HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-09, Page 6t) Exeter Times -Advocate Editorial&Opinion 1 ,I)il.l..•." 1 i.' MAl1 ,uG1711)!Tyi1\ •. if.: Jinn Illedistott Publuther a.nd tidbit Dann Solidi Cameral Mutuger Prod rttiun.Muna,fietr Deb Lord I'ublshrtd 14,4 3 10 f:ltdy Publicntiurif Limited 424 Maur) Street Scarth. 1' (•) bor. KS() f.xeter. Ontario NOM ]tit, • If)] yl 2,35-1331 EDITORIAL It is time the parents of teen- age .drivers got the message his is the season for parties: fun and festiv. ities ever wL'here . and also the season for charismatic speakers a] high schooLS. _ warning of the dangers of drinking and driving. • The 'aid fact it, that inipairttd driving continues to be, a . leading cause of death'among- young people Nevertheless, these assemblies are largely preat hing w • . tilt converted. Thr kids know all the sta•ust.ic's on impaired driving. how luau) people bite needlessly kited and injured esti) year. the devastating impact Uf • one unpaired c:uuvietion un insurauire ratty. and the rest of it. . But come ltriday night. they will still pile iritis a car. drunk out of their adolescent minds. Most have adopted the :cottt:ept ul the designated driver. thank heaven. or tate statistics would be u tut:scarier. Wto .do abet do it" . , • Getting. drtunk and piling into a cls has become all accepted. part of growing up in this culture. They, du . it because that 4-b w#tai kilt; du 'Elie) du it because the) ore invincible. atnd fatal collisions always lta.ppen to : utietr. people. . - _ • • The.big rtttisot) kids, still drunk anal drive is because that' stet their pareut5 - their ring and- naost important rule models• - iiupputg ui bttltittd tile. viiieel in'httn they tit' 11ci busit►tts, being there• t)ad tiger eb he eau have ;three ee ur lour driukk& laid '5iA) pt•.r[t:t:tly sober. He can walk and talk straight, and tits 'head i, olid L urtutg "Jill:, i, prutly true, because tet *nasi 1, till t'xprri.k'J Lead dr•itnk*-r lit t •atiSti all e:•xperient-.e:7 dr; 'vet-. load .i, utdikt•ly to be tri tiling vi•1t.tt 11‘..... 9! !SS) drunken btiddier t4, egg taut) +jt►' . ilia Sot' learn; to exatttpl' Witt Ilgtue:'S chi :4-e ur lvur drttir.5 tl.rI. ttuttttitg But i,ttcaust• lit i, nut as, t:x-per•► ttttt;t:C drinker, tit!: lit:olio!. will frit Iwo a i' t liar+it•r • Ht- •could vary Wttll.L.- snowirw.stgte• tit iitipa.troir•tit Pw. tuff; behind the vvitertt with a group 4,t ts',ttftd5 u) at: t:+aua.U) tir•tttirseti state. and a Si,»p...tiattstttt . • . Mtike tit) Mistake. e. if stopp* d in .t) 111)1. e .Benin , bun, would rt grStttr uv:tr the legal Litton • t alt.vi►vi lend sutler tett. legit) t vt,St,toomatt5 !\until. r stwuld b4- driving .woad tats tlrWspiq$" tis►d oxen 4 -tit. ag4-: of i.t14- Pt:,Plr_ -...1a+god wall uttl,dttrr:d dr•»°itty. t,ta!!) ar+.- 1.10-,, pe,,,5.1-..s dz., 4,t wet driver•a. Stitt) flay,:.beet r dr•utkarig wid tvnvisrr WI yt;tt!. That) gin Ups u, at: 4-;,a WI 1.4-.41 grttu,g di wale. If t.li tilt: gent's bald df•t►'itty_, ttt'UutIId WItl+•t. • ase 'R ht:r•! ul tilt: ..at wtt:�• to rt?);uiaw Wt:ttkt;rid a+:trvtt.) • lint. ta.w ft.•}{ascle,4 - tel;. Suet IA nutty ,a.