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Exeter Times -Advocate
1 ,I)il.l..•." 1 i.' MAl1 ,uG1711)!Tyi1\ •. if.:
Jinn Illedistott
Publuther a.nd tidbit
Dann Solidi
Cameral Mutuger Prod rttiun.Muna,fietr
Deb Lord
I'ublshrtd 14,4 3 10 f:ltdy Publicntiurif Limited
424 Maur) Street Scarth. 1' (•) bor. KS()
f.xeter. Ontario NOM ]tit, • If)] yl 2,35-1331
It is time the parents of teen-
age .drivers got the message
his is the season for parties: fun and festiv.
ities ever wL'here . and also the season for
charismatic speakers a] high schooLS. _
warning of the dangers of drinking and driving.
The 'aid fact it, that inipairttd driving continues to be, a .
leading cause of death'among- young people
Nevertheless, these assemblies are largely preat hing w
. tilt converted. Thr kids know all the sta•ust.ic's on
impaired driving. how luau) people bite needlessly
kited and injured esti) year. the devastating impact Uf
one unpaired c:uuvietion un insurauire ratty. and the rest
of it. .
But come ltriday night. they will still pile iritis a car.
drunk out of their adolescent minds. Most have adopted
the :cottt:ept ul the designated driver. thank heaven. or
tate statistics would be u tut:scarier.
Wto .do abet do it" . ,
• Getting. drtunk and piling into a cls has become all
accepted. part of growing up in this culture. They, du . it
because that 4-b w#tai kilt; du 'Elie) du it because the)
ore invincible. atnd fatal collisions always lta.ppen to
: utietr. people. . - _ •
• The.big rtttisot) kids, still drunk anal drive is because
that' stet their pareut5 - their ring and- naost important
rule models• - iiupputg ui bttltittd tile. viiieel in'httn they
tit' 11ci busit►tts, being there•
t)ad tiger eb he eau have ;three ee ur lour driukk& laid '5iA)
pt•.r[t:t:tly sober. He can walk and talk straight, and tits
'head i, olid L urtutg "Jill:, i, prutly true, because tet *nasi
1, till t'xprri.k'J Lead dr•itnk*-r lit t •atiSti all e:•xperient-.e:7 dr;
'vet-. load .i, utdikt•ly to be tri tiling vi•1t.tt 11‘..... 9! !SS)
drunken btiddier t4, egg taut) +jt►' .
ilia Sot' learn; to exatttpl' Witt Ilgtue:'S chi :4-e ur lvur
drttir.5 tl.rI. ttuttttitg But i,ttcaust• lit i, nut as, t:x-per•►
ttttt;t:C drinker, tit!: lit:olio!. will frit Iwo a i' t liar+it•r • Ht-
•could vary Wttll.L.- snowirw.stgte• tit iitipa.troir•tit Pw. tuff;
behind the vvitertt with a group 4,t ts',ttftd5 u) at: t:+aua.U)
tir•tttirseti state. and a Si,»p...tiattstttt . • .
Mtike tit) Mistake. e. if stopp* d in .t) 111)1. e .Benin , bun,
would rt grStttr uv:tr the legal Litton • t alt.vi►vi lend sutler
tett. legit) t vt,St,toomatt5 !\until. r stwuld b4- driving
.woad tats tlrWspiq$" tis►d oxen 4 -tit. ag4-: of i.t14- Pt:,Plr_
-...1a+god wall uttl,dttrr:d dr•»°itty. t,ta!!) ar+.- 1.10-,, pe,,,5.1-..s dz., 4,t
wet driver•a. Stitt) flay,:.beet r dr•utkarig wid tvnvisrr WI
yt;tt!. That) gin Ups u, at: 4-;,a WI 1.4-.41 grttu,g di wale. If t.li
tilt: gent's bald df•t►'itty_, ttt'UutIId WItl+•t. • ase 'R ht:r•! ul tilt:
..at wtt:�• to rt?);uiaw Wt:ttkt;rid a+:trvtt.) • lint. ta.w ft.•}{ascle,4
- tel;. Suet IA nutty ,a.• -1,1.7,5, Will let li',y::' 4-•x+.ep1 jJtv:,t
i,ct•c :lilt') : kalif Iy, tllett►at•ii it& tf at•ir li'l •nide testd vti,t•f
(ini,,!,e; !'t It. Stili ark',
.' belt), t: ttOt111. yet behind the v1•lit.t•i al Lei dews}}4-,y
tutus tuui giiisStt, 411 IUyti.ve:txuit.: purr:t,. wt utobt c:,4-,
side„ ti it tttt:s,a$et•:In i.Aire set tdifij our ,:iiitdrt•t:. Vltf,iUS1
.hist 4,utiside• tett.: ttiessalt. wt.wuuld b4--. betidii,y il wt:
i:itlted at t.au. uf• -headland tilt. 'Keays tel ti ftleiid w'lrJ +14,4-'5
mutt:ut,autut• alt:viva
lt, i:: tutif.' wt oidttt tvlk gvt tilt itiesstixt IJiai drinking.
