HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-09, Page 8I 0 YEARS AGO
December. 7. 1988 - The
IImmaculate heart of Mary
(Catholic Church in Grand.
a Bend got a new bell tower on
ISaturday when parishioners
cortrib.utc•d their time and
equipment to erect the new
I landmark.
1 Laidlaw -Carriers Inc. are
selling' off their less•than-•
truckload market 10 .1.E.
'transports of -Listowel.
• j 20 YEARS AGO •
1Jecember 7. 1978 - Sue Ream'ish and•Jc►hn
Ny(•nhuis were named 1979 Queen. and•King of -
• Cc -•nimbi College et Agricultural 1(.ckinolog -
r(erenth'. They we're, crowned by Tact year
!J rsJ.,uttrl 1)ortmar-and-antt'Therer.Sa Ondre ic:
7 Four directors .from Huron county hay
Warned to the Ontario Bean Producers Ma
Board: They are Gordon Hill. Murray (
Bob Allan and Joe Miller.
Due to the high cost of turkeys in 197
Exeter PUC decided to discontinue the prac
• giving turkeys to its•emplovees for Christm•
December 6, 1968 • -Centralia Colleg
announced the establishirlent of a veterinary
• vii�es laboratory to be. built in 1969. The lab
would serve livestock and poultry producers in
. the.eight-county region.
Minrster-of Economics Starnley-Randall.said
that the success of the` }furor Park Industrial
Park was .a •story •that should be told across
Canada about how a deserted airbase became a
"thriving industrial and educational complex`,
December' 7. 1963 -The new transformer sta-
• tier' being erected near Centralia by Ontario
I Hydro'( western region w•iJl provide a,cal,acity of
I three -times the present need and wijf cost
$550,000.'It -is expected to be .irk service by.
October, l 964. ' .
Dashwood Industries' will suun open its secornd
plant at' Mt. 3rydgesi and plans -to build a third
one to bein production before 1964' `Three of the
key enure planning the expansion program are
.sales manager Jicn Finer),, vice -'p'reside'nt
Howard Klurnpp and president Maurice KJurnpp.
Slightly' over 22 inches of snow has fallen un
the area in the Last five days. The •biggest single -
.. fall was ori Sunday when 11.7 inches fell, Most of
ia• in aseven hour stretch. '
• December p, 1958 - 1kuutball teams at J.A.1).
McCurdy School at H.C.A.F. Centralia staged
1 I their own'Grey Cup battle recently complete, with
cl>eerleaders and Majorettes. Sale of candy at the
1 j Katie realized $30 which was donated to'Yhe
Springhill Disaster fund.
i .l irst prize in the T -A's public school essay
contest on "My Christmas Wish" goes to Helen
' . (;ole of Exeter •J'u1Jic School who would like, to!
have a wonderful party for orphans.
A l'ea'd -on collision about ,one mile south of
Exeter .
Exeter Times—Advocate
Opinioi Forum
From the Eagle's Nest
News from Exeter Public School
(1n 1lecember 1 a very moving memorial l service
was More years held in �ermemory- of Aimee Payne. Over one httn- began tlIy career
r asi�a (I•arlier care tin ►ii'tgradi.:1
dred students. from Exeter Public School attended. classroom ol':f8 students. That first grade a 4
Various students, and the teacher from Aimee's year some thinly happened that
class at Exeter made presentations and did read- ('larified fur nue what schools are
ing(. Ainiee's class at Parkhill West Williams also suppose to be about.
sang a I•rare\�ell Song' to Aimee.: After the ce
ny all of those in attendance` formed a friendship dr- . year"Atha' introduceboy arrived d challenges grade
halle ges 1
cle outside around the Payne family' to planta do
memorial. 'Aimee Tree' in the school hadnor 't first .day encountered
welcomed hide
liom achek officiated in the -dedication. yaherd.
staff tat
to our h: class ;lid• �' r h
the school were' very pleased with the respectful,1,.rve him his books
caring attitude exhibited by all of the students. in he threw them as hard as he ruuld
• cane anc(i. at the blackboard linally.picki►rg up HOMUTH .
