HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-02, Page 30Exeter Times -Advocate
trick. Jessica Kochis, left, .
Smarty and Brenda
Feeney get ready for the
Centralia -Huron Park
Santa Claus Parade on
Below:A puppy parade.
Crediton's Rebekah
Dinney 9, cuddles a
"AP`Husky puppy while on
the -Crediton District
, Optimist Club float dur-
ing the Centralia -Huron
Park Santa Claus Parade
on Sunday.
Adriaan Brand is decked out in full dress on his
Arabian mount during Sunday's Centralia -Huron Park
Santa Claus Parade.
At Ieft:A
Wednesday, December 2. 19'114
Night of appreciation plannedin
Dashwood for tug of war team.
by Mindy Gough on out and show your pride in this spe-
DASHwam CORHFSPL,\I,f \ cial group of athletes. '
Carol Zimmer reports that the
»ASHWOOD - winter is slowly mak- Dashwood Christmas Craft Sale was a
ing its way toward us. Those of us who. big success. Someone in our household
commute to work are thankful that the was very pleased with the tiny mittens
weather has been safe for driving. his - grandma bought for him there. •
Dashwood families are getting into the Zimmer would like ter announce the fol -
holiday spirit and putting up twinkling lowing -door prize winners: Marj
Christmas lights. We look forward to Stephen, Cathy Skinner. Vera Symonds.
seeing Santa and_ti s reindeer_matt:_--athy-Walper: Rnan--1)elange.-Woody-
t)ieir annual appearance on the roof of Smith. Donna' Livingstone.• Linda
Anne and MurrayReid's house. Barrett, Judy Vincent, Bank Morin.
Babies are in..ttte news again this Waldy,Moeller, Marilyn Rader. Sue
month. We congratulate Alison Beckett Wilson, Cheryl Freiter, Gladys Crown.
and Alvin McNicol big sister Alyssa on Vern Hamilton; Betty inch, Sharon•
the birth of Alexis Leigh, who joined the Martin, Bob Boogemans. Marjorie
family en November l7. Meanwhile.. Hudson, Maria Gielnick. Lana Gibson,
o‘ c r at the Lutheran parsonage. _Dorothy Kester, Claire Gossman, Arleen
Elizabeth Trembulak, husband Pastor Hutchinson, Rennie Farwell. Betty
John, and daughters Cara and .Jennifer • Steckle, Winnifred Vanderspek, Gert
await the birth of their third child. And - Eagleson. Irene Haugh. Jaqueline
down at the Price household. Cheryl. Mason, Doris Osgood, Jeannie Marsh,
Blaine, and Braden are also looking for- Gertie Stade; Dolores Beaume, and Judy .
ward to a new arrival. Our prayers and Pagel. Whew! From the looks of that list,
happy wishes are with all the enpectant there weren't many in attendance who
families. • 'didn't win a door prize.
Zion Lutheran Church is holding 'a As many Dashwood residents have.
Children's Christmas Pizza Party on . noticed, our home is _being offered for
Friday December. 4. Children ages three sale. After recently accepting new posi-
t() thirteen are invited to come to the: tions in Stratford, we have reluctantly.
church from 7 to 8:30 p.m. to view the decided to move away from the town
video "Red Boots for Christmas." Carol that has, become our home. One realizes
singing, games, pizza and pop will be what is taken for granted in Dashwood
provided as part of the fun. This when. you compare it to another city -
Christmas tradition proved very popular Dashwood offers huge lots, big trees,
last year, so be sure to join your friends warm and friendly people, low taxes,
on this special evening. very inexpensive homes, proximity to
Erich Freiter and our home town ath- the beach, conservation areas and
letic heroes, the Bluewater Tug of War parks; and peace and quiet. Take a
Team Canada. are holding a night of moment today to appreciate our town
appreciation at the Dashwood for all of its benefits - we will miss it.
Community Centre on Saturday, and all of you, very much.
December -5 at- 8 p.m. Entertainment • If you have Dashwood news to share.
and a midnight lunch are offered. Please please contact Mindy Gough at 237 -
let Erich or one of the other team mean- 3892.
bers know if you will be attending. Come
Visitors travel to Shipka and area
By Annie Morenz
SHIPKA - November 24 the euchre
party was held at Shipka Community
Centre. Winners were: ladies high -
Ruby Lagerwerf, ladies low - Heather
Rempel, ladies most lone hands - Marg
banner offi- Baker.
cially paved
the way,for
Centralia -
Huron Park
Santa Claus
Being useful. Centralia -Huron Park
Santa Claus Parade, organizer and '
Crediton District Optimist Club.
member Brenda Feeney makes her-
self useful by following the horses
with her shovel and wheelbarrow.
Santa's here! Santa made an appearance at
Sunday's Centralia -Huron Park Santa Claus
Mens high r Jack' Gale, mens low -
Lawrence Scott, .mens most lone hands
won by Nola Lewis playing a mans card.
There were six tables play. Next
euchre will be December 8 at 7:30 p.m.
Mabel Fraser, and Lorne Fenner,
attended the wedding of their nephew
Bradley Nicholson and "I'unya Harron, at
Temple Baptist Church, in Sarnia on
November 7. The reception was held at
the Ramada Inn.
Nicholson is the son of Kenneth and
Shirley, and grandson of Evelyn
Nicholson (nee Harlton) and the late
Clyde Nicholson.
After having a week's honeymoon in
Costa Rica, they are now residing on the
Nicholson farm: They are the fourth
generation to start their married life in
this house. •
Harold and Doreen Finkbeiner and
Earl and June Rader, of this area, were
on a week's bus trip in mid=November,
with the Peter McNaughton tours, t
Branson, Missouri.
Don and Elizabeth Adams. accurnpa
nied by Hazel Corbett of Hensall, wer
dinner guests with Marjorie Adams, a
Exeter Villa, fur their annual Chrism
dinner on November 22.
Pat Schroeder, accompanied by he
sisters Ilene Webber and Phyllis Case o
Exeter area, spent a recent weekend i
Toronto at the home of their sister
Hazel Crockford.
_Recent visitors with laugh and Mary
Davis were- Peter and Maureen Jackson,
of Toronto, and Elizabeth Norris. •
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