and dr•ii'itag do not ttl;,x - tvr the Sale),.) a!a; wet) being vi
ute ':tttldretti -
About #beTirnes•Aldvora e
Addrt s &
Offic.e Hours
at 11):, 4.0t4.,1.tttt 4 i4 5•,g.it.t, 1'4i tial) r,'✓4)
1 Aott:e +Jt!+.atrw i'Vtd JSt, ().,1 vttr.4 L4,
ICilie 1 i• 3f.4 cLU I t ' :, :f)4J p}),
Contact Us By Phu n ur Fax
f .idssttlt;(1 .►d 21 SUL s' rll,trlt 4111::
i5 Iivur atuLtnliatt d a+ttt;!idau+�
1 4ti !tut' it,tf (4)1 ell' dt:flaaILfitelttt
Subscription (Rates
unit' yt.au Ilan tut atddrtaS+:: f!1 f:aoaadv
N'e•dnew ay'. December (). 1991
blIWISIO10111111`WIN111111011/1)W11~1101111041N111~Wqr.41111p..110110.0101.0111\11PkWO 110.
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f tit tet.�•�r1►
Farm crisis will touch us all
A few rnvrrthS ago, 1 thought the Asian flu was only
going to affect eery ftftSPS and snick it's a long time until -1
r '1Jft .1 wasn't losing bleep over it. -
7'hirtg5 are different now as the Asian Markets are
being blamed for the downward spiral of stork •
The issue: of low c<Jrrrmudity prices — beef,
pork: grant. beans — ie ,very r ornplex. f:xpetrti,.
told farmers there web a huge Asian . market
h.wigry- for aU ver we could products.
11 hasn't paruied out:.
Mean peiepie quickly tenet finger, at_thtt terror•
417). 1/ae:14.4:1.5, retl2Liletrb ur etxixtrts and say there's
quick rix - .
we're riot going to be able to eat our way out of the farm
crisis. Were part of a global market arid. our farmers
are playing in the big leagues.
I'm not saying we should throw our hands up in the air
arid say there's nothing we can do. But I
believe we need to have some sympathy and
understanding for what farriers are going
through. .
As businesses and communities, we've bene-
fitted from the healthy commodity prints of
recent years. Ivtrrrters are excellent at keeping
the economy moving •by investing prolits in
equipment, renovations or household p11rchas-
et,. They donate• to churchi•s, rlrtrilie�s lint
coumnumity causes. -
- 1' ye. heard estimates that 20.5'0 per cent 111
punk producers will not he in business ne•\t -
year :at this tiow
plats is goitig to atllect all elf 415 l low well will your 1,41•.1
neat, do i1 farmers •aren't buying? What will 111• impact
be till y'nu ch1101 or your 1u,tdritising event%
It'S easy (41 •.dura the lune* to doll,•tt s and relate but
the humans 5141e. it;ts tel he kept al Il►e lire{enol
1 here weeks ;ago, 1 attended an oaten house 11,1 .)1
loan(' new, high let h, very elle-lent ',t)t)o head- pig
hat 11 1 his wa ain't a int in haat ked by teal estate tSr1111m•,
14- ;1 t►onlheteet eormpimly from the city '1 his was it you'll);
family who belevird the 111.51 Wary to utllpeti•im futolln}t
wn5 to go big '
1.111 nut about to j1111t;e itieU de 1 it'lllm 11) build +t tae\t,
bund 1 dtirt't kteuw the. Whole shirt'
[hey gambled and right how, it looks liken tteey'%4 Ilea 1
ilont know these people personally but I lel lot haeme
Mow well do they sleet', til night?.
