HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-12-02, Page 28Exeter Times–Advocate Wednesday. December E. 19'»'
Graduate - We are
16.- proud to announce the
-=grada-afion - of Amy _
Lynne Regier from the
Elegance School of
Esthetics on Novem-
ber 19; 1998. During
the ceremony Amy
received the "Highest
Marks" award and hon-
ourable mentions for
beingthe only student
to complete both the
Esthetics and Elect-
rolysis courses during
the term. Amy is cur-
rently employed with
.Eclipse Hairstyling in
Way to go Amy we are
very proud of you!
Love Mom, Art & kids,
Grandpa and Grandma
- Parsons
Chris, Janet and
Wes Brown
p.s. Happy 19th Birth-
day December 2/98
Community Centre
Wed. Dec. 2
Bingo starts 7:30 p.m.
Regular Game
Jackpot Game
56 calls or Tess
$2100 bonus
Total prizes $3000
Due to the licence regulations,
no one under 18 allowed to play
Licence 1537495
/1 Dance Hail
i i 9p.m•lam.
Fn., ec.
Fred Lewis &
Ridin' High
Sat., Dec. 5
Country Justice
Sun., Dec. 6
Old Time Fiddler's
(1 p.m. to ?)
Coming events
IV our China specialist Yue Chi. Tuesday December 8, 7:00
pm at Carlson Wagonlit Ellison Travel in Exeter. Please call
(519)235-2000 or 1400-265-7022 to register: Everyone
Welcome. (49)_ _
HA(4DEL'S MESSIAH - presented by Blyth Festival
Singers December 12th, 7 p.m. Knox Presbyterian Church,
Goderich and December 13. 3. p.m. Northside United
Church. Seaforth. Tickets $10 advance, $12 at the door.
Blyth Festival 13ox office 523-9300. (48;49)
Dolores-Shapton to order. 235-1027. (49-51*)
MID WESTERN ONT..SHOW.& SALE -.of Farm toys,.
sports cards; crafts, teddy bears, dolls and gifts, sponsored
by Seaforth Agricultural Society_. Sat. Dec. 5 & Sun.Dec. 6.
10:00-4:30 both days. Admission $3.00 to enjoy all of the
shows, 10 and under free with. parent. Held in Seaforth
Agriplex, Highschool and Community Centres. In Seaforth,
Ont. Hwy 8,'1 hour north of London, 1 hour west of
Kitchener. Free.skating both days 2:30-4:30. Food &.
'refreshments available. Wheelchair accessible.. Wagon
rides between events. Many new vendors with lots of new
products for you to see! Info 519-527-1790'. 13th year!
' (48:49}
NEW YEARS EVE DANCE sponsored by Hensall 'Minor
Hockey. December 31st, 8pm-2am. Hensall Community
Centre. Music by "Fireflys" Lunch catered by Jerry Rader.
Tickets only $30/couple. Includes lunch and party favours.
Tickets available by calling Trina 263-3227. Randy 262-
3226 or from Linda at the Hensall Post Office. All proceeds
benefit Hensall Minor Hockey. (49-53)
SHH Al3XILLARY MEETING - Tuesday: December 8.
1998. 2 pm. _Hospital staff will entertain. Draw for quilt.
All members please attend. (49*)
WATCH E.T.M. HOUR - "E.T.M. Christmas Celebration" -
Saturday, Dec 5. 12. 19 at 7-8 pm; Sunday, Dec 6, 13, 20 at
2-3 pm; Monday, Dec 7, 14, 21 immediately following
scheduled E.T.M. Hour Programs. (49-51).
DECADENT ICE CREAM DESSERTS - invites you to stop
in for a free coffee, slice of ice cream pie and preview our
exciting Decadent Ice Cream Christmas Desserts! Yule
Logs, Santa Faces, Snowman and much more! - We will be
open every Saturday beginning Nov. 7th from 10 a.m. to 2
p.m. for preview until December 5th. Orders for Christmas
Desserts will be taken until December 19th. We are located
at Middlesex Hall, Room .110 at Centralia International
Academy.in Huron Park. Call 228-6640/1-888-820-7775.
Incorrectly installed car seats
cause for concern in Huron
Results from a recent car
seat clinic held in Exeter
showed that all 38 car
seats inspected needed to
be re -installed' to 'moot
provincial safety stan-
"It's a big concern for us
knowing that many chil-
dren in Huron are riding
in car seats that may not
restrain them properly in
a crash," said Marguerite
Falconer of dile Iluron Car
Seat Safety Committee and
a public health nurse with
the Huron County Health
A major problem with
forward -facing car seats
inspected in four Iluron
clinics held in 1998 was
that they were installed
without a tether bolt,
explained Falconer. A
tether strap is required by
law in Ontario.
Nationally, motor vehicle
collisions are the number
one cause of death for
children ages one to nine.
It is estimated three quar-
ters of crash -related
deaths and injuries can be
prevented by the correct
use of a child safety seat
on every trip.
According to the Infant
& Toddler Safety
Association,, car -seat-elin-
ics indicate about 80 per-
cent of car seats are
installed incorrectly.
"As treacherous winter
driving comes upon us,
the. Huron County Health
Unit asks parents to install
car seats correctly and to
always buckle their chit=
dren in," said Falconer.
"Just in -case your car
spins out in a white-out or
in icy conditions, it will
A point to ponder
This from Dostoevsky. in "The
Brothers Karamazov;" "A man
who lies to himself, and believes
his own lies, becomes unable to
recognize truth, either in him-
self or in anyone else, and he
ends up losing respect for him-
self and for others. When he
has no respect for anyone, he
can no longer love, and in order REV,
to divert himself, having no love VERNON
in him, he yields to his impulses, DEAN
indulges in the lowest forms of E ETER
pleasure. and. behaves in the PENTECOSTAL
end like an animal in satisfying his vices. And
it all comes from lying -lying to others and to
A man may not believe the truth about gravi-
ty, but if, in his unbelief, he jumps from a
building, the truth, unlike himself, remains
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the
life - no one comes to the Father but by me."
Truth and lies --your choice.
our prices
at the
424 Main St. Exeter • 235-1331
until December 30th
Shop early for, best selection
Mon. -Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
give you peace of mind
knowing that properly
installed car seats will give
your kids the best protec:-
tion-in a crash." .
According to Ontario
law, parents are required
to put children under 40
lbs. do an appropriate car
seat with all straps
(Including tether strap)
and harnessing installed
according to manufactur-
er's-instrtfctions. A driver
can be ticketed for non-
use or mis-use. The fine in
Ontario is -now $105 plus 2
demerit points. . -
Booster seats are not
re.quired by law in
Ontario, but are..highly
recommended for children
between 40-60 lbs. The
booster seat puts the lap
belt correctly across their
hips rather -than across
Their abdomen, -which
Could result in severe
internal. injuries in a
Never plai:e a child in.
front of an airbag. The
.safest spot is in'the back_
seat, properly buckled in..
-The Iluron Car Seat
Safety. Committee consists
of representatives from
the Huron County Health
Unit, Ontario Provincial
Police, parents..Childre4
Aid Society and day- care
providers. Car seat clinics
.are an ongoing education-
al. program provided by
the committee and more
will be held in 1'399.
"1'o obtain information
• about the proper installa-
tion of child safety seats,
. please contact Marguerite
Falconer at the Huron
County Health •Unit at
(519)482-3410 or 1-800-
265-5184. •
Major bottle
grab at Lucan
Liquor Store
LUCAN — "Thieves sure
were -thirsty for hard
liquor in Lucan last week.
Thieves made off with
over 700 bottles of liquor
during an :. overnight
break-in at the I.ucan
Liquor Store Nov. 24.
London OPP Const. Myra
Rusk said locks on th.e
front door were pried to
gain entry -and ' the thieves
exited through the back
door. About .. $22,000
worth of liquor was stolen
and $1,000 damage was
done to the store. -
Later in the week a light
was discovered tampered
with at the store, Rusk
The same night a white
+4+4+4+++ +4+4+
'96 Dodge van • with
'Murphy's Bus Lines' writ-
ten on the side was stolen
from a William St. parking
lot, Rusk said. The rear
bench seat .was left -
St. Joseph's
from 2 p.m. S p.m. . )
Surprise her/him with a
beautiful gift from our
Itfragrances and lotions
collections. All gifts wrapped
Itat no extra -cost. Just in time
for Christmas.
Great affordable gifts for
teens as well
Please call
519-236-4325 .
"Back to Basics" "Roys Garage"
Friday December 11
December 4 at the and 12
Dressing Room Bar
Huron Park
44444 44 44+44 +444+4+444
New Years Eve Gala 1998
Zurich Community Centre
9 p.m. -1 a.m. _
Entertainment by Foreplay
$50 per person all inclusive
Transporation available. All proceeds go to the fund
raising for the arena
For more information 236-7374, 236-4661