha one hour and Io %•ri(11liun
ingl 11711e. stirrinng occasionally Heat-
ing at lunchtime 1'14111 ii high "all
morning, 51111 log; occasionally 11 tort
glry, add 1/1111114114111 cooling 111111 141
nu►isl.1n ,