1 feel baldly lot them the :lame. Way I feel
me55e5 go mile, and po•.uple liiw their pile,
f'fri hitt waking you to leel sorry lot lar mei
put punk w1 your. {irk
Int aslant); you to &how some. 4 e,illltaabhh►li
at;tndlmK You 4 41111414 at, le ihe. Ali;111 Ii►1 meat
114'- vt►ly Sisnjilet a51/ee:t. 15 that -supply -it) CNK
ttA+fi:ij)n detrtiand 1•arrnetrs :u4- ptori ue:ing KATE'ST*Ki
iftvre hogs th.e1, the :w tkett• a an beat There's a
liott•ietlte-4 k. at the lila,:k3t,g, 1/141117 with f4ir•mel% 5hipltitl;l
be-•tw4-ett,'4,991) :ltd 3 30.1/I9 hogs eru.h week sold lersir,g
If Knit') tin event•, pig sold outside of a-, Agit.,
•14) cut their losses, some fs1•trlet5 ars- liquidating their
51.4,4: putting «4,e ti metre pretaaure to) the 51aughte-t
boost•& ft JUat twit. than the p:u:kets 4 an handle clow
and is) 'ort! •taJ71e future. And 11 tht,y'lopro( 455
1,191r 1,v+•e • ,.Se 4 Market on the vibeI aide % • ,
.i.aa, v. i :,5 t .aas-..aarfiaata tat our way out of they • 11515/ J
•avul,t !t
'1 ^,.part ftvin felony etve-tit5 I . an't re-roend,et. Ihe.la1MM
Lunt: 1-aate petrel, al :a gathering of Mend ; !vly broti►en s a
• it tal tutu =se, 1 tat penin r eyuJarly at botae but I e boos!,
•v+jtt-r ,1r•ue5 front re51.auraa.ftl.snettua_•
1'1'4 -:ate 14/45i ketol: 9,1-.:111014), night tattier Blau' ' hick .
tel is J1 1 bt,JJ bouy,lit beef and 4hi4 ken latsi we -e4. 4-,,o+ 1
WO: vaa't•i)
111ele 5 rat, doubt there 5.:i big gap between the motley
fa1tt14-.1'5 y,4 -•l NI' their pigs and what we pay lb the Sullen
r.rui.r•kt•t But what effect will low pork prints have ort
beet and clacker, &ales % Yi-i, 1 will . tmake the dee 1siirtt L)
1ia> t lett k. Stasidwtelte-s 1nStaa,1 4-,1 tuna or S:abtlon M;iybt.
S411rit' 4,1Jtt•? pr:Vple will Ute,
13 I I w t. 4 a l t o 1p y i- a.I 5 e, Much Meat
t519)2:3i J3:3J.
1!) 19)
t t J'!1 Y35 0744
1 wt a ear tart' tvr a►ddte55ta..111 (.alkali St,S-14i51
{)tie )1 it, rats• aur addiesSt:S vut.5►de I:vataada -• �1VY
t.atl 1519) 2:35:13:31 to order a subscription
As 4 natliaama
Gasified Kites
Y1vt•7.a•1a •') 90 tot '1t) wvrtit 1:it tar t•a41, a,4dtuunal
w'it4i7 (,, 1 Nowt -s (bit t1.1 11td11}5 dl}f,t„/l,, t'llitnlJ.
•:4,f,,,+, t-.t',1ta i4tetnvn,dln), e 21 4l5 4,1 0).3145) 11 14-/U t..
14x.1 /' ani 1i i I,4, 34) w4,, 45 1'),ttoi t u, 1, 4414jiii}10,l wi}rel
All a•j
to,s+ 1/r` pie 1,0,'1 fit , aebattu 4 a•i 4jt d,))u,e ►s
t.1v,i'30 41 1t/ 4 111
Display Advertising
loeplae.t• 4 41151,14y ad. 151'1/ 13;-1.•1.31 VYet,kddy5 .3U
1 4,l t`Vt•llii1 S (.`i1'I) L:3:, 1:3:it, (k-dvt nit:SSdgt:l
4lr 4- S4,1, ti I all 173 1. X71) l oin)/ l,eadbdr 1.1141.1), 4 p n4
i1.-mailt Us
TA t• bleat 0.41411t,S5e5 4;I,t►S)St of the pt:ns,ni'S 11I SI modal
and 1451 1t4IItt 1vlli,vved by lots tidy roan flee c;►atoplts.
Jana lit:i.kel.t's t mail addnes5 is ..)lieeketit&ta eedy coot,
iJur general e: mail addles& iS t ditow,outht!unon cunt
The Times-At/vocat& .Tamen
1,061,4 0,, 6 Eden.,
a.t,ltce'a1 11s1+��4t,
Yi4,d•u11u44 1441.•isti
tk•frdo lies
usuaoet ' tii-4,1(
Yr,.dut aid) Siff
A 44.QW 14E 4 Surf
Alma Ildl{dtit yens: U1 t;odd 1144 +1
1.aiiel Mncr. Mary MI t1w1.1).
(fat h Hul,cntwat. lisp 4a 1Vuh1:,
I:dssit: !lab yIltpir Ailtia hot li411ilii
Iftllhanne Ncgrtjn 1144114 SidgIti