• -1,1.7,5, Will let li',y::' 4-•x+.ep1 jJtv:,t i,ct•c :lilt') : kalif Iy, tllett►at•ii it& tf at•ir li'l •nide testd vti,t•f (ini,,!,e; !'t It. Stili ark', .' belt), t: ttOt111. yet behind the v1•lit.t•i al Lei dews}}4-,y tutus tuui giiisStt, 411 IUyti.ve:txuit.: purr:t,. wt utobt c:,4-, side„ ti it tttt:s,a$et•:In i.Aire set tdifij our ,:iiitdrt•t:. Vltf,iUS1 .hist 4,utiside• tett.: ttiessalt. wt.wuuld b4--. betidii,y il wt: i:itlted at t.au. uf• -headland tilt. 'Keays tel ti ftleiid w'lrJ +14,4-'5 mutt:ut,autut• alt:viva lt, i:: tutif.' wt oidttt tvlk gvt tilt itiesstixt IJiai drinking. and dr•ii'itag do not ttl;,x - tvr the Sale),.) a!a; wet) being vi ute ':tttldretti - , About #beTirnes•Aldvora e Addrt s & Offic.e Hours } at 11):, 4.0t4.,1.tttt 4 i4 5•,g.it.t, 1'4i tial) r,'✓4) 1 Aott:e +Jt!+.atrw i'Vtd JSt, ().,1 vttr.4 L4, ICilie 1 i• 3f.4 cLU I t ' :, :f)4J p}), Contact Us By Phu n ur Fax f .idssttlt;(1 .►d 21 SUL s' rll,trlt 4111:: i5 Iivur atuLtnliatt d a+ttt;!idau+� 1 4ti !tut' it,tf (4)1 ell' dt:flaaILfitelttt Subscription (Rates unit' yt.au Ilan tut atddrtaS+:: f!1 f:aoaadv • N'e•dnew ay'. December (). 1991 14- �Y1.ti blIWISIO10111111`WIN111111011/1)W11~1101111041N111~Wqr.41111p..110110.0101.0111\11PkWO 110. .�.•IISOmomib..►1I�a�����..wr.. ~111011~O `l►�~.1 1.61.�R� f tit tet.�•�r1► Farm crisis will touch us all A few rnvrrthS ago, 1 thought the Asian flu was only going to affect eery ftftSPS and snick it's a long time until -1 r '1Jft .1 wasn't losing bleep over it. - 7'hirtg5 are different now as the Asian Markets are being blamed for the downward spiral of stork • prirrro The issue: of low c<Jrrrmudity prices — beef, pork: grant. beans — ie ,very r ornplex. f:xpetrti,. told farmers there web a huge Asian . market h.wigry- for aU ver we could products. 11 hasn't paruied out:. Mean peiepie quickly tenet finger, at_thtt terror• 417). 1/ae:14.4:1.5, retl2Liletrb ur etxixtrts and say there's quick rix - . we're riot going to be able to eat our way out of the farm crisis. Were part of a global market arid. our farmers are playing in the big leagues. I'm not saying we should throw our hands up in the air • arid say there's nothing we can do. But I believe we need to have some sympathy and understanding for what farriers are going through. . As businesses and communities, we've bene- fitted from the healthy commodity prints of recent years. Ivtrrrters are excellent at keeping the economy moving •by investing prolits in equipment, renovations or household p11rchas- et,. They donate• to churchi•s, rlrtrilie�s lint coumnumity causes. - - 1' ye. heard estimates that 20.5'0 per cent 111 punk producers will not he in business ne•\t - year :at this tiow plats is goitig to atllect all elf 415 l low well will your 1,41•.1 neat, do i1 farmers •aren't buying? What will 111• impact be till y'nu ch1101 or your 1u,tdritising event% It'S easy (41 •.dura the lune* to doll,•tt s and relate but the humans 5141e. it;ts tel he kept al Il►e lire{enol 1 here weeks ;ago, 1 attended an oaten house 11,1 .)1 loan(' new, high let h, very elle-lent ',t)t)o head- pig hat 11 1 his wa ain't a int in haat ked by teal estate tSr1111m•, 14- ;1 t►onlheteet eormpimly from the city '1 his was it you'll); family who belevird the 111.51 Wary to utllpeti•im futolln}t wn5 to go big ' 1.111 nut about to j1111t;e itieU de 1 it'lllm 11) build +t tae\t, bund 1 dtirt't kteuw the. Whole shirt' [hey gambled and right how, it looks liken tteey'%4 Ilea 1 ilont know these people personally but I lel lot haeme Mow well do they sleet', til night?. 