HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-09, Page 3Wtsdne adu3 . [►tuvitabttr 9, 1991i
Exeter Times -Advocate
Sundial project to beautify 'Bend
GRAND t3EN1) — Council
has. agreed in principle• to
support the Grand Bend
'Horticultural Surietc in its
efforts to beauUl} the
The sl►c:iett plates ter con-
. struct no the village niu-
• nit:ipal office lawn a.1'' -
teat diameter circle of pay-,
ing swnes •with u working
sundial in the middle The
rust: •paid -for by the 'Hor-
ticultural. Society'. will be'
approximately $4:0(IU.•
' • Horticultural Society
nien)ber -Luigi liatthbs said
the group wants- to i►eau-
tilt' thevillage for tie op-
.coming millenniulte anti
the -2(l01 Summer Games.
Tlie• society also. pians or
ttavt' a waterfall on
site wall part. • benches.
- They requested die town
du some of the minor reg-
ular nlai ntenal nits' work on
the Site once 1t. is com-
pleted'• -
Another retjuest- of the
Society_ is that the village
reinibur,se .the group for
the cost_ of the pi-ujeect it.
because of amalgamation.
tttt villages sells the prop-
erty Member Al Skinner
said the $4,000 is a major
cost In the society and rep-
resents two nears cif the
organization's budget.
Council agreed to -• re-
imburse .the Horticultural
Society if the property is
sold. although Mayor Cain
. Ivey said ani decision on
selling property won't be
made lar awhile
Colin l'hil Maguire and
• Brian Knights spoke in fa-:
your of the project. with
Knightssuvilig. "My hat is
off to tete Horticultural So-
Grua. Bob,Mann. while
• saying a • would _ lirobably
cost the town in. eacess.til
$1,000 to Book up.tlie pro-
' jeect to electricity and w -
ter .hues. said the expense•
is worth it
Even village ad-
• niinistratur f aul,;'Furt►bull
supported the construrtiun
of the sundial. •
"1. like it bui:ause the
niayur. doesn't wear a
watch." he said.
Work un the project is
expected .10 start either
next spring or • next fa11,
.Said ttuitttb� .
• Other notes from Mun-
`s meeting
Harbour Committee
Council accepted rec-
ommendations from the
Flarbour. (,ontmittet that a
cointiierciallaunch rump
rate fur personal • water-
craft businesses bt• set at
$150 per unit per year.
The t:11tllllltttet' also de -
ceded to withdraw par-
ticipation in the Detroit
Boat Show. because „t•
conflicting date with the
Gr•atid Bend Winter Car -
No tont, tU Itleee`(
It► r'espuIist' to •Mtl.)'Ur'
ivey°'s letter to the Untarno
Maiiugienit'nt • board of
C.e.tnti '1r. r•t•garduig charity
casinos. board chair Chris
Hodgson w•rtite ',fiat "uu
loriunateeli tll� sr.lttduft- at
present dotes not permit' ti
meeting with Ivey
This group of yo.. -►gsters
was among at least SO mem-
bers of the Beavers. Cubs.
Scouts, Guides. Brownies
and Venturers who helped
out in this year's Exeter
Food Drive on Friday night
Pictured in front from left
are Eric Renn►ng. Carrie
Powe. Lindsay Powe and
Kaitlyn Brand, in the middle
from left are Brian McGre•
gor. Billy Taylor. Scott
McGregor, Corey Brannon
and Nick Brand. in back are
Craig Skochinski and Thom-
as Morris. The children trav-
elled around town with the
help of parent volunteers
and Exeter Fire Department
collecting food. Cub leader
Bob Gehan said the third
annual event was a success
and saw more food col-
lected than during last year's
drive Food gathered goes
towards the Exeter Area
Food Bank.
Ivey had written letters
to the _board • 0li .1 ul' 13
and Ort 20 Hodgson apol-
ogized -kir taking so long to
respond to Ivey.. con
As part ul the' province 5
requirert►ents for a cont-
tn.unit} holditeg a' charity
rasittu. it trust receive
support in u referendum.
wrote Hodgson.
Hodgson said Grand
Bind's questionnaire was
1101 tei:lutically a Ii'1-
ere'ndutt► bet:arum' it eras
not put uta ballot during
u municipal eelectior.
Also thy Grand .-bead
quesut.+ttnaire• 'asked., '.e,l-
igttik- ott'rs -if they would
bt• to favOut ol. a seasonal
gaining club. not a pt•rtnte-
114'1I1 charity casino:"
J.t`4 expressed
pleas- tire over'. 1-1odgson•s
letter and may .respond.
St. Marys
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Exeter Business Association