HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-09, Page 1414 Wednesday. December 9, 199M
Exeter Times -Advocate
Drama performed by Sunday School children
By Rhoda Rohde (ton
IAMfS HOAI) ')HHr'tiE:►Niti •
Church service
THAMES ROAD - OnRev. Marilyn Carter was
MondayeU_ in charge of the Second evening. 35
p Sunday of Advent and
• ple gathered at Usborne White -Gift Service on
Central School to honour Sunday . morning at I
Jack and Betty.Borland Thames Road. •The
on the occasion of their • Christmas Introit was a
40th wedding anniversary sung and Rev, Carter g
which was September 20
Chad Sinit) received the On December 21 the
offering and Vanessa Sunday School Christmas
Bray gave the Offer
Individuals took t
gifts forward for
luron County Christ
Bureau and Robert B
nd Dale Skinner took
roeery • cart loaded
rticles for the food bank.
ife and Work of
tory Concert will begin at 7
• p.m. at Thames Road
heir Church.
the On December 24. a
mas • Christmas - •Eve and
ray Communion service will
the be held at Thames Road
with at 7:30 p.ni.
• On December 27 there
will be a baptismal ser-
vice. •
Elliott and Audrey
McRoberts were Monday
noon guests with Bill and
Rhoda Rohde.
Bill and Rhoda Rohde
attended the Christmas
potluck' supper for the
Kirkton Horticultural
Society • • at -
Community Centre on
Tuesday evening.
Boband Bernice Jeffery
attended the graduation
of their grandson Scott
• Douglas.. Jeffery at the•
Aylmer Police College. Ile
is with -the Waterloo
Region Police. There were
288 in the class.
Rob Jeffery -received his
first class government
papers 'as a machinist.
•They are sons of Dot,,
r -and Barb Jeffery of
Jo -Anne Howe wet- gave the announcements, a
corned everyone and Chad Smith lit both pur- L
Marion Snow pie candles in the Advent t
gave a wreath, the first one was
reading "A Farmer Is for. hope, the second one
Many Things". Ju -Anne is for peace. Purple is the • C
read a nicely worded
Redness and Wayne Rowe colour of quiet'dignity and .. C
' presented Jack and Bett led in the Call to 1r`pcntanrepentance. Rev.' Carter tw
with a' beautiful Wall.
swag: Both replied.and Virginia Warwick -.to
• read the scripture.- • •
Euchre was then played •• 1
A drama "Here. and a
and prizes were awarded•There" was .enacted by •
to Lone Hands mens Gary the Sunday School mem- m
ltowecliff; Lone Hands bers. The first scene had M
ladies Belva Rowe; mens a flag of Brazil over the •
high Ross Hpulpit odgert; ladies ul it and youth acted out De
high Kay. Hodgert; mens side
low Jim, Snow; ladies low the Brazil of the story e
Frances Kints. and the second act had Ev
Usborne School 7 the Canadian flag over T
the pulpit with the youth Sch
Social acting out the Usborne
The Friends of Usborne Township side of the
School. would -like to story. -The play was well set
thank the community for done •and was conducted Sch
working at and support- by superintendent Kathy will
ing the Rural. School Bray.-
. Dance and .Community The choir sang "Hark Sch
Social:.Together a profit the Glad Sound accom-
panied by Jean Hodgert
on the organ. Grace Pym
gave a Minute for Mission
he Congregation
The worship committee
ould like to thank 'Les
udmore for donating the
hristmas tree for our
o sanctuaries thisyear.
If you have any candles
Id or new) 4" and longer
ease give them to any -
e on the worship com-
ittee(Judith Parker,
arjorie Johns, Marilyn
ndenbussche ' and
ndra . Rowe) by
cember 20. They will
used for the Christmas
e service. •
he Youth Sunday
Q01 .Class will be kav-
a Time .and Talent
nt Auction. It will be
up soon by the Sunday
ool. The .closing bids
be after the Sunday
ool concert.
of $1,391.15 was made
-which has been handed
over to the Usborne
December 16, Junio
th Group will be hold
their Christmas meet
from 6 to 8 p.m.
bers are to bring $5
over the cost of sup-
_ School Advisory Council report.
to be used at their discre-perHenk Veldman and ter
Hensall has forget-me-not tree
By Liz Sangster
speaker with June
Dougherty as soloist.
Cost is $4. per person. if
HENSALL Rev. required, transportation
Nicholas Vandermey willcan be provided. To make
conduct communion ser- • reservations contact Marg
vice at Hensall Carmel -Cole at 262-2304 or Faye
Presbyterian Church on Skinner at 235-0258 by
December 13. noon on December 14.
At . Hensel! United This event is sponsored
Church, Rev. . Pam by Town and Country
-Tolmay's message was Support Services and
"The liuman Rites, The Local volunteers.
Core of Peace". Mark The Village of Hensall is
Galough was the organist pleased to have a
for the ministry of song, "Forget-me-not" tree
and Danny. Moir and within the village. The
Jenna Wyman were the tree is located in front of
greeters. The ushers were
Matthew. Martin and
Christine Pryde. Larry
and Laura Elder lit the
candle. Christmas Eve
service with communion,
carols, and readings will .
begin at 7:30 p.m.
Prayers are asked for.
Wingham United Church.
The cover of the church
bulletin was drawn by
Dana Martin.
Community Drop-in
The next meeting of. the
Hensall and Area
Community Drop in will
be held December 17, at
the Hensall • United
Church. This will be the
Christmas program.
The day will start with
foot care at 10 a.m.
Please contact Marg Cole
at 2G2-2304 if you are
interested in scheduling
an appointment. Lunch
will be served at 12 noon.
Fdllowing lunch, Alma
Langford will the guest
the Town hall and is dec-
orated with blue lights,
remembering those who
have died from Alzheimer
Disease, and in support of
those facing the challenge
of the disease currently.
Just in time for
Christmas, giving, village
of Hensall flags are avail-
able for. purchase. The
. flags are 36" x 72", and
proudly display the
Village Crest. The flag is
on display - at the
Municipal office.
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