The Book l=air.which ��'as held on November 2:; to. • his desk. and throwing it. Daily he NorTerPAcs
unleashed a string of is rIaity that
27, earned over one thous
s WW1)- ansf.rluhars in new books. startled--lute-rust of his classmates, .t0•
'say (lie
ka --fur the--library.iTanks toil) parents and students for
supporting this worth while parent, and t(i the' herr- least. ill had no coat or bay we remedied, that
( b""n ti -eight volunteers who helped to run the. Book Fair. but we couldn't take away his terrible rage,.
rketing . -When he was settled enough 10 learn it became
The winner Of .the S25 dollars in books from the apparent that he couldn't read.ir word. Ile want-
:araiff• _ Family -Event was Trey I.avier. His class, Mr.
•Spittal's Class. also won S25 dollars in free mallei- ed tu'l! principal though
ould havand so e h m'�kfdeat it.
. the als. The ,
o his
lice of office• each afternoon •to share whatever new
This week in Mrs. Dietrich's class they have been words' we'd mastered that day. In time we started
°S' - w•orking.on•a skit 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas
'fur the concert.. They had a spelling list with 150 disruptivave e although me 11 kne• w I wasn'tneverudoi so •
e .has words in it. It was called 'must misspelled words-. yuite,enuugh. Ing
ser- They had a math test on angles and triangles.. I'n
�'he they are working on peer p and t iangey had Eventually, a police officer showed up al tx-
g , *classroom door one morning.
an auction with fake money that Mrs. Dietrich gives • ual abuse that this oun , aThe been ends ring
them for getting their books out on time. In art they Y to bedealt w,ith.rd been enduring
are doing Christmas designs with angles. •
was (`Wall going
four stu-
The grade 7 and 8's have with; been at "Tech 21 of - destsA Spassed away hort while isudter d one
ofrarbrain can(eur sm.
late: Mrs. Thiel's grade 7 class is writing autobi- For two or three days, she. had complained of a .
ugraphies in language arts class. head ache in school and then it happened. aneurysm.
The Student Council is requesting families to par- were devastated. We weren't able to cope very
ticipate in donating items such as food, new (Clothing well for several weeks. Mostly I read poems and
and new toys to the Huron County Christmas stories to.the class. as they sal at my feet often
Bureau. For those who like to knit, handknit articles - g
boldin each others' hands. When our schools
such asmittens and slippers are also welcome. and community learned of the death of Aimee
Donations should be in to the school by Friday, Payne this month, all our hearts as citizens, pair_
December l 1. • ents, playmates and educators were saddened.
Students are busy preparing for •(Christmas con- S('huuls, :?hove all else, are human institutions.
cert( on the 16th and 17th of this month. The pri- They are not factories that make products; they
Mary kids perform on the 16th- and .the junior and- are places that nurture- :end' develop complex
intermediates on the 17th. 'There will be afternoon beings. When talk turns to issues of mar -
performances at 1':30 as well ler those who wish to • human
tion olion and competition of schools, privatiza-
beat the evening rust'. lien of educaliun, and learning
Next week will also be a very busy one with (kat- commodity to be. bought as strut. eine •--
ing scheduled for the final very.
J,hl and sold: let us rernent-
sings taking place. Monday aid n Tuesday will three bldg that schools that the work -first because they actino And feature edge. each day they deal. with -humanity. certainly
anity. And
whole school carol sings in the morning. On Friday, humanity is never_ tidy
two• carol sings will take ,lane slat ,Ic. and it certainly is never
the morning,! an intermediate one f For me, the struggle for excellence in
and a primary junior assembly at schools is least
2:45. Parents are invited to particp:ite as well. ilut, at least smile of the time, that also me;
(Congratulations to the Legion winners who par- our conversations must be about goodness. That
ticipated in the Remembrance Uay we'l'd errs
}, and is, what is.good about this sch(i5l, this classroom,
poster contests, Winners in the poster c.aler•gory phis learning activity ur these lest results'?
