HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-02, Page 34Exec Tliersea"Advocate Farm news Cook's re -re stere I � d forISO(:;RAL1A - Division 'of Parrish &. 1.1e,1rnb((:ker, 1.lrnitetd has suc:cessful!, completed a re -registration of its ISO 9001 Qualit3 System, fol- lowing a comprehensive audit. Achieving.lSO 9602 registration confirms a system is in plata' to c:rt- . 'ate the- nttcessar) :stories c►l doc :merits 1.(1 supper procedures that ensure product quaiit} meets austc►mer specifications. Cook's first obtained ISO 900.1 •re-gistration in :1994., alter two years of deit•loping,the yuaJit) systeui and the required documentation In 7995. Ask questions before selling your woodlot :By Steve: Inlarburn t:Desch i1TRTh At'rMOttrr•, EXETER. have been approached lately b) a log iru) er interested' in, buying t.itn.! tier ['rote your wuudlvt. The lug b u► t .r .tttrvt' said. 'lour bush is wur ttt bt'ltat Cues 1111, ut'tu�fii Meth, iu tf cert: of st !f rty - Tait• LrFsc. "ii,. our 'N G (. ':j LI F•:1 "rJr:: r!ytiVttl • .111',1: tt� • vl !: t1 t � �_FI► f t W ► ti' 'AO uttl}: .. '• f.itnek 1t1.t!.l11 I.r k'1 - • f t 11G ltti.t:r • Art illi L .o+. cur. List' S£iit•' •• You should Lt• tttirtiO.nt l` 000 tt-ta-:r 1.9:Lr tvr Lht- ttttihrt"' utlier t:u�utiwdi'.i.•; su :Vr,ir ktitrik tti'c pr't..: Li,. •,.;i. P 1Iti}. L)t t• I F. 1 1 tttrtdirlg 6111111 r ttLVtiit 1'-t:tttuttlt,.tdit) tL t slwuld be "scald tct a rrtui-- kt,t+'1'•r i'tie bt•.a-t W4.).. ill it1SUi t. ,i VU iu't• gt•tteig • a • fair price 't;,) y uw l WAIL tier is to ltttvk• it rtittj•ked by x'furuster and. get 'al least three quotes. ,.legally i❑ MiddJt+st•x+ and Ilur`url countie-s, 'a lugger can • t'ut i trees g►'t'ith'e' that, J b' i.i'litts in , diali5t tee of all tocasur'ed t:rvtu f lit . gruu,id 'J'llt:rcty, (., lit your .wood. - lot has all larger - trees ,' and .i- , ,ac.urc. it t•an ba.sical1) bt• clear, -cut. 1?re.i.euting 'tris from liappenitig /s iteivtJJer i:easun ►:uu should_ have cite vet* 'narked for -tim- ber sale. ' I ur further infurtualiun ori wuudlut tuaitagemegi, you can cell tact the Ausable, Bayfield (;onservation Authority 'at -5l9-235-2610. Cook's comp te+d a sys- irm upgrade to meet ernhhived standards ISO stands for International Standards Orglniialion. The .ISO 9002 designation is based on a, world wide set of standards, requir- ing annual reviews bN independent auditors and a complete system audit ever{ three years. leading to. re-regist.ra- • bion. Cook's recent. audit was conducted. b) 011 (Qualit) . Managemenii InstituteJ', a Uig ision of .the Canadian Standards .Association ((SAI. QMI is the most recognized •ISO • registrant organization in.? orth America. Cook's continues to be the only edible 'bean pro- cessing. operation in Canada to be registered under ISO , The Quality System that Cook's has in place requires participation from all of Cook's employees, both at the plants and in the mar- keting•department at head, office. Establishing - the system is only the start. All employees con- • tinually work 'within the system to - maintain and improve the monitoring Wednesday. December 2, 19' n 9002 Quality System and documentation that t'Ontlrms the accuracy of the • system. Gerry Upshall, Cook's Quality Assurance Manager, was instrumental in develop- ing the quality system in preparation for they ini- tial' registration under ISO 9002 and he contin- ues to play an •important role in- the ongoing appli- cation of the system. • Brad Ford, Cook's Chief Executive. Officer is pleased to have the re - registration in place and expressed thanks to all (rook's people who help lu keep the quality sys- tem working effeetivefy. Ford noted that having ISO 9002 registration is • just one more way.that Cook's strives to meet its slogan, "Where You Can . Trade With' Confidence."' Come see what John Deere has in store th u rsday, December 3 , 1(�.OU a.m. S:UU ,�rvr l'rt,dut i .l ).r >Ill.ry.) ' Pie( r ;t+tri I ,Irilurl}; I )isplhtys r)rn. tO "l :0)0 p,rn. Lunche .will h� -served 1.9991011N 1)1-.1.1t1: 1)AYE I -I I .M ' - 1,, !Wining c tJ11tJnti 1l j1 Illitiu gIrt)tlt 111e 11.19 J'ivi leer (luitu�, 5J9-412 1230 1 HrnsaJJ l)i0riii (.+rvprrdtivt- 11u J fr11saJJ 519-202.3902 J'd,-Aq (iadlt (,1)00)0/'ati�)11 ('Juit ,:i 519-415215115 • , - 1 -Aliso- i i dig 519-232-•921(i Kix .(:Y' .11v, . J:xett9- 519-235.0.' WO 17), rt•t St:t 1j Ji -it • , - (_7tatha,n 5J 9-352-4443 Maui. (.;caul SyAe,iis 1,td J-xetrr 519-235 1919 • , * EXHIBITORS * VISIT THESE SUPPLIERS AT THEIR BOOTH: ( �alidJJ.IJ ('illl) J/tilt l lig i• 14111.4441 lil9-471-1534,4 Auba1)1k' Uaytitld ( unari vdi,lun Atitltitulty - 1 I:Atte, 519-235 261(1 ' liru� r 'tifr lit Wdikel tun 5'19-392 (1929 ,AgrI.-1'tx)d-I.at)t)rat1),les (fuel ph 519-1337-1600 AJpuLe Plant pot,a, toes) f\'rw lidnitlu/g 5191)27-1.141 • 11111'454 11)11).c/1m:1 llnitrtt Vapid 51'.' 2 Si 32111 1 iyl4ntl �t-Nils 131e-iiiilrni. 1 H(1(1 --2n5 7403 - 11ir.(,lydt'( anadlait Bean(il Ailsa ( 519 2 i2-4447• ( Ilub'J (A 1-)JvisUln t)r P41rlah & 1 tenaall 119•2h2 2 241(1 Hest I:ntersdiiunrnt L'xt(ri 519-2.35-34:311 Sl d(ttlnl .Agri Anal,ysi� lilt `iti°allurt1 (519) 273-4411 I XJ TEIZ 151'0 235-1115 W111:1t1 9011 (, 1 ('(JN1:Ii)1-N('f... Nt17 5111�1'1tiSl',