1 feel baldly lot them the :lame. Way I feel me55e5 go mile, and po•.uple liiw their pile, f'fri hitt waking you to leel sorry lot lar mei put punk w1 your. {irk Int aslant); you to &how some. 4 e,illltaabhh►li at;tndlmK You 4 41111414 at, le ihe. Ali;111 Ii►1 meat • ,O•Y!Vyllitc bei KATE 114'- vt►ly Sisnjilet a51/ee:t. 15 that -supply -it) CNK ttA+fi:ij)n detrtiand 1•arrnetrs :u4- ptori ue:ing KATE'ST*Ki iftvre hogs th.e1, the :w tkett• a an beat There's a liott•ietlte-4 k. at the lila,:k3t,g, 1/141117 with f4ir•mel% 5hipltitl;l be-•tw4-ett,'4,991) :ltd 3 30.1/I9 hogs eru.h week sold lersir,g If Knit') tin event•, pig sold outside of a-, Agit., •14) cut their losses, some fs1•trlet5 ars- liquidating their 51.4,4: putting «4,e ti metre pretaaure to) the 51aughte-t boost•& ft JUat twit. than the p:u:kets 4 an handle clow and is) 'ort! •taJ71e future. And 11 tht,y'lopro( 455 1,191r 1,v+•e • ,.Se 4 Market on the vibeI aide % • , .i.aa, v. i :,5 t .aas-..aarfiaata tat our way out of they • 11515/ J •avul,t !t '1 ^,.part ftvin felony etve-tit5 I . an't re-roend,et. Ihe.la1MM Lunt: 1-aate petrel, al :a gathering of Mend ; !vly broti►en s a • it tal tutu =se, 1 tat penin r eyuJarly at botae but I e boos!, •v+jtt-r ,1r•ue5 front re51.auraa.ftl.snettua_• 1'1'4 -:ate 14/45i ketol: 9,1-.:111014), night tattier Blau' ' hick . tel is J1 1 bt,JJ bouy,lit beef and 4hi4 ken latsi we -e4. 4-,,o+ 1 WO: vaa't•i) 111ele 5 rat, doubt there 5.:i big gap between the motley fa1tt14-.1'5 y,4 -•l NI' their pigs and what we pay lb the Sullen r.rui.r•kt•t But what effect will low pork prints have ort beet and clacker, &ales % Yi-i, 1 will . tmake the dee 1siirtt L) 1ia> t lett k. Stasidwtelte-s 1nStaa,1 4-,1 tuna or S:abtlon M;iybt. S411rit' 4,1Jtt•? pr:Vple will Ute, 13 I I w t. 4 a l t o 1p y i- a.I 5 e, Much Meat t519)2:3i J3:3J. 1!) 19) t t J'!1 Y35 0744 $SJJ 1 wt a ear tart' tvr a►ddte55ta..111 (.alkali St,S-14i51 {)tie )1 it, rats• aur addiesSt:S vut.5►de I:vataada -• �1VY t.atl 1519) 2:35:13:31 to order a subscription As 4 natliaama Gasified Kites Y1vt•7.a•1a •') 90 tot '1t) wvrtit 1:it tar t•a41, a,4dtuunal w'it4i7 (,, 1 Nowt -s (bit t1.1 11td11}5 dl}f,t„/l,, t'llitnlJ. •:4,f,,,+, t-.t',1ta i4tetnvn,dln), e 21 4l5 4,1 0).3145) 11 14-/U t.. 14x.1 /' ani 1i i I,4, 34) w4,, 45 1'),ttoi t u, 1, 4414jiii}10,l wi}rel All a•j to,s+ 1/r` pie 1,0,'1 fit , aebattu 4 a•i 4jt d,))u,e ►s t.1v,i'30 41 1t/ 4 111 Display Advertising loeplae.t• 4 41151,14y ad. 151'1/ 13;-1.•1.31 VYet,kddy5 .3U n 1 4,l t`Vt•llii1 S (.`i1'I) L:3:, 1:3:it, (k-dvt nit:SSdgt:l 4lr 4- S4,1, ti I all 173 1. X71) l oin)/ l,eadbdr 1.1141.1), 4 p n4 i1.-mailt Us TA t• bleat 0.41411t,S5e5 4;I,t►S)St of the pt:ns,ni'S 11I SI modal and 1451 1t4IItt 1vlli,vved by lots tidy roan flee c;►atoplts. Jana lit:i.kel.t's t mail addnes5 is ..)lieeketit&ta eedy coot, iJur general e: mail addles& iS t ditow,outht!unon cunt The Times-At/vocat& .Tamen 1,061,4 0,, 6 Eden., a.t,ltce'a1 11s1+��4t, Yi4,d•u11u44 1441.•isti tk•frdo lies usuaoet ' tii-4,1( Yr,.dut aid) Siff A 44.QW 14E 4 Surf Alma Ildl{dtit yens: U1 t;odd 1144 +1 1.aiiel Mncr. Mary MI t1w1.1). (fat h Hul,cntwat. lisp 4a 1Vuh1:, I:dssit: !lab yIltpir Ailtia hot li411ilii Iftllhanne Ncgrtjn 1144114 SidgIti