hi -eluded. Sean !alisbri, Sara ;fowl: Danae Krell'', hood about kids and irbout teachers
and Clarissa :Shave,?. Essay winner( were( faith- What is
Anne Wagler, Kristopher Virley and Arnberle.y (lutllenging,u1lrr iqis �ue�irtlividti1tls,(!Hay lWeI.'a1l I('`og-
challe u ►
hickey. Poetry contest winners Were Amy Weida, iize Dur c°llee•IIV" respeinsll►ll11.Y lu suppor•(
• .Mandy (Campbell arid Sarah Hayes: (Congratulations schools ;ts they try to nurture•this hunl,enitt
0n this amazing achievement. -
Congr'alulatiurns alsuares in order to Stephen
H01mes who recently won a 'teeshir't and several
Anirnorplis books fi►r• his poster. entry in Kidsworld
.Magazine. We are proud of his achievement :end of
the: initiative he has shown.
The Eagles Feather campaign has been going Donations I
strong' and gaining Momentum al I.PS- Man Stu- •
dents every day are being recognised for their oh- • $5,00 Vali for -
zenship, ac:rde11ric, and spurts CMIldbutiu1I).10 the l:mmmunity Livid South Huron
school and the office is busy with students at recess- • $2,.11111 - Huron (;Bunt). Christmas Moreau
es who come to tell Mrs. 1.aw'ie and Mr. (;raha111 of 00. - PiallialiVe tan!
• ')11;111(1 - (11'1' Drug Safeety books
their ace'u11Jj►h5h►ne+rJ1,, So:ii students have already $1,1111(1 - 1111/011 Side Ilmiue lei. Youth
earned two ,r' three feathery within it_ few weeks. _ � r
What a wonderful, positive thing it is to acknowl-
edge these positive contributions.
Wrdue carry. I)'.ceurber 9. 199$
Principal's note
I I= -t.r on Jlighway 4 early
' a1rtneti and ii1jur'ed four,others'andSaturday J1W Wd as
worst accident in the dista•io;l's history.
• S0 YEARS AGO • .
. J)eci:rriber 5;1 94,8 Leavitt's Theatre will,
Idor,iate the eetire grows proceeds. from the
Monday and "1'Ue sci , showings of the '.Black
• !' Accow" to tile Exeter Hospital Fund sponsored by •
'tire 'h:xiter Lions CJuJ).
" On Wednesday, hero George '1•.a11 QsJl. a soil -in. -
i law of Mr. and. Mr's. .11a hy Strand of town was
inducted into' thi pastorate of Kii,ox -Presbyterian
i (Church Irl Mitchell. ,
-'f'he rourity of Hururl has purchased the
alitieue display of Mr. 1\ei1 of Corrie. This is. the
largest d,spiay!of anl'iques. Ali (ntario.
• , 1)1:cernl,er 6, 192:1 - Mr ,Cliarlie
Ciiwaid ho
has h(•en in the West 1.0I S 111Jel,r1J(. arf'Jweel
';Dine last week
Mrs ;'.lin(, 11..Howey has 141.n successful in
,passing the Judie,,- exanJino(t0Us held at 'the
t)i:tdrie,•(:oi.lege of Phariiacy 11, '1.01-4)1114).
Warden H.W.F Heavers was presented with a
Igold -headed cane at the December session) of
Huron County Council. •
- Mi-. W.F. Abbott a1((li i 'd 11,iee Bert( -Cee
• LS50d1ahboh) meeting -at 'Toronto this'week.
From the Lions corner
How about
these .statistics?
When 11 child is thee firs( to
attejad church, 3.5% of the firnri-
ly follows. When a wile or 1110111
15 the first to attend church,
17'7„ of (1e• family billows. Whin
:► dad 0r• husband is the first to
attend church -':l% of 11ie tinnily
(Gel the point?
Other Events
• November 27111 Lighting of MircNau};lelen
• Santa (Claus Parade Nowiiilier 2K
• Trip of the month winner ' Don Ilrun.l , %
(Orlando; Free tickets to Voris (;Jd(finys and lulls
The Exeter Lions 1:Iuh
wishes to thank (veryoii .
1ur their generous stip
purl throughout -1101 yeiie
and wishes e•‘,,r11IJe, i(
Merry Christmas and ;I
happy, healthy and prey
porous 199').
"Thank you" 'Tote